THE MICHIfiAN ATYO I HUhA 'IWS~bI 1THEMICHIGAN..DAILY. _ _ . I f 1u. iinu DUMP iij Our Spring 198 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENS I Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown Caribou Tan. Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Yotr patronage respetfully solicited. G. H. Wild Comlpally 311 South State Street Track Shoes Gym Suits Jerseys and everything that a track man needs in his equipment can be had here. Our goods all hear the famous Spalding trade mark which guar- antees te quality ad cor- rectness of construction Basket-Ball Goods can be had at Sheehan & Co. ,. A. G. - SPALDING SPON .ea & BROS. The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Goi, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Offiial Implmntstlfo Track ad Fid Sports Uiforms for alt Sport. Spadig's H-adsomey Illustrated Cataloeue ot att spors contais o- suorus ssgesios. Sed for it.-Its re. A. O. SPALINO & BROS. New YorkOChicago St. Louis, tao Fancso Mnneapois,Dnver itulao Syracuse. Pits- br, PhlotadepiaBoston. Oloetnatt Balti- more, Wshntonto, Kasas City, Ceeand Neow Oreas, Detroit Motrel, Canada. tliiiiigiig Eithor-ARCHERn. RTCI. Business Mnger.-C ,s-g. WINTEADs. Netrs. : ._.HiramS. Cod. Athltics.-....Daid X.F.Ste-rnson lixchonge - H..... -. John Wabold ilosiecd Drama.....Roy P. Welch WVomien's Editoia,.... Louie Van Vooris EDITORIAL STAFF_. J. W. MCandless Elmenr C. Adams Russell McFarland IGHT EDITORS tee A Wileit George H. Hobart Chauncry Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Vischer $, C. Reid 'I' hron P. Cooper At. 13. McI lgh J. "H. Prescott A. L. Hainlir Robert Mountier Louweli J. Care Donald L. Kinny WaterK. toser Luis Kraft Lewis T. Rniskern Robert Moreland Pauli (reer Samuel H. Morris Otto Enge Fred t. Gooding BUSINESS STAFF John F'. Wre Carl H. Adam 1-tumd P. Gould Address: MICHIGANO DAILY, Press Bldg.. Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: 1-2 P. e., 77 P, .en daily, except Sunday. ,Both Phones ''i 111W) XV FERARY 2).t1908 ise an ilnemetnts of ii tis.) frtice Stisul issoisytest-Iinisseapisis of depture titontt wh eiiciso tcraese i tie isiy oi iccstheiltdilwicil see i ic'tat body osgitIltosoccpy inds sn iv ts .5 srs-'taws asfe- s silites arc uissnsr.. Notiliesitse iof islipittii csblit bclscisifsifa iuetie- sssi imcho-ics"taylthig tusito. tie55council is l sit ing itself io drift 55to 51)11etilil very ,li e -i s-st.ala-iistolitia l ii csoilltst ic lpritedss-crutsiiitiii couse ni i111 liiitieltwil tho5lseist-ho'e should" haveiesitiibe wrestiniisi thts-ics ilt teslivocical ise f Ev(il s tic iii c iit o i me it stil- Off~erisisissithsai rems a iceuttitisii Ii i itrotis ieds itr everyoeeget iiiliiey iiha e gon siiOut oI siht adct of"silaitinbtiencisirgt Of tic-s stite s-uit the eti. ati e uel I) acoedit for. s iss t ic roayiiotlscci eliti stsuedyit Ii cnotoieit cyargedtoe tei iesoi-l ofatiesbo. si Th oexiseenc- hsuceschiisie.itselpisecsandn theis whls istily. e Te lse iti ii eeigi l oShwlthatlit iseast o edisbyrs;Iiielisha i sitsownseitr sakes tirndaixeice. i et mits iifpetstieiit satseit secf Bui the csnsict cil is otw k. It ntay iothi tieoosshtiadlongbutiiitici, nt rmst te lsessispl ,adscii nd llvigor- isss. Hw ctiiit ritke the lei iii seak- lcstoii a cosiuenticy whseote iire - isiglt it carries in is osn ei srnia By election it sas delegaed as s moth poser a5 epeee og ihterrpesentatives. We repose in it a liberal truist,----our rigt to create or osn laws byv acclamation. Aini all we- ask in re- ttrn 7.s uha it use Iis right for is osei giood anil for ours. Tee is no qes- ticisof osser. If 1thecoticil lace no5 poerc, as our apoited agents, trit tile swlole iea of reresetaioienlst tibe t istoria's jest. The cnicil.sic tre sre, ciiiact iinsfety aiidt sill 501 sck sroing aliiosItiusiiimuooesuplpr. It is tt urene-iyci). si eiir dpitiy oii stesell., hutdse isillineer gansy isa liuit spekis iinlesinaice ofijustice- Oii tie iller issaisi. 1asduy is imliite ini ilic ofice. asisieli asicasright. Whntii wa- tlscgiveii auithoriy out of or ossi hadadsil lecomiie iuiitlse Iiac, x- ceptithiriughite mioeiieit iotr dle- glues, it is no1 faie that tit authoituy tie wrappedcithue seclsioii of licocuii- cil clssiiishc iil lf ltolie there ise. All thuisisiule seilious. Btui sippar ily sisnot resliztedi,.aiistherefore shouslidibicpriclaimiiiei-ihi sll plannsss ti tie cssar)o-eeisirs. Ins -ainotei colili sic pulistoisilsu alist Ofte condiaes foe the Stiientis C ounisdtogetsr wIits aibtiref staeiien siot e-stachCandsiiitsho wiig ii inthi hunes f esellege swork lie lispts ieiciiiated. ts doithee issiiewishiat lisiitel itswee caispoiItsot such acilityily ai1)s it itasi ties- eneiecdilliiismisi way. Ii tsll its horseininiuithiist a1maiiiayoois~- tscasinue eessriequeisities frmeriei- hesihip althotighilehasisne-serlell suy oteifi ssdce o deiis namei i sils aniici t- is-ie. Onithe tther iiaiiiilailssabiiliy is very)likely- o isis-c beieeogniseei by -smiiutward ii ssign~t s oiliche c an Wec srs-asiitingitthis panin ordseelr I tiseassse the (scitties swhereytihis ster ma1iy lbecime btter cctisiutislithil illthe qualiitiisisiin s ili eah ianidteiisto t-iteens-cthtst his-eletioiniimiay beciie m orof aninitslligentlotingssaintsoleIs f aubindssetgues. lheist fo10mastioniiis notiniteiiiedstoI t icarryianysiginitiicaice iii iltuiee iithe ia-isisuiggesiiig s-astiqualifictinsi si sry eeiht Thai tdecisioniimustol be Is-eftlto te imieesocit ile junorclssse. We docii beliee howesere.tatu iis lihe suts of"terystsudseil is-hs sa sii-sts ;t to situ siser seiusyll the caniiaities iiind titen cas1isis vosteiitl iew siri-oi iia-kiing tie ceiiicil asicefficieiit siiilc- o sspaletibody at1ossile. s-si iiot~csicssioicrt ME 1::-s TsOAY, n Thseregilar e etinug of the Piilologi estcalsociey wiltlhe lelitoigtsliiRoo . LUiiversity Hsl, at 7 :30 o'clock. As If sisant Prof. Rsiikini sell1 retidlaiaie Ione"CharscerleeWr~iig usnBEngishuLiter yatorc" ?s-liciigeuda tietets tre inumbered a w follows: 13, .Wediescay night t1 y"Thutrsiday iight; 15igFriday night. t I I r I 7 ti C S C' C' S (l Il "r LS 4, tf fItercolleite Notej Cornsell tuis-esftc is iodiig its aii- nual Funnrs'enWeek under the auspices of ue agricuturl colleg. A Cosmopolian club, swhice sims to provide social opportniies foe foreigie stiideints, sas orgaiizeed as week. "Tue Fair Co-ed is ue nseo(f a nessplaty wsritieni for le Hsrleqiin ciii at Puruduec by-George ise. I sill le produlicedl tie satter pit f Ariel. lie Amserisan record of 5 4- secnisu for le 45-yant dsisas low Iserediiiii-- Fift of a secoiiibyto-,En Sue, at a Ciinise trsack meinsl ih-ouolnlclau sisiweek. Tue reay teamiiof the Poson Athletic ,Asssocisatinsilnt b51le sale ltocomplei is sedlie eesiise "neuciemisber hisi teenis miaried, saioherihasspstisaiedhis aniiele, andsliie- stieirto-sies-iuigitt." Tlie ccitt f seniniig aii Ameianestemil In le Oyispic gsiimes ii Ludithist suiiniirwis-ttle-abouti I$oooo. Vie Ness York Aihleic cbhitsiisslresiy gieii $iooo towass-issthis si.sum iiand his Uni- versity sit Pe-niisylvanliaus$Soo. The regisratin aSsaifors is 160, of sihich So500sre wsomein. I tis- eques huN Sr. Ssaiford,.it-ieiiu eeuf girls atnigis restictedto isoom sitors seversal years usn-has-s ectstunis-i awayi-..