THEII MICHIGAN DAILY . a How Is Youir Razor? I On Friday, October 4, Mr. Thos. A. La Motte of New York will demon= strate Carbo=Magnetic Razors in our store. If you would, like to try one for 30 days without cost come in and talk to him. 1E. Ei. CALKINS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. a I AMUSEMENT S lhc Majcsticlhar Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Kiaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. Th '0 119E. LIBERTY ST.' rt, lumPicture Theatre. NEW SEA SHELL FRONT Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop.I YPSILANTI OPER.A HOUSE Thursday, October 3 RWANK J. SARDIAM PRE SEN'S Miss Ethel Dovey ands Frederick C. Truesdell In the seas on's greatest rmusical play s: .TE 'DISTRICT LEADER 50-PEOPLE-5O and ensemble of smartest gowned girls. Prices* $1.50, $1.00, 75c sond 50c Advance Sale at Cushing's Ding Store. LAW 1BOOKS 36tU yea Dictionaries 36th year- IraQwOu= BooksIr Atsms Arbor Leg1al Miscellany Arem Arbor CALLAGHAN ft CO. CHICAGO Aoron Arbor Brariah. State Street. Opposite Lawo1B1d f. BE LOY, ALLet a Suen have your Laundry StUdENE SMITH THE STUDENTS' LAUNDRYMAN Agent'WHOTTOOS' LAUNnRY, Saginaw, Mich. Sot q h4tpetdt UNIVERSITY NOTICES All old Glee cb en meet in Room C, U. H., Friday, 4 p. ino Gleason, Prs. Meetinog of the Cecee Dramaiqoc Fratorais ito Room $, Tappan hal, at 4 p. tn. Friday. ITe reguloar nmeetng othIe Wester society sill te toostoneod ottti Sator- say esvenoing, toontaccount of te rosh Meeting of 'oh totoosooops too letore roott at hospitl, 4 p too. to seet soenior representatve"oWelovet, Pes. 'toot tot a canote for the peri- tenter of the 'oh lt clss 'as toas een staled, oiothotauthority, n t te DAt,. Goesrgce hves. Alt cross cotory a'irttstotshotold seel tat Itoegymsothis aftrtoonstoat 4 ocrick, wshent a pictre of sle sqad toill te taken. Roweore'oak (Capt. Sottoostsrt' trestdetts willmtPtta0u00 'Vtogotlho, rusho referee, atd rcosonittee ito 3oiettgamoa roomtos, oer Lydonlt's, todaoy tt 7 ptot. Stoodenot ticetr sellers are tdesiret too handtle the oratoria contest tikets owhichoare sow 00000 Ttey sooy e ot- tainedtfreo Sol. ttorkotsottat 603 Maci sott street, thonse 8391. On aounotit of IDeoatoJordaont's reerrp- tiots for lte girls of te fouor classes, to" regoolar Friday afternoonopasrties of ttoe \\omstot"Lea'oge il oOte el duritng te'ext fouor weks. Atotnta electiontoof ofiers of 'Taft Retpubloicoanicootb siltlosb o lst othtei metin bg todayos' t 3:15 p. to. its Ncolts haol, Stote street. lProspstete toenbers shouolsi comooe otndtte enrlled.s J_ WI. Mote'ootsttss, \Vice-lPres. lD. JosetphoW. Cohrat, of Pilael- slot,,seretary of toaosorlof euocationo of thoe iPresbyterian churh, swilt deliver 00 lete r'Sottstoy etnig, (St. 6, tt tts Prersbsyterioonochuorch. 'Tis oil theOto f stootmtort'ofsle Toopaltree sries. l'RON'T'NG-''YPI'E\VRl'l'lNG;. Eletiso caro tst ttal itostsof prist-I tg ct oostrotloes. SeloripO riergieto for ilet e orsirs. Michigoano attdtfeter nit), sttsisonery' a0secialy. I lroctsoor- tees for ltyestrititng. Joliffe & Kit,- stittr. (leer ootp. V A few sdsirabtlo' sroos , witho ltest Omrvmns,ot 00 oosfigrte. 2 I'. Cathierier S. 8-4 Hosetrsiipper'for comtfort. \'Wager & C'o., Stote St. 9-ti 'le setOstuodenot latop for te least monsoe y inthi~os nmorkt. Nikel plalgol Peorfectostudtocet latmpts, white sade,' $-2.95yreah; tdo. Berlis, $.5. ull loe of lampsos, chimnsteys, saodes, swins atd oil cnss best toality atd looest petes.! Scoot & Co., ,t., 24 Soutth Malts srert. 2-h All0 latsbooks for rentt at Fsserrs f Soor very toter rooms very reasont able, ct 65 Churchr street. 39 P1yrography goods at ostr's,. f Soft wshsl a speaty at ile Sudenrots' Laundtr ootSoutho Uiversty, onoros- tore of Choorcho, f (. I. Ltt, AlamoCoks, $.0. 205 East Waosinigton. f Bioilogy, histology, lareroogy-path- oogial oand odissetng intrusenets a Goodyert's Drog Store. 1I2t LATEST OPERA SUCESSES- "'Tle Merry Widow," "The Girl Ques- tion," "Flower of lte Rachl," "Girl Btehitnd the Counte," "Miss Hook of Hollotnd," "The 'Flk of New York," ando others, at Root's, tf tDo youo stokoeS Oor lead- ;;ctad one cogars.Try soe. $2toot $4, seliverrol HiustoBoos. 7 302 S. State St. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. O. A. MOE. Our Best Friends Are those men, both young and old, rwho dress well on reasonable ex- pense, yet demand strictly what .. o Stein-B loch Tailoring alone gives them, high grade fabrics in exclusive patterns, fit and the best 1 style of the day. These men we satisfy. 7LINDI3NSCIIMITT, APFEL & CO. The Great Neckwear House. LIKE GUT, FOR '5 Good enough for anybody. f Over five thousanid useful articles at cnt prices.= Why pay more than tihgs are worth? Corner Main and 71 ( gA Scand ICc Store. Washington. L& IO .k Home Supply Store. Web's' For High GradeCnde Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid. Favors f or all occasions.- Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Nut Cases. Webb's Chocolates ,are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Main St. GRANGER'S Classes in dancitnghbegin lessonos Octoher 8aod io. SCHOOL OF iogs, 7 to 8 o'clock. at inoa en Chilcdreno's class hegino inoNovemboer. r D A NC ING BRADLEY GRANGER. Instructor. j The WM. BOLLES "STANDARD" Self-Filling Pen No ink under cap when you are ready to write. No buttons or humps. No ink dropper to lose. No leaking. Abshcsttts yrtet sso eoootcoltottwosyeaaoyasooltt'jes. U. of M. Co-op.1 DAWSON BROS.!S DRUG STORE . , - Tho loap ~.. ~ Brighoto of teclsloo ottecoade of' iso asno 'stoopureosilyii'b. fl:t o nlomoy alto.- Thet t oleotos Ott latelyflttclasp garteer ~nec', tex tclv- oti. isto crt Ito tooot Milli- s ' ety eough" 0too totisfy teot of roeno liotisso'gy rot o 00 everybtody. llSi t ao'ol paeto thoeto otd swse it ahm. ohe ear ate of heasy loon el-ooboteooas.' to therte,anthey eo sotyy a iquarer t If yoot oeletr cant0 0optply 'ysu, a pair. lRememhert.0pair tilt he set o7000eceit of ptice. JPIlittA SSPENtR CO., 718 Man EST., PononrooELaoiuiMA nR FPIONEER SUSPENDERS OFFICE 611 EasftWilliam Stroet. Home Phone, 72 Black, ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORINQ