THE MICHItI A ILY CALENDAR. N R r r . Feb. 9-Fiftieth anutal addrss of th Student-' Chritian asociation bylRt TAILORS High Class S p c a u r c s Re. CalesP. nderso, nItshp of FURNISHERS To M 11 Merchandise Chicago. Univrsty Ilall, S p to111 S e i l C t f r coFtteb of tuent.recrtin yboard HATTERS Popular Prices See Window Display 8 to i P. MI Directly North of Law Biilding tak yHebrtVagtaI ppnHaf709-711 NORTH UNIVEKSITY AVENUE S a l eby V ugO SnS TFe b . p n1Hs t ylecture room , 4 f. .m . A d mi sionrfre. y - - > G N U I N E Sale CLOSES Feb. 1 st F~~~~ebit -Vlnielnho"o h ior girls in arbour gyntnasom------U1 Feb. 14-Caholic Sttdetts' club dace S E D P Barbour gymnasium. fvt, 1 rra Feb.r4 -Sophtomtore egiter oace, a t, g; t _tGra ner's. Merchant Tailors illustrated lecture by i.Lous 1ateleitio t tiest o ai I o onr) Sarah Caswell Agell Halal, 8 noue t p. it., atstices of (erle lDaiotiqiti CO LL.ARi Francis. Qurer iseah,2r IRS E.Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM. Prop. Feb. 2-ILe Theatre att College, a ., so~l~eln,,~ras tit0 -t r-O talk by Hlerbert A. Keyot, Tappan lHal ___________________________________________________________________ lecture roomt, 4 P n. Adtiissioit free. et. 21--Athletic carnival higit school AVniqte Feature Fel. 27, 28, 29- Michigttd, t hul-o s o i ttto. .k ata taradtlFriday eveititgs and St ttatrtot es Vtttvt trda y (A r./r&n tda'~ otoI loo t tH O't nut o fla he Jf ronN w htnythaer eoode " tt ott tc irSloo t rtl ott. t at , tl,, Fel.28--Lelantd T. Powers llt S I 0lr 110ttl 111t gaio- i~ . i jv I ' ~5 A. Cotrse tUniversity SallHL 0Ot 7t o I10 UNIVERZSITY NOTICES mMN tai~s li o' jfThe Scandlinaviatn societwilme Thuirstday at 7 p. 1In., in Rom ,1ni versity I tall. iSlicligetola rehearsal toi rovnght at 7 shtarpi.Any itai absent itouta 1HEI1 gotttt excitse wlil be drtotttedI The RI. 1Rev. C. P. AtirsnD.., wih)heco Iltisliotpinof Ciagot. whottcome o Ann as br l!ue Arbotr to addresthe Stut,, h s ( ~ s ou r tiait\stioiatt. tiill ttreachlnSt $ i utet drest's church at the mingsrvc.toor'ya II j~\'lie Itndianta state club wilhl 0 n on'hy meetinig at thte Michigan UUion cub edi e e httttse N'oitday at 8 p'. it. Teontiu The dipinme titittf the dubti sill bte read fttr adtion edtittnot at this incetig. abfter the btusiness ses- siton a smtoker weitt be htetl.Z. C. Sant tersttnt.Secy. ____ I See our complete line of Michigan pint, fobs and souvenirs. Haller's ato Iil Jets-el ry Store, 2I6 S. Main street. eod lssns tt.50000T t5000tA1S-T1tiNtU C ADS. See our tess lute of Broswn, latger & IHuttl frateritity batnqutet prograits andt taiqttlatnusi before tplacinig yottr or- terlor irjutiior I-ltttt house parties. =Vows is tthe timte to ortder. Alto best lute of frauertnity andichbletigant stationtery itt Colie cT lie city. 'T'ypeswriting chieatplytone. heatlth al Joltiffe & Kitanmiller, above Co-op. cotd posu re. Two dollars insures you against all good dig loss by fire. Geo. J. Hailer & Co., fanl Real Estate and Insurance, 216 South fanl New Whitney Theatre Ma in street. tf Shrec. Alarm clocks warranted for otte year. I the foc BELL PHONE 480 HOME PHONE 200 $t.oo. Hailer's Jewelry Store, 216i S. 1 Main street. cod iment of ° because Celebrated Martin, Mandolins anti b Guitars are best for nmusical clubs. It1 a k i1i Schaeberle & Son, ito S. Main St. eotd elements PALMIST. so easily the lithe Miss Loiuise St. Germ~ainec. Returited of limb ti to Cook lioise,1, Rooit 7,1 opposite par- bovt for.k: Han~d, 2, centts; carol-, 25 centts. boyat WVill rettaintottly a short timte. of beauty Fk'119 E. LIBERTY ST. "All late books for rent al Foster's. If A bre i'ul3fV1I11 Ane Arbors Pioneer Moving Picture Theatre WHA' *ii ti iiii Reiurn of MISS GEORGIA INGALLSWH l A A L VA L11 all next week. ' F oot is a very topuolar gatute caid mil the eme Continuous Performance, 2 to 10p.m. JwEtGILLARDePrap. ire abes week. p" .OEGLLR rp of btest niake, all ottlone flootr,. a the I intlev-ery- acctsnomoationt to , cempress suitued asi W~ isFor High Grade P.C Ijjp A al ~ ______________________ illustrate( BILLIARDS. BOWLING, LUNCHE~S, sent free. lea Cream, Fruit tcens.Puches, Sherbets, F'rozeen Liquid C I GA RES, CA N DI ES, TOBACCO. Favors for all Occasions. Faney Napkins and Doilies Salted si S. ara - 31 ayar IT'S AL Not Cases. Choolte ae nsrpssd.105.Man t. MOE'S BARBER SHOP THEF.N Webb 's ChcoltesareUnsrpsse._19__Mah a. S Noth Uiversity Ave.- O. A. MOE. sw p ' FRED W. GROSS Liberty St., Coe. 4th Ave. I HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASS. mm~tooitheolooitisoins.ooIioloo"ee d it. Ol Sti- mber ISttot t teoistetoetirelyO tl atborttorylI-.-to-fit-- ando r e earch~. Ntttloroute ill ab tnda t ooti tiest5 fortlinica0 1 t00 l fsr t t tot-Imedicine- otl COUSE FOR THE DFiiOE1SF 0M. D. 111 101010 ol~ ntto-acheilrs ott aet., Oil slt 0 lii --sopor Itt ine ea r hlyeleoiiie--:tey io.mