T l 7 ifE !'l ix tHbar\3Eli3a'betb THE NEWEST IN TOWN Made as you'd make them yourself. Different from the candies that you.Ihave ueeu buying aud better. A new sh ipment ju.st in. Ei. E. GALKI NS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. f AMUSEMENT S ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT Fror the E.tlre Week ., COMMENCING MIAJESTIC FEB1RUARY, I THEATRE 17 The following Attraciions will be Presented : 1.-O0verture. L-Elltott & West.D)m gA. 3.-Charles Marvelle. mjriost 4.-Signa Roberts. Contien, S.-Kurttss & Busse. '.No elx sli At 6i.-Geo. W. Stewart. imtio. 7.-Nippon Troupe, o ipawt S.-Majesttscope. PRICES-ite i v.1 1floore35; a ac, .e: sCrcle, 30; Balconty, 25e: uallery, 15c; Box Seats, 50e. New Whitnmey Theatre BELL PHONE 480 HOME PHONE 200 Friday, February 21 BRWOADHURST tom, CUER.RY ____PRESTENT William B onuselli -I N- TE]&.A S' A TRUE STORY OF WESTERN LIFE Seat sale opens Wednesday, Feb. 19 Prioes:-25c, 50c, 75c. $1.00 h ea 119 E. LIBERTY ST. opiumA.. Arbor's Pioneer Moving Pcture Theatre Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. Webb's For High GradeCade tee Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid Favors for all Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Not Cases. Webb's Chocolates are unsurpassed. 109 S. Malr St. CAL04PAR. Feb. 20-1La Renaissanec tascone, a talk by Prof. Andre tBeziat d Bordes, Tapple Hlltlecture roue. 4 p. it. Ad- mission free 1 eb aty"2-asy dress party of W- b. 2[- Kaitss state clb Ibaquet Uion e leudbhouse, 8 p . it Feb21--Lecture iby}:. 1. Rundell, chaplain of Jacksont state prison. Tappan Hall, 7:30. Feb. 21-Texas," New Whtney tea- ter. tell, 2.-Senior girls' leap year party itn Barbtour gymnasim durng te eve- iug. Feb. 2-Senior law Washington's Birthday dance at Grager's. Feb. 2-Athletic carnival, high school. Feb. 22-Annual Founder's day exer- cises itnedical department. Address at 8 Ip. in. by Prof. Noy, on ZLia Pitchter, formerly professor of obstct- rics inth te University. Feb. 24-S. tL. A. Jono Temple (raves, University tiall. Fecb. 25-Jante Coehrane in ''ihe Dolt. Hotuse," New Whlitney theater. Feb. 25-"Mathtematics" a lecture of general interest, by Prof. Cassius J. Keyser, of Coumibia untiversity at Sarah Caswell Angel Hall, 8 p. in. Fel. 26, 27 28-"Nficliigenda" Wed- nesday Thursday cnd Friday evenings. New Whitney theater. Feb. 27-LIe Teatre at College" a talk by Herbert A. Kenyona, Tappan Hlall lecture room, 4 p. in. Admissons free. Fel. 2--Lelantd TI. Powers. ottS L. A. ctttrse, Univisersity Hal. Feb. _,q--Cathierine Osterman in "The Girl That Looks tike Me" (mttatinee ad ight). M.1r. 2-Beutlahi Point in 'Lena Ri- Mar. 6-Varsity Iand dnce, Barour gymitnasum. UNIVERSITY NOTICES ttttior etgieer relay tryots totay att 4:30 int gymntasium. All Ness York state ttett re itvited to t clbsttoker at the cltduttose Eni- lay. Fel. 2, 8 o'clock. All Nesw York club men appear at Ratttall & Pck's sttdit Sattrtay, t :30. ftr Mihiganesiant pictre. Otuppert. Can~didates for the ito etgieeritg class relay teamt report at gyttntasutm Saturday at 3 p.nit., for trials. Ketot. Walter FPuyurger swill lealte 6 :5 dicu'ssiont meeting at : 7.lc.illatt Hall this esetitg: sbtjet, "College Frindt- ships. 'There sill be a btusitess meetitg of thte University bcd at Miciga Utiot toniightt, 7 sarp. All mteubers are trged to be preset. Xanders, Fes. All setior girls sellitg tickets ftr te teatp year party should relort teir sales between 3 ad 5 oclock tis tfternot at Brbotur gytmntasiutm. Leta Sorg. M.icigentda seat sale cotintes today. 4 to 6. at Whrs. All seats swhici ae beett reserved musst positively be cllet for today. Sats are reserved for fo- loswing: Bosmnr, Butts, Flemntg, Ftel- ter, Georg Gleason, Gotld, Hale, Heff- ro, Hoffmatn, Lockwood, Lockwood. Lttes, Miller, M.oroe, Paterson, Pret- tiss Reytolds, Schmidt. Scott Stafford. Uhl. Baseball men: if you want the latest its baseball goods, see Spalding's ine at Ctshing's. tf Pitns set on out"Sttmplex" spotters inttst ttecessarily be spotted exacetly rtght. Bowlers kntosw shitt this BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. .512 S. Stwt, . su iuasuj MOE'S MBARESHOD 7" Marh UtverwiIa' Ave. o. A.MO. HIATS HATS HATS Every fashioniable effect, every color of the season. CAPS CAPS CAPS The nattiest and most approved fash- ion, faultless in finish, reasonable and seasonable. Stein-Riock~lothing Every Garment a fashion plate THlE ACME OF STYLE Styles here not to be found elsewhere LINDENSCHIMITT, APFEL & CO. For a limited time IL we offer a good stem wind and stem set Warranted entirely 7' ~I 4- satisfactory. 1A6S IHOMEI SUPPLY SOR isettsy. It Mpi,..1 ie\ ltelytltlI atoe 5.111 themtiandweateli etc tlie elrl ay an Oo :t r^ niv c I IieI a istere, and they cst only n itlltrl I It 11 1 (an 't1suplty yon, a pair esetblelt .Ilr ll h eli t ,l~ l 1111 of1 ree PIONEttR StSPENttR Ct ttt8 MRETS'TPItti, 51 N O TA CAtG E I ONSDett 3EID tat eea MxEs sr5PItNEER SUSPtNDtR WINTER JOY1S coetanetnly tto those who arc fortified by abuudant health and vigor against cold andc- e-psure. Bodily warmth comes fronm goosd digestion and good food, not from~ lannels and overcoats. Shredded Whole Wheat iu the food that brings fullest enjoy- tment of Winter Work or play, because it is rich in the hieat- 't' in a k i rn g, muscle-building elements and because it is oeasly digested. It gives the litheness and suppleness tf limb that make the human "body a thing of power and beauty. Il A breakfat of SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT, with hot or cold milk or cream, will supply the energy for a half day'. work. TRISCUIT is the same as the Biscuit, except that it is compresed into a wafer and is used as a TOAST for any meal instead of white floor bread. At all grocers. Our new illustrated Cook Book is sent free. via, "IT'S ALL IN THE SHREDS." i 'THE NATURAL FOOD CO., Niagara Falls, N. Y. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWAIW, TE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING