The Mitc''higan Daly VOL. XVIII A, xAiiOR, .INfICIIGAN-W~TT$7 DAY', PEBRCA?'Y , 1908. >$o 9 ELERTYE SYSTEM PROVES A SUCCESS prof. Scott. T~bulates the Elec- tiouns-Dead Languges Are U-. popular. The reports of the fresh it class on the eletie systent as conditcted by te rhetoric dprtment and their tetatie elections for their entire college corse are eent tabtlated, in part, under te direction of Prof. FScott, in a mannier which brings out maty interesting facts. fiery nember of the lass was re- quired to fill out a blak fontm showig the studies lie ittendedl to pursue dur- ing his four years of college work. The bject swas, in part, to familiarize the uconing stttlet with te workings of the elective systett, witt the subjects offered in the departmetal btlletit, atd with the psssiilities of a utivrsity cotrse. t is believed hbytthe instrtctors sho hate had te work in charge that this etd a Ibeei Ahieed to a large degree. Whie it is unlikely tat thetsdets will p~rsue the courses as they Iae otit led thrns i all case, yet te tault- jon gives anuiteresting iisiglt itto sffat the totit lt class titks i swants ttit do1 About s-en per cnt of thle class e- petto study Greek, the Prpo)rtini re- st1,ining te sattetdtritg te fotr years. hii~heen per cent of te class are taking I1tJin this pjear and te roportiot wiche int nds tis tuy itwill sik grastally to tet per cent by te stir year.1In cot- tra kmt 11wttttttr akit gthe dead lat guages is the popttlartyyif renhtatd Gert-hnn, II all of te class are takitg renh'and te aority eruetedto pur- ue she sttdies tti l te last semleste of titeforth year. when the "perentage will, :,lrop arutptly t niite ter cent. Girrnigo i3s vest mre potilar, fifty-iec per ct taking t stuy attifswhile this perce age faly off sigttly it stuwsntso stdde0t fall. P'erhiaps thirty aercent of theoigial teeter cottituit. lhiheric is requiret f all fresttmen dlring 'Ile tti5t' ea its4 sotte tiry- wnepst, cent o thec class itetts to elect it dri~ their soponore year. :bathe manis, ritile poplar for te firs year. whaet i~ claims forty-lie per cet f the chs is. ik lrtlose aIlarge fier- tiqsu of tlslibtthrsnts since bt fiften per ent 'ttesat to pursue ftrter studies. these 'ng largely devotees of the higher c snmercial course. Of the ;scieces, cenistry proves the most =poplfar. Its stdetis vary is iium- her fromt eent to seetteetu per cett of the class. ;Ptysic is a close seoatd with a high mak o'#sxt esq petcetttduritg the seonA yedeIt.yiolgy uswile clain- ing elvent iper cent of the cBlass as ad- herents d4g the first year falls 'rap- idly frotm poplritly Te bsddisff oriators art. tpermitted to lossons .dirssfth. e fresbisati year, hbut ifteen W1 celittt Isf uAclasq epect to elet eocusfin ursiqtlxte sccid year. Mlsaic is no as ppilar but two per ent of thee lasn euecuig .to study it. A strange fact comnes -to ligt in con- netiot sith poliftecal econony. While it has, been the geeral customt for a large. part of -the 'literary sudets to elect econosites at the beginning of theit secn year, te taultitos sent 'to in- diatQ that this class tdes iot itetd t pursitg it until the thirdyear whets the propotiosi rises sudeity front six to lory; per cet.f About a fifth of the class expect to studs phil osophy though- ount te last thee ears Prof. Thomnas'i speakitg abot the reporp said that he resids were a pleas- ig .surtprise. TI ey shosed that a large tortiop of the class hail a definite- ettd it viewa ql4 .sPl ped a unitfiedlpton- gram ,to that end. - He believed. that if