- - T~gMICNIGAN DAILY SeANN ARBOR TO HAVE Cot,.voi n rppae o Sel-FllngA E~ LTTE-B X onstee. _ 810Conklin's Self -Filling SelfFillng _LOST-A brown leather trunk with FABER Plans for Federal Building Now jitil hFouelnthttainR- TePeneg Tied with Red Tape in Treas- "rr(. tf 5adr FOUNTAIN PEN ury Departmentat Washington LOST-Fro~iwn trunk, martked C. ADVERTISED IN THIS SPACE ON Demonstration Anbot isti01 1 hale es newi post Reward 9-1t0USAY N ATRA~I rilV ofice Ibuildinighepoeict was stirted ---Sod ii Ann Arbor by at by iogtesmant Charles E. Tiwnsend FOR R EN-Six romcottage. t- GO ARS W BO tearsntagot. Redltpe lbetweeno quin- at 1131 Lincolln avlentue. 8 jlO S'H STO BOKSTORES NTA'b1) the treasriadthe1( liptostoffire Idearte- - ..AD. QUAi~~.~~ ren tsI hoever has delayed worka fr FOR RENT-Elegant suites at 3.25 aoie touiitthlt hlonttl. hAresent the lanais are andi $4.0; also sge rot.n. ie blok SHEEHAN & COMHPANY- itde o nsieratirtio at vshriligton atd fit licallus. hasirer (20 Monrtern evr fotis iig itaie tolhury 11mat- street. i8- __________________________________ r___ alon bg Porsmaser lretymian lha hadthe lnscriicied liy posmiisers FOlR RENT'-liTwolarge houses siii, t s- litlarge cite1s1andsti s'ig alie Str luhues.George J. IHalet -tey L o n e stit s hus avebeit adoteild &iti., rialitesate andisu iraie 26 On Vatctts, Diamondtist. LairytBttas, I fi.site is jut iorthlifitheir pesent S laini.tf orater tersnal proety hialuluuu. Works tiill libe egun ext - , Watches and Jewelry roet-ited piing andttuoshedl aisfast s phushite. Bent shoes, sts, totels, etc. at ppt-W BrantoWitches & Dia moods chi tffuc fi' ailii~ iies rvebnroi irpries. h\ a er & Co,Stt St5. 91 ii WilY S Bagiti -litittheir itniiiest iltiiigthela st - s -r LaA. EAD Office at resdenee tat E. Liety 5 At3tter ataditpoxuolasiidrs oiagaiist all Hours:u8 to tt:30 a. n..ttio 1:tr nd7I o a i Sof aotiatl ooo. Ihis tncrese hss byti re. eo. J. Ialler & Co.. q p, m. i rl iulitr ,si R ea Etate adIti usuratice, a216 South JOSEPH lC. WATTS ialis alliii trearse ifthree.carirs iiiistreet ti ________________________ iiI i twocel h ofi e. very eoef- - - . or i m deto sndiithle- maial o itutm ie- A comnplete ]it(- of echaiingudishes ad' lot-li - eseially t tone students. At1 ive-o'clock ta at 1 ~ciillg & Slntids, , i uuim rrovee t in tiresattire i aii 205S.Mainsri tre. 8to eciiel1celletiouniomi6: to 8:45.- The en atl lite of college goods is now complee with the I SiiO- leet isri etrel a iiii tS ro o. anudiiiavteioreiysii -1otWag choeliciest attilmost variedtewvtitgs ever shown. REUS, CoN1tt B ~uuer~ a~u Pi\i r. I e ielliuiriiiilss every stueit hO ii iiilsrii-iniiiiiiillotwi i ll 13 I11 o radhili Iiofu"dils, nddnut 'tsuuti"-11:l0t 11C, tratw-ytur iarticlar attention to their superb -display Ia" ai adriueed Iitilh ull itamle . It. Lu.tot,,Alarm iCloicks, ita. o 25 of tew, designs in Manhattan Shirts. irect aniir l iiii r ita-i li s hi istui il. t AT Rolpest Iul1a , t0 li liiltilnild- - Men's New Fall (loves of all leading makes iiiil Persii iirg-.eiii. iiileii Se-iiis l lisir SMen's New Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear DARLING & MALLEAUX a scc \uhll-,e soIiOieiio Ireceipt tfo_______ 224-226 s5SttSt. 0i -usti1 nit i s hcta itsliteriyvlet- IHa-idillitm ri iei-ijewe-lry t tcstr's estit len -ues nots iir at ur roomto -lii- A fttl variety of iew styles of these world-famous hats to 00 s : terwisecitaiimiuist Ihi-re trni el Kol.X Al-F, 111TI If itlOR. select fronttt Stetson. Canlton, lHowards. to plusiulee-. t il iith iis i tili over no R1. 