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February 12, 1908 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1908-02-12

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'', mieme km~ D3AILY -

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" ~ ~Fb. r3-Li Princip tte de:Monaco
y / akb etrbet 4 p.iAisiopn IfrIHigh Class
peci al1 C u t P rices tlkey 1rort Vaugb. nTAisnHalleeA. OMerPopuanPices
r + 4 Feb.sg- Valentine luncheon of theFURNISHERS erTo,. ise
se n j o i rs'in in a r b n r g y m n a s u m . I H A t'T E K S P p l r P i e
Fet..Ii-Cathic Stfl~aetc club uac, Latest Styles-R a1 Shtoes-See our $53 Boot
SeW indow DislayBarbour gynflnsium, nierdne ietyNrho a :i~n
,See VY indow D~~~~sph~~y Feb. 14-Sophomnordengne ac, Drcl ot fL wH ldiii
Grangerct0-1 OR H V IE SIY A E V
Feb.15-Set le !or "Miigenda"791 O T NV RIY A E U
Sale CLOSES Feb.1 commenes at 9 a. ill., i Univ ersity Hall
Faneti. P--rts'Gclub concert and LTGE U N
danehabor gymlasiuiii 8 p ni
ickets on sale at 4Vahr ii tRo SUSPENDERS ,r
-_imsi .Stor.
Feb. 7-1,Inpt 'CinerJosephite a e idcrs o~/a
ilustrated lectre by A4. Louis M-iieliiiQI' ordi ary suspenders. 1t~tt
Mecat0 alr f the Uniersity, of Paris (t Sor .*Wbbn' imiable
bone),Saah Caswd IAgll Itall A ; QY- uiD hsty iit'ryaiti e
p. fii, auspices of (Cerle ir'inniiqtie A N'niiy aajit i,hatat.t
rancais. Stol i ti tLLAOSRUNK.GtO~ anx
Feb. tlt-"Ttie Sho o Sal" COL a ________TMPDHRE.
ll .LbryS. J. KARL MALC Ol0I Prop laty iteace. ~aOD a.. /OSTHEIMER BROTHERS
11 .Lb ryS.Feb. o-"Le Theatre ai College," a iuit~ts it11a N hi a 01ova ir TA~r ta. ILAI
talk by Ilertert A. en oit. Tappanital!
lettre root, 4 p. t. Admtissiont'free.
Felt o-1Faney '(ess tparty of Wo- A VYzigqa.e Feature
Felt i "Texs"Next.Wite tea- (tru o haea" cmmnace,-thatsa the'
le. it 21 Stiot girls' leap year party ° ' a C C I ir-if~r~al~ tsa iarntilt
Sff Mit EE N T , hrlour gyoit isittit(liring tle. eit- /+°a Inl11 1.1 k'ilttieitilft i 5fo 0edraol u ensitset eet
1.e5 "i tlletic carivial, high school. H S tihs bto ienei hhbto
Neb. 24--S. G. A. John Temple FRM~ ai . aetr
Febt 25-Jnie Cocraein e"' oll o
HtWY ,)K1kIIJjTCPNATIotts~e." New Iitney theater. ' FRED W. GROSS
AASLOFO AFTCPNATFelt 2y-"\'ttheitatis" a letre of LbetySt(or4tyAe
For the Entre Welek eetintteresthi' Prof. (aius '1.Liet tCo.4hA.
E A rC O M M E N C I N G lKes ert f o. i l im b ia at i er it , t S ara h
+ r!( . ^,2,1 t ay 'lTihrday aidl ritayereitings BOSTON, MASS.
Ti1L T1( TE Ness ltermltoofc tadetcnb~ ,0, Wliiiy iliate. tis ol nowii haInlitit i a lat iitue t n dog ar'etitIithe art
Fb. 28-LelandT'I. Powers o S. L u. 5t nteiits ofinedijnitrobatest oii a iiidi in~ii ds n tsott . lit to' iiie i ilal
ings istr ae deatoted ettteiy tloatorytte taethig'adtrse'rh. ue o u stine '
The following ALtacliona will "itc- . cure lniiixersiy liall. hisiiit ita a tfrd a dant oppittuntieis t ie al i'sIiniser ittini ii diettit ail
Presented: Fel. zq.-Catherne Oternan i "The surgery COURS FOR TE DBORIE OF M.i.
Afotur' e~a iueoptt I t tteittia tiC ci. itrature. pltiotphiyorisit iiie
t'tlwsis irl Thttt looks lika ' M" (miatinee tantl adtitdiietnaioxuivitiaen staintg,. iaeads i tote.da'r"',' ofial. . 'liii' tadia' af
I -Overture. inigt). ti' foti'yea are hi l ltet iltryItittt'Ii i yia' suiieets gena
2.-Frankgenand srEdithndtRaymondil.el ienralhs.r.l net scoollaai 2PFrmk an Edi"lRamnad kirt-ctexten-Besahtrain n "LnatRv-titendsfromOctoer aneo T 4ni24,itt.9
