TrHE M~tAt '"AYlts________ G.IL Wid Comfpay OrSrn 98 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENS]I Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Lather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfull solicited. G. HI, Wild Comlpally 311 South State Street The most complete line of Eniginieering~ Books Drawing Inistruzments And supplies of every description can be had here. You'll find it to your advantage to get o ur prices efore htuying. New and Second Hand Texts for all Depts. AT Sheehan &Co.'s a . A.GO. - G ____ sSPALDING T____S S & BROS. -z The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official Implements oe Track and Field Sports Uniforms for all Sports. Spaldin's Hadsosely Illustrated Catalogue of all sports contains s- meros sueestios. Sed for it It's ree. A. . SPALDING & BROS. Now Yok, Chicago, St. Louis. San Francisc, Minneapolis, Denver, Bufalo, Syracuse, Pitt- burg, Philadelphia, Boston, Cineinnti Bali- more, Washing ton, Kansas City, Cleeland, Now Orleans, Derot, Montreal, Canada. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Maonaging lEditr-Aect' eR F. Rimintt. Business Manager-C. E. WNSErA. News................Iiranil S. Cody, Athletics....David F. Stevenson Exchange......... . John Wamol' Music atd Dramas.....Roy D. Welch WVomne's Editor... Loise Van Voorhis EDITOIAL STAFF J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams Rssell MclFarland NIGHT EDITOS Lecc A Wlhit George iH. Hobar Chauncy Bocher B. G. R. Williams Rymond Vissher REPOT'oERtS L. C. Reiud Theron P. Cooper h. B. Ml-uge J. H. Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Mountier Lowell J. Crr Donald L. Kiny WValter K. Towers Lois Kraft Lewis T. Kniskern Robert Morelanu Pol Greetr Samsuel H-. Morris Otto Enigel Fred E. Gooding BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam H-arold P. Gould Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: - p. i., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Snday. Both phones 96" SAlTURDAY FEBlRUARY i5, t908. lT ttnswtile of list literary sdepar- mnt. requiritigadiutiinta retoiciwsork Of s stdtiscwhs-ios cottposiiisits itsy subjet re faulty, atdi tiscrditaile t a culleecmat, is tttststhlapiy coscis-sd. Writtn work is uttfortntetly repted to toutbinie all te esis f drugeywitub a tnisiissiutsf proi;itstead ofIbeig kiown fist a privilege wict fsrises at ittle thitsrest icntiv-et acuisi- tions, ansdltheqiickest roite t self-si- veiispsest. hBost stdctnts discottiue rhetric slier lthe single riiuiredl year. and ticser agains attemip formsal cmnpo- siion except of necessiy. And fristm le repsurs f lithosewho kow, teir wsritig is always losredl or arid whiere i is noisaccrate. Deasi Reed last steli sidl that tothisisg is mtore disgrace- fuitha tlio ishacve gradas s-Io iwrie faulty English. 'Telagage n-c nrie andspe stak is lit oly the stle tstcdiiim of social itercousrse, but is cotsatly itse in e ic-ry-trofessiont, utie as tmutch as lthesecial tchniicaities. Any- rtis ts imsiprovelthe irad used by college ntillitstill bewesslii sorthi shile. itt-nFINALiE. It il becomses 11st10instuttousti-i srssctors, andtisi, with a fesv words o clear it f siinsdry carges, see sill leave the esamuitaioti sqsestiots to those sthto at-cboh h ie swisdlomssasisithe ipower to hasislecit. All site iata si-rchoisses frmui ndiesirgrauiae lift at Aicigon, andittcompiriscidotly sus selections as. frostsfutlness of experienceisectosgt ourselvsc cmttpeltet ts speak tpot. All our jitsgtntts. lhoweicver geteral its scope, is-rc specially atachsedeits this saint itndergraduliate lif. 'Thetord ihoor" sas emspoyed wstils t sigticaion whtichiit carriesiher, tnately, "witou dislgrac." Thesword as. so used, is dils- 1inct fruitsthe tichntica termsi"honors," whiich is unikitows-iin this lars f te counitry Our itdirect conmpairisont of students ts certain aiimas of a loser order sas equally inniocent. W'se orseres as Msic- igan unidergradutates, aerthe sutjects f list estinate; ad ite iwords, whiics at tilt wort lre comoninos oigh, aiid iavit nosver- oiprotriis contotalti, lre.i suh use, oensneiter to list charge (f ielegance sr iunmanerlitess. Wetliastiet addsithat those arcsiiai- ies whichs. in ats impossrtatsdiiscissiot, se wsostldiproaly fear sisicsless lan inaiccuitaiy. 'fisticremtarks may tic a- kets ither s ati apology, or as ti reci- tal f our on grivances, acsrtitg as th raer is mindedttt. S-tY! "Fons' seats adasiboxsfsitMisthli- gensia'svr appiliedi for y a local orser last eveninig. 