rfTV MICHIGAN DAIIA SamnJBurchfield's Fine Tailoring t Trade Cant Deliver The Goods Sam Burcilfieki 106 &X Co. EAST HURON ST. BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. EiEZI \T kNCOMPARES lFREdNCII 'P11 Tid SPA5NISH 1C JD iProf. Andre licial (de 1hordes, in his talk of ye sterday afternoon Onl "The Cid il 1 I store 0a(1 in literatulre,''lnave sev- eral scenes trom Corneille's 'Le Cid." The rendiition iias highly appreciated hy the audience. Prof. tiewiat in his talk explained the treatment of the Ciii, Spain's most cele- hriled niatioal hero, in the Spanish as compaoredi iwithiPierre Cforneilie's dramna- tizaionofthe1sae ((i.subjeet, showing the essetialts'r1tof Crench tragedy as tiffering fromithait otf tother nations. Te tatm sims (idrom((tees that were puddshedlin tie sixteenitiicetutry eco tithe mo st romantic improbaiilities uincernuth(te ife aitideieids if Riod- 'igit, the(iii.lihese rio((((trewere ia- ott frictltie olid Spallishi 'ltietii" i ''Piicia del kid."wicheitwas w'ritten liutte latter tart if the tiweiftit ceti- aure, w as the eariiest of the etinemts. ifc ifthe Ciii, was wiitttteni a little te-Thse were full ow ecibi "Romnan- 'to, ant Guuielu's dieCastro's "''Moce- ales ilel Cut." It was oi lie lst of thise Stishi orks that Coriieille balsedl his "Le. Ciii," Sin" th Salie lot nd(he'Slltie StrIl"'- Ic' Itci inlovic adty iltihle par rdsuuingtc a..ley of Courneille's mtost intalai iiiiifiil passages are ex- iii u f sntiectioug"t I- rsenimilt tlte eion c( ofi ii I ilin iteek'astroi, io iren.hI "x C'(I"'ortneille itre- illsbsrvd heuiies of iime, plce', _)IIIin thiroromanicsitamams.Ile irrt iiIdid ( i It do Csiro, (is trns'tleS ('(ii iiconieption fromta 11cSd )FI'T'IWIINS St It'l LI11T1'COIN'TEST' Mis sirstine' ,luuffit was chiisc'ii ai )Ii from thelii'opho((((trs'titerar's'clais'- I(Hpe' if the'Nation.''IH. 1L. dot- iee n oi'atioii 'iuntitd 'l"The Niei W.' Pusserdciv. J. PtLIGetstiin, ,'iild cut. 'Tilsile i cteid asijudgeis ricin iii ol .It. b ili" is. msci sN.'iDieivi cii uctuss: r slt lcprtmnt, hil decen itg (fill fwdayis. Prof. Straiuss andtilAsst. i'rf. 'lutloct, iiill hose i'harge' ofihis Mustic aW Vrama "Texas," which comes to the New'v Witnuev teater tise evening, is otte of die most sutccessfuli of weesterti dratmas., 'Tis cever tpla' by J. PiatuldiitFeigt, ihas success is tprooif pisitiv ethat hugh-class lttsacti ohs in ite poulr plit ceiihotises ire dec'iedliy itire tirofitalte thanlsom I NlTdldCI ti,FidIAT\\'i)NII:S. DP ous his sixteen gaiiis on it's Ncur'se i iphtiiog't'-rai'iitg'is tb'ing rmi~. This issthfirttcourse.in ploto 'The faiciiltivofitheis'nivesiciity f is liii ofi ,t eisciiill hereq itdmnly of \1I) rl :id'i'Ildi I l?'i"l'tIdS. Arithur l' hasi, flower lii's 01pia, its Pt C lot':.lissii tiechaPiss', Mrsei Smuittih\M',cGeii',Stiiiiiialser (sr ,11, . '. a eect c', 'Iles Pi's iiidPh P mi MrcG\i. Prps:Cok rC W, iP tsoo Ph l .hmIth'.I' kestPh okPP Icl'ri\le Iiss ,l rb1 Since T858 tee have mtade tVouch Re- I' riig one i'f oir strongeit features, 1 ller's Jeswelry Store, 216 5'Main street. end 'GREAT INVENTORY SALE Underwear, Shirts, Gloves, Trousers, Hose and,'Hats 20 per cent off. Suits, Over= coats, and Raincoats at 25 per cent off. Solmeold Suit~i at one half off A Money Savir7g Opportunity Sta ebler (1 Wuerth, Ann Arb ^ r. Mich. * OUT O _? STYL_ E Uf The man who buys 24-6'er shoes eachi seauon is never out of style because t,4t- -'Coe shoes keep abreast of shoe fashion. Ever de- sirable feature that fashion dictates or fancy desires can be found in shoes and the other essentials of satisfactory shoes, comfort a and service, are contain- ed in all WAO t shoes. TILE ACMSE OF EASH ALARfI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Aul thebestimales indtaliy ii iii (iiid MVICHIGIAN PINS AND) FOLS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRINGi A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector far the An. ArbsorIRailroad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Btranch: 304 S.State St. Cigarettes Turkish and Egyptain ALL THlE LEADIN(G LiRANL)S CASH PRICES 15c Pkg. = 2 for 25c 25c Pkg. - - a 5 for $1.00 R.. E. JOLLY MRS. JI R. TROJANOWSKI. FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER lair tloods, iHairdressing, Shampooing Manicuring, Face Massate a Specialty. 322 S. State St.{'lit 5,(airsiBelPhone 359 >mv,:13. P"ciolnes ((s liht ;(4. 115 SOUTiHIM:l IN STREET ORSI.siFs'-Aii'ciihWtiri di cii H r, dllllr- 1Ud I ((, t s ai;ti o nvett"Ita Ha-2 ilerI] 1leiveiry Store, 216 S. Haiti street. end Properly Ta.ilored BA NKS THE FARMIERS AND MEICHIANICS BiANKI MAIN AND IHURON STREETS Capital, $50,000; Surplns and Profits, $65,000 General Banking Easiness, 3 pee 'aent paidI an Time and Savings Deposits. Safety D~e-! posit Bases to cent at $2,101 and upwaerds it. KEMPr, Fees. W. C. STEVENS. Vice-Pree IF. H. Hansen. Canh. -H. A. WILLIa~ AsstI The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stock, $ti0,000. Surpius, $20000 Rdesources, $2,200,000 A General Banking Business Transacted OrriEees Chas. E. Hiscuck, Fees.;5 W. 0. Earrimean. Vice Press:EM. J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Heath Jno. V. Sheehan Win, Arnold Or. V. C. Vaoghan Tan. H. Wade E. F. Mills} John Haarer Jew. Koch Prof. H. S. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. 'Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICHt. H:. 1). KINNEI, iiARtttSON S((Il,d Fres. Vicue-Pres. S. W.C. LARKSO(N, tCashier. ! capnital, $100,00. Sarplusand Profits. §150,000.) 1*1 i Spring Hats The Newest Shades and Styles At Wadhamns (a Co. '121=123 S. MAIN ST. See Qur Show Window THE Palais Royal 209 F. L~iberty St. U. of M. PILLOWS, AND PENNANTS A SP0ECIALTY CURIOS anid BRASS Front Every Counotry German American Savings Bank o0, M. !artiu n 1 i R0LY..a a.M ¢t a. Coarsnerala~l Office 209 H. 4th Ave. Phone 98. j Patent [eather Belts node with vet- g , nigs Residence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 match year shirt or bese, S5c. Sand usat At TssttI.'s, 556 8. Stat. } AMBULANCE ON CALL piece of thk drass good. when sending order. _______________ Cor.Me*.r-x ~rs Librty trees !THE BELTCiRAFT CO., BOSTON, MASS. STDORNSUE,319 East Huron Street