TH MICHIGAN DAILY I IT-I XXV REGULATIONS RV .S RN lE A Buort Sap andelone whicthwilt IAE.EE.E-SI) NETSLCXII 'CTR no ea frelatherwould bhoatreat. for any honeor bath.iT following is a revised report of The Rev. Percy S.Grat, 5 SI) ec Yo ti e icrot onft BIar of recommndatonss relatie to tes'coim- orofthe sn-ChutrtItof te AcensiontNwi genine haned literary and ltw cotrse: VYork City, will tdelier te not.tSlottfin li'itlfF lln N o P O LEA ~~~ i) Whn the student so registered lecture, undr the ausices of thye Ho -eCllg Pr InI the two departfents has completed hart Guild, in St. Andew s church on StndardJ~iLllII I CASTILE the first year of te lawt cotrse and not Sttnday, el. 23, at /:30 p nt les tt'n ninety-six lors it the depot- Dr. Graiti htas een s ic sccesftl ADVERTISED IN THIS SPACE ON Puitlbhr ofmot of literature, siee, and the arts, in Iliselturht work its Nttc t ork ad Iis OieKilo - 50C litowtt lie reensided for the degree strong pefsotaity listsect-tbled hito' to TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS 3toele ott et5i0 of Ietietor of Arts, providledt Iis tork olvosdiffiult proletms lbrutgt aost by Sl AnAbrb Itas itcludedsthle follositg cotrses: te sifting ofthe curtitht otislatois in Sl aAnAbrb -AT- ~~~Rhtetoric, 12 housr, itclsding corses his arish. Ii adtitions to his lraticl1GO A RST OB O(SOE z33a. 4.sansi 4t;matheimatics, or hiities Di rGranti is aitelituet pitesoh- Q j o! n aciencee isilhl alorator wosrk 8 er ad a.-tman ofsexctional 151ittrryAN.. QVAR Y1SFou sLit. tsrFrench, or Germanti.o gift.,Ilit'hassreccistlsreevedl asdeco- SEH Nitl O PN Conet State S td N. Uiv. 5Ass. Ii panitslors; Elglists litory, 8 rtionisfromsssthes'rrnscs gsernmtient for IIL ust Etglis literature, 6 hotstsr ol,. Iis Ieltftl sctisit ret intostes its le ____________________________________4 Issurss. Ireeitim siof acislciss a tis has Icust M________________La_____________ sttn is sronigly urged scsls'iabtle' i it ianothe llstati nof sisst te st '5')' Loanedtforleverytstuden t peaitg tstdyst liii- of Iis itsere's iss i artites toesi, Mon ~ Iu,~t1e , so. 0sortders ts metieocptitil tass Ts' Sasrchs of Ielic ic tos chhs the c'nttt eshe lall lhasve snlsih c t i told- 1 cstlte stilsecs of Is 5 1It stiiCtln: On othes, Diersatrod popLwrty t . ij -stieIfofregoig rquiirt iten ts s al It'ct's hr e s o dre s s t itt s it W~~atches an1d' Jewelry repaired. lowsing. essusittial e'quialt's. stents. l s o c f S rn Bargains in Watches & Diamonds ()In Isdsdtitiontthle reitiredicoussc t'c stentis is adilisedl to elet t least JUN1IlR V Erl N IIAVS r ,Apn Arbor. {eryhusfo h olwn ujcs:l-1N R AIE 'f H ra:s Sin 113 a. In. tits -:3oad rio Latiin,.8 1hsuse s.ousrses .3 anidI40 Pitittls 9p. s.itermtant. sti'Sitanish,. t6 hous; lotioteit Ini s'sot-er tthat moresst lestsic sli t ActL BUSINtEto CONFI tNTA se iousr hissry 14 hosssrs; go ermetiiot aveI - is- rass~l atetio , 55ili fitcillsy ' f - -JOSEPHI C. WVATTS 0s 1111ssrs itoutinhtg osirses 14 tel 15; tso Grmtssn detetis ihivsite oirgtizetd Tene pigSar saseia nrdc siits lstinsilass. 4 hours; economtic, 'JuiossseVcsci. F eycitutelcti 5tkitg TenwS rn cr saseilito isouseicsicsssing cousiuesci.69',95, iciisssianIc 4. ss-lsoishe is ist ss- tory of the spring, we rre offering a special - s.mitu3: phitltsophy.is7 houssicuid- o s te ttit oticii. maysitIte admittedi is purchase of beautiful new Spring French four= iset,.Io ttd i5ic r pvc otli5 and tpolitical site'fiihelsecc is isis se- iscis ite' te'p 1_. =O ' f iilts-vpsi ir thsitcs ithemtecsics, 2 N-e-eitsiitdiies.There asitreiesdsi.- in-hand, in new correct :shapes with open ends 1 strs. c -sislst'ticitnsiu ticn n ~efor woesinsi csch and in all the handsoi'-e spring coloring. r i l stamped goods, including I(c Iwosets c-scutrse' ipreliiinaryto - sit prtes i iiaytaSom ttlber' n setit It siof Isis hitsfosloins tg, eouste I soeisselts Nicuii soarc esl echi The new Spring Shirt,,- make their first bow MllsA iito os ithe'tisii teit tir itt. cctc.scsi. - -and they are beauties. The new spring styles iii lisgt cihe tsit oftel his' ',NN ittti -\5 u %Sci STt.scit-iW C O1. in Hats and Cap are here for your inspection. ce titi ile ts eti es tueic hanit i-two 'hiss' n sits r(ci itycii do r sit al DARINti 1 ALLEAIIX as-set cullcts' 'isepa sraiion: s--sit still stigt ste te-St. Iltsiifsie 224-226 S. State St. hFirst yeari: I-Bttositcitcousrses I. 2; inite'.ofsit ictit. t it'e Ligi t u rd I sitcss. t , hc i istoryi couesiso armosriiitti's- ttsis1 ll i. a, ti.4 4's-imti aiit c us i e sti , 2._- -__ Scondt test. lRhetoricttcouetirts .1.; \ nsarsteole ".lit ii. seordsi vs'u e'isra'- C I l st sit cs 3, 4c: 11I'i1 lsht lilts to n sithiis o s s c-sr Coll, i5t y, ho iiiitstr% ctirC sicc 4 ;;eo W int'S - S em s cmes iirsi's t ' P 11 i-Lete X'elr itierto Reule, Conlin & Piegel - -o e Alilttcttdsieir. Iris diaphrait'sgm, NALRSJEWELRY STORE; 216 S Man SI. i iiIITP ll''. XXIII -jectire'. 1-3 toi -7,'situ(r-12 oiinni- JOIlNT' PI-i'_lXXIitersititi I tefcct cndsitionsss; cst $,n. leltevt.l P. C. Iliti.S it t iar im, I sttlt -N tm is -sits is..sitt i (pt andXiisil I-sek-X-i s4At M .ACK'S Wee i l tc wh.oentei itAdr ssitf