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February 11, 1908 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1908-02-11

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t ite elatherwould be a treat lntetcoleQ'Ate Nts
fant home or ath Seats are selling for the performsancee____________________ LIKr A E
yecnscriwl nala f o TeSho orSadl'wihoc- rr.0To iadia Cootkli otit n Penjist dip it in any
cursnex"The sdlfSay ndalFb,." vThet Harvard's baseball scedue cottsists ink prss te Crecentiler and se t it ito own
NO0PO0L EA N comedy is prodoced under the auspices of twenty-five games. Te College tank like inciiiel saking its thirst hats alt there
CASTILE of thte Woman's League, under the di- StmdAd s to ittNoi dropper-no mss-no bother. Do it
rectiotn of Mr. William Hofmann. Stanford university has sch a large anywshere-any tmw.
aoll hbrofThe pay is attracting side, attention, endowment that it ha loaned aiot a SLF
Iisbigpaebypersons connected million tolars to .the city of San Fra-' E INKL S FLIN PEN
Otze Kilo - 50C sitht the university sho have shosno ciso. 1~n ILN
.tilces f 501t ~ thettselves capable in former plays. In "THE PEN !11TH THE CRESCENTFILLER"
lute swith the ness movement for giving can e iledl instanty ss tioit the least inconvenietce. Yost
-AT- gootd plays onthue college stage, the play SasagtuaeoIninad could ilt it witshit kid gloves on sitot danger of
is receivingemuchitesateniotn from out- fre ote ftes-rt' eirli soiling. Besites its a s'etietce is the slenid writng
QUinlc coiegetrtttcogasctos e-pole vatltitg as gienti tltathletics for qtlteso4h Ctslw teI1 ic cd
college drtmatt'organizations.sPeA-s ots arecohtnig 6Irs17sBiton tsatd e stuy.Leaieg d+et l cltc thell c ei'.lii. I ' trs ndoes not seter
't-irM t .ad\ nv v.- ork ts se. te pcrformnuce. The play diret. Price s,5.0 andoi.a t ne'l for hadsomcssie e wN irVca lo.
indis great favowith tit the local public A university press cli has just sewen The Conklin Pen Co., 3 W Manhattan Bd., Toledo, Ohio
anid the seatl sale is encoiraging. Seats corganizetd at Syracuse. Its. purpose is
it.or lt'ie t 'Walir's ant at the Whit- tis bng together students who in. ac_______________________
money L..oaned teystheit'r.nr ively interested its newvspaper itork
os watches, IrstotLsaw Bitoks S N I OR GIRLS PLAN LEAF Mittnesotateaters w iltatit conest N w Fo i Bain
atohmpesna tpopry.sitli the taimsof some esterniisnni N w ovB g a ga n
Watches and Jewolry repaired. YARPATYFOR THE M1 "N iy.NgtainsIhv tt~loioi
Bargains in Watceon &Diatnes s 'Ti girls of the senior literary class swils George Wsasiingtontuisesivycani
Office at residence Si E1. Lierty St ill give a "euap yeur party" to the ment NesvYork univisersitty. Na il * t '~
Ann Arhor. NoThrifty Mnwilmiss thidsgreat nBarigfinSl ae
flors: 8 10O a. in., to it:3t and 7 tt o the class ott Frida evenintg, Feb. 2,--
9 I. in. i i Barblour gytasitlis. The students inthle departmeitn ofAlWitrSISadOEC T ta
JOSEPH C. WATTS 'litcmitteich arge of the affair eratiico at the Uiversity of Ilinois
si.,tmosed of Miss May kaker, chair- attended the lectures. cntfereitces andl
r______an,___________ an__ di. tt the Mlisses Leia Srg, ttel laboratory tlats gieni li thi' Clan BIG K.ED"JCTION
PeaitIBrbara McAlvay, Lucetia Ha-loutrWtkers' Institute at Urtbatna
t: ina Henderson, Helenint ion,-
I ii FiedaRtynolds andtlCathleine lDouglas. 'The Intercolegiate'Swimtming utso-
L~y-IO f ikts it ill cot ffty' cents.ntl tmay cation cotsists of six colleges who have
1~~~4 I In si,. otistspbyt'ir girs frism any arranged for nmets ith acti tther. so AlSf tt hl is. sitil
on all tanmped goods, Including tshi I iiiof'he.comismit te- All Soch ai'aSiistiltahiss' its csttnpett'
MICIG~AN PILLOW TOPS - °- _______ - _a tist every tther teams eforthie sea- Stoking jackets - _Ich c etitoff
oii is s's i si .its c il aav sit is eddt. Trscheuleibeins Febl.Staley Utnderwsein- - - - s- Isn'ter cettof
A UI 5sitFsit ilit V 1 iantl entds twos mots atIetwith the
1 i ' iacuisiyloft eheuim iotisitiis it icolni un L.50 M anhttn Shirts t - - - - $1.2
Iis ill enteirtiss this studtenths of thei' n iiulca po sis a rneo .
DARZLING & MALLEAUX Li sttilt ts Iiih s'ic itUion to t- '1he tembetrs iof' the associtin re $200 Manhattan Shirts- - - - $1.55
224.226 . Sael S'c. Iitsiute te ale. Pincetonu, IHarrdti Colmita
nit liii n s ttit . Hlsaltenoyvtl.ai h 'lnnsftm$2g0 Manhattan Shirts _._- _ .- _$185
it tiates thaut thin'obhjnc of l't teet-
to iromtse goosdtfetewslils austCty sf Nest Yorki. $3. 00 Mathattans Slitt'-. -'- .- ---$2.50
Cotllegestssis mre intueres ini geera hU'ni-
... FI tege tiities. h'Ni'llJ OPS
'',tsnsinfomatlstunchteint sillbeserved aI
YYY S'ins tod tt itocs etig prgrams. presentitg At CoirieItte 'jsmtiweek'sin tisnhsish -ege
, G n.:mbers of tIhilefaculty atndetresetit- elbesidens the oit. this'que sht loss Reulo, ALRSJWLYSOE21S.MiStt:eofhecasshsbenpprdlcspomectlinuiallbs
___________________________'__'le__good___fein'hg ipres'aiig beiectn this it tin'rt,I.ands te 'tale-Cortneltltasketal
I smiuvand stru ts, wthichi is sitpr- gu. si. uhrinitg the fes'tivittits the Alhau
W e C 1 ....ee i ste depaurh tount.assres ani 'as Onmega fnr er hiildig wsldse- A L?
'hIsa suisiihiwe wn wtissl cs __$1.0 TIfl M1N AR II HIRT $100
ts lesi is saidi to yous whinoets er us''"'5 ''( l l).NCi. 'Te hlist lCiluiti asrssven in tsthisV a i{tS H
tsar sote. i itisess'ssic si is h()serS. Regis hotet s itFifth aeue andt astsist
puts eisa toiboy post.'sahest aIpsitdrita' Sectd semtester st rncs cho
sign olsavera tres is i ol si r tsoiuse.n 0veis hsiitrtgbysiitl f ttsch tra bttifettsapiertis nthitetth nsate puu to.tahen un ~
tephone.antitle to liyou iit t lncmg. Joint heclasses any Tis hllwitg eetitig te ostsatdhgust tahed Ctffs-theteurnilanh styls sun as gutx
as56 r :y ' Pha t citay esetingl t i clock. atentdesd "The -Merry 'tiswithss ie as 0silpt hansn hnt
East University Pharmacy 1 his-o tele lesosts.$.00.oun sttd t e tas decoratedhiiiin htsishmuia
ratilhl iisr's 'ilt'~nn. itri, Miayesnaid strict.s9s-insolors uAnother feaure iof this hips h tt M C ( e .C .M i
HI. M. ROYS, Pharmacist MACK '-ktiostiittus rtseSt.l
__________________________ P1yrography goods at Fosters. f-
V. O f M. isTe ".juniusr hproms" at l'iscusi ii was
Barber Shop }, yy, p 1 a eball men:if yonwass thsltetm I ist Isestied chiely b.' the mctvty f 13u. 1 liiitiaiiod h- .,4 l
Barber Shop and Bath Roomsill ba sts. seeSuaiigs in, 't ; indpedets hese2ets, divsiedinto st;;:s '10N[Y LUI1I ol[0 it t adiifiuii"iszlhrrr
L~ta iF icrti ansdIHotpkinis Isasties. 'thse Tidori s sth siof sisit -
TLargdittiesossutistittCCit . A .A. W. J. LOVRIM
J R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop PoratfaeatFses ffnviseddSadt.
r/'What do you thinkof theI
jo Heavy Oil Grain Waterproof Oxford wej
_ 0 WAGNER & Co., State Street ositsnsit the big witevsoe
F lOVES Iow'sLandy _L C T , CI_
1 32 N. Fith Ae.

