T 'ZmlIecw4145A N T)A f f G. H. Wild Companly Our Spring igsti line of fine Imported and Domestic /WOOLENS]I Is nowready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectnlly solicited. G. IL Wild Compally 311 South State Street The Proper Place To Buy University Text-Books 1-r all Deprtmnteos Engineers Drawing Instruments and Stpptes AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores A. G. a -. SQ~G S PAL DI1N G lN & BROS The Largest t~anufaturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Bal, (Gol, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Offiial Imsplesets o Track and Field Sprts Uniforssstr alt Sprts. Spadin's Handsey Illustrated Cataogue at all sprts contaissn- mssrs suggaestins. Send tor it.-It's ree. A . SPALDINO & BROS. New York, Chicago. S. Louis. Sn I-acisc. Mttnneals, DeaesrIutalo. Syrniuse. 'ls- burg. Pblaselphia, loson, Cininnai, Baiti- more, Washngtn, IKansas Ciy, Ceeland, New Orleans, Detot, Montreal. Canada. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 11 onaging ]idiar-Aici it F. -trcci. Businrss Manager-C. E. WNSEADc. Newc..o........Hiram S. Cdy Athletics-....David F. Stevenson Etxcharnge. - i-I... . John Wamoldl Mdusic ant Drama-...Roy D. Welch Women's Editor... LoiseVan. Voorhis EITOIAL. STAF J. W. MCandless Elmer C- Adams Russell McFarland NIGHT cteEDTOR lucc A WXhie George IH. Hobart Chasncry Boucher B. G. R. Williams ayrond Vissher L. C. Reidt 'Teron P. Cooper M. 1. MCtngli J. H-. Prescott A. L. Hainlinr Robert Mountsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney \\taltr i-. 'Tosers Louis Kraft tesis '1. Knisksern Robert Moreland Taal Greer Samuel H. Morris Olin Engel Fred . Gooding BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address: MICHIGAN DsLY, Press Bldg., Moaynard Street. Mhanager's Hours: I- p. in., 7-8 p. in. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 1' I? tot: s oust1lit i.'A se sn, t i. of STe Dailvxto sere as i meilnnable- enfcl~at t anl stdets, andl 0amon g ac has been eery -iclittleapptrteciate. Thei paerttosgeterlly beet regartet it ediitr wot ttaigrthe ptltsurett, ttlliyttdtl II cttt'cues to rport-or tta- ifacisr-turretnewssfor the htublic. Ourcnewt-agtitrrs ofiit get scatt ,itpatilixfIomul lii ishmutheyli'al- a' , 'ii. -atticaffaiis tanisie so s- -lx l tat ills-scantnotiberoristed att al.In oiithier ases te oteswho gives lite netsispeiaks sindseiitelytr >a%:.s~.ittjl5 luttotic versiot of it amotisto iiti s-itsniciuis kiti of fsl- Ii n i-ctstae it-littei tmore the prouc of l co-operiiiii'altin adsoitosi m take it fill ithe les-it sni sho ess-scette is sionto het ts-Irs. Aitoxe.will le plcdi thei geeralliratrtty, otein t I) itcs iits Halll. tnti possilhiosne itt stmeoutitI tie- llhe-r builigs. Itttett ma Its deptsitsd Univsrsity notics, -. ics f tistictolto itheir sttetts, s-siiittiictsioiss, ansIewtts itemts of grin- urlitecres. .flatter stdetositet iill Ite-cotllcctd cmrca ve-titgat 5o'clock, anll at tillaltitis avatilatble sill lbe pttb- lielie-t. Our sitio lle-purptose, f cutrse,. is to makeiulr itl oesaccessible. If ilhc its-t-boties tr tsel iase hope to scltmichcirsltu willle scry stis- fatirylbothl l to statndtsour readets. USE, ANT) sABUSE. Cominttiitts cntinuei to reach us sout the ahttse f te redting roomi prisileges inith li hramy. IRos tre left othet tble st-i-^rte lly are lst usd,, isteal f us-jg retuiriedtoli their proer shelves. I-oss great a faultithiis is becomes clear ihen it is remembered that ooks so lost amnosg a great wmty others cannot te.