1I luuriiSt 13' Coour own 2, snrua i ir pae;fe.trtr of 1Men's all Caps, prices fronm~c p Steans thiesilisi e -tlute shoe. __ 1 Reule, Conlin %04 F0 eg~e1. N1ALLR'S J[W[LRlY STORE, 216 S Main St II I ri-is 'Orlecar r Si r iir il o aiioe o etrd adis 1 Do'tas1te osofieIreadrese. ratiimse liet i 1- rIt em lo stie ri denituoiies ABANDY DRUG STORE hlem.t iPesiiuotiiueu i5 IA NOS 'T0 RETi t Shearii iii iii n~ teE, in f Dn akfo htgco dtcs y&Suit .lhlitusarl sluplies N'til- IAC K'S T A tR IO M tail litauun itliiIiisi i iS tttisli tuu, till . ihlrutreetir t f M C ( tin itiCalt tit)tbyii tutnettt learn Drugs, Toilet Articles ifi silliihsi uu s uu 5youiarc ooigfoi good boadl t For Firkest Cr isinme a hs t i forit i out.ii Stationery, Candies hirshrtteirs is Ilntyii$.o0terneltry TILIE MRTON,Se ed aC rt and Cigars. \ hivyu hneyu it d65ris hureusreet. 39 e' d a.l C ,rt less ntiliytthis otiiulltauliore.__________________ t I it oiti n ieliei-uiiter;liiit.. itn i oaiii. e'sr ight. I lot haveus il addrehut ssedl "cte ot At F NOS FOR RNT-A nnniler of Tryor soda The Bent to the City hirar ut_ eistsit iiio ut hIe s is ii teart-1 titie tre Iirtltos at Root's Mrusi East Uiversity Pharmacy mns ori ano esn- hm hueo es em. Freetning. tf Prices Most Reasotie~ble. MACK & CO. i:_19 t orsity . Si a e I siegesuitesmd ing tle romtititt thu ll 'te Ito you t roto rtme tdo it towntifor V .Ymcdenacoiii l e ilts.So114; Stte.ii 9oi rutr labrtry r- sutpiets. Goaodera --- - -Itig htree.11-2 O 3 A ED (l ts~n WaseseOtiandsJet wely ni rl i Barber Shop and Bath Rooiiis l.1l 1l b tlCri ltit1 iii lutsetea 4 ,..y -t-rutat bluerSsnChuluin aNndZY:OANtitli anlil Everythin.g Firstciilas uetu auduri iisit mo nturruitiut FC oilwa t est fut 11pe0n11 L Bsou~nas uiot ti t ny:3 ,tonti it il Lar-gst Shopsn the 01..Clty oihlo urto huiis ht u5Itiet ttl'city, gui tu Cushtii5 s 36 Sotlhi 1 rt doos1 u li M i i i Ncoi lt I utW. J.L~OVIM J. R. TROJsANOWSI. Prop. Rt:eil .89 elMte stret. tS W A GN E R& GO* anonetheir f all and winter line of woolens for men--The line is high grade and comprises many exclusive patterns itn suitings at $30.00 and up. New and dressy effects in overcoatings. Importing Tailors- 303-305 S. State St. The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs Rowe's Laundry 444 South State Street THOMAS ROW, Prop. Gas Study Ianxvps Fifteenth AnnualI Announcement of Bible Classes for Students Nw Phne 47 ell Ptotne 471,h riexave a steady, soft Ilow. The following courset are offered by U. P. Coer: SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY 1. Introduction to New Tetatent study Sutndays 12 oon, beginning Sep tleltne isirnleui tember 29.-Opnudrnwmaget -2. Old Tetament Hfitory. Tuesdays, 4:10 p11., beginning October it Classes open Saturday, 10 a. m. Easy on the eyes. . The Life of ('hrist. Wednesdayo, 4:10 p. in, heginning October 9.' ldrtinpce 4. The Life and Writings of lPna. Thutrsdays, 4:10 t. in. beginningOct. t7. Assemblies, Wednesdays lIdrt npie 5. The tReligiouss Education of the Chbld.iTesdays, 7:10 pil., beginning and Saturdays, 9 to 121 Cheaper than oil or electricity. October 22. _______________ O. The Beginnings of Chistianity,.Thusdays, 7:10,.p.Ini., beginning (lct. 10 WAi KING LOOi The purpoee of the Ann Arbor Bible lints is to prvidintcuttion of Cieeh~Q~uas~e University grade in the Biliheand abot the Bible oc 'nirersity students, and CieeCo-uyetuatGtteba rn h ags sotaot thus to cooperate with churches and iother religiotin rginiatibns of Ann Cinitese Getnteybestishes, tAmearietnaaeoroahoaot Arbor in promoting the religionn life oh the student Stdy: and with the UnI ausin~ds hEeryting fist eass Ic ,,rA versity in pronting the cause of higher eduttu tiuin, Iadies anttl '-ntttemn h n r o a O Chiltne ndJapanese Eic-tr-brat A Fu5ll Announcement will be furnished on application. p Itors, onedoor . tstot ros~ 3145& Stoe S5. -Will Soon -fea- ... MICHIG AN UNION CAFE Watch. For It