\iipliiesiiiis useoenfiedutusi month sefore schoolt tbegiis . Alli%%omu hut e regiseredsitut-ii cond -siiiiosi. SOCIEITY Al INDIAlNA S RGI,.\TEI tY FACLTY Thei-facuslty (f the Uiesitylof Ini inaihasupasseuile followsiueisresgu- 1latiiig collegesoietey: 1 -1. hast suitplilies iitlthe-mu-sichaisp- itiriihius5suitdsit the sooity hIuses. r ldii all steis-u-itlses aindihills uiwhe s uuieniistuidemussuesprhsentis.shal uit iruitylshouss andsitithe 'giis chapte shouses iiand sll sther hoiusi es a-isihal is-lie-wo-iihenstsuienet suit-cpissentusl lt e 3 . Ihatsitheichapitiros shiall he apt- icprovsedbyti he udesnsof wms e forci slie e they sre einvtedl ts chiaphernosiparty. 4 . That sll paries sasll te gist-l oen eFritday saiidlSsturday ights situ iihtss icprecediiglhlidausys. Any ecetiunushlltt tiheiy specisl pemiission.i 0 .Thast us cmmsitee of lie fsiesili -shlll te idesiginstedl toico-opleratsithail tie stodsents ii eforcing the sitsit-eues. ' TNKitSCs- iolislttu AT i-i-iiiit- i- At Purdule ithe fautyi-counciil tis, n after msaici discussioni, sdecidedl tiisabolishs - 'te anualsu tink scrapi betss-ethlefeh r~reh mallssn ed sophomeuore ccsses. IThe cief - groiunidlfurtse iiis ecase iite oinion of the coucil the "seeads bisiecomse a meeting plscee for ilarge uuuhes sit is disorderly cud icious peris-. h 4, ;anki scrap is a trsdiioni of log saruc(- If ing at Purdue. .. Now Ready TEXT -BOOKS lou all departments cfbeCnversityp W~e boss a large stork of SECOND HAND BOOKS Sxc t Ou icles owi D~raftinig Instruments and Supplies All kinds of Second-Hand Books taken in exchange forucash. WAHR S University Bookstore- C . [ B AST [ Lawa and Medical Books y i Treves Anatomy, Nw Edition, (just received. Stimnsons Frssluresand Dislocations, New; E tr ion. Morris Ausotonil~ 3rd Ed. half :leathef1 $2.50, h aIf en rodcc $3.00. These are new books'and sntly a few left. Ca-lit or exchange your Law, Medical and Dental Books.',C .IA T E~1 Tel 761. 326 S. State. St. A LONG FELT WANT FILLED For years past all breawlages of eye glass antd spectacle 'lenses necissitated sending to a city to h-ave the lens replaced Causing, a deltacutfttwo day-. Outfit f or grind- ing has been installed in tie' optical deptartnent of Arnold's Jewlery Store Enabling them to give quick service. Surely this will be appre- ciated by students. _..... t . _ ----- ii. 0 0o Oo h AND- sukPITUR-)" 7HE 00=op 37ORE A special Courses IN Fluslic FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS School of Music MAY NARDI)STREET ____ ;, the $tubents' 9lecture ERssociatton Season of _1907-8..I Feb. 24, John Temple Graves Feb. 28, Leland T. Powers Mar. 13, Opie Reed Mar. 20, Oratorical Contest - Apr. 6, Dr. Brander Matthews May 1, HON. JOHN A. JOHNSON, Governor of Minnesota. I TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - -$200 Michigan State Telephone, University Exchange, 68 b 121 WashIngton t. The Randall Studio, Randall &Pack, Props. -bo a 1