r r . G. I. WildCOMpany Ou pnimported and Domestic IWOOLENS]I Is no0w ready., It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades andi Up-to-lDate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou 'an, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Yosur patronage respectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Comfpanly 11 Soth State Street The most complete line of Engineering Books Drawig Irstr~jmeimts Antd stpples of every desriptitontcattbehad he re Y ott'11fttd t to your advantia-e to g et ot r ericIssbefore buintg. New and Second Hand Texts for all Depts. AT Sheehan & Co.'s S A. G. SPALDING ___P tALl & BROS. ,MAR. The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Oficial Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, (ol, Lawne Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey OticiatImpeoets o Track ad Field Sports Uniorms o att Sports. Spaldi's Hadsomesry Ilustrated Cataogeofotllttsports cotais nu- meros sgeestions. Snd orit--It's fr. A. O. SPALDING & BROS. New Yorktihicaago, St. Luis, Sac treracese, Ntineapotts. Dever,ttutfao. Syracse, Ptto- tar, thttadeipht, tato, Cicitnnat, Btt- nate, Wasinteon, 1ttsssCijty, Cteveand, Now Orleans, Detrot, Matrea, Canada. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Mtanaoging dtor-ARCcne F. RTCcHE. Business Manager-C. E. WNSTEA. News;...........Hiram S. Cody Athletics.......David F. Stevenson Excatge.... I. John \amost Mtusic andt Drama.....Roy D. Wels Womens Editor.... Loise Van Vooris EDITOIAL STAFF J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams Russelt McFarland NGTeEDIORenS Lee A Whlite George t. oart Chauncery Bouher B. G. R. Williams Rtaymnod Vissether aREORTEtS ,. C. Reid Thero P. Cooper NI. . McHsugh J. HI. Prescott A. L. Mainline Robert Mountsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney \Water K. Toswers Lois Kraft Lessis T. Kisisernt Robert Moreland Patti Greer Samuet H. Morris Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wr Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address: MICHIttAN DAILY, Pres Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's our: -2 p. i., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Snday. Both phones 96o FRIDttAY, EttltbtARY 4, tof3. -tOIt btCtI;ANl;NSIAN. The plaist of te Mitiganesian board osught to le listeted to ad teswartisg taknbesyo ever)- deisqueit setior ats clots oficer. It is a strikisg commenetar ont the sese of restonsibility of msutS of illsse peotie that the seioir anituat is held upjseery year by te negligence sif a certaisn roportio of te seior class -snds of the organizations. It is not a matter of great diffclty to et Owreq urest Iitires takeit asd copy is ingiood seastoit. epecilly nt ith te opeigday s of the ess semiester, swhest si orbhsosnsot tbegtunsto ile ttt to an great extest Attd yet le story is aIaste. samse ftotis eartssear, of le eonih sesl ieglet astd selay of souuse indsisisluals. Their prcrastiiationt ads tenfotido te dificlties ttat beset te path f tesenciiors has-lg tic pblia- toil in chelsss.ands iecessitates te tlong tass forrtpubicaiion sstichls stuse- imsexeteindedslmaitost to cmenecemett ie. Let ttis be a emisinder to ttem ''l(,stustsions of seiior oiors is ass a gilt-atlsurce of disussiosi at this itte etsh year. It ought not