The ichigan Dily VOL. XVIII. No. 10. ANN ARB3OR, ,VICHI(IAN, FRII)AY, OCTOBERI 4, 1907. tfIP ED VARSITY Weto .ct he 01offIIU ic i a s,kilp A LLST LWILL WILL OPPOSE CASE seectd t a"1 . read n;;11c 11i' the COACH BASEBALL Four. Regulars lWill Be Missing in First Glame-Signal Practice Was Sluggish. A stiff signal practice yeseray prac tcalty endedllth varitys prepartio for the Case game. Wor nraot by tie grtelintg game with the srbls plaed the day before i n ltermtg 1111-s waner weatier, the varsity prseted acrp pled lieupllswhetCoah Yost ibea sending the men throgh thi dail tuts. Naturally enoI)ug,the rsl was raggedl work- all of the memer of the teatmtseemintg t ebree with at over slylt)o(f sugsne CaptaillnI (goiinl. Shul,,case, aIll Davison (f thet 'rglars aere missig forced to make (use(f nearl all(f tie available subs1ill oler to1 round11ti fullleenet. With tie Case gamte-anever anI easy propositionl for te ll'v (eries--at hand1. marking as it lioes tie egininglt o(f tie football sesot inll(Ilicit so muci s t stake.tecoach is far frotencouraged "Anlabulndattnce of gool matral, Ill saiihe '"Thts watt yutte realit preachitgearly il tle sesn.Now~ here we are, realy for tie Case gme~, an111it's going 10 be it (tell lrption to pick outl eleen Ilmel(110111%ve cl use. It's 110 puzzleicto(((a111)tec(oIwl whtawill ltake art it tie fgamle (((111)- row. forte a'halt' but about ttelnmn 10 co~ose from. ii (Ite c, it is sn thing of aI prlem idtell rliewhr toIplay ltheml. "Bly til t ime we I'soldlbel'far poshe fto form1'ttom(ellids olla'is i(ek (ay u1111 iItinia we(ek of tilt'en game this year as 15(as it'e cls fortunes, Ill'cnno~ltIhople to1 hav an beter sccess than11lascoyear Al least three oftfhe veteranelar will be oult (f the gametaomoll(rrw. Harry IHamml~londt hts igonle to tlicig to tattendc it'euedeig (f is b rtte' 'Tou,tone of tie strs (f tie 9(34 elev es ,olcan11111lgas wil be oa tie sielines adl it 5s(possiethat11Cap-li buch aginslt tie levllelndl ggeef'- 1tion. As (laltferdt't chaClrey'hr hats deelopdi frm ter hump1111Ctcv inthe game ith tie scrbis, ((11( iPtsi cat Directr Fitzpatrick is of1 tie opii that he wihllhave to1 keep ot (f till game tuntil (nex we. For ta reason~, tie lieuil (f t v'aritv is somlenht dubitful. RiInls chilt will bIsei at fullack ad e or Rodler ihl oaliy lbe'(oIttiell' at" rigtlend. Despite the lack (f g-fast wh'ic characterzedi te prcicelraist night several ewplalys twer givenlto(Itill agast Cast tomolrrow. The fora on pass againl receiedi tie major part 0. tie most prm~tiet factor illit'e ar siys attack. illtie iitial gineoft'h(ft easoi. Diretor Baird anounltced lostlnig that the officials for (ost (fle bMic, igan games this fal hd tell seatete For the Pent game, Langford, of Tril ity1 who acted as referee in tie Mich igan-Penn game last yer; MCrty of Brown, and McCrnack, of Dartr mouth, ae (ell secured. IcCorlac will referee the Oio State gamle witi Hloagland, of Princeton, wiliia(cias 1111 pire and Inglis, of Wasinti~golatttlJet ferson, will be head liesmn. \hi tentative selections of tec officials fo the Vanderbilt game at Nashville haye been agreed upon1 the arragements at - -- - "'-""- Former Coach in Ann Arbor Yes- iI ANIQti'''FRi)'3 I~, terday, Signs Contract for the ___ Coming Season. ithIe(i(((t'llo te ianttclub Io Igllsrtslroutebin((~es tt'l 'tf t'ndianal a 'lcptliont and ba' quet on the ill)h~t fiOt. (If'IN.aticht time he1111 intl I ilal)ctei t ~te S.t) Ii the hanqet opento'allIiana meI Tellecetin Comm~ittee 1 ppited I it, (((I.N.(Ika IsC.(Ilt iM1111oIt Chant( ' Il C ll l , I 111111nitder, I''ucloo i5 s "mmittee illAI work cmitt ee) f N 'cposed o((silt 1 Benedct. I ilt amt B. ko i t 1( I 1111 I (I 'It. ~ t oa~det lyosi isHamsmtl13 i~th'fthet.' be bt te bgining tltfaces of~ 5 smokrs nd 1anqets,11 ilrIllt. r t" 'uill1) 1unt in atich'I'll It (('(1\' - I s t'tllN'IFti The:Am 1111 srofPt Lrett tyPof arot Wasthbu.rnIt lots o it v J (Itit 'dNpar te nt. I tiiae Sttttday' tonfe'aa g t I I, illitt' oli witll r t pil t Cith t'avera 'ein. vSp credys o 1sc1sioofit.,iesugtettive, ae 'lrt Aitcar. cvc p~ot ~To mesnOittrestaffl h poreso pla~yetr,tmanat~gtr, it,(11111cttc, is to ti ave chatrge(f Mi ciga'bascballIteam onemr. 'After aa tdr (f abisece,I thel vle ranrturnto.tAn\tttArtor yls- c tertday' ttttiasie st'as (s(atxiotol( re-tttc toitur itt, lite itte It'llosit s)ill cningIto asaisfactory (agreemlet. A- a rt'stult, Nir. iBird t n igO'ttlnouncedlt ttM'(it''lst''r1had1 bteentsigned to coch te tvea vduring teseason (1of (901. spring f (If(915. Befoettha11111titlbas- defeats hal tle mutcitoIIIkillit'e ge't' na(itl tional a de "s a rnnsig-mate foll fotbltl. '(''ise t oal the'ttny IP((Ill (f iasebal, -dcAlister tt:ctrge of autthlof clleIgians(5 (volkew'as ll aout a scientifically'esectetiitit (1(1 ettttplay1'a05tey Iere likly' illknlwlt taout lt' ihabti011 titat-n Cl-o(f '(hos. Nbot le iy' hishknotwetge (f ase ' \is'.'(istercae ttt eneragl tl'ifavoit' nlng htfoe aoe dt't(c tratttctd (f is f turing utIacamphittshipteamCOtfor \ichigon. 'Chaio hiptiin itaseatll t Not: foetus,' sili tits (((e. Geosrgc 1 tff (('aIsat tat pticarn'titltt' pa~rtictulre lmina ry ill t' clt'gs(te (tallstttttt'atdeas his rotegeas htis beeni f Filingi 11 i. ('st (f bastbal. 5' Mclliter 11a1(1littet o sy N's-' paperl' (t'llfudftth1im 1a1 curtisit. "'T' temlwis wiltsl schict snres te Ivaliblly '''tit'e'endi(fit'e int1 (11(1 that 1subtject. Bau10notow.s'mhttbtusy C'onsequtliy' htvitettealmosaret ot on ltthtt'"srigtrill'' ttoy'as aott la51st pinlg, te 'rosects Ilret maz(e e' etentotw(l tht te Woveries (din't d1 ht'ttettttcht (f a teat. Bttithey had oi I. f oefects-iLt's 'McAlise. iltyetd in CicagsotIlla0stllw-tkorm. y 3 tt .iTwt gametts followed It .Mdi- teslt. '('ensoel opedttithe frs anti San- egt eeeld tie seonlidttay, both g'ames 'g iein'g gbetdittby thte' ntarowd(lar gill le (f on~cetun. 'litripenedwictnh tht I- o-tsiy soisng acdealnectrt.hul 11(11net--and mtre tthle point, tiey ss're .,clatueCd--rut'd. 'fT'echampionsipit 's httdibeen swrlsd fromth le iniled 111ff ggregafio- Wh'y Not tbeculse '(icigat bhad a siteiortttmibecutsI' idivitually Illino~is swas ftr attdaway' li te better. Butl:MAi~ister was on te 'e tench1in esry' gtme puligsrigs to r-get rns ovIer te laiite-little dtattils 11a111vt''t' rdtori(f bcore . AdIImore thtan ttlf (fite ictoris rcotrtetinl that sesn wseet'won b y oe r. e McAlister left Jtte , attd twtdtys rlalecrlthe vrsity' met Iliitts in the last J. go'f lie sesontl. Frtunatey te t-chamnpionshipiiws cinchet, for witott the coach's guidance the team went to pieces Itoh was handedi ttsevere drt-I tung. 