- found till tight whlen te room is ceared; andt tat manshiiii doets of students,. perhapys tindcd arcswaitin for thenm. We bleieve tleiosers-tlaf lie. itt the library. coldtietforce some rule Io retute the eil. All night esitrs. reorers aiss cal- didisates ftr the staff tre reiested to retport st The Daily office tdayi beseent 12:45a-suit1:5. t4OR~tER ASSOCIATION NN OCU'PY tROMlI NN'POSTS Sitcetesisestbllismttetttof the St- tetts' Cristiati Assciationi at the Uti- versity it s 85, ifty-fosir presitetti ttie tirscetd its wsork . Aslbranttches tof titl orgniztttontt the Y. M. C. A. atstY. XW. and seen presidentts. Of the istal ntttber of seety-e wsho hase et the exectie otfficers, thirctee-tt stteredithtie minisry-.foirteett biecatme tprofs-ssors, titditis'e gagein t le ssoirksf tther Cristiaitiassociatios. (Of those whotihae bsen, or still are. iministrssx iritPresbyteriats, tree tilttarilsthee Cntgregationalisrsonie Ia Baptistittid sn pt Methiodiist. T'iee sit te se-stit,.are 101w iteiber of the ftsuty ofit heisv'tersiy,-1 .C. Godad tliT.itI?.tRaiiki, atdII. ) . '' Illiset. Othertstre at tiii-folloitg unititieils:s Wi scntsi, Nrthutiatkott, Cicitit, alt dttiGteorgs -Waushigtoi. lit'isee iioillhe seven tutuho itivs bbeottes do11rstaesdigtisttsioartttysok atiotg' 'Trkies. Six tre itow5'litsyen.atasd eliv-s i-t ari-iieggedii arsitoohe formt of buisiiess--baitkitng, resiestte, tphitr- mtacy, etc. Siice levitg te Citiser- siy' tell sf tliexc-tresidlentishave ie. tnsitiittwsishsca tgini ts rmtindtl tll toseiwha wish ili tos-erepreetedtin th iatts fiti arrtnging seioirt sittigs sitd grouati ndtiiorgtniziattiont Iictres 1at liii phoxtgraphers' is te Stutrday- of the presenti week . 15 u. Alt retdisntgtmtt- let- fist-the arittis organiztionlits, it- cluiiitg lists f tiettibers. officers, e-c., shtottli l asoile set iniiths week. 'Te itittrsdasks tie co-opealtilt of ever-on,, tutu especially liii seirs, i gittg te copiy for Iltthe sook ttnitt tit. It has tilretady bien too lotg detyei iatd it iill le necsstary-t olmit somtic ote te ontes if they pill off their sitigs intil laller. Tis is equalily- trie of pi- tres of clitbs atd class offier. Thle seniior Itltitks sw-hichi as-cbeen diistriut- etd ill all dcptrtenits shou11l e fillel olt and11turnedin l at ottce. Thosse for te lterary teprtmlent have Ieeilefi at thic desk ill the geteral lirartry, adi weictfilleudostllare to e tlaced ithle XichigatleisititsIbtx 5whicihlstadis 011 tha catalog inlthesealettratce. i . 1 i S. C. A,.TRUJSTEE'S ENTERTAIN FIEND)S THIlS EVE NING lhie lioitrd ti a rustees of te Stdents' Christitit sAssociationt still give a recel- tion ai Newb'lerrx-IHatltotigt,swiht sill tbe te last esentini the celebration of their fiftieth anniversary. - lrgc tnumbeof initations as bt eeti sent to.:the members of te associaiosn, 'heir friends, and the facltly. A ntimer of sneiat nit laions hatalso been sent hto several p trom ilent Detroit alitmtni adi patlron's, nanly Of schom- ha e arealc acutcepetd. Xeslatles JordatntlI-ls- -ey atti-is Smitht are te commitee ini ctrge of te arrangemeit. Dr. Angel iwill eac hie receivitg litte,.swithtJutdge att 'Mrs. Lane, Mars. Jordanli ttti a fewrohiers. 