'Te coimsittee's rliig miasde iiteessary- to refer the apli- cantstithisismiorititg's salt. tf tis srieis sits-criterios--- 'si-eli If str stils aiidlcisiiopsieras amie. sev-eratlties a yar,lt' cssbhosse miai- ager isightst-citsisg, "E-ery Dat-is Lathes' lDay wsti lls \l siN wit lililie liN~tti. Our fate as to exams ress isiseciedi 'iiNMat. iLet y- ti uncofined! MCit EoeNnA RetueASiSi. Milchigetnda rehearsals take letoit- say as follos- Ocette andsi Cosise atis Be Sociablse" trie, to a. i.. at lthe \Majesic stage entranie.- Printcpas anduu irsniatsto10a. m.. Schoolso(f hlisi. Esntir cmsipany at I :3it p. i., Sessoss of hMusic. Princiipas, 7 is.ii. Sholiso(f ,Music. Pe stisumies-Alicosris bosys, 9 at.. Ruoit C, Ut'tsitiy H1-lat;girls nstinit octetete see his. Lyoss itsiso rnsg oc- ts'tegirl s sum its e 15t'oday. GIRL~S SIG TO\IleT. The Girls' Gle~e clists sill girt a eusi- cetndaid aiseetosnigtin Ita sroist Di, at it ocloick'his Carkisi sill gist readitgs as it sis Duist of iteSehiol of hVustle sill sing. .OS''-silver opet-face swatchs. sil Aittistreet btwieentsFifth std Thayer. Initiials L..iE. Fitder pleas retirtto 326 ast Annt. Recward. 9-9 LOS'T-Watrnsan foittait et, left itt Farmers & Melwcisib tank, Fel. 13. .Retiirnsto Dailysosfice. AT THE CASINO TIIATER- NO'TICE 'T' 'THE STUDENT1S For up-to-date vaudeviletasd msoiig pictrts,comeitteotsthe 5 cet thelatat 339 S. hMaiii St. A good specialty all this we-ek. Nae lHorninig, Prop. 97-00 Intercollegiate Notes. D~artiiioutith at jiscomipeted ltree news-dosrmitioris aid ass aissitorissis. Ass iser-fratrntyiniidoosr lasetal league has attaincid great poulsarit t Iwa uniersity. etu's iasketbal teamusias alarady stoil fiurteeni coisecuitiv-e-vicoieis slt of seenteeti gamestspIlaet. Fitt ue tellers at list-a's uisiis fair asisetise iteir issigittitslthesijets sf 'liste marriage, aisilthitresists f hininiesota is s-c avea et swimiiiing psou, '3 by (o feet, wirih a sdepih lopn fromti Isue fec-s ast e esisdts eight feet at liii-ohse. 'Te iDaiv trisicet utiiass sats that te suudentl bodsy dlis t 1edsorse thei-ationu of thes'foottbal comtutini - si everinge relatiossuswuithsCornicll. Eighteeni of te itwety-si reisieu -msists its Amicansleters at-esollege b iresi sevenutei-i-litheitsgteitn stee firomsdenoiminatiiosial essllegi-. 'T-e Freshsmuani tibating disaHaii r-is var-aiasorganiz-edhlasi t-echo'I'liiia- i sial Yale-iHarv-ardifreshmsans detate wilt 1'w hld at Cmnbhrig iihatch. Aprpos of the reenu txpse" o f list Carlisle Indians footal teamu, it is i- teressing to ntte that osu- 100,000upe siet iitueseil thuir layig lacst easni. Viiiiectoss-.ies ai Cosiunell hten just tuessniermuittedi ts ake ut biooks fist sit ue frost the univtiersity litrar,- wthtt ich utmursves abssuut 330,000 sivo sue. hMettbters uf tileecs fihe iusophuiumor lay at Cislumtbti at-cbsenc-us elitit-us rehearsat stsis'are iiow in rgress. 'lis souphomosssres siltiprst Th'lst Pritae Scretar' Iavr laicaltedioutulcaniduiiatt--.fist.the crewst'anudhbasateiamt-tts O out.iiias- last. The hocskey- teat s defeatdl I ari- mothotoii,1 i3. audth te basketbateaml-ii list is Willitias 35 usot Princetoniu has aready sceduldssir-s ty-th ree tbasetial gismes fis t heouiuisg season, wshichs still ilast frisust chicre25 Is Juu- o. liii fiuiusmemberittu of-last year'.islilta ae etnlst lby gadua-c Vale has receivesi a beuest f $uo, ooo fromtsMhis. Jasmes i. Olivr, of Pitt- hbsrg, fist erecing i smemsoria buiingss 1o lie tos, ID.Leet fluter, '8,off wis as killd iniintut mobilst cciunsusss Junes. If y'uuwsant your shoes repireu so iheysill ook like ets, leave theis at the MioudesShot Reiair Shou. (iit I. Wcihlimit S., tis- stp ta gutes yisi promsitssetsice aissdIcourteous Itrat- Now Ready TEXT- BOOKS isr alt tipastunsts outhstr Uniersity, W1e havie a large soth of- SECOND HAND BOOKS it t lust Pries'soni Drafting Instruments and Supplies All kinds of Second-Iand Books taken in exchange for cash. WAHR' S University Bookstore C. [.ARIN[[ Law and Medical Books Treves Anatomy, New Edition, (just received.) Stimsotn's Fracturesand Dislocations, New Edit- ion. Morris Anotonmy, 3rd Ed. half leather, $2.50, h a lf orocco $3.00. These are new books and only a few left. Ca-li or exchange your Law, Medical and Dental Books. C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. State S. Broken Eye Glasses grn sites us a fwhutruss Any eusuuduplicated. The-. sus-usucatsl- WM. ARNOLD, Jewler 20 Sousi ManStreet.- .imir 00000 EEEPRI gS UEF D Special Courses IN Flusic FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS School of Musxic MAYNARD STREET John Tetmple Grasses Dr. Brander Matthews Lelatnd T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Contiest Open Nunmher Cbe !5tubents' lecture 1ssociation Season of 1907-$ TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays jHE CO=O 0DP OE i '1.'- I 121 WahIngton L. The Ra'ndall Studio, Randall d& Pack, Props. Phone 598