the tembers of tthe clt fb lloiav the couarse they hasve axnogped out, they will be able to look ack 911 a moune unifed corse than the, presett seniors have e- lected. Other-, instrutrs, while hesi- tating ti express themselves. seem ell satisfieid sith the results. ARRANGEMFENTS MADE FOR CIASS ORATORICAL CONTESTS Thec oratorical committee met yester- day and decided tion te time and place for the class oratorical cottests. The followitng is the schedule: iW) Lts-I-.IR. Porter, David Se- vettntin, Albert I11 Reynolds, Alfredl L. Devos, F. B. McKay, Saturday, Feb. s5, 8:30 "a. nm., Rootti 4, Uiversity Hall iqop lbits--R. At. McFarland, Dean . Ryitisi, X. J. ('oga, Henry S9. Arm- stronug, lloward larkdtll, Saturday, Feb. t3, t a. tnt.. Rootu 24, Usiersity Hall. Pital for tpoq lits--Feb. 17, 8 p. o., Rootut B, law building. Finals for tgo lass-Wedtnesday, Feb. tg. Roomtu I, ela bilding The cotest- ants arc: S. Liidskli, Floyd Olds, I. I. Fitch, R. F. Sutlter, . IB. Blbit atid II. F. lenetl. 11310 Lits-BleinjamniuI. Ric,. Harol I. Ratel, rnitine Moffe, If. XWrigt, Hltuh I. adurn Ray K. Simmel, Mi- erva a Ihge1D.1Trippleort; prelisins- arie, Saturday. IFeb . ,7:30 p. mt., Room _-d, Un iersty hal fials, Fe. 20, 8 p. s. atwlstbuniling sfura Isis-G, . C .lestpie, h. aM. Thornsi,Herbrt it.I tcrnert, It. G. Hays, trorge I ackard"Jr., W. J Los- tngeu;v1ti limniettsMontday, F. 17j 4 P. in, RooamuBIlastbhissditg . i te- seritgeOlull XXalter Duinii J. 0. rick- ioTom Risoin, WX\.P. Tallmadge 'F;. Suitet J XVLarence prelimi- narieis,3Tuesay Felt 17"14 p. tm5Rootu B. latebuiilding Finaul itto law-Feb t1.8 pI.,I..Room I, latebuislinsg. Fitas to8its-Felt.s2, 8 p. in, Roosti h, lastbuilinitg.' Cotestants- George Iutterfieldt, Harry IL. Kelley, Geiorge Errs, F. G. Seeiso, Janmes McCasdess, 'Sterling A.X.Leonard, sail 2A. Everest. Prelimtiaries ip08lsi-0. F. I-oose, louis A.XWois, A. M. Landsman, S. Ilourtcy, Thosmas V. Biri, Wednesday. Felt. it, 3 p. i., Rooms I, air buildig '.F. Foote, W. ). Grimusos, Fidley, Joh olti:. Cralet, G. F. IHammsuod, XWe- nseday, etb. 1, 4:30 p. ti.. Rooit It, lass- ;tiildiitg. iuals iqeS IssFehs: 24,: 8 . i., 4tooin IB; law tauildin. BIASEIALL PE;ACTICE; STARTED AT TI-F GYM Basehall plractice started, yesterday its tse cage at he gyt. Quite a number f battery messtere present atd worked oait titnter the sipervision of Coac M- Allister anth Capt. Sulirst. No hard wosrk tasclnie, hoswever, te tortsbeing cuttfited to looseiitg tip their, arm stts- dces Following are the pitfers wht tate areaidy reported for twork: IDot- huie, Weler, Ticknor, Siscoc, asd c- Clch.i. onsdXWhiple, ast years maintstays, till be out later it he week. S Those doing thu r eceiving were Emce man, We~ager, Itnsley atd Roth: Prac- tce will contisuts evey aftersuiiot front ts 3 oclock. VEREIN WILL PRESENT ' t "MtNNA VON BAMNIELM' X Work othle Deitster Verein play is progressing rapitly. Reharas have ects started. The cast, swhich nutmter "bout ten, his not yet beets defitly choses, bust will e amttonsced in a es lays. The play that list been decidel upon is Iesings"Minus von .Barn- helmi," and it will probably begven slits- luig the sweek preceding sping vaation. A trip has ben platned for the vacation and a late list already hbeen'.ecured fins I Sagitnawv.Te Vet-emnhiss also. written for das atTlos k4-14 if ' fnothisig de it ,liast b u decided. The Atn Arbor production is' to be giver at thyXhjtbi tn .. I.'0 _MI~flIG6 U- CHORUSLIBRARY PUBLICATION m TROU LES IPRAISES UNVERSITY IUNIEST T