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February 13, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-02-13

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The Michigan Daily




stmlitO of last yeair. Itiiis'0., a stocky
freshmoani, is shlowing good forthiii the
combiniation and double work. Negotia-
tions are being opened with Chticago and
Oberlin for contests ini this branch of

Track,' Basketball and Tumbling - -__
Teams Working Daily-Relay ,UCl I tGlNIA 1400K AND
Teams Must be Picked at Once. MU[SIC AGAIN PRAISED)

ietwecit baestattltpratie froii 2 to
t in the age, track woirk froii 4 tilti.
and asketbalt patier at all odd hours
Waternmangyro cal ay ctniiiilitbeig
tir busiest elot ipoi the cainpis. All
o£f de veteranis are iiii for the track
auid a creditable niiler of promisinsig
freshmen are ii prelimiinary traiiiig
udertheir -ouprisioi. Coach \IAlli-
ie is directing ii easy workout forba
ba- eries. Al the class basketall tease
re busy. Th~e tasketall schedule wil
not be announced uniiithte retirii of
Maftnager Baird, whenlutini sterlase nii-
ager will be appoiited.
Director Fitzpatrick aiiiotiics that it
aill be necessary for the aios class
relay "tetims to hold their tryots at
one as alt names of sccesful catdi-
dtaes mntst b in if hads iy Feb. ii)
At te freh-sophiilust-uetrit i
ti-aned to ae a rela race betwee
0,. S. U. ad the varsity qua~rtt. OhIifo
Sfate will lie permitted ion iaiiite liIs
lance for the riiii Au the varsity iiee
lo. Diretirr Pald sill eidaor to
ae an otsidetem iito competeGwith
the varsity relay ruters. If this cau
nt e arraiged, "Stpider" Co will hr
tlitter! agains scne umidle distance mnai
front otide.
The Firs! Regiment team, whirls witt
inetbte aarsity Mar. a, is aii ancient
udrio. 4opoent. While Michigan ha
always surpassed the Chicagoans, te
cmtest has always beii liely. This
yetheir temi is striinier Chan unua
ant themet pnimises iticethe featnrer
ofth winter'.stletis in the g ii.
'h arfy track men are girig their
iniv idal atteitioni to he trainiigiof
new ten and lDirecto ' itelatrick is
advising tthemn. All tre who are an-
bhitis to accomplsl aything on he
r= tck are urged tor come out a once.
- ,e infe-resh= in -class haskettall tisi
y tr .l equal if' not surass tha of
l4t easou.Fifteetsteams are isis rle
ug twice a week in prparatiiisfor
tareclasmContess which swll tart soma
thee aten will e played eder iiie-
butegaarue, i!it as ntlieende
ided an yet whether they wiill ticister
depatnental or inerclas.
;Vt prset it looks like a tis-up te
tweea the junior and fresh engineers for
fis 4onkors.: Two weeks ago these two
' iseas played a tie, though tir fresh-
auzn wrrolins iteseris- sof Iast'-
dn, a fast guard The isiirs sveie
prctically the iSme tatssi1 lat-caeri-isei'
uffie cetaiipieislip at yer n d aml iay'
"eatithe perform ussr tis seailil
The xsnir engnaleers~hlea-ee'di elu-
--ahly''tratg i'fep attrsoin,.their
captain is howg criiiarkaile spet
nail dres not seeni In hise lost his -ye;
for baskets Te fresh engkineer tain
looks good for a igh place in the *rae:
Te vtenitplus together swith remarkable
dis~h andi vimni.Amsong the sophomore
rugiteers are four sib lst years me,
tio of whoni seem to be the best pair
ofi guards ol the. caiipishis year.
The ftreslitIls are sowing excellent
fa. The dntal teisi aaslatdicapped
fy a late start iii practice anI ose-
tiwiotly hasn't showit mus class as yet.
The varsity to-usaid tiiimling tais
havse resumed work swith the-hegiiifg
sit the 'new semester. The outlook at
present f#r a strong team is bright;
Gertaandt; the-gymteain Captain,-hs re-
tutueujlHe has ten ill for sggti-weeks
aild unable to participate in the swor,
blhe tuebliutg temm, coposed of Ms-
Ci ad Green and Hansen, is working gu
ttu a weektoiler:- the diefton of De;,
1 --*yapd is practinsiag roe uc Schutes

