T149M MtifttdAR tAttV CutRih R igtit's 140JIXa g ilt~o 818ars Made Right Mspsstn'ss 1sent sle rstb sku y eprs. That's why OUR Made to Order Suits at $15.00 and up attract so much favorable attention. Priced Right Merchant' Tailors A-MUSEMENTS ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAlI SIIC PENNANT For the Eusvtre Week ° e "" " wCOMMENCING NIAJESTIC FEBRUARY.'A THEATRE 17 The fllowing Atraciionsa will be Presented : 1.--Overture. 2.-Charles Marvelle. (c>t tc>ii :l.-Signa Roberts. c ltnca 4.--Kurtiss & Busse. No\ 5 Ai lA t 5.-Elliott & West. 1)nins 1 6.-Geo. W. Stewart. ii ii , 7.-Nippon Troupe, 8.-Majestlscope. CALENDAR. Feb. 20-"La Frinceipaue tic'Monaco,' titlk by. 1erbert Vaugban, Tappan 11a11 lecture -room, 4 p. u. Admitsion free. Feb. 20-Faucy deco party of Wo- mtans'League. Feb. 2-Kansas state club bauejte. Untionscltsltlouse, 8 p. a. Felt..2-Lecture by E. 1D. Rtntel, cbsapano f Jaeksons stte pristnt.Tpat Hatll, 7:30. Feb. 21-"Tlexas' Nex \\hisney ttea- ter. Fel.-2-Senior girls' leap year party itt Batrbtour gymunasiesm dtring the ccen- titg. Feb. 2-Snitor last Washington's Birtday tdance at Gratger's. Felt,21-Ashletic carivia, ilt school. Fe.2anu lFosuider's dir exer-' ctis i inseiclteparsltmenit.tit Addriless at 8 , m, y Prf 'sits, ott Lust PtchserefosrsiesIs profiesso otiobstet- risin sthetievsesxitx. lets _4-S. I.A Jhnis 'Temple tiasexlUnivesist all Feb. 25-Jute ohtsraie i Thle Dll Ilutst "Ness Whitneyt theater 'eli.' 2g-'ltteitics"'a letre of testesalintiseeslix Fo. assius J. Kexer oxifiiI Coslbiauitserisit,'t Sah FCa sll Agell Hlllb S p.in Feb.i26b 27 28-"\tclsgesda,"Wed- testayThtsaxy'ixadsidat y evesiss NessWh itneytete. li.2-"eTeate its Colegi," a tk biebet A. KeiyonTlappan Hllt letusreroosss si. Admissisonsfree. Felt 28-Lelanid r.Tosessott S. L. A.scouse, cUnisityi)Halt. Febit. 2-Caterins(temaitnsT 'he GirThaitsLooks Like iMse" (mattisee andt nigtht). Atai-. 2BIesitais Poittits "'ests Ri- \ttr. is-Varsity' hanssd ilance, Barbotuxri UNIVERSITY NOTICES Fres it relayti, iusit i tidytti'ii4:45. trsist fits'jutitrlist rsebasytamsat 45 'cck. Ailer. urshteic elayttyuits i, SNtisisdtay ste rnisison . at 30. ttt'iserxiii. ':eting icof sstptlit clsstttxx 't'ttitxttali I p. mi.. ResistsC Uniiv'erity Hll \icthigendaitrshsisalx tositsgtt at 7 si'cloikCixst itidsimerxouuatorisex5 ai- 'ioretrs chit misuitoni ghst",i7:30 il \\ext Hlltripsotst ltsfoitt-isix uitsritDenttscFer sVeixtinSe.Ilt, meets kit tie Gitivesiyci la ileil f Ness Englant 'suit tthe Mts itsF Uitontit7 io'lckiel, issy I seyt istx-comle sit.uGlesxoni Ire. .\ticthigendatztseat sli'esso tiexsitay 1 toi (6, at Wis tx.. Attsets i ch hitaei lien'tr eertedst txbte cledlitfor Issilsi. Fu'sseeitestest emsandslfors etsxmakse tixs: tsseatise . If yost sant your shoes repired so they silt look like new, leae theis at te Moderin Shoe Repair Shop, 61it. Ws'iliams St., the shop that gives yost trompilt service anse corteous treat- mtent. -96-os Since 1858 'wehave made Watha Re-' pairing one of or strongest features. Hller's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main sree. ed Studensts' Telephone Diretory at Co- op. Got a copy yet? 0-2 TAILOKS Thu .'Merchandlase FUVRNISHERS iliMercfl Hihaclass HATTERS J M I Popular Prices Latest Styles-regal Shxoes-See Oxxr $5 Boot Directly North of Law Btiildimg 7049-711 NO RTH VNdIVEKSITY AVENUE SUSPENDERS tlriee- kairs ' tof "7 ( s.y upntr T :u I red ini ita le O~tisis i-'Onvai n-' AN i, - ic x se i ru ct . , "" , { ,, axi te,-5 i. e o d" st 1 CLUE7 PEADDY & 4 x 7 tS 'R nBROTHEIRS 4 N Id. reall HAL I HOSE' Ax Vrii Featuxre, iii lit ''Htlft o ii,5x' ' u t ofii th ie mm of isosvr.N n~t>iritcc'x iliati s t'e xix'AR s' its is s it I, ''is it.Ix sizg aistles ofxiii rtilot ix"ciiit's andi i tsslsi t:s i htl Dosxei tiss it''ise insthlebait ofu FRED Wgx. IFGROSS Liber ty St.,Cor. 4th Ave. THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASS. ousbr ci(he o me icne )Vh'it ii iss i til i nii i's z'itu t 'x iff flt ilt kt ilt'us'- its'sou ae evIi isi ntit' eis' i ti I aI Ixsits o -its 'ii i ci -'sduit s ear'. il . it ll i i tis- hopial :1or ahu d nloposmitu tiis ri~icalnst ruciit'ixo'i iditte'I'ndl Burt 'Y COURSEiltFOR THEtl teRns IOF M. 1). " o l'r a sitousex. is tell to whel xiiof it. 'its stirs'. iis tIxx lty ot i' le and lts ut per itson 5 5equivalem isis' . lastoted'. ifiN.W T esu~so TIhe diplomaofsithtie Lts tersity sit 'licuigaus is uccepted suforadmrision. sir ties.0 eda m 'nlm~ i i 55 'su it, adrs ISARVARDtII ItCAl celetio.stolas. ut ' . I LEARN TO) IA.NCEL ;i RLCI JON rTiErGLASSS I N DANCNG a55 Gt i'ti..Cix.5 :fet:5 ii.5. i'tiit lxr a tav 'treo e tlcl eto states' tr5',eit 'so(,.'ix. 555555555 eillnd ll k.$; pt~~t ,ft ev les n.N miniiscs(,txt ii iittr ten t'd itel(i it