LIBRARY' H SITS TR UB ES Thur nitfecity library hsbcm HASsa ell kowsu outside of Ana Arbor. The improements made recently hae caused Costumes Puzzle and Palm Them mich faorale commett among personsu --R@il~i8iS re elig " 8d faniliac wills cosditiosssithtluc truii- -R~ee~rsls Ae Beng hldnent libraries of the]Usites States. Regularly. tIu te Januay, suumbe f ".ublic -- ~Libraries,si mottly tulicatiot strvtu- .Michigeda rehearsals are being ed to the adtancenet of lirary swnck. rutthed. Mr. Scaulots sat takens hold ats article appears twhicht praises the Bii- sigoriatsly, std principals and chortus are versity library. Itcienctally tasy facts fndintg it tut swith a vengeanuce. Two are tauchedh tpot of wh-ihlthestsuets rehearsals were hel yesterday. -For as a sthole are unftfuniila. over two hoirs at qht sessioat theelati-'4 -I seems harily possille tsossne fa- orate. stage effects aworked oust by M'r. utiiar swih thIe library of sle u ier- -Whiteys directors were drilledh and rc- iy of :Michigans a fete years ags t drillet isto the ysusstg actrs,'attulthinrst at-liesthatit is te5same isstitutios thasu they- sterrudississed, to cosmse back tdtay hevisits tay when tsgoigintste li- and go through it all otser agai rs. -Ir brary- as i is nus aranged. The lirsry Scansjon is hadling theis like tprofes- of te t.titrsity- ceonsist, of over 2t,0Cd sosals, paiesntly, thoroughly,uetermtised volumes ad seseral thosusadut pampsthets that wshensshelu srtain rises out the snight andu mtagzines. Te lirarians lstomus- of tie _26111every man of Ithemshsall 1b uetely canugetel leasets f thur sure tester perfect. roestby- placisg Cscfurisingtswhere AllIsae been instrutedl toshe present they'ledula postf-eihchamstosthu s-si. at every- rehearsal antI warsed that iab- ressdisgs. I anulsnuefoih scrses se ettee till meats dismissal. It ito1o late catalog cabises, anthuler secesary to trifle wsith anyone not heart std suctfl tuueat a hr stulotes t-gs in the work. Few use its ases f ener :uuitig greatly ntn ily us teslur en gesteysubstittes suns- being udrildto-l iiisr-v,. if tesludtusbutlutousthe eutyl take the plalce osab lsentee-s, td ecisaof slure. lac. thle pnscipalslustsonunuerstuty. teachs 'iTe aratiosi Of thus e eaig ros osne of ltst sevntyitt the ast is gventis q~uis- artistic aduu utsal. A frize a numsber as he eners Iriee bleusuaialmaeuoftepnlofheLcDln Iaat t 5herShoeol eof Music,wtees-the lsatia, tfhe atattlsuasndthe sartte- rehearsals ae gigit, atdlauti-cs ,rss u.wstartg. t atsyuii are~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~nn hac:lse sibi-wre saheditt srs eenut farngditla ay lutshoc'- aecekdofadrpretotecr-srenoonyfrdslybttrenittes-. No ouse- is per-smited to see-the herthsesuallsositheluir busucesc. rehearsals rxcept thur commssitte nmet"- lBrasuses suitale tt the suo usudigs arc ies or mesmtbers of the dst themselves. bosh useful std ornaamsetal. usts f M. Scanon, trho has een tstbhy-soted en totsf letrst.hare een cts sed M, IWhlitsey ts take chage of the stag- in anios arts of tec roam. ing of MVicligettea, has hail Years. of "Sields herig thueats (f ants f professional euleriensc, aduthstter his thur leadisg uieritie.sre placedstat directiont sarkedimtupuotement is already- utersalt aound i teroomst. tHeeesnts evident,.tere si plsnt csutitstbutesto the usturuy Butrhasl-c 111tu it-u sre of thur scese. Scersal ases f stioks of telabuding actor just nows, especialy ae place-stnear thurcirlation stik. if the budder' happess:,tosae the Osur caledsthse Cap stdGown t es t shrin