t ;. .. _ ., r _,..,. _ . -..,. x- , ,... sam; Burclifild's Fine Tailoring Trade beliver 4foods Sam Rurchfield 10 6 & Co. EAST.HURON ST. BROWNIprug Store 120-I. Liberty St. ALARil CLOCKS lI.00 $1.50 $1 . All Litest u+s ie. as d Si) ts n isc MICtIGtAN PINS AN[) FOBS 25c ,up to $5.00 FINE WATCHI REPAIRINGi A SPECIALJTY. Watch leapectoe for the Ann Arbor Rails-oad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Branch: 304 S. State St. 2 0 % c :,P0 FFE 1 SECONWYSONLY Wo E. JOLLY MRS. JI R. IrO1JANOWSKI FASHIONABLL HAIRDRESSER Hir Gooda, lfairdresleg, Shampooing Manicuring, Face Massage a Specialty. 3%2 S. State St. (iUpStar,)e Bell Phone 359 THE COMEDY CLUBI NETS NEARLY $1,000 Profits Will Rleach $500, Which Will Probably Be Placed in a Permanent Fund. The two performances- of the Comedy clib gis-en recently at the Whsitney tltea- tcr netted the elub nearly $inosi._ Of this amsont, it is stir mised that almost nc-half is' clear profit.. As yet, there :as hero no official auditing of accouts, so that lie exact smrtu- is tot known. With the profitescwhich shottid be tic- ried fronm a slicing perfornmance of thte cua tneat sunt siill he able tot le ptt t)the chltb's credlit. \When asked to wchat nse this snepitts iwou ldbehelt. A. S. lBrodhtead, manager (thee ltb, salit:Notiitg whatever i.s beinceti(cidedlnton as yet. But it sntar lhe that thte profits of ti year wtill 1eset aside tts antest egg, to start a (raet tondcwhicih canlbe isscreasetd and cleantpstnsfroumtimeicto timie. \We mtay pui tsie of it ls inpropierties, se-ilet shte clttbscinslsi selluse." lucre lhae sbecten sume talk:thtthis trnv illie itureetivre ts the Micht- i-atiti itti, s a onttttn. hut isis th- crisycoutildl le foutittiftor the.ettistor. Tine trlstsilities sic, Ihiowever, thtnoiethinig o ithinssort stilllte tionse tis yetar. oltth estwlitle, the stcess ofthfcluis i, s nexceiptiontal thtis yetar, alIithoghsit ]:tttredisntder tthetdisadtlsssageitf pro- Wintg ai "comtedy ofstatniems," 5aIlay ilcttItI if ittitre interest toth le stuetis ifltrtr hntsostsesthatr-gor Intei collegiate Notes. It tistitisst it i tixitik ' is~ ite-i ftir' day ia t weeka lii smemtblersstf lit-ebinsg. Cbalt nit itts nrlriutitt: -tPrinicetontboesinfor ste 'jitnitir srits are securedtibhrseatledi bis.' No tfittunder thirstdlitirs tire re-ceivetd.' ThecItercoillegiate \Wiestlisig Letigue L tuiversitsysitftPentsylvanuia gymntuasitsmtt IL' ttnittinulat idebiatinigle-tgite illtshie cati. icottpsdctiof Conell. Coilumbsi,atut listlittuikit. ill deblate sthe ssme itet- iooniFiec. 28, lust .\iicttigs teiams l+te i ithChticatgou ttndtNottt-iterit. ''i L-ii rsity if h.iiuneseta ritctitn Is becittg. geituous, ast eIicoingqtugtise populr swithiste studietse Titertins-c :iiitiriat-ii$.S,ooo0for ti ss-iitistniguptil in! ita rtaitilug ti-ack itslte.gytntsitutn. bastcreek "ainvtlu em icsonstraionsof aittewit ttotitatic isa pitchuin~ssg'sscs cmachtin itthl t Ji iirs-trtt. Tue isacitine shicia is, sisilar _to a irech loadisig gususs wse tsignsedl tntafforsi praite fr Iti1 t- tes.aidto. takceteilace,,if te.strtng if 'pitelee int wo tine-to-. ciithais .wgsik. "liot."i -The Qtford LCircersisy \sthuitic tub tins :declinedl te*challenge 0fshe itter. collegiate Association. of Liii testilath lctes of Amnerica for an iternnisoss i t rack stnd field smeet silswishteunts ersitrs. of Oxford and Canmbridge, isnLonsdon, folioswing ste Olympic cams. Dusrisig jttnior swcek it Coubiaa lecture iwas gcitnisy oof.itheittpint tessors to sihowit lsy titsstlssis ei r s~eteisthiistte earth is res-linttgot t s axis. iasi iofte stdesits ti:eiri tests, bitit lesesaidi tiat tesyiserc soinitetcreestdit their frices tanits tile iscsiltsss. Robiler tiB. Bthds , , sumwiaselectedt capitaini tf tthe-Yatlecfootbiallt dccczisi tie uirsstian esvcr electedi cap~taint ofa hate foitbateaitsswe-io htiasinothndaiit leant osse yer's exiseriencsseeatietirgttlar. Ic layest itstee-itnsor gamses tutu fur thte iast mssit int ftime tIi-rmi gameicltie 1See tr complete line of Michigan ptns, . ft~ils asnd souvenirs. Hailer's jewelry Store, 2T6 S. Malt street. eoil Pyrography goods at Foster's. If See Deinsig & ihocit's stew..ful ishhe. of Mhlltiganssfobss. tilts stneposi;tis 53 Ea;set lil-erty St. coil, Since 188sue have made Watch Re- patiritg otie of our strongest features. I flter's jeswelry Store, 216 S. Main st reet. eod II (UT.