A'pure Sap aone which willt FOR 1E4EBRA I''EB22 GUNCI-II FOXT OI3A .
:oie a fre lathersewould bera treat: 3
tore a y bher btahlArrangemnts for the WVashington's Tite tirst of a series of s'xc usr girls
S orscanseure Moth or a 1ir1of I'irttsshsy' celebration wer-e comletedt festivities swill tsr gis etsz totla illthte .(
enu~ Ystersday. -Gel. 101h1n '. Black, a weell form of a St. Valcettine's. lunsciteon at
N o po L A N sknsown Chicago -attorney, twill be the Barhottr g'yttttasitittn at t2 oclock.Ils The Colg
speaker. of thte day. Gtn. Black is fa- reft-eshtments will lbe 'ervedli' hrMts. Sadr
''CASTFILE mstofrrhtis eloquence and hi' address Motley. satnd erie icis ptrottised h tstr-
ts eagerly ats'aitecdsy tthos'e .tto hare ing; atid after the lutncteotn.Alitnited t
ti' hltbr 5ofseasrdshitim speak before. satnter tof tictaets stillbIton staste atthile
0 IMe Kilo 50C Gent.' Black svas bornin t Lexitngtoo, dstor, thse admttissiott beinttwtsyu-fis'e
: st ks 1 t25a Mhiss., itt1t839. He wsas educated at ceats. Thre commnittee its chatrge of thte
It ailastx ands at Knox college. He served affair is cottstsssetl sf Misses I Isnter,
=AT- intshet Civil warty risitng frotn the ranrk Tsurner, Itittiet. tall. Revn1ttssttrandtel
ofriv ate tssthsat sof colonel. From lifiattd.
Q ~ ~ usSS'r ~T88 lt t e wsrcotmtnissionxer of _______
pesosss a taetmtter of Cotngres 1$3-5, F;AN'CY t)RESS PARTY
Ocrnee ttat yt.stutnd 'tiriAte\. UnstedtStatecs attorttey 1t95-9H ewas OCUS tRARj2
_____________________________ comm sasnser-i-chief osf thte G. A.- R. ittn___
,,. Tc________________________503-4, and sittce January, 1904, he htas Thetc'atntttal fanecystress patss'y sof the
__________________________________ btess presidentt of thse Utited States civil 'ttst etie ssess
V I 5 Lauwhc a shdld srie ommttssion5. fr thte tighstsuf TFelt. 8.Nvs stoe
M oney Loanedu h xrcssol e.2 wl ei
execiss sttFel. 2Hwll.Tetante' still ttsw take ptheell 20. 1h
On 'atches, tDtamos st . att Boost :'t0 t. .ittVUiversity H ll t e asontfsor thean'rtg' s' e ca eth
or dtre pe.' tt tpessser titreec Isws'clases stilt natrcttas tutsual ste itesaes s s
O rfther- pe' Itona l t erty te eeist tftie tal I t t. t tt iot cti r ge wat tie bteill et
Wat her ai is:eety repairedI. 5st' at'tstis n dtsfoettr rchestra fr tsesoccasisno cout N w
Barkains in Watcher & liatns it ' at- u seorthemt till tbe reserved tnOfte j t-tots festivities. relee l. t iesasi pt ete sfrhe Ths e Gs o Trift Ma
Hlours:artts1130 a.m.I t1 to430 atnd 7 tos It'trissare cordtially itnvited tosatttettd. t gteIti tais
P ts u. e srgramts sill he openetsl ty anx
JOSEPh C. WATTS ' itnpelude p tlated its tHcnry W. - - l Wne
nci.T hfle lUntiv'ersity lec lubrtiastl Psof. A.. V Ilsutassgs't of. Lepzig,