"Bow (11(1 1 irsmeet fieicligemda?"'
reheated W. J. Scanlon, Whitney's di-
rietor whli is managig the stagiig- of
thle stiudi-it opeira, in aiiswer iii a qus-
tiome 'Welt, I mtet it the first ttne when
Mr Sievn is gai'sie te book ii D-
troll andiltold ic o read it ser-Ile
sadle tshasd just glanced trugs it hiiii-
self sisilthouiigt peratsit eas a little
alky, as we say, tit is didni ciiiec to
the poiint . I tiiik i in er aisireadi t
tiat night I epetiedu to Fd tha, like
mosaasr plays ft wisld ies blie
ipsnciling rety adly. That's shetre I
imade a mistsake. ,here is-r ia it
twentyini-hes isitththad tils1izble ciii
1555 outseie ofithstlsit sas tou.
"'vie ever heard etter lyrics aiie
mussise tain it has. Why.theyre swel-l.
Mr. Whitnisys going itinsu soue of
thesisoistieroesad after see get throg.
'Wheni Night Falls, tDear' willle lits
on wsitu can sliy i Nes Your.
'fliat-sng cassi. sar calisis iss
roubtle at ue ftiree-ly reearsls.
thee'trail sil' toitit the slt ecoiidlact
aase't: ris, ilan a-weciiuln'tfind a le-
ter oe ji i then. \Wheni rehearsal tart-
eel MIr seleli telepiined to Mr. -aimis
abuhiv triiiblie, asking himii if le
sodult l its ut ; aidtbefore ee got
:o tha sing, Mr. IRanes camie ia with
iriswai-upall iltytewrittn aidreaiy
for us. -iWe didn't wait twsintl~utes
an isdtut' has-c to change a line. It
vas a qiclk piece of work.
"Twoieaes till te oenring iight?
I know, bulit we liner a gooi ieal oi
,Mork ii liroliifre that. But the fel-
lows all sccii willing toi work hard, so
ell is- ready fr the curtain all right
xbseistir timse comtes. Mr. Stees will
to iiout eifisitIDetoi agaiii before thin
eniilofithe iss'sk to hl tsi't terehearse'
Itat Stevens aiiilBet St. Jihii arc
fuodciitrs fr IB. C. Whkitny, tilsoe sr
,f he elist eraiieihosiei'anti f ti
isa Wilstnesy- i AnniuAror, where
mihi'sg-ia awill le gise. Alt stage
il~nfrte isidestpayhan-tls tbes-i
isorleil ntli1y IMr. Sseffes atd is bing
drilld ino th hoy by r. Ssanoun.
td. Sieein, ipiiod s-el aiidlstagedh A
Knight tfr a IDay" 1and11"he Isle of
Ilig log." Ile' 1isliewrsi-riing slit
sucfo ewi play to takele place of
Aheght for a Day,'swhihhtis ee
maiga recordtruin iiChicago usIh-
t51 Chd ticagoi cimplosr is writiig thi
trissess foii tileis-stw cmnedy.
\i4rScanlonihIsiswi-rkeilwitihi Min
,~Semitdisc audeviilsssle, hpatig it"A
Moiidiirn ip Vani Wimki" oi the Ness
Yout irs-its. te asi played in Shakes-
:xtmr ttirles, adt i"'The Isle f Bn
Botg. Thes neiuliner had charge of:
Mlictigesusa fr uiver tend eeks.
lTe set sale cemmtittee is paninguui
ius t rovide additioia acommodatmin
for purchasers a the sale itt Unisersit
H-all us 9 o'clock Sasrday morning
The Athuetic Associainuu deks wil
trobabyte secured so that it sill he
tossile to mtake seseral sales as oni
timue Ii this way- the crosdig incident
to selig thioughi aticket windowie wil
e avoilded.
'Thie sticliganuuia bravs hel theiraim
iuial pia-s-sw at Whitmore bake las
seusning. A score of blanketed wanrrir
accompanied by their sqas iiadi
the qdiet esnuitecill the lake amd masnul
mserry at he Ciftoum lHouse After an
qiueting emstruec -priea dishes, a grani
sar iumess- alie lrd othe beating o
toluiitdis. -fle reeries extended ini
tireere sal hours.

