,.~MY~IG N G .Sa*~ Burchfield's Fine.Tailoring Trade Can" Deliver, p The4 .Goods SaIX} Burclhfield ( 106 & j5' B~AST HURON ST. BROWN'S Drug Store 10 5 .Lihierty' St. AL~AIRM1CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All heest ats a nd fiutll- 4oas seed i1 1CH1.04N PINS AND) FOBS Sup to $5.00 ~0INE, WATCH-IREPAIRINGi 5A SPECIALTY. Watch Inhspectorfio' the Ann Arbor tRairotad j. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Breanch: 304S. State St. SECOND'S ONLY W, E. 'JOLLY MRS. J. R. IROJANOWSKI 4SHIONA$BLL. HAIRDRESSER a.tr~f~os f Iakrdressing, Shampooting an*uinFace Massage a Spescity. 32 . s.st.$e St. (t'p,,tairs) Bel Phone 359 iONATION TO LIB RAT RY lon. Peter Whlite, of Mfarquette, re- ceitly made a gift of $i,ooo to the library fuod of the University. The (oor, makes his gift for the purchase of rare medical books. Regent White in the passthas made U numlber of dona- ions so the Uivsersity. Th e genteral lilbrary has received a sos her of college anustats in the past' fesw weeks amidthotpes in the sear future lt Ia 'thel publications of almost all of she univsisctics throaghout the coman- iiy sTie folloswing are thue asnnusals of tlie difterentsivssersities iinl telibrary aprsent i: "Blue ansI Gold," Califor- r tss-" akeye Iswa; "Tyee," Wash- igton: "Bhugle" Iliocweoisn ;"Coloradon- ii (n, ioliiraiiii 'Capanid Gaoss," Clhi- cao Iauger," Wisconsssin; "The Car- tts" eas; 'Pits Possrri ," Yale; "De- is."I Piutdue. Ubriitsant Kischsstates thsialit wsituhis ine io ntosecure asossanysvof the assl uasas posssileifor tse aessefit of the lutrs ofthe le icliiisessiasi. "We arc .aigsomsteclittle trossble it securing' lie bos.sk'asidi 7r. Rocs. "The sme- ~ui thslrousghs siwshich velrte is the tbrrics. atdililelyall use colleges are ,litsecanasge fur our anual, still iasti librins trepoiiritta they do sot aecess t their assitsals. Unless swe rc gst iven a srgulasrsuitsslersif annussals teatr, iweisill lnto tse ableto con- t its'it-sirksaftr the ipresenit suplyi "INI)Ii\IiiL' i,ISbi ANDs CXIIS"' ''(,Retv. Chtarles IL. Slatesry, D1., re c i f Chris church, Sisritiefielil. lss., still deich thle nsttSloesumsslee- t ic udr te ausipics siifteHosbat tisisiatiSt. Andrewss's chsusschs.Stintissy. sih.16 t 7 :30 p. It. I i si setwill "Ii its sisis andi 'stsI itvia' l1tr.i tStttryi..s.sgsrasstsed st Ilitts-st'i iis tsits t tin),adtu silte tsacsl Th 'oii s clsisii Camsbisidge, :Matss.. Il S894Psor cesvet eas lisetrussdeans tsescathesdsral its Fsrsisssssi, lisss. i-ifs senst chasrge is te largest sprishisnt :'tcrn Masiselssahsetts. Nossritisssassi- i ; i ot es itseady'ttiwosnsts shigh r uisis is a public ispeakier. kit. llteyis t'sitsthor ofss-vreal nstable is'He stis hee ts' itddeslsUnti- 'I'lVES l lP I \JC . tSX Xiii I E A T I N VlZI t. isoits' gtttds;ltii stt. isss o on. is li ar- sclyS L affair, Is t a sissit-tlesi its tesiri stll ste girls of sthe -tass. Dusrinth l nchtsi ost sit sstscttts'estset Wsiso atetil' sf a icisyertiy i at'sttsi t cl. Underwvear, 5Shirts, Gloves, la rerp ry frteee ig-- e , 2. Wis h Nvc sill it'e sthe nst cat in the si scrses sto 1 itsges tli st.' sesiir girls. Trousers, Hose and rHats 20 Aiter sthe itu' lis t he s its rt' slts)h situ' foiristnte'enoussghlnts sass~oe, per -cent off. Suits, over= ooccs sitayesteadac itseBnu - titlist patrlsirs. 1, aI 1 -D 1 f o 1 ( ' C'- t ' ' 'iiletGrua'ls~ittubshed sisIo cissi iseet- im5us lsi at tiabo'rgyms tsitalst lilt It spt ohr f lisa , stir assstitissis of thse idletwalks., sassist ii istitiubtr if te ismtest risattended' . Prof . SSs'tls'x gast- a5 ssittalkstils' its uate sc shs iatter untivecrsiis andtt xpsa~ssinedsom iie of te sieaksis litsits ite prassntmthodissci r'fresh sis, esii-rc 'ertedst5 sitheitsaffairs t it'lpcilsis's'dsngts e rvics 1 the11echsissits i it siet'Comis te site is it lits requss tit t k'uinussthe' lec iresroomscifs 5a1 isis 11,11, Slisay, Fses. 17, 4 p lists cli tttr itits still bl it''itsitndiu formas'l enro tll- rofshos.s liis. lii)S. ASint Sireetbysos Sirce 1858 ste save static Watch Re- stlt7is.n taste oatour straitgeit fetusres. ii stlers. aelasars .Stitre, 216 S. SMaitn sreet. Coil See asic comiplese lise of. Michtigats pits, foist asid toacetiri. Halter's Jewselry'Store, 2t6 S. Ittainsatireet. coil Ses'Deliensssg & Fislew sisfStll lute sit Michsigasttsfobshutslut, 'n d s ' .113 P~stibeliirty Si. cod Alarmtaclockss warrantsed for asae year, $s~oo. 1laliers Jewery Store, 216 S. Itlait stsreet. Cod r iM ' fo ts'rlr ii i l. arsi Si,slit basbal me : t usiite'lts itn iswbs'sll its is. sit' Spttlsingt's lists'a C'ssltiigs. 5t i per cent off. Some Old. Suits at one half off A .Money Saving Opportunity St;a.ebler C(4 u-ferth Are." tsA-bctar-, :MiCh, *.OUT OISTYJF The man. who buys (( shoes ech season i never, out of style because i( shoia k p abreast of shoe fashion. Every de- sirable feature that fashion dictates or fancy desires can be found in sosadteohre nta s .1 she n h te etasof satisfactory shoes, comfort, and service, are contain- ed in all 2(4-4CItt shoes. Walk-Over Shoe o . usR st-sWISCOaSIN' l'i t Das I' iES. Chle~'is lKendalli but sits a formser prkidntotsei-sisty 55of Wtiscon-s is n isuand tsli M c ian sissu s , ds.siestlstl in it si te bsuriali c irlassPIesikide t alesiVan iiacof V susinspokea hsbtils of the wsork of Sit 'rAas dtsotuhsisutssiret'o lie bsuriedt Iwrthe'buildit i st. f theuniessty sub is 'itch ite'wattonceisressienst. sincts statusied "sits latush ear -' - 'sis tus iig t lt ositits aI 5 msilliontt dollars. .. ' ~ - ' -"~-Hart, Schaffner& Mar, f s Ctosk llittliseP1s'0011sst 7PsitepFUL DRESS SV /ITI list. I iim', cen';isr-isi5s 5 t- ' T eC ohier, last «laes, Aits Suits Scitis.Properly Ta.ilorsd r !(t f'AI1MRS AND OILENANICS hANS uMA~t4 AND HURON STREETS I Ca i~l. $50,000, Suirpius andi Profits, $65,000t st}eaiktattisg iBusiness. 3ipect'eipaisi1 ona *Time adsitSavinsg.- eposits. Saftsy iie- psitBoxes:to rens as $:.00 andiapears Kt- 19m, pr res. . 0. SoTottioc. Vic-teesj F. 4~ i,8t. Cast. it A. WbosLsAmsiAsst, Tho At~ Arbor Savings Bank Oi~tatsstuck, $s,00. So pl ut.o 0s,sUU Resources.,200,soso0 A tenera Oanking BusinessT ransacted 55r Ctttu Chhs. I.Hiscock, tees.; it Ds Hsarrimsan, Vice Pros.:tM.5. jFritsz.tCastie STATE SAVINGS BANK NY. .'DItnt Jno. V. Stehian win, Arnold Dr. V. C. Vasghsan 15 as. it. Wade Ht. F. Mills i onoHUarer.Jets. Koct rd .B. S. Caehart Hienrey W. Douglas Otristian Martin Dan F. Ztimmseman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Op ANN ARSos, MICHt. F. KINNE, HsARRISOtN StLE, Pres. Vsic-pics. F, 0". W. LAttFSOSN, dashiser. iaital, $100,000. SurpusandPruit suis, §150,000. G'iman -American Savings Bank CommeYSrcissian.td SussvirasF C. 4S5!5,Issin. "d Libety Streets ii OUR ANNUAL JANUARY SALEB OF Suits and Overcoats Our entire stock of Suits and Overcoats divided into 3 Lots Lot 1 200 Suits at 1m2 off' 200 Lot 2 250 Suits and Overcoats at 1-3 off 250 All the balance of our entire stock of Suits and Overcoats at 1=4 off._ All Trousers at 20 (/ discount. WADHAMS ( CO. III THE Palai'sRoa 00 1". t irty St. U. i-f M. PILLOWS AND PE-NNANw TS tA FSII CURIOS and BRASS I-suis l'o now 01 . Mtartin FUNERAL Y®. an het 0115cc 209 S. th Ave. Phone it rtntLahe elsuadesich lsc-Hof n tesi so 508, th ve.Ptoo~ 14 ateLetheccB e vet at issck, t [4siO'c~) . tbAv. l oe,314mass Y ',A Tu.o., h e s i its it I At Totte'., 33$ St. State AMBULANCE ON CALL. isieceno HEBttescess sitU' wt h5.-l 5 tutU cardi __________________ . 4 ,,.,. ST DIOR-EN TS CHFIER, -3.19 East Huron S'treet