_____________________________ ;i__ it hl arch otte Guttrds."IPresitas wriltstn at tesswrktyl. ChB
Ctte 1 IeGitt ssf thte setttor latst'lassaptologetics, ettntited'"btr AtttstetvtsrItsn
v:1 hnitoesssePresidettt Atngell, A'tfgattetsir Kircetdter tegeswairt' its
s~ ilturill isstrssstteens. Bitt-k. Is ids Ite attemts to tsdem'ontistrate that
1+4r O f I lnv st asl i-s t'leetratesi foar it' ierts tnatutralisenesse, lhtlosoltls and
tl;ocso.Neastsoutve-nir prosgratts htot~r) Ihav enot idamaged the Charistian
of all stamped goods, incIudinlb s o e dstiststttett thegeneral c ', tt'tt~tof thins.tgAll Soft anda St
J 1111A:1PLLOW OBP0Ws i W tsss t-sssittre, s'- i tit-' -Stoking Jueke
lit~t . :: : et ht Oi).lN.IATF.WANT'EI) -lhssa-
Al luis' ste ;$.V. - hst h tast tssytsg ts Staley- Uttele -
-1ItNt(. 1 I , XtS_ d. Cl ;rotsR. XX'itistt St.. psT e 55 t.6o Manh att
DA1RLIN(i & MA.LLEAIUX t Ottt.\ IAt SIOICO LI3I,. 1litugitserr. $0 atil
S 224-226 S. State St. (l)ittg rn uts sstedsl atcitg ist sottte c i i tI I eu e t tt st5.0 M tiat
io ;tlztiesl, t e t'rsleet tof tte Scatt- c es'ls' esic' ter' ephoneiis t ctsr . ,3;t 1ak
(11tt a.hstiusrslty reachsedi Ait.rborariate.ISt. t 5 cac').oo M athatt
~~~-bu1Dgvts hats siretken111entulisiastically. - --__
c- oleg 1'srit;the tsr irtree seceks tof coltd LOST -ILad}'tld et i, t;A
i~te l s ' s-i as gr'sup st frt'stt si t titug jI pIAis~. tirt'r ewar fo'se
Stei s weigh mcniseadseti ty'Dr. iHollandser Ittt 51f samtoss is;5F. Uisiyo,-
NAILER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Mlain SI-(,1d '_sens-vet'y aftertnoontin thte iif ytontvtvasntyor se; epR euleso
' -ii-of the' sbsules'art'd entgaginsg fi tlt '' sill lsook lilk' e ste ,lavts hemic'ss at
tl' ~sitt'i psxtiute. Tile lostg',t ,- Modslcern Shtc'Repasrti'Shoprti 1 fIt;._____________________
- ~ZT ~ 1 stocp hillses':affordt Ispl-endiid otsolsssr XilliantttSt., tltttttthopithat givsyo
hled mnpltor sf the skis eratake ni n sift6siat
titttsstsru stsss5sas'orsst s~s 1 c'st ilts wsitlutsimishsap. Te attemtt
Il tiis st adtusssts't u ntetr $1.00l III[-_-TH
orsa-. t osset't m er e t-Ilt'thr (' the vr' s r'tu'' ste tssn'v'ce. thowaever, i is:Ifyotw ntttrehatll80e o uyptax-isan s.dr if stoundinatsino inou sil. nbaetllgtitsse pad Isislnea
e ar.I-x ate 'rtttttrettt'r iTo 'tsrorutoIsrte ueasuert seessic ts Vtbtetg .tIntthe Ads-at
t e .itita.sxr tr-Itsr e t yto i- nt0 it' ' aut t'sr xe' "
re. u~et~tng ad c ~y:I~xprx~ce, ow-tacheti Cttffs -t
ealtct Vesothatteatterad ote-wl w olr nue o gis l sl ilp
EsUniversity Phnaramacy as .a ttc-ssufuetsirasirei' el w o lla frsinser yerga s& alCo. ' -llP
0 ttu-. ttticer-i~x t s' . 'rteeit'appsly. Neverthseless te stpori t by fr, e.J. alr & C.