-Ct RAS -iNUCRS Sec jositewieselse of Broscn, Etager & "-hii-f rtcttt ittbaqutsp rograssis and bahut th siseblefore plainsg yourc or- ticr for Juiocr Huo uose Isanities. 'NOse is stesite to tinier. Alsoi nest lute of fraiterityandsnihtigas s ttitic3feidrT-its te city. -Typewsritinig chlyii donse. Jiolliffe & I itzssilller. ibove Co-nip.- coil Two dollars insures you against all loss by fire.. Geo. J. Haller. &- Co: Real Estate and Inttir~nce,. 216 South Main street. . f hllIISI' .Jis tis +tS. Gertaiiic. Retusrnedi ti Coouk IIoisitin. Rooitit7.iniisitcttr- tine. IIttinis, 25cents; cartd..s-25 ceaiatwekinAns.or* All late hooks- for rest-at -Foster.'s. .f. See our comsplete line of Michigasm piss, fobs and souvenirs. I-aler's , jcwelry Store, 216 5. Main 'street. eod. GREATINVENTORY- Y- SALE Undervwear, Shirts, Gloves, Trousers, Hose and Hats 20 per cent off. Suits, over= coats, and Raincoats at 25 - per, cent off . Some old Suits at one half off A AVkoney Saving Opportunity Sta-ebler (44Wuerth Ara Arber, Mich. VNEVER RGUF * OU 01?STYLE O U 1rThe man who buys 2e1aZ(-le shoes each season is never out of- style because ifrisAe shoes keep abreast of -shoe fashion. Every de- I siirable feature that fashion dictates or fancy desires can be found. in shoes and the other essentials --- of 'satisfactory :shoes, comfort and service, are contain- g e d in all 2(W,-tct shoes. THE ACME OiF EASE x.Walk,0Over Shoe Co.' r 115 51)1TH iMAtN STREET I 4 Hart,:Schaffuer & Marx FULL D]RESS SUITSUT 'The Clothier, Properly Takdiored ". i BANKS THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, 450,000, Surpls and Frofiis, $65,000 Geones-al Ranking Business. '3 percent paid ac Tithe and Savings Deposits. Safety Dn-! poas Boxes to rent at 12.00 aod upwards i W Kusowr, tteea. WQ, STEVES.t Tie-Pea' 1. H. BUTBUB, Cash, Itf. A. WSVLL1.kxa Ass The Ann Atrbor Savings Bank sipltssats-ck, X50tt0. ' Surs-ii, $200.000 A Onepstal Bheelng Bsssass TeraasaCt.e tlurptollss ita. tiacek. Pres.; W. Di. Hlarriman,_Vie e~, i4.1. J, Frtz. Cashier STATE VINGS BANK~ Win. As-said Dts. V. CI. Vaughan las. IT. Wadte t. F. Mitts Jaisn Hsare Jno. Koek Prot. Ht. S. Css-Eoet Hens-y W. Donuglas lteristlan Martin Dan F. Zimmses-ns i .k . _ ., OUR AN'NUAL. JANUARY SALE OF .Suis nd.Overcoats Our rentire stock of Suits ad Ovrcoats' divided In toLots-- t LotgI 2 OO -s'uit s 2off 200 Lot 2 .250 Su its ana ercoats at 1-3 -, off 250 All the-balance of our entire stock of -Suits and Overcoats, at 1=4 off. All Trousers, at 20 % 4 iscount. WADHA~I ~-O THE Palais Royal 2t09 E. Liberty St. U. of M. PILLOWS AND PENNANTS A SPECIALTY CURIOS and BRASS Front Every Counitry !11 OF AIMAsiwt, MICHn. Kt D. KINfNE, HiARRISON SOTTsE, P'res. . Vice-Pres. S.. Xcl*it45E555N.Casierc. (tiptat, $100,00c. surlsus aod Ps-silts, ยง150i,000. Miermnan Am ~lcaut Savings Bank Coasas> s-lail anald " 8a..vl7aaga Cbr. Mais anad L -bersty S9t ata LI: 0.1 atuFUNERAL y' a. tta oM afttnDIRECTOR. Ofc 09S t v.Poe9 iht i Re~~ ~h vePhoe ~s Patent Leather iIts vet 1 sckt-o otLur Resdene.302S:5th As-n. Phone 344 tosfishyoneskito blouse, 36c ~nd- to At Tu.ttI.'a. '338 S. Stat. AMBULANCE ON CALL Ipecesof thedrss-oods when sendingorer;. _______________ - - -:TItE DELTC&rFTco.. BOSTOY'd MIAS; $TUDIO REN,.T..XUfX-IEI$uv?. '319 East Huron .Street