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February 15, 1908 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-02-15

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NTFRI kLIEG IATIK NOIIS. played a- al itrclass aim, it liere
ApetSap andl tne w itwita- ilIliteino colegi tiam. - DRINKS INK
ni ea laen lather, iouid e atea hI fto 1Canlaialge boat race hsfrayhrn rlibe FxdfrArl ,olteTaes .F acl - frsvra er I EA CA E
Ioe ny ncO alfAil4anthenThaRpti adua.Pte aracluai ttk coatl Icar IEA~LM~
oii en a i agauni itiic ak stil tIarTn lo a aCinkin Funta iiiPenjst ip it in any
t'l,"aa est Studelnt Association"yard, was aititiieiiigraduiatie treasurer ink press the CrscentF illsr ndl seit ill itown
N 9 . n icclatcr rtea i iraa allia\aeaai. TeC~ tak lkkCacamel sl akng its tirtstTha's all there
omngyearAotday niglt. itisa- trolablilaitly at Standard is tn it!i No drppr-no mess-no bther. IDn it
CASTILE --- natter it tine hefore hl ii-lltibeciotitanwee-anstini.
An S"inerwosen wtal a trumpet genratl siperistr of all I larcar ilatli
Fullbarofiis ein a rieit all iemilers of the Icics. tic is i eiiiliiiaasti posatnSELF,
0 tie Kilo - 50c Syase niersiy handk ini recognitionian nail eaonie moire foar ard traCO K U S FLIG1E
3. loc cakes foiioftheir sectvces.ualhletis tani -n othlermiai. "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"
-AT- IThesophomona iresandaiilfreshmentatia ii hlN 1 11't I PiIT IZ lIcattulilt it aitaashits hut glaves on switotttanger at
Nisonisiit have decidedlto hlnattheir -nsilitg. Ieies ito a, vn-ticettis the spleitdid striing
Q ~ ~ tet rusl anithits plai t he inewr Pinitia ni -at alaaMii i t . ll.t13 loo .
i sritaiata tall light. Austi i II au nih len Ali la Iilte aaiisii tnCitti-t efc el
Leaieetelerltath tt Ctail. f }ous soesnocode
Caolumianivttiersity till require eee'Miss \t1 ieCrI upiHi; cat irA C, h oki e o 1 MnatnBdTldOi
___________________________after six wieks of satitier scioltwostarkJermeitirsAlWa SN, ig C & kaio \illerTeCnlnPno,.1MahtnBdgoeoOi
; -tos lsu entlasahotate the mnia-ti lrs I, It.Ph lis its- Ela liii a i-
lM oney Loan1C legnerig caure. AIsc tri11iCaRIasiic Ala\Is5T1),aPie
On Wathet, Diamondi s L a n 0 tacit li ofme aie reg-lrel for AI siali1) St 'smith MNsti Ph NN mS i erili
no ther pestnasirperty athousothe coimig AIask tad elies ) 5S andilMrsNiA\ 1 iSie Noeor Bgla ga n
Watches and Jewelryrenpaired, \ litto, nle Sattis Ditch, or Pan-Mt1ria Aura Stcr A f I(G\lar
Bargains in Watches & Diamonds tt t aIlte."- fThs is a rerdn 1 titaital ayNIto N iltohaMits I la ila lPo
OfnAtnadneeArbtr. Lbrt t Jack-aletikthde atlaetictainiir rait-: siilec-iaii\Ntr AZRrsol No Thrifty Man will miss this great Bargain Sale
Her:at ta t:a. a n., 1 tn-ta3t and 7tan --,if rnell has just ptent trsectedl swtitIC I, I ,aaagIvt atPiatersaanaAl See
a p. m. :a hIse, iat money tr sw-hicli saised is'alias li -'N--IdaAlrsaN.
LOSIES C.IDWTATT taitaraiiaiini ms-AaillarN. jAll Winter SUITS anal OVERCOATS at a
---__________ BIG REDUVCTION
____________he_______casthas__beenpicked__fortheM atte AMileri iisl Noie1Placig
Clm i c-aritt ah wiAia- . N a Kink, a 16 The kuttlig;a iatoth ra 42. sa-tt
I- l ff altc s loh ienat t a ii'aluauIor- - -- - ___
1:4 O ff antesk of Alia o5TeIiC I lIti--.[lit-a ta'sia-ltaut fo
ply i Y lml Iritetfelil tail I o hs loiaeia-at oa t intutgainal t e rs
on all stamped goods, including - 1pof aeiritac 'da's, a]a) ' Naia All Softasit Stiff Hats at- - 20 per cant off
MICHIGAN PILLOW TOPS Eer-yarat Yaet iieior tot tit6tiltt Stnking jackets- ---------25 ptrcciiiOff
AT ariatblaldaied t htl ati the a itnity aeI FOR( -:XI' lrit larlir asit all Staley I U n rss-ar- - - - - - t 5 per cit off
a sarisca alhall bescon tinuedaI adthlt-la t ns titiatits. tlettliii etl. 31 ackik- $i.50 Manhattan Shitts at- - - - - - $1.20
DARLING & MALLEAUX ea taalaes at caiatsh lal lae cmpuiilsary. adt-S. --9-S$.00 Mahlattan Shirts - - - - - - - $1.55
224-226 . Stair St.-
ai" olr ratslitat 1111ntis asuhIi as Ita-alall atiat: i yon waanttle lat 2.0 Manhattan Shrts - - - - - - - $1.5
_________________________________its__object, aas-h e taigotat hit-ivert--- i a sbatll gmod -. s - s Spaldig'-lnea
li oos rmte Itapa ofiat lntairon nut hilaiis. tf $3netManhattanithiltsl- -- -- $2.50
tlattlis iontbytahl phmoresaas hta
College 1ii t telmnwr h oo e 'tIIT
Stems KIreidntFiotatoat iarv art i ata-to CokitaHaouase aRoom 7' apostpa N L I, o li -F o o
IIALER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Main S I es lifo e t atehersa tattBottntliklar. HItiands, 25 cnatca rd-a; en
: ohrdg at cleaige athleatis, adela- I a-I t-arekiA nni cA or. i
isgta hyars- utecet-saryanatrIsatiae-
w e 1 "c £o m e taa alshtla ts--s. Fottbttall cm At MACK'S
tafat issairdat ihau a yete -_ __ _ __ _ Sale of Carpets and R ug
er stoee. It uose'tma iter ishIt-ier ftrait a IHebracic lu ita-iah as ailae tatf
yo ce i to ueiy pist agt its s e . iitao. - srlaing at endowttmcinitaft al tic -c _______________
cigars, li-nut' pie-eia--alitinorto t' a at.'sip onI itatH ebraicubjtiliestabtlish- AT LESS THAN \MILL PRICES
tephoni. ittr w lcmat-iita ea- cr u5 i-ittis lg slaaaalt uusttttilaana ttaa .L .\'' .\I II_ ll lO ix N I II
asmre- f.-osit at I I cbriaic lierture."I 8 IIV;I P 'I INNiA.\ Not again this year will yti itS p ce satttsii ytt fao
East University Pharmacy FD 3GIST1S10,-_ yofidpiesomcinyufar
t ) . tirtesrity Avii'ttut. as now.
H. M. ROYS, Pharnmacit Thrataltr t facuilpty atrecstd-a t I \GNA .1 T (Ill - I .181-. 8 -I-N
________________the_________pe____tiltinataf the uneradukatlattes MACK $ .CO.
_______________________________ ilbstb iall hlit' nlastatd as taniter-c A 'a 1 hI'IN I 'll.A I.-
U. of M . caIlelaa sporttaTi. ats'haleatic btarthd i __________________of____________
Amhtalavo al te uatta aiusagtsttait isMNY lit ~n1aeVnc aoud fwlYadtl
Barber Shop and Bath Roomsfis tonaildte ateitttaitnto tail sat ,1NY Olt:i (i:: :aiditlter i-al atu-i
-a tautal atw it euattl utaiii ttii eanaiait 1% itioi ts ptaa a t a -inistt'i.-u-t iiy utu til .i
Lar~lost-Shop 5.-athe easy Tawotmii crta i ItulsIiciii tt xxswalh itCits Y.M C.A W- J. LOURIM
J R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. a ttlaskuetatll a atatluta -i t ta i li
This is the time of the year when we are receiving our
spring woolens. You will be interested in seeing the many
exclusive novelties we have bought, and we will be glad to
show them. Selections can be laid aside to be made up later.
33355 . State St. Impoprtig Taiors

