__The MichiganDal VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHITGAN, SIN\I) AZT FEBR1UARY 16, a o8.No 9 No. 99. SIGMA XI WANTS MEN OF PROMISE Conditions Do Not Necessarily Disqualify Candidates - His- tory of thoOrganization. Elections to the iichigan chapter of Sigma Xi, the honoary scintiic society ofAmerican colleges an(1 uniersities ill le made in April, with the iniia- iolt'of the fortunate ons following in May. Those who are chosen arc seniors aud graduates sttdyig in the departments in which sciences are taght. A person to e eligile for consideration must ae doe higly satisfactory corok, of which at least sixty 1h0urs itst te in te-chemical, biotgical.nathematica and pyical sciences. 'fhtits nmemer ay heeecosen fromt the literary, meii- cal, and lpharmac' deartments, as wiell as from teengineering. 11e numer elected in one year is limitel to tei per cent of the graduitae from the sietifici deptrtments of le kUniersiy. At a special mreetig the hiiadis of the' stb-(eartmn ts in sence make rer- ontmneuatonis in rgadl to melt c lii ae done exeletiwo rk. The nae f these personls ar e sumiteitolian official cniiiiiitc inniominiinia. pocil of the officers ot Signa Xi aii represenaties csei fruum the faculties of te literary eiclrandaiitengierig deprtmets. Thisceniotee eaesiic and isiuisetri (litiatieiiiiof (thtoiic recomiimeinceit After te records ac standing f tli e un ae beei lioikei into, the eetiiiiiakes lcctershorly after strin g vacation all te membter of Sigma Xi in te Unirsict catlg balits. In speaking of the seletiinsiii f I. C. Sadlertpresient f telich.tiliga ciaper, sal: "leneii i'coisn noti oily for thei high stiilili ing i cltlege ut alsii for tei'gei eattruii'euuc foit aman miistIrat high t elced lieilioes not needl toile hookter fet for if le ithiiwcsitns f origiatiy ad is likely' io becimeprmnt, ake atentioin is paidt to hii. We asiti into acciunt awhat auimali is let ii aiouiitiitoi, since awe sie iip eacIi ii- dvdawhisrcmeddoit.imight e sal that ait 11c11diin ith fis ero oo tmnscleecuswolit not necessarily idear him., if after wards lhe hap soii'i iislf tictic' briliant stiidlcnt. Whlat the ciciet iwans imni of procmise." Th ihgncatrti ericomposed of sixty faculty iie an twemty-two gradluate siiiidcits. ias Atpril forty-twoc iieii were elected,ubrlge thn saofw a eleven were seniors ani six graiiate il the literary departmet, six senior in ther medical departmnmt, ainiieten senor engineers. During ecrl year three regulr meet igs are heli, at acti of which cmii moted sciemtist speaks. After these tpiub ic lectures the imemboers f Sigta X meet in business sessiois. The officers f the Michigan clapte of Sigtoa Xi, woiatre all fauctty meiii ters, are: Presideit, 11. C. Sadler a vce-presidemnt, W. B. Pilsiiry; crrec sponding secretary, Dr. F. G. Nivy recording secreary. W. J. Hae; trea irer,G. X. Patercot; ciiiicillor, F. C Newcombe. The raicooi' ee of le societyo Sigma Xi is the promotioti of specialie tionminmtlie sciences, the iidig togete of thought and action aidcof workei ini pre science anti those woi digici it y its application to humioao afftir enm im i opnosi zealous recsearch, idicates tic well i two words rcac the purpose of the s ciey. The wearer of lie key of ti society mcay consider himself fortutiate because of the stanitiitg whicho Sigmota X no has ino the Uniteud Statecs. Foitcie, in 1886 at Corinell, it has chapters ini sixteein Americanc universities cwithi a iieiiblership of abioiit three thoousanod. It is a unmiersity organizationo dealitog withi univcersity corn. anodint directly' cithi STEVENS BOOSTS MICHIGENDA Music amc others. -It Makes No Difference What DItSTANXCE MIEN ARE ICHIGAN'S 110FF the Daisy Says" will be Hit- Seat Sale Brisk. \Iictigaius streigthi in tracko athletics this yea rowill tbe ceteredin iithe cdisacer sqtuad. Hodigem, the hurdler, was tre rented froim taking mny of lis examis hy' iliness tindl will Ie un~ale to cter trainig. The track squad is witot spriters anil tole vaiters, aii is some- whtat wea ini the cceight eent. All the menciiareccworking hard, loweer, al both Director Fittoatrick aicdl~Cati Riowce arc optimistic. \Withu Iotimuac anadil Mayadded to the tri, tiiowe, Ce and Dulll, the teimt ccill te tarticulaliry cel equipipledt witlidci- dle distnice iimen. Dunian has left the Cue ainid totcmiactc this string. Fr s ccss ibthithe qu' tiarter-mcie aid thi huirdlecs te tem iwill li epieencct iipon ec ils lstyer igin te idashecs lst earIrs lct fr Newi York its in assiilliatillsinei piositioni. ihisliics thec'valite scull ou 'iany expeticedcrinteri iis. \hti w ill udeveloptlfi'iciithec'raw' mteialuohis Jst atpret 11 citueis i t icireitier- ailsthiiig else. The .Athlectic' .ssoiael- trillply cupstio the tic'ncsnig 10 eit. kc- set istse niamue s f tie uuwinning ciii- Itesiants ccitthis' 'engravedci iitiiithti teo- iy sliit tpesenlted ito the fAtletic :.ssicitioniitic'the hBoaiestof Regnts. iiiviewiiof ti'e s'tiiel 'inq f ls manager'~'is i arrai'niiglg fir'tic slecioni othi eus i me'ctinig hisisenell Alieclssiimanagerc'cs irsc rue'ted'to l i tiesnt IDirectorii' ~tpatri'ck.'is'eoting'tis' iagrpr f his sareuc'e toin thelii timinug f tic' crly cniies ''.harkt' cmy woir'is.' ie ssi,he 'tu'fcl- 'geturic'.iiiihsi'e'igtheiniiig teir'incciii arc .'this'fe'lloiw'scwlio cwill gtrin the trpis. iec aren't mani~y' nliietc. lilt all wait tiltheeetici'''iih u' andi tie eii O uiu it i swams." selete reulai'yiieiams hy'i utty.hiefi9h 'fthismotihia'noeIcmst tre rtssbe cccis has cceii 'nn oiiicit ticIntrclasis 1ManageSmcall.Thefirs gimies to le tpayedcareies'titcein te fresmei sou iuir f thur licw andilegininc~g d- patenicts ,'ind iil iocc Tuecs'mev i- siig. eficec ouy giimetke tplac, thi pari'ticipatisii wiill haisc'ot iiiiih itcg i atuy- - siali'xainiiltiosn. Theii'fllowinig is theicsheidufr hi ist serie S Febh. 18-touo lics's . 19in lawss's igi eigiierss. ig911 egiieer, rFeb. 19-tucohis vs. tong its. Feb,.20-1g10 medics cvs. igi11imeics Feb. 21-ii9t0thegiees cs. gC^ ci- giurs;1910 litcs 191 1 its. 908 lais drwi abye. the scondiuseries f gimces cwitt ce payeud off theiu c'ek follouwi'ig, OniiFb. 24 uaiidt25. The Yale swimimig team iim ll1 ake thi rclmngest tripo in its history' dineig thi sEsiser vctatiom, which will comenc liat Ness'I'avcemn Ari 5amd endc Apri 22. Tleamscwiilhe et in New York aPittsburig, Chicago, and Urbama, I. Columbcia's 1hmouiico ubpilicaiom, "Thti sJester." will hereafter appear twicea monthiniisteadh of onice, proided liie t ecesary iiiiiergraduae support is I1 forthconing. ''thict igu'uu llis I bo luid tlo go,"''sait H al Ss'u'sius. XWIitiey'sprouce, lur.a5st inightc afiere cc'tchuinug uhe sut'uns goi thircughi their 11155s tuor eight1 houurs,. "The loical hits, this';1mu1sic uspeisllh.ii'are Iunduuutoti tuake. I ca'.euuitu' hereIiisthis umorneiing cx- tiecHing Ito se'e aihinug. st ubinig ic- hearuislt. ntu adof'hat,5i i.this'hlisswccnt ocharithrough to theumisdleIof the sec- thuings tiiuc otei ew;t hey cc "The its a hiu i siii l Iimusilc.Iits b e hiae \ Xiimuic ter'5 . Whculiuc tXlw igin toh tkeci ' rl oiiheso lsl' New ork 1'n no ,itlibrty o tll c11thl~e cast figumre ii the finale of the ecrud cuat. Thle Drinkling Song, bytll the mi, sthe fisnmsicamum bemu inhuctie thiru u3 followed y "humCollege" sug hby ,uiwrenuce Clark asi Jlick, andt the chourus. xceptitfuse thin fiumaie. "tove's Gifts flast coms ext toithum lust snmg. Reedi ind Clamrk sing tii. AlX thle suongs uf Nichigendak excet 'Lovce's Gifts" Iandil"I Colege" wcre ,itteni y h-oyXWech. 'Fle mumsic tiur 'Lovei'stGifus" ws cm pomutseu hi'Xalerea it. Ianmg, ciu ompser f 'Thie Freshumn"l iso-step,mtecwiirus hueigowrittenobyci Roly XXelh. "hum Cllege" is by J. Fred-i !r. Stevens is muwus' workconuiuaa lays to replace "Ak Knight fr ai hay", t te XXhiitney' mu Chiiago. liis coumiing testcerdaiy'mmelimt woucan loulcts cutit for1 t 'eiyoug' actors. Themfiist reeral beganatlitoinocock. Mteenus' tesiuiu uras lai,ut Xlir Scalontuuiset thurbaluit rollinglandithehDetr'oithmunuifiund uhthig spinning swhenc himaerieud stiourty' befirer i They 'kept ighta-sininucug'thu rst oftheu ay ALct2 lhiuboys were i'c' tic oosc foI hnlIC uuc, l Iti uhey'c cri hckiut wsit: agalluin h y andul tliyu'ut ititmail t Ic [he'I cilic g onliy is pincipa~1ls ecrd ;o thety tihd only' twourds uf it. Right houris u'e'hearusiung mun cunie lay'-cieiuc hunt lt aiuy'achumricipaitsus 'andl'cuuu'u 11ad morei'u'thanii satisiedulteiu'dril t- sure before ini thei''fouodchcotinionu ocf thisii ci. It Re ik, his'cii cipublisher,'u. whoul contracte tics'o X'u'lchcfor a"i wrtc byhimurini g hic nest ctwi yil's."llldIhas pa i i'st'tiuere u' fr th, p ricilegs' f hacvingfhsh use1p lt iihistcue e imaycuiwcrie'. 1,a11eucithus spr'uuXing 'I. XX''chu cittlibe' scut lthe 1 bciii wcrius' thic'scou'foru'nu'xt sasonu's pro I ictigu'iullu postes cwicihti w'eit iii sal 'ysterdauy' itecar hiiouus booksutcres. arc sihiug uicey . Cocsierotu m andiciuu bus srug clup ucmongcstudent'uh ci isis to scuduutthemruc oi oftic owind I055cfrindis or iouethemciiforc'u'mu coheraionuiuus. Ic icly olulls'ue wals lure luy' objectini lul thes'part Iof sorcud'epsd' to5' ithutle ci uofcposers icc iuuiin h iuows''. Thi sesat salitofr thue utea.uwhic hewnatuqo'clcksyestercda~y' ii tUker-' ity I falldeveloedsau bisknesmbefor thelii oi cf isth h y' thtudidl much alittle lieurd Iilintileu achiiig ccoiinccthe \Vhtitney,'an'u inuthle teahsuer's hrt. Dollare sats forurtidahy unigtctareu'prac-s ticallty ccliidcii, aind not mancof clteu fifcy acniseentyfiseemt onesuimauccinu. 