THE MI Hyd'AN r*ly-ft f- C THE N G. H. Wild Compally l~gr Bsins Our Spring 1908 line of fine ;des .: Imported and Domestic Athletics Exchange luinnirusic and WOOULENSIJ.peeches. A five-year course is to be reqiret t the lay school of the University of Mlinnsesoa it the future. Two yas'of reparatory traininig in arts adi sciinces sill be required. 'The facilty' of Dartmsoluthi has iiaugu- sated thie customs this witer of eiter- aining thleotdeits in the college dinig - lail. The seiors suid jitiiors sil tbe ite felst'to Ie etertaiineid. Intercolle~giate baseball begis early in thle west.'hec'frt game of the sasi 005s1playd ah Berkeley 011 Fb. 7, whles the Califoriiiaiss were defeated on a muddy' diamond by' the 'Io1nilti All Stars by a score of 8 to 2 Th~es'w agfatec iof Minnsota uin- lersily' has been II tisel te '.ine-It- ha.'- Is itlagemieiil is offering az dl- ler for 11w lst ssiielitpiitiile "ross'1y rilgilters' aiila siiiilar prtie fY5i 511i article' on'te "ctelisisissy'"Ttes Srries11111.5 ot contailin mori.thalitalo. hundrediwtrts1Tiy montsi brigt,_ cilet: Fealerl t litusl.for Ref- Large htottse suitable foe fratenity or cubtIott NotitIhi ''sisi9uu 'stret; isilcioii aiit- i. ')r. A. J. 1Hall, .Lwrelce bilding, cirner Foutrthl'avenue antdlAlln street. Bell phtone 78. cod-f See our complee line of Michigan pins, fobs and souvenirs. Haler'f Jeswelry Store, 216 S. Main street. od Twro seniors (eigiiers.'ork .lfter gradutioni. ,OCYff.. dec Iaily. Q-2 .R002\lS-Ottelrge Iuie; ;all !ihotl- erti coveisencce. 1ffmiiifor tre pc- plc Prica $6.oo. At 1109 Monroe,.()1-01 Baselll-uen: if yout wattte leste in tasebiall goods, see Spsldiig's le 'a Clishilg's. tf PAMIST. Miss Loise S. Germaiie. Retitrned to Cook House, Rools 7, opposite par- lor. Ilalits, 25 ceits; crs, 25 cents. Last ek ill AntnsAror f LAIxES-Jilst rceied--tans oot- tols-also ieswlot of tall grant water- proof' sltocs. Purfeld's, 19 . Main street." '96-11 Now... TEXT- BOOKS e all dpartmnts of he Univerity We have asiarge stok of SECOND HAND BOOKS Oet One Prices on. Drafting Instruments and Supplies All kinds of SecondlNud Books taken in exchange frirb. W AHR'S University Booktore IN PIL...W BANt'!NERS (The neatet thing ever Pitt out) IBAILEY a& EDMUI'ISI '%porttno 000o'0 121 1i3Ar LlB RTA;TREEITj A LONG FELT WANT FITLLED For years: p 4& ll ;eaaes of eye. glass and spectacle lnes necissitated sending" to a 'city to lave the lens repacd causing, a- dela y of two day. Outfit frtsar gin- lng has been installed in thte opical deptarment cof Arnold's Jewkes'yStore Etnabling them to give quick service. Surely this will be appre elated by students. I 00o Oo i ... ... k" w ANDSU3PFPE Special Courses IN FOR UNIVERSTY'- MAYNA~b HTRtEET I' Zbe $tubents' 9lecture 1ssociation Season of I1907-8 Feb. 24, John Temple Graves Feb. 28, Leland T. Powers Mar. 13, Opie Reed Mar. '20,, Oratorical C6ntest Apr. 6, Dr. Brander Matthews May 1, HON. JOHN A. JOHNSON, Governor of Minnesota. TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING' RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - DaQ Michigan State- Telephone, University-Exchange 68t : ยง i. 1 '' :.. -..- ,, ..... . ; ._: v - .. ,. .; 2 _ nu ,M.,, r. .... . . .....r 121 Washlugtou . ifhe kanida41 Studio,n dali & Pwk, Pr ops. PIHat .98