to e cot- ;iserd ttlter of untdtue sef-gorifica slots to respssnd sincerely to tte request th N leligaeisiaisn takets eh yer for ass eisnumieration sof itdividat recores and hoors. IThese are ue bits of i- formtati ott which wsilitnae te asnusal msisot valuabtsle to le seifors tie setes asito somiaiy others s set, its succeed lug years. Ini loinigsp a s9o grad- ate in Iis aitissal, there are certait facts ablout Iis uiidergradate activities whicts -:is-iiiwouldtsislhe t bross-ndouogti ts hrestle tsfitd oti. These are the Tisgs wschtoussgttsle litutownson tie senior recosrdslliaitkssstnd it is a false msottestyhysihsittsisitt ssppressingc thet. Inteicollegiate Notes. STtlf;NTSisOEtAisttsAS tITIZEN. Presiseti Vantiise of \Wisonsinshas addrilessedlasleteter ts thesmayor of Madi- son itswhichs te sys iith t testniresiy Officials regard te studenests as citizens, st-ie, at farasithte lists is coincerned, have nostpecial rights. Pre-siset VsitIise decltres further thtss if a distinsctioss stere to tesitade etwstecn students aid siller citizenis tte foriseelre uter ex- ceptiuualstuotligationsstoisibey le last its every restpect. KASS sCeIsseses 0)T.5AMALGAMATE,. Studsents ii the colleges of Kansas wthI itdsesire to bIessmttencgieers or py- is-cis 5wil havietopp~otninty to coitinuse their wotrk wsittsist the loss of aly tite iii these sciestific sholtss of the Uise- sty f Kasa~s if the planis of that isti- titissntasetcsrriettot. Ifo cetmet the relatisnsipitbIetw-esn teirvi sersity-aid Is-- colleges, a commsssittee fromsste fac- slty f t-sunivesity atsisitediesrly all tse stsr inistitutionis of te stte. Ittslsie Istittte, f Nest Jersey, hsa sdecidtlst o abandonlitscoeuscationi. Thse costruscteion of the ies Crnegie ibrtytt Dsile PIswsusits vttsersitytiltegii hiftssring. Tswishustsredsmsess havte sigiedlsitsfoe th sirig tackllwork t theUsisersity f Caiforniait. Alist of freshmisent t-Io a- ectsenvi- lating the cau et frownsttitwils re- cesstly- pubishedlits the 1-eald. Corellt-uiveisitys is to hatie a $o,ooo clubhossisse fistatoes. rowbosats, etc It till also serve s l theheadqasrters for tle ditfferent college cress. colltgs- freshmaitn -it sess Casmnbers,a Blssisiisliston s. Caimbers steight 65 ponds tandt is less thantusfie ft-t high. Foursi-stdents stee caussgtscribintg sduing examintatint s-webat Colmiba. fIts- ets-15planof ex-amsiig sallte st- densltoigette isin t- giiiiisiuimi si Th t-iPennslvsani siisetusi itidu see sots-itsNest England nilii teir ainnutal lepthrisiousgi tatsresgion. IThe pricital citiesontiltl trouste ase Btostot mist tBridgeport. fThe glee sti-i retrni to tPhilsadelphitaSuintdas. The 'University Of Columisbia liss its- stitttd a corise is thettressitastin iof st-e trownted. The course is gise i tite sswimsiting tsItb- the swsimtisiins. iistrctor three tine a yer. The course is completed its t week ansI count" towarstd gymnasiuim credit. t(? ilsotie sttidesits -'at the Untiversit- if eWiscsiis are to save a chaspel tif their Feisuss a-I-saiit iversity hsstatsredla itear- -of -hooks written.sbIts-ra(rltrliaes TiNso Dc.Posits studlents'trere sJIiitiial- ediiy sthetitothibitioni - sarly forstte retsresstatis-es'its Isdiassa: Niniets-eiglit stensts ster- sisisissedi trom S'tatslors ivtsersitsy- sfter. the flest sesmester biecaiuse of