symph-ike focus std siren voice that swhih osists of shoies of life at thur gel hint his job inthe chous. The tat-varous uiersities of this assetholer of the choruss"girl' is 'stressn twithi cuunuties asudh disussionsusof p uurobem 'thorns. Mrs. Lyons, thu ropufessional twhicsonront thuesllege sat. A spe costuer sest sere byty M. Xlhitey, hissviat case f books forte fscuty is tis beent batsy- on the etstunes'fur the past ptayed, as is asulo sscdir f idie std week id suste owe listtuary all itf refereues. themtready foc their wsearers. These (his thur seondushflour secial l rusis sr individhushtoever, do ot seem quitsetutomsuswtithsteir coletioans hvuhes-usn eatly for them. furntished for thur graduatue stuetcs. Thur I do't are to wear this, do 1?" mudern language oose is msost attract- peasded a chubby chorus"girl," squirm- rvely aranged with well stockedlmater- ing bseteent a halebone as -hersress it. stas baeingfitted. "The gesea lirsry cntassisuoser "Certainhy,' said Mrs. Lyonsus. tree-ourths saf thur colecionantd te t The victims moaned nmierably. seprmnt irta iarais, whtihs are fllru "Ohs, I ee my finish. Ouch!hIlet te fron t ilu steelk of thur general lirary. lout a link, stuck; I ca't brathe." sre changd as ocasonu warants. rhere does siot eem o bu sy help "As new- card catalsg, rapidly- beig tfor it, though. The chersisudioomed. cimspleed, is pacred cntvensiety se-r Forushat would a dainty priicesa' dress te estrasce. ook like wsihouts a --? IHorors! Us- "Atogether thUnuiersity tub .lih- > thinkale l igatsma nursgrtlae itself out thur res- Incidetally te yountg "ladies ae ut cotteitiont of its lirary, stnss esta- leartissg hs oriess ttemsusries. Dish cialy puitectisc-at tii you, ever see a sats try- to ~ut ott iasrsssKetstsaIi ~uS dr- s No? XWell, he goes t it s if Liraia _Kchanhs_ taf. it usere a pair eof oven Is-gets it'strted * bcks-prs (o h cn hok ester) uX. J. MORGAN ELCTED bacw~rs (o e cn hok t~asir~l - R SIEN G OF COUNCIL tpokes hsi feet throughs a lace ruffle or. ts-pasd fsslly sticks Iis fiegrs on J araiwa buss uessru pin hlooking ftsa sspeder buttons. f ItsJStsornwcon prlstsiet, s -Th its-y lichigenda horist"girls , ofdtheSuena-lthue snc aestsnigttist are g ig to have a few- assistants wshenl coustitiiossuhih us-er recently passe. the cruciatrt i itcomies, . o~ r eisseetrtoetstu I)EUITSCHI± VEIRFud-v l fittl.S approed o he s-ped upost sttherext XVWILL, BE ENTERTAINED sttetig These provided, its effet, ha is_ o tetn sho is not a couci meubte A } sectioss o the Detitcher Vs-ein ay attend a meeisg of teunc ui I megsbgrs asill he entertainid t the Alpha -eept by invitation sun cosent fte Ph i puse this evening. This is one of prpidgetut -Councilmesstere appontued -a serles of, entertainent s which h ang to ,241 chlarge ofhe t 6sisaioss andt -, bep plasned by .hgjdsirtaemers ofa Ciutiulst to de coucil froamtsthur juio rtlucso~iety. The nate snembers arc stot classec of the sasnouts sdparnhsuts.'Thes rin jtdgil- intt he,,invitationus, t.short ehegliojas iccusr on Feb. .1, thur usussisus- ii nisictt programsn has beets arranged, tiopt. not later thtan Feb. T8. t1 whijch will be followed_ by, dancing and A commnitteeas-as isnstruteed to pre- e refreshments. The eonversaiusC durisig set resolustions st thuestrut regultar - -the, evening. us-il!he, carried op entirely meeting wills reference to secturng uni- in, Gjjpman_. fouptity its class elections. j f t 1 r s _ jl I 1i r e a - r f t ll i. ci :t t r I (l cl T (. .T l- GOERNOR JOHNSON WILL SPEAK HERE le Will Fill Open Number on S. L. A. Course-Graves Will Lecture on Feb. 24. Goverrnour Johson os tf Minnieusots ut beeni secredrutohtfilt thur atest sumusuer ott thur S. I,. I.trgramt.Ther smaasge- menustfthe S. L. I. lusosnnunuuces lusats joitu Temle;tG rsves, whotwuss sst havet sokule - re utnsJsan. 