PHONOGRAPH USED the plo-aing the edition swhichm Prof.
( Ievi hea oftheFremnchu deparment
ha st P A rpared.
Thirty-Six Records Give LAvare _"
asPrf.Bzit ihe te I hel nhss-leniadi soke gienru by
as Prof. Beiat Wishes the slr muiuiathiie faculty to hie stuiets
Play Presented. f tc deprtment lass nights nas ilia
-of thurust enjoytable affairs iitehifs-
Asnuinovatinlinuudramatic isork tils tury of st'departmnts. The diiniig
han ns-tmiirouced-iby tim e UrcesDtrlanma- roomluattihe !Michign Uionuwseas txeI
tiue r Inis. Ar an lgemens-uts htines-ln-toiiits utmotsicaacity, suelury eery1
madells-to sesmploythus-phonoiiigrahinustrains- udueuuutels presunt. 'The 'folldw-ing
lug tse ctr.'Theuewis-s-me tho iusll toststwere respondesdto:
he usedl mu prepehinig fr lithe, eesutl- 'heui Sunset of Suideifhe -Yr. Pal-t
tiuonsuof Ahuieies "l;I,' Xeis,"loibehis'ens-u lls-i.
it dIll. Cluesing Chits-sVWay to Success-lD.
At this-req-iues of Prouf . .\Morieis Suuitu.
this rndittes seursd ani Edisondl angcuagts- CollIege Issnhuismsn-~Ir. 'ti'luiulu
phonsograh forful s i tihe 1Frenchue- is A Fle Dauy--D-Ir. imyos.
fulituueit. 'hisrty -isrescorel. wi-Iles holoikig Ioheil'auys -dMr. Klapt
gue' tie lsyIas thlle msembers usihl5pr- Glad i ts'eAise-tD. Bus-i.
llices'it. hias-ve-tienpep-ared iby Prof. Ttltiy f Sy-uuptiis-Dhr. D~eey
Bezit d dl'es, " da5iror etsrgisse'ur" ThisGelisluifrosmuIndusian str.
f thud'Csercle. hEch ileird is liu-i- Ine
beredstnin tdexedtoussho h au i't lifsss ''the Mah wuths-iIs Ealr iio thei-Groundse
it recordis . iu membise f thi'eust t lwhIo .Mses.
a-ilies ito hiserIsisspart stuns-refertos-neii Ththur i~ws sitivinity- \ahhiSape~us Our
ies adhushhusthuetproperurecrdoile 0tini -kn o-uhe
maine. Hls' iterl i horn rui15 tanlsmittr. iehProse-ts of themlI huuuutituhir
wh-tire ll-uts iiithi-ellirs, umay- le ussu. irui hult-r. Copandhm
'he avtah-ulges f suit meiisthodullales- r. - liutdale actdts talstumser.
tht it n5ur'uuus tiy- uasily leanuuhis pat, l\itiiand111gold spinsit cmuied tu nu-
hesarlig adlstihns-hg it lt thu saeme utr'he lrocasin onwhich sillsit le
if a bokus Iutsed, icorrect pronuuluie- easily- forgotteni y'thinserresent. 'hehu
tionm is seceured, andItis- cues which ars' sitcere'frinuudsip bteenei the ur lty
dfferediltrp the actors o secure prfe- sut students wsnvesrir wn 11to1 i eter
tion in iitheir roles. The muembers tinses advantuage.
bee'uuassigned'uhhounrs wfinnthey ttma-y___
ctndy andl reicearse with thur aid of issle fX INAI)SARIf
shuonograph. After Malrch T.uregular r- NfC'hfSS.IhV EL t"
ihearsas withl be-heldi"utnuer thin directioin
'of Prefeson teia-t. "huiagiues a regimenttlhed uti mu he
Thur ast fr "h,'Avre," whiichas mornuing furisechstin," si Prf. Brad-
been choiseni excetpt for this-roeheof Vl- Iy X. Th'omnpso,swhenmset-itlhses ight.
er, is as folows: Theylre drawniptou see if their ants
B Iarpagon .............Prof. Beiah are ii oreerif theiruiorms lre ceaent
Cleanse- - --........Edgar the-u anduwllt kept, ii shour, that their officers
tRise- - - -Ib.......eena B. Munn muay determmiie if they hase oubeyel thus
t Vaere- - - --........ - - - regilatins. If every soldier dill ife
1Mariano.........F. eanor Smot duty, tis swoulhe a was-tsrof s ime ad