'iThurchsd's housuuccis wel'mta tken,.lui libeof gioou dliiits oemsititft. 'lie saleiiforcednumesdaty' ccliit0tridleess popularuhu, hut stilt goodu. tFromcopresenut indiicautionus tucre cilhumemullFridai' mati- nee'u,uuless thue' decmuni next week nucecs- st ts it. t'hdhitSSOthhtNO(VY XII. LlF FOUgNDRhR'5 hiDAY' (RATlORi Pr's~epartioncs foriheliiifilyighh icc mcucliFounder'siclay tietxercses of lie mehdhiicpatmenuctit,'mheb. 2 ait'ali mocii iiompimee lie chief adres cill hum gireuc iy PmrofI'F. "10cr ciii "'The ,ifm f Or /ina itcmlhe." [)a Vaiughanmu scll alo iveguu'a siotmuta blk. Aftr teiectniues thurainuanl recetptionc danmce c olhuchecumilciithke pthe.iThe' lecturs cwilibc givem mm SmcaihuCswcel Angell Holluwileuith1ecother emtetcain- cmuliscwili e held mn the Barlbour gymu- nacsiumu. Taking into cotsidecation i ltanceticougraimocof sixteenonumbces, it is quiteini ormer fr every muomdic to bring'hicicbest girl. Rte. Charles L. Satery, DD., rector of Chrit church, Sprimgfield, Mac., with heliser themmcxi Sluoctutmlectutreutder thei ausices of thur Hobart Guild, in, St. Andmrm's ehiarei tonight at 7:30 o'clock. STUDENT COUNCIL EXPLAINS POLICIES Does Not Consider Itself Analo- gous to a Public Legislature- Deliberations Not Public. Wu~hatihtlie StudentCo uncuil cas ooing cccd ccOicits idelier'ationssould icr pubi- lcccwas iecsujct fr aiiecenmut eitorial in 'lcett iy, andh todaly'that upaper' i in recciptf hi cccii uucuichiiou from mtie ublhicityu'commcucieof tbl ouccci whiicho ansersteeo1c'd'itoiahl ic(Ie folowiug ''thats b n hue icoluicy' citthe council ini this'abustoic uermci illnystuuet to Appeahuc r fore it itIe so deienduu :11e rech ucn endmenutcus to lie cuonstitu- ioncuf thlie csoucl chicsot iianmy ay Atcc' 11111 poliiy. iTheciamendcmen'uts mc lucsciiucuc iio otu prcccct a sudent from )resen'tinugliiu' ' ch'cis'viwsil ay ct'rc'- foeit, ilia'euu'i'tuogneir cimarmiy, to mlelussiiouchapeace dofusny tuu deaocnt onein an cii uusibcl Thei'uammind- icilts podeus at anycci sthuticwhoctde- ires chicsptahutefore 1th0 ounl ciIcmy' icc so bticecultyi ellingcc the' pem'isionm f any incooer, c csubcus cc o cmhe'ratiima- iii of tec unil prmI esieunt. ft wi's leanedadvicaloIin icouuiiuiiiliii' swith the p eside t 1-c;'a iii'' tis atr i orderthattoo reat 1licc'o stn 010 .00naynot1apealchils cfiio'this'uci inc onii eening. T Iho' amcircuitsidoci cutll k illlthe counc1151i issliings sere. Nouc'do telouvent1 cialiiystudethfro'mu )rsetig ec h isuc ews sifre it.Th ci uuii, coon' pasoed ii ordcer cci cultkIssuchsppea 00n00 Ofi:0 studen'ut tis- suds', a'scoutfuithicpurpseu of.11encoura'g- hillay mci iuu iiii io deired o'ii seak oni aliy'tpi a511 cunilmetig IThe ualy ap'artuu'ily iilc i tst.'uuuh tic poluicy5 ofi teu'ncrdi' rsectig oc- liciuy. Thisouusiil hules ntcoun'scsieit Ielf analogou s it uluclgisltorcas 'Thec'Dasily' s'him. ou regadc' I i, blimorue as hi comittee o11cc uciniauulegisltureuuc. T11 he dlietiosuofsouch .ia uccmitte' M*, o' 101 politclotopentoci anluy' Ie- sonls noti dcciibccrs of uchiiaIcmmucuit'e' :,r wihollhave otd cbeelniu admittd'ivicycc tation cuucc. t!ell if thuse scuci shul deemli t ol i iscub tletoccpermuitoithes stuen bde r hlilt icto be hu'presenout ati iis sessions, yetit icud cinot chic so, ueca uelthe diniiu ucroomiatithe l - houseic'is th'rd'uy o'rIgeenu'sccgluho cumcnuu- 11110 ic e imcmitus osfutthou coucil it- sel f. Shocusotheiubicbe admtuluitteutoc hoc counil mtingsuo"slthe counci woud soon becom chil verte itsntodsai poitical organizat iwihitosucmucmbers tencdtig to hoscachic lar workcccc tistesiud otor- aing lugliia.cool d cotuccccinus mcanue. the O euoc appcrliutccc th1c f1cc'tuhthat it deliberatosicshcuouihocknowrncto the shuet cibhoduyaditchelrefocci'eumaitains so puoclccsc scico ie fus te lm'prose lit giv icc" bloc'roecr iciformatsiiruoto dcie studcn'tc isoils. bloc priauyobutject to te suttsinedcis oinform octhursudenots a o hoctcliihitscouOcilishdoing and is souchtoho ha I it ojietis otaited iiclii gl it sccodiof cii toublicity con- iito, wi ch is bet ca pblue cutjuduging whai s asuchatcliis scothooopr ifirma- tionccfoci huuiioTheloccuoucil's hpolicy towardi'us this publtchi onci tsii iorking s ccot resohricveandconsemsraie, hbut thoirsogituhly itbra, iad ries u ccout this olimy y hoc hiziniccg its pubilicity om- itte ou macki fulliad cootiercediscos- cres tic too whtat it s doiong. Studtent sentimuenir alosa'ys wuth rcgutie lie ac- tiousciout the cocucil, oundilie coucmil I- sires tic obtaisuchicsudenmt sntimnmt by cle pulication of its delieraios by mceains o tms tpublicty commitee. 'li cag o hecntitutionc of thur cuounmcil regsieoiuglie uunode outelcthing Sits officers cscmaduce: by tutbody for 11' the oeius'outcoon echuo i inuiue reiu. T hlie locst, timeurcidenrtt of the coucilutfor so certincsemuester wscumsct- (Ctummed on Page Two.) coy focus' XX'.u toc 'Ii 110000. ' c i is 11100 000 theu c''XI alecu ci 11c thatCachcle thou>. is ucc. no0 istke Yesidol tusc oo' (Ihed tohea. lx iii''or a Dalou tolkeout ut uithus XICclso''c'scci I ccci ca e t~lclfrthou i i irain0 ack00 oD0t101.1ast liht thMhr. t o S cln11101 loust0the10000t.icth Xiis not uctoo tirdcos 10 c 1 los'i 00 O1ccl 10c li i c hoc. ccn ilefsed tosiols lli imselfhit c i p Itotyscull udiersoodiht i It Xlakes Nc tDifferelnce XXWlot thes DsyS s" itom. WllXihstuec'icc- teccu t ocs0ing ithees.I'r fthou lichogu'ucu ongsci havIc alreadyii 5 00105 0, A~.Sulvhos'bliuiuitl cci h.scn congci"noothise iOpea. XliI the us in chcoruscc"XXlcusXXes XXCcc llCoo ll obege," Ted cub d R si Glady s ccsi ItXiMikes XNo Differenscco Vha t teDivSy, sit cut icy'theou'rus.o c blocs culdeito beo XX omaici)oothus I. 'uc5'thelosoil" Eie.htc Foy ccw'ntedmol oocci ollowucsstucco ho uuuccucue XV lkic Ica I osuols touchd thou'im- personactores. SloortocoChunccey Guold- rocks-locdcll o s cChesierSitples c-snstlice cxl,'"I 'ccc .Xccty'Glatuoco ice tPopularo"-Xtgs aicciithus chortis, wvihi"WXhencN''igiot Fallhs, Sinc," Icy Jamnces R . Bzyisc uDblck,;candhthouecclotc. XXheiccs LmorIue Thasts thus' ayXoo c Doc icy tie cs uctts', beginsc thou'secondco act. Juccuc c; olerho l'si IChous tol louA' wcth"Just Locclt XX iso."'''.u"uCm soccub ice Sociemio wioct Xlc" is tlocustsing toy Diii B. Scocsns I Xhuoey'tc'ttc') , Luciucs Frall ('Xi chic),cubnXWatkinus ('T'oucmmy).