24, till sek insthesadonthelie uutitg otub ht. 24. Ns definie dateha lst.Net btintset lust SGow trusts Johnusosule cture,-.butsit witttesos- lly cesisomtisse iueits .Aprtit. Govues-luts-Johsoniutsis tites of thus- conpiuo s uts itspliticl ittrcrlu-s utulssy.His.successin.- iIsai veusthu .,s has tutu-t peculir, antd Ihis triumssphs ther- lhatse ltetI Ihimtinitoth butoadserus ielss of na tustinal poitis Itis stousterwhel-htt ing vicituis-.its asrubluuicanusstat,- sutk hnts ui t s-thin imtut Born -us- St is-tr hisus-Minn~ t-snu of Swtedsishipartsh, JohntuAlbet-IJohtn tos s s -sntily si:tinsestsa proucst. htis fattercearly-dstehics tfamily, ad us the sue oft hirteen,. Jobnoun et setoo stoutrt-calift- tufsetrk, thugh he has seter c esedtltshe sa sudent Ever active int stutcl ftrs, ishbecames editr thea -sits dem rcrairnespaphster and init 1808 wasitselectedutasste senatour. Ie utasu atlsecleau f thur democrtui gust. enrde-riuc nstI 55t.itot1,mentioned f-r thet gtoternotrship. Ihowever, seeing ut thus rstpublicans sandtiat fr tast yesr usas extremssely ptulatr, Johsotun wsey refsstd.itspn4dope-iscthismtoitubulet he repuican raniusssks sundultue-wary trusts sts hog it udifiruhty, rnsustuee Johnsotn tt rus.Ts hle camps~aigns hresumute was asotuustigy srtipsi t Ind ithorough, andt eetiotut dasy swnhitue ictr wth aplurissty otf 7862 tithes lii Igisls- tit s u u tree-fourthsrpublsiant,luts hut- accomps~listhd suds evthceilets, 010 ther thiings briging aboust sa re- -oelngofthusitsstirsuscslas, tutd plscing thisststeuivsersity o tie pestsde-itt ss-.uith 5its oitusbosardlof re- gensl. hutiuiaoo Johnssonsuisasteca scond h shirt- winc-tutuigns. giving 1193 sueehes ii deden wee-ks I-Iis imts5he wonti hy a pluruaiy sub 72,318 voeus. Perhlas thur greestshsitge eaut5fIis serutnditem , sthut-csthishsssurus tf a turranenrut tutummsso. Isisecxturin- ovBs- crnotr J ohnsose hadsst siti the nostoiunis \\,sss-csuFdersationssoeubinlters sose well Iis ability tusert- acrisis. A great strike tastsoinered its thur uorternsirinl regions. Johsonst w eenit straight to file seait o ublsuse. lie lutista5persuonasl tals wsu i t- lcsdeirr uSthur strikers sns- wa-srneduttintuslstat ay disturasnce swoul draws-ususie s tu uionasl gusres its bere. Ther offiastosubthur ste cmpuatniswtren sadmonssisherd ttoskeeu colu. IHe tolulthet crosus sthast thelenstarts asright to qujit work, ,a riglt to oerganize, sunduto tper- ssaduthelrs ti t siltrk; lut snot he rights ts preventsh a satsfrSmutworkig ifhu liesante t slutso. This ptricie tsr aduherudt inflexibly atusheliitrousbe tlewsrostar. Is recent srtile thus hruuaccicirtint "Unusionablussuy litehisdvelophedl itshisi / slir eers ss gust r. % tehauss giedu itt poitead digtt t sy-... XXitot se tracting fruits Iis oetaisl atainmssets, it sisytic ssaidshaiust the key- t Johns A. Johntttsn's success is personatluharms. Pteuoileclike hims, ands it is bueause he ikes teopile. Ile- winsussitudssuiecesr be- fur-.-he tule-sshIis monsstih. I litsiteu-It is raisdisilue-u, sudsoftsubsets lonuttsg lik icataursct, lusts alwasys convsincitg. lHe gives thus imspressionssof a sats stich ii eesdt seihout bteinug a zealout. The masss of tpeople beeI a uonfidensce iTIsimn thatss is utmost wusttakeatshs."