Asselme - I .....Henry R. Cars-ons a unnecessary bformaliy.
Fruusitme- --.......Mic, Hofmnanim "This is the rse of examinations.
-Maitre Siun....s-Robhert Ef. Monrie The present system du fial examination
rMaitrns Jacques..-..Soddtardl S. More is nmothing more thanm an inspetin; it
h Ia Flece......... Ti.ersIE. Lyon is only a police system desigedu to fid
Claude- - --.......Mary Ef. LynchuOti whether tie students have dne their
I hriudavoisme-IT.. . Irwin Armustrong wrk duligently
La heerecte -f.......iram S. Cody "Students lenu notng frosuses-min-
Un Commissaire-.. .JuianBhes-n aions--it is ot intenieshat they
Le Cern- - - --...... .....M Scdtt should aol frosmn(ue point o i w
t 'LAsare" "haute coineudi," is utie of exurinaions are a waste of tme. Thins
f Afolieres foum faunds maetrpiecse, te aencsar Il t hi et
eotten three luing "'Tatfe" "e Nis- If'Tev'eryone ddslu tluy- iihIsistu-
Samnthrpeu," and "es Feiunes Savaumtes," sies there would he usd reasnllfor ex
twhich uas presented mu part at the Uern-armnaiooi. Iowee--, it issewrong tu
-rce ssines- in Decenmber'. Unlike mamy tnsidenrexaminationts as Ia 'big stick'
eob doiere's pay it has a serious vein el oser the studeu-tltbioiy tn furetlens
rnlsisg trdughi it, borunrg il some misstudy
pilC5litesllisdlii trageidy. kMoiere el- "Athoug," aotinued tProf. 'h'omp-uh
\resents iiteuiar aaie mum Earpagon, oi, "miy experience line been conmfiie
who as iniser museses its fashionable aholy te the law departomenmt, I imit thatin
society andl keels srvasnsts ahe are ill- threr hour examinations have bemn to
fed, itsosuertomuhutdhibesscial posiion.tus.se adsantaage of the sudet As lte
I 1-llplgo'e fallting mu livedscuepens allt as hier years ago tdo lheurnuexamina-
lheme l rtmhelats f lis avarice'andsioni11 see customary-ijuthstarlaw depart-
4adds maeess its thus play. dsMole re had11 strt. Th'lis tas gientip and replaced
o paint a vice as hateful in reality asbytetehier hour examinationsamd the
yis is disagreeable usining pictured isa teriod of Iwe weeks.
Ithe stage andthhe succeedeesdI ii doing "As at rue, thin same notter of sus-
thshs-ile cuslsvenitg manscenes Iwiths tionls are gien ossthtaswere glvens
cthe aid of fusesyo- ha-rd'ers 1and1 ridis-umduus unuder thur old sysem. thus the sht-
e nidentseits ae mnienetimer toireflect ems sti
it "L'Avar" was phlydt fsr te first quuesioins tan fornerhsenmt short ex-
i sie alitmihelPalais Rilyaluiunf168, Moliree aninami'os-umwere therute, amd thur stu-
hinself takitng thin ladig roeld'151lier- teitusedsfor 'tnme.
pagon. tynring this cling yers of "Fiorumery absonut tw-thids of the
dbfoiere's lifs' iwsllpterformei flity- casetere exusee from thur exammuina-
sevens hums. Eves ousethur play is Lions.Thiswa-nc badond as not luing
frequmentlhy-trotducedu th emscCunueie- sffiientlty'dehmucratic.
i- Framncaise in Paris. Prof. Thompson furthe bought out
A Thse play hlineltmranslaed mii masy-the fact tit te usestudent asa class
''languages antdI often mitatd-d Several lre oder and ae less ned of cose
dEnglish drmatnists tins-etbtrrowedt frosm stiuy- He praised te scheme of limit-
s "''Avae.' Thurptaly is highly valued mg thur elections of tie umderlasss.
i- by thur Germauns, as wel as thur Frensch.- "- - --

df Goethec speaks vif it i otetuisi etn fascaeeioso ~8Mci
df terms.t usut i ghss aesian nghtlsaseft;7 o'clockn athmeatMi-hi'
a Before shin presenmtationa of ",Aelare" ganetnsianaaffice. Very itttpottkt.
many- of the French classes a-ill read aOOSE, Managng Editr.

ilrs. Hiofmann Directs Univer-
sity Talent in "The School for
Scandal"-Seats on Sale.
x, letefriimu Adea Rehuansisbhens
reced-Inlby dMs. IHofmnnmextening
lust uwishes fur the success eof The
Schooidl fole Scandmel,"eswhihtaill te pre
s-mtes t asthe Whttiy-opteraehiduse, et.
18. Ifverry-effert s being nmade eso nikk
mte tplaeIa complete artistic sucess, ad
ml s. IHotfumann's traininmg during the
threu' years''shellas swithi this'lte Anie
l Dl hal s tue nalesdierlutofucari's- it
hus e-irformanle'ini aitisnrouglytepin-
fs-ess ill titune.
'hess'tickets lre- 11)11on15sidl t 'ualire,
usd1 le jsineststhihi is Ieidng itakens by
Univesiy crnessn usdn. :Hofusasums
ru- sltuiatiiit of this brilint eoldhcmnedy
tils hes-sipsevessy slurfact that the
'usxes ri'nosunlearlyalilt sld o farmsty
member~lvs. 'TIs-gened'rat salt' is ingress-
tg raphidy.
.Xthhutthtthus cas is 1111mpoused largey
f studensuts, many11)of slmhe imagtulsi
s-ill lite- lns-iyvfaculty) ndme ms lie
oilenersonsofsoicmsdamatniexehri -
mmc, s Ifudes-Kileeni.whliiides fail
justie toi thu ronll'f the gaiy, siagri-
ing ChaleIs Srfe nde.11s kis Perris,
-this (ired'sosn o1C hBarbouusr gymnuasiuaim, a-ti
mahikeeansinuuitale Mrs. Candr.ersin.
1leifmatilelsxpets toi he rivalledl sly by
thur plays givenum by theFrechirtanmd tee-
un-us urlsu117lt ulsmus suesmlii' ii ull
'The cast iu s 15follws:
Sir etes-nTens-e-----------I...Hliste
Sir (Oliver Strnace.----------..enyoi
Chanti-s Surface ....... ........Killeen
Crabltrees................... Wooduruf
Sir Bemnjamnsm Baclukbteis.....Townmsend
-("iley------------------Eg.. R'germau
Mtoses............... tfucke.
in . . . . Week
Snauke- - - - -'l........ f eard
Careless.............. Burtomn
Sir tlarry hhimlen..hX'edie--ruttf
lady Telale...Mhrs Wilimts Hofiman
Ladly- Smuer el. ....is Searrr
Maria... ... . .... . . .Vis Iaris
des Can.su .........MissPurin
laty TenzeMi ..... iss FPhelp
Servant tol Sir IPeter, to vsep, and
tol i°Siutyiueu si-ell. ......Wek,;
'dICINh.Yfi" tANuD hPa\RRC'tS}
'rtk.ls IGH111,1Ihi\hitS
is-i te 'dIihum of ThehuDilsiy:
'mur ladehre subtoeay hbefogs the whoe
eaait n pl511t11hrobledIm by sdulouts mu--
unsdesanduing -use nus strnmgrtertum.
Xii ssamininsiuitis mentsto howutia- mii
whe husa suuenmt remembe'hrs of ltura
sun boloks, bums hown he lsomprts himsf
inm fines-f sue~stint'swhentdeprived of all
ais. AIs regards otonolltmiaiman
ake phiosotphiclh ondrs ulsehu
showssnsum iinual retionm to the su-
ec. ]iiuwitnesswhesref, he folowu-
log sre the "mnkeys and "parost"
( elegant and nannely siniitudes) swho
took phiusuphialhosrs ii my tmr at
Glasugiiwe:Prodf. Laltus, of the chair
f phiosophty its thurUiversty ef Bm-i
ay; hD. Jiohns Struthers, seretay of
the Scettishi Educain e prtmntt, oe
f tie greatest offiils ever charged
with this office; Prof. 'Adas, of the
chalir feucations iithur Universit uof
Lonmdon;a Dtr. James 1ar, the eminenti
social reformue; Ptrof. Andrsion, of ter
-chalir of philuosothy ini he University of
Sydney; Prof. Maknzise, of te chair
if philusophy is te Uisversity siC
Wales; Prof. Smuart, f the chair of
political. ecuonmy its thur Uniersit of
Glasgouw; Dtr. W.' A. Wat, a eadling
authoity' on sorbo-legal phuosphy; ly.
R. A. Dluff, leturen on plitical ecnomy
atdaduiectorn of studies fr the ats fa-

oIilty ;n the [University of Glasgow ; anI
1yvir ohedeint sersalnt,

J ., ., ., .. .. _ ., _ ... ., .._

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