IONE Rowe's Laundry ELE CTRI C IT Y
GLOVES d Baggage ~~~~326 N. Fifth Ae.S.pledtColeeMx .d
mean right gloves- Carriage adBgae New line t7 eth Plone 471CapledtlLleeMe n
sobuy_________andsave Women~ foxr All PzrposessV
trouble. I aFor etaCule . aftefrmatesalaSC OTT'S DANCING ACADEMY
Foreac r t~tCunpkto oritad ot het-
I $hO I~tfdl ama tet il at uresWASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO.
pricemllbe25Ceth. w arildtobe sesStxrday 10 A. M. ~ad
SEDYU AE50 Cents 7:30 P M. 200 Ee st Wa.shirigtom Street
('N h -TO Dr~go ilveis are required te clleteash
Spac ldingn 1}iut "" iiir unria;eand lbaggage sericeit. Atsembly a o'clot._________________________________
~dU 1 -WALKER'S LIVERY -_....._ __-
Iror a, C8-t.zo-'ze of WATTLES' LtVERtY. Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant By carryig cpy aof the NUCIG~AN Daily Subscriptions Now Due
Spalding Athletic Goods -hns ac DseAeicnLnhso HNRO l yu okt Saefrmm
slit tins. Eerythingftst clatss lor randa, aendat, spcali eventsIUivi tay
Mail Order Dept ladies adgetltemeatSbcitin ae
AtG T !:Caedae in IthixI150page abmat. ivesaays y Sitniuhtn a n aa ii icek,. druft tie
A. 6. SPALDING &BROS. Cinesre atdapnisericiibat t oaeSu ens atheUniv'ersty v.MCAMc a ny mat"
126 Nassa St.. New Yrk. 149 Wabash Ai.Chiuo p Stairs.soe dor S. Hstn Brsn, 314 S Stae St Milia Nall.
STUDIO-RENT-2SCULIER, J319,East Huron Street

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