stir swurt. OnINs three sbotf isthe eeiicuted. Raslpht F. Wess-erlisigpresidlentlif the ,fretlsmans classIailstheUnvsitsy vof Ne- lsrasktas-txpeedtoe refussinugtolapolos- ier fitakttii i sgpat iniIkiltsaptinit. oesioitisre. thas tainedrsla1lawyes. itltse tbe cisetefore the hoardet sitre-s-sits. Yleoffticitalistsav isrfuseritthe use if lie univsiiity udiing hasll fosrthir nsolni abaqeit wisch S tssrst Wftftis ,o iseab. SereitarySitoesh sssit 'ale hit t ot ldo liiithusngtsha tioldtllsk tilts-atilisg -sises its a shlieti ltsonis-i. ttresidhent Elistof IHarvsarsd, at ti re getissnesusf this-Nt-st lasushiil lar- sardtclut,deis-iis-itlestteenst thost H arv-trdewstatrich maitis's ecollege,-tush slushl that onse-fouthif theit-sludhentsisere -o sior tuatthey sash ts behi-ielpedh ts get thsrouugh college. Sentior girls it Smtihshilts-csenst a pro- tst tsoWeslesan iiiiiig thi se s i ftut lege ts aandon hui ste htiotiei utosf lt-i-r approach~intg shute, "Tie Grttute atuhe slG irl." The scense of this- sissicalh suitsedy is haiti at Smsiths, admistSuittt girls tie ptiraed u its decolette gownrss. - flue 1)a11v'Ctalifornuian, this sttudet datils if lie btiieisity of Ctaliforntita. uns- tususlsub sshlicationss last uweeb ow ac- -sutl f f inancitae mbasuu ttras-itsit. Is is hiisle- ptllilissd hlitssi-cet, buttuttliss hue strittenst titds-,isuies thur $80oo seu-icis te papetr ssillh'is-forced t eatse ptsuli- cahtii ltoigethue. Aretcult editorialI 115 taits iiits siolsumssiututu of lthift- Placretturs. 502 Pttkard StIi. Re stirsd. 96-i tiss\ttEl PauutttMss-sitNst-CAtRDS. See oust testlhue of iltuut-uiFagter& Iltill filihettuity *bttnqusettprtogranms tush Banqs~uet uuensubefore placinsg your or- der fis~t ssisr 10hoshoutsepIsties. Nose steltsihistuttrer..Alsost is-snte if lesterit y -suit I1lhishiglsss staitonery in i hts city. Typtesiting cely doniesit. SJoltiffe & Kitiihcf,-hbove Co-ott. eodu I tf yoilwatoltyouse shoues r-epaired'sit sissywill ub *lbs ete, lessve tlrtttast thes Modlern Shtoe ieiitSti hp itsc=i1l,. 'WIhhissusiSi., thssshotp tit givss",mli prom t sice -anidi coutieous tt 5it- nieii. o01~ 01 See ourr comptete ire of Micthigans pins, fotbs and sonvenirs. Hatter'- jewtelry Store,..2ith S. Main street. rod Now TEXT-0 ;1 ).otrtusallsdpatmets otthe Lotterstty, tit us la e tcn oif SECONB HAND BOOK Ge thisut listesits Drafting Instruments and Ssupplies All kinds of Second-Hand Book's; taken in exchange for cash. - WAHR'S'. University Bookstore SOME NEW CRE ATIONSy- I N PILLO'W COVER AND- BANNERS*, (The neatest thing ever put sutn LYN DO PHOTOGRAPIR I ALEY & EDMUNDS, !Bportiuig 0ooa0 -z 121 EASIf LIBERTY STREET Broken Eye Glasses; - 555 5 it ifttREAIilEi tte opert alt optical shopthttt ,rindis liss inaht awisous. ASy tats-isl at Tehstsacetex- WM. ARNOLD, Jew.vler. 20 uhat ususmatisat-eet ; ,I A~T Special Courses IN flUSIC" FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS School of MXnio MAYNARD STREET Ube !Btuaents' 7lecture EIsociatioi." Season of 1907-8 John Temsple Graves Dr. Braulider Matthews Leland T. Power Oltie Read' Oratorical Cotest Open Nunmber TICKETS 'FOR COURSE_ INCLUDING RESERVATIO.N RE- z DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6.~ M. Mondays and Thursdays. 121 Washington E. The Randall S~uiRandall & Pack, Props. rhopwe 5:J