iIM. ROY-S, Pharmacist is rusisa' tsoibecomert uls sstasr, as evitiettes Real Estate and Insurance, 216' South MACK CA Co.
by_____________________ th ie fartethurt evesnte sttaltliarys Main street. t
h;, t.iaken tit . It 'v 'sxlterethe uc'y thts - - -- - ___
U. 10M. ofter aisingug enieratuionlsare'prac'tisinxgttAXIOSi.
B arbor Shop and Bath Rooms - I;M tettat"''titti su.I.iiss Louise St. G~ermtaine.cRtiurncu MO1NEY [01A
I,(S i-Wtcran outai pe. o CokHouse, itootat7-1 opstic par
,: Fvierythtag .Fist-ca.oa F'! aeeesut.10tacatStRelo'Bnd,2cs;ets(' I_ 04 rtti euc;po505 1~
Lan'~eat Shop lea the City , . do a sis0atls af o. ads 2 Cets ars 2 c~ts ty
J R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. N ed.f967 La-st secek it-) Annt Atror:____________f
Jonklin's Self -Fillind
Fountain Pen
Sold iai a Arbor by
r Big Bargains
n will miss this great Bargain Sale
iff B ats at
stl Shirts at
itl Shirts-
all ShitIis -
20 lact Conk off'
at5 per cetcoff
tt petrcent oif
- - $1.20
- $1.5
Conlin & Fiogol,
tee Spring Stylet, Attached and D~e-
the Materials attd styler are as good
urchtase-see ,hets.
Ma S8t.
[ D tss)asesil atatiad, Jewryansi alt
Ii-) Cl assIChattel and Cottllat ettieu-
ixt}Bisssatric'ty confidet-rial.
(Ou s'etlos: 30 x'to 11u.It Ott o'yIto 815.
hI C'. A. W. J. LOVRIM
This is t he time of the year when 'we are receiving our
spring woolens. You will be interested in seeing the many
exclusive novelties we have bought, and we will be glad to
show them. Selections can he laid aside to be made up later.
-33305 S. State St. -imparting Tailora
-oNESRowe's Laundry' E ECTRICT
GLO VE 1 Ne 326 N. Fifth Ave.
mean right gloves- Carriage and Baggage ae Phone 457 Bell Piione 57-Lpplied to College Meni en
so buy Fahtoer and rave ___________ Wiorziern for All P-srposesWN
trouble. Fore-ach Coupelto and from parties, SOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY
$200.e i iso.5, aer2ocock SC.0 Sooth, State Street
1F01 each Trunh In or from door, the
price wilt he 25 Cents. If carried to C A H E A IH O E u
,c SEND YOUR NAME ~ or from up-stairs, the price wilt be Case Saturday, 10 A. M. ad 20~Sre
50 Cents. 7130 P. M5. 20E ahntnSre
---~>a -TO "a-txt ilrirers are requiteed to coiled cash
pt Spad1 g Ji for carriage and haggage service. Assenmhty S oke
F'or a Cealo~j~e of WATTLES' LIVERY. Chinese Chop-Suey .Restaurant it ear --aesyI h M~t A Daily usrpin o u
SpaldingAthletic Goodshitesre Fancy Dishes, Amertean Lunches of ITANDtBOOft in your poehet. Spare for untm- ___
Mal rerDetalt hinds., Everything first-eiass for orands, calendar, special esvetts, i'nis'ersity
Mail Order Dept tladiea atndgteei Calendar in this i5S pate bsook. Given away Subtscritions tatken sly matil, ceckh siraft itr
A. G. SPAL.DING & BROS. Chinese and Japanese Brie-a-hrac. t tdnsa h nvriy .M .M.t~n ile'
126 assu St. Nwynei 19 WaathAre~inan lp Stabs, ae dine S. Hlatan Brena~ 3145 Sl ate St. Miian flail.
STUDIOJ-RIRENS CULL .R, 1 East Huron Street'