The diploma of the Univeiiy o Inichigalan acpted oe adoisiao. FI' i itai
eseanoneetaccaaouades3.-Fauley and Heley. sintbig n t i ii Mar. ii-Varsiy Itaniditance, Iharbotutr HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. Boton Mass. -Rsan poSitr.usanonniDnc.
5.-Theresa Jacobs I ri-iii -_______________
6. -adi Aiorai, . ~.iix. i' i eteiig.LFARN T DANCE CORRECTLY JOIN THlE CLASS IN
7.-Harry Waters. (mra ii--i t'-o UNli VERS1TY 'NOTICES f
__ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ ia angrsA dtev ntftfioorttiit'ttyiti "ttte It wetxatf
8.-Poo, '' i ~o atgy0"'niii . - tle t Sat uSstre. Tattitit>a li itada e $3 00 termi of t e r
__________________less stounb.n etttx i sttu tot s et i i nmttt u ringiit, ixtthous
9.-Maestiscope. . Fresh law track metett i t i
' tiocloc. Moo.
PRICES- Lii 'tr rrt Floa'. 35c; iH'i ily tiieir. S tloyeat S n Gitry. Meeiiug of Btjo cli i5 Pinatg
aim iBox Seat,5. C itat-nSaesteta '2tn'sW N E
. shing it' Lirtltdy comtmtittes xxill
tetit the Ia library at 230 todaly
Graduiatae' luba sill meet Thutirsdy
eeititg i Saraht Casell Atgel Hal. come only to those who are forttfied by abundant
lHop rpeeai'site tTii health and vigor against cold and ex-
DltaCi -house Tursday at S o'clock.
Ainual electioti of officers of te New' posure. Bodily warmth comes from
York club at cubose, Saturday at good digestion and good food, not from
2 p i. m flannels and overcoats.
Soh etgituers sill meet at Rotim1 309
New W hitney Theatre enginerng bilding. at 7:15 tonigtt. Shredded Whole Wheat
BEL P-lNE48 HOE hOE 00 Rehearsal of Xiciigenta cast at 7 is the food that brings fullest enjoy-
BEL P1O 40 HMEPHOE 00 tonight. Mr. Stesessill he outt frott
Detroit. All must be presett. met of Winter.\ork or play,
"Scool for Scnttal" seats fow. ott because -it is' rich 'in the heat-K-
sale aiXWahr's and Whitney opera hose. m a k i n g , ucebidn
M oliers of tickets shotld reserve seatsmucebidn
't once. elements and because it is
so easily digested. It gives
Baseball met: if you want the latest the litheness and suppleness
iiaseball ,goods, see S liigs lieat of limb that make the human
body a thing of power and
Portrait frames at Foster's. tf beauty~
Lh~i~W~U I 119 E. LIBERTY'-ATE ' . ' A reakf .t _of SiRF4pvDED
II .x;cold milk or cream, will supply.
Ilt~it I'IUII AnnArhoraPioner Movng Piture Teatregy forIEATBS halTfwdayh't;.
Continuous Performance, 2 tot 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, 1'IO. Goodt toacco-kept fie," our noto. work. TJtSCIIT is the samne
Brokt god and kpt right" it1 . ow , a th Biscit, .1xcpt' tht it isa
~ eaes tui hitlkgood ar ket ii tvo opressd into a wafer and in

Ilrme so roms espc ily .ilesig61 iteil E>S fra9'cla
it arrsingd instead of "white flour read.
W e bsFor High Grade Ca de IIRS VGIIf talg n u1 e
illustrated Cook Book is
>l'LA 15 WLN .L N n , e:t free.'.. .tl
Iee Cream, Fruit lcets, 'tina'les, Sherbets roeo Liqud _ t4* M CNDES. TQACCuq ,
Favor for all Occasions.aitty Napkins and Doilie Salted QZ.saa urp t
NutitCases52 .Stts. ~~ ITS ALL,0IN THlESHREDS." t
We~s4hoclats ar Unsrpased.109 ' M1F tTHENATURAL FOOD CO., Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Webb' Choclatesare Usurpased. __g_8-. _______ r$ 4« tbjlTE 1aiqrnersltAve.
a. A44r.






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