'Te receisig linesill le sort, nmemtbers of the boari bin-tg occupiiedh ill rcivingthlrotigoutt t-e buiditg. Lightl refreshmtaents still le srs-et. Nit proigramushas beets arrntgei1u111seserasl illphrmtuiiIattresses will probail e gust. The tbari wishes itidertod tial everybhodyx is swelcomeI, wItil-her tex suite iceieilattinitaitiioioi tir111 MASNY SI'I .'Ns ENTERZ EIOR SECONDI SEX\ISTER Thie itiss xifInew stdetts itedintg to sittente University for tie sectisd smtester 11(1osises toIa sk tall recrdsi: suntditill withostidoiubit rtise tie attedt- tatcti abotve tie 5,000 tiark Aregistra- tiiso- sixt r setetiy'ile aserage tl his sasonofthsflii-ya-r, butteightyx site halutse ualrusdy ietrolledaith1111cst-i try'-ioffici, aiiid t'eerlmlit is sot Yet sovir. (ltassinuthisengieeringdhr is iii sdo ot cotmmtecse until Wed'i- nisaty tash beluite-inewcr mrs-tlitfrthits MIusic ana Zramna il.j escc silsi.Acli sat tli,.. 'Ibis-Mahjesic's ill lastInigl tas goodtt 'situad ITth'ie numbtlers sthichi tere godt t-u-ntidecideleuyx'gootdu.The blantslcigsut Its 'll isin~iiai sltilln Itlin nutame is a tkuig tansidificutl tc.'TheiRius'- sa dacr's anduthe site aint-atic alu wrsee ssig. 'herets'a Jacosisstill doi better' sihins-i e itis 1no5ti irtiti-. IHlit sonugs taiiulsinging were greetble. 'T'soisof tiresnumbers swere ill-I plil tissue. and1thellse, the munsgec stiys, swill hei suplanhititedb tonigtbtwo nessu , cts.ti~ Th enl Gree Shakespuetreanu actrs til iliill llppar .n'tiversityix tlallln tMarch 2t id.l'lTe iplays liavsinotitas s-t lies-t .'iiihIteed'i, ut the -slcess a'cieved'- lib- thesiplyers it forert eruls-tuueuici- iniA Atiti oru' guairanltelit ses goo ta endul-ul ILsige flontsroom tfr sie anrt-it stetaui heai tudr tiitlwterl. 520 5 IDiision, 01-94 Sen ys'ur - riendtrula tsalentinue Ainei tssorten-t 1at11Clhing's duug stir. 4-6 Hand hammered jewelry at F~oster's. Now Ready TEXT- BOOKS: it'r a l eprte ts ofx t Iu i e Nl it' avth s rge stok of, SECOND HAND BOOKS (;,5t uictutus Drafting Instru~ments and Supplies All kinds of SecondHand Books taken in echange for cash. WAHR' S University Bookstore G. [.BAIRIBEL[ Law and Medical Books Treves Anatomy, New Edition, (just receiied.) Stimson's Fracturesand Dislocations, New Edit- ion. Morris Anoony, yrd Ed. half leather, $2.50, lhalf morcocco $3.00. These are new ooks and only a few left. Ca-lu or exchatge your Law, Medical and Denal Books. C. E. 1BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. State St. Broken Eye Glasses, weortei t~iautptial siuilat amtintion.tisut l s t suxailat WM. ARNOLD, Jewler --o0snitiMn sll-It sFHE 000P SOR ..... Special Courses IN fusic FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS School, of Mxslc MAYNARD STREET i Cbe !5tubents' Ilecture 1ssociation, Seaaon of 1 9078 John Temple Graves Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Nunther TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hlours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays !ZI Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. PhIone I598