'Pie itty coacht had the players lotitedtiptmst o~t f te te wstubhis ,.tarksfOnlone (occasiot te team was n a tighttpthee. sith rnners on frst and secndt, and ote down. The ittyrilookedto tM'(ce~llister for istre- ''Wh'at shal I i, cac" "Io t DottI Wh'iy, hit it over the tence. ''(hatdotu1)1lithinkyvu're tp let'' fttr?'d M1cAlistevr eteate his camptionship i' w ilg stunt. last year he hatt ac- I :optedthelil'anta(gemtetof the Bsffao I clit te asttrttleagel'attd,1hto i elit'e'Micigttn's tffer to re-engaged hit. Hioseer, his tmantagerial duttiesf becae oero,<:the teatatwhich adn te yeatr efore 1wo111tle ipenant wasa wihot tie sevics (f seeral of its sters, ad iht'foundt it ittoiossilte t don whtthetitubtic demandtet-ttttmey' re-r coat lie stunlt null all ifeiorcltb a 'tndt he s~lteped owl tdttt,11as far as( maai s'the ch~li)ws5 cncerted.f Hience IDiretrhBaids aility to tlacec imt in chatrgeof t' baseball teamttfor anohtesasont.1 itRIISII LANV CLASS SHiOWNS I N('itt.SIi OVER LAST YEARi 'his'ritorth la ichiigtn's lw tde- partetson tie tdecie becatse of; lie 'mll ifresmanlclass of last year, ltd-Ilenttiedy'tie etrolmntttof nec ment intthtt'f1910ctss. Tie present csiget (f stits sows 300 new st- detits f B'lackstoe. Amtoglie first-year menCI are tirty- loonr'ito are ttkitg te it-aw course. Theincreasig popuhlairiy'of le six- Yercburse is shtwtt by these figtres awhidchcpresnt an icrease of go per centOer ilast years it-law' tien. '(eit ased if tie it worok swttld inl time betyreqtirehd for etrance, Secre- trt Goddatdtorif tle deprtmetttsail "WIhie1I cnntl Ilsy that we aittmake sucllatdemndnOfsttdetts etoerig the depat~et.oI ateI 01strenthe reqtirements for adihttssinlill e itcreased it a fewv ycers. A commititee of tie factlty is ((owdatttwsorkitvestigatitg te matter of tskngtmtrecretits of tose enter- iug up~onthile wo)knid thleir report wtiil o tdotiadtviise Ilons'preimittnary prepaaonforthie sltudet striing ot it lis silldy' of thcla. Shl a caige, tootseter, would1nitt a go itto effect tnti Setember,1130, at1the earliest." The engittcvring register sowtts ato en- rollent of 4f2 fresmin t the depart- me t.hils is tie trges first-year clas tt has e''cceetered Ihis depatett, ast Iye'scass nttintg but32 tmti co s~ttl teter ctsed. 'es oCeAI vt?,rCcSOal:IcUS. 'lie'Tafi ttuitll its first meetig Of the year y'tstertdty' in Nickels hat. Tlhe clolt was ogan~ized last year aid nowtoumesabout to hotttred tmem- hers. 'Thty expect tot giec a banquet in too ,o f Secetry 'Tft whet le ap- per-here to gise a lettlre on the S. 1. A. course. iltvery repubilicanl is eligi- tie too membhershipith ttte cl. iTe fItowig offcers were eece: President, J A. Wager, Miciga; tice-resiet, C. C. Reid, Pentsylvaia;I seretary. I sac iR. Rttbii,asas; co- resp~ondintg secretry' Rapho ECutrh, hioi;teasurer, i. 'I. Serman. '(Iiclitigo ' ts NOZCO'Cohol, NINT'ION. Al1lietnomintionitts for members of ' hieStudtent Concii lst be handel to lie secretary of tha organzatiot be- foore tomorrbowa'night. Nomnation of il 'l lnet'es fromllthe lierary departitent n ill e hetd aI 4 o'ctkktiday in Rom iC, tid fromthedt'etal tdepartent at 9 o'cltock ihis moornintg, in the dental t(5W. it. Wetmlore, W. Ed. WatkintsH. S. Wilsons and C. 14. Mead have beeit tl ominatedi frbom the homoeopathic de- jitarttrot. 1OWER OaSES IN ANWIAL STRUGGLE 'reparations For the Fresh-Sophi Ru15bA nk4re Many Strategic Possibilities. "Thte fresh-soph rush tis year wilt un- obtedly give a far greater opportun- ty for strategy and maieuveing thanl tas beent the case in former years" said Referee Magoffi last night At the meetintg of the sohionmore class presi- ents antd thte represettatives of tie 'reshmniwhto were choseni at their mass iteetintg yesterday afterntooin rtuls were greed tipon to insre this etd. It was decielthat1unilitthe signlt f Referee Magoffini is givent at S p. i., to freshmant shall e alowe to eter alarge and well definedl aeneit Mettle Green. Anim lagnary ine was drawn font the extremie orthtwest ent of the denal htilding diagoially to the walk at the northwest corner of the chemical laboratory. Thence it folows te walls around to the southwest coner of te old medical building. Fromtisli point it rtins to the walk at the east botndary of the campuswich it follows in a1 northerly direction to the gymnasium antI thence to the original sartitig poit. It must be tdistinty understood said Magoffin, that if the freshtmen succeed it obtaining the flag before te expira- tion cf ti half hotr, alt struggle for its possessioln-tust cease. Iwill tete- conte the freshmen's trophy atd abso- lute property. The capture of te flag In the expiration~ of the tme limit will end the formal rush. No organzed parties of sophomores will e alowe out of the prescribed area imumediatey preceding the rush. They may, oa- ever, seind tut indiitual scutts. The entire sophotuore class will met it the lecture rooim of the physics bulf- ing tonight at 6(30 instead of at te engineerng arch as was origialy an- nlouncedl. At this meeting tie orgaiza- tiot for tonight's risho will be perfected and signals and means f idenififati'om till he given ott. 'The rules of the cuntest swil e read and all of te plans will e fully' explaine. At the close of the meeting the imen will march 'to Mtedic Green. The freshmen met, five hundred strolng in Room C, Utiversity Hl, yesterday afternoon A. D. Pearce ex- plaied the nature of the rushi and gave some geteral avice. P. W. Kniskefn then took the chair aid the cas pro- ceeded to discuss plans for attacing the flag. ALPHTA NU SOCtETY WILL DEBATE ON SUFFRAGE The Aphla Nti progttmnftr Saturday evening, Oct. 5, is as follows : Yellow and Blue-Society. Vocal soo-Tieinis. Parliameitary drill, coducnted by~ Steveitson, Davis Curtis antI Mttugh. Current evets-Bryson Davis, and Ransom. M(y First Rtish Experience-Max Kahn. Debate: Resolved, tat qtaifcations for stffrage should be age 19, common school edtcation and fle years resi- dence, Affirmatve-H. L. Barkdull J. J. Devos. Negative-A. R. Patrick W. R. Wright. Discussion-Society. Critics report-George Eves JUNIOR MEDC iLES SHOLARSHIP. D E. Godwin, a junior mtedic has received a scholarship in the Rockefeller Research Institute of New York tHe will tdo research work in the University bacteriological laboratories under the immediate direction of Prof. F3 G. Nody, Dr. RKnappwhon'has held this scholar- ship for the last Iwo years, has been made instructor in bacteriologk,