mean right gloves- Crig and Baggage New Phone 47 Bl hoe4,cupleaocllgle n
so buy oh'oeo and save rae Womel% for All PUrposewww'
trouble. Foe each Couple to and from parties,SCT'DAINAAEM
b eore 1i'toech1.i50, ate is o'och CT' ACN CDM
________ $2.00. 3W0 Soth State StreetWA TN W LIH &PO E C.
________________ For eaeh Trunh to or rom door, the AHE WLI T&P W RCO
prie will e 25 ents. If carried to a
SEND YOUR NAM or from np-stairs. the price will e ** sss atnrday, 10 A. M. anad
so __ K,, 0Cents. T7:30,P. M. ZOO East Wasinton Street
- TO 'i'.sw Driers are required too tolect cash
forAcariageand aggage service. Assembly i9 o'lnek. __________________________________
SpligWALKER'S LIVERtY - ___________
Spaolding AtliceGofATLSsIVR. Chinese hop-Suey Restaurant By arrying a _copy 01olisteSttiithN UgDaily Subscriptions Now Due
Spaldng Ahletc Gods -Chinese Fancy Dishes, Amerie'an Lnhes of HtANDBOOK in your pocet Saceeftoe 0m-___
Mai Orer eptal inds. Everything ftestclass for oranda caendar special eets, tniersly
MalOdrOm' lades and gentemen.. aedii hs15 aebo.Gvnaa usrpin ae ym.1 hedatn
A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Chtnese and Japanese iBri-a-braec Ch-sars monepghttt. ive w y istioraier. ysit leri lst i
126 Nnsa St.. New Yr. 149 Waash Ae.. Chiago hUp Stain. se danr S. MstonIr1M. 314. State St. Mlian '1al. A c iie rtr
STUDIO-REiNThCUL i R, r3j- Iiast Huron Sbreet

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