________________TlH 1ttdHA DtAMt Valenmf Inc Pos*ta~d Remnemaber the children at home 10c, 5c., and 2 for 3c D. D. S. COLD AND GRIP CURE Take it in time suet don't msiss a class :.25c CALKJN'S COUGH BALSAM For the tight cough and sore throat 25c 13. E. CALKI NS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. A-MUSE-MENTS ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT For the Entire Week COMMENCING M5AJESTIC F EB R UARY THEATRE 10 The flilowing Aitracilons will be. Presented: 1.--Overture. 2.-Frank and Edith Raymond. WreAt. 3.-Pauley and Healey. si'spi n-- nd inn. 4.-Russian Rappo Sisters. Rusin ,, n ad Dnce. 5.-Theresa Jacobs Irieians- 6.-Sadie Aitorabi,.Europe iii A oair ic ninsu. 7.Harry Walters.. i1 ~i nk "i~an 3.-Polo. 'P1cIio' it Mu 'i cisv.. 9.-Malestiscope. PRICES-Enire , l Iirto ori,35c;Uainily Cice,,3te; tisiey, 25e: Gallery, 1Se; Box Seats, ro. CALENDAR. teb eli;-"Le.Romantisme Francais." _leture by Prof Mortz Levi. Tappan HaI-ll leter, room 4 p. i. Admission ieb.3 \ saliitline luncheon' of the senior grilsin farbour gymnasium. Feb i4 Ctholic Studens' club dance, ?arbour gymnasium. Feb 4-Sophomore engineer dance. Liraugers Feb. Ia-.Seat sale for, "ichigenda" commences at g a. i. in University Hfal. teb. Tj--Girls' Gleu club coceert and dance, Barbour gymnasium, 8 p. t. Tickets onl sale at War s and at Root's music store. Feb. 17-"'tmnperatrice Josephine" iustrated lecture by NIL Louis Madein of the University of Paris (a Sor- bonne), Sarah Casiell Angell Halal, 8 p. it.aispices of Cerle tDrattatique Francas.. Fc. i8-The Scol for Scandal" Whitney theater. Feb. 20-La Principaut de Monaco," alk y Herbert Vaughan, Tappan Hall 'ecttire room, 4 p. im. Admission free. te. 20-uanctdres party of \Wo- mns Legte Feb2t-Tisxs' Nets'Whites thea- Feb. r-rSuiio girls' eal) year party -nBrbu ynnasium dtrig the een- IFeb 2tAthletic carnival, high school. Ieb 4--ST,.A. John Temple G~r'ises Uivsersity Halal. Feb 2y-Jane Cochrne in "The D)olt Hocuse" New Whitnney theater. Ieb 2--"athematics," a lecture of enejl interest by Prof. Cassius J. Key sri of Columbia university, at Sarat Ca.swell Angel flal, 8 ip.Im. Feb 26, 27 28-"M~ichigenda," Wed- te lay'IThurstdayand Friday eenings. veiWtitney theater. Ieb 7-'Ie Theatre au College," a talk by Herbert A Kenyon 'Tappan fiail ecttre room, 4 p i. Adisision free. Feba28-Lelnd T. Powers, on S. IL. A. cottrse, Umiversity Hlal. Feb. 29.--Catlerite Otenman in "The ,GirtlTat Looks Like ie" (natiniee and ight). Mtar. 2 -letlali Pin,in "L en Riv- rs." 'ar. i-Vanitithlnditadae, Barbour .yettasuntn. ENIVESTV NOTICES Orait(rical association picture 'Friday t 12:30 Renshers studio. Rehearsal for the cast of Micigid at 4Jco'clock, aid chorus at 7. ifop representatives meet at Theta Dlcta Chii hostse today at5 o'clock. 'lTtere swit be a metiig of the girls' chits of fHobart Gtild in Harris fal today at 3 p. ii. French 2: 'Mr. McLaughlii's ti o'clock secioni kindly ieet in RomtiC. Univsersity Hlal, at same hoir. Gratduate club nieets in Barbotr gym- tasi mu toiight at 8' o'clock. Prof. We'in-' Iey ssil steak. lmpprtant btsiness, The first regular netitg of the Scan- diniasiaiicli will be held in Room G. t'iisersity fll, tonight at 7 o'clock. Aniiual election of officers for New, York cltbswil tke place at clubhouse Saturday at 2 p . Aill1 members must be present. Whets this heavy snow breaks up you sill need Rubber Boots and Rubbers. Remember we hae a complete stock for mni and women. Mt~odern Shoe Repair Sop, 61u E. Wiliami St. 96-ot There is a differeince in billiard ibles. Wheni you play on a Struinssvick-tlalke you kntow it is ihe best.Mie hasve no otherI miiake. ..$LIAI*. 8,SWLI,*O. LUNCHES, CIOAR~I, CANI1S a.TOBACCO. A12 S. S~t Ei. ma'st MOV'S, ARBER SHOP 7fSNlN~ul ntvetiF'A ve. The Best Store. in Town For~oung Men's Clothing- That's what our maniy well satisfied younuger set customers tell tis. Tile best store, for the reasoni that here can be seen the greatest. variety of snappyr styles aiid attractive patterns. The Isest store, because the values we toffer fit Stein-Bloch Fine Clothing For Young Men haven't got their etnal in this cite. Everything First Class LINDENSCHMITI, APFEL & Co. 1.4 Qff HO0A G'S14 Qff Begiting Wednesday morning Jait. 2. and ending Saturday' night Febi. 8, we offer for this period of ten days atnythiing it our eiitire establislintetit at a Di scounxt of 25 per cenxt E. G.HOAtC Flat Clsp Garters for solid coor t.Tb' newest shades and designs of one, piec - , pare sil1k LL web .11sAll ..'Ch" "toc , SIK plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair. SIK all dealers or by mail. PIONEER StUSPEitIJPR fC0., 718 Market Street ' Philadelpia Mkr o ioiI'ni,rs sni.nie FLAT CLASP New Whitney Theatre BELL PHONE 480 HOME PHONE 200 WINTER JO-YS, cotme only to those who are fortified by abundat health and vigor against cold amd cx- posure. Bodily warmth comes from good digestion and good food, not from flannels and overcoats. Shredded Who le Wheat is the food that brings fullest enjoy- mnent of Winter Work or play,;. because it is rich in the heat' m a k i n g, muscle-building elements and because i4t is so easily digested. It gives the litheness and supplenessa of limb that make the human body a thing of power and beauty. A breskfast of SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT, with hot or cold milk or cream, wilt supply : ~ .ee~rgy for,,a&halt day's work. TRJSCUIT is the same as{:the $iscuit. eatept that-pit-is compressed itoea wafer sod to used asn.a TOAST for any meat instead of white flour bread.. At all grocers. Our. new illustrated Cook Book is> sent °free. ,iii; 'IT'S ALL IN THE SHREDS." THE NATURAL FOOD CO., Niagara Falls, N. Y. a ...1 Tbeatoriulit Ann Arbor's Pioneer Moving Picture Tbeotre Continuous Performance, 2 to i0 p. m. JOE GILLARD Prop. Webb 'sForiHighi Grade Cnis te Cream, Fruit tens, Punches, Sherbets, F+rozen Liquid F'vons for all Oecasions. Faney Napkins and Deities :salted NtCases. WebsChocolates are unsurpassed. 109 S. Mahn.att. ALWAYS A" EAD IN STYLES MILWARDj .. . MALOR THE BEST OF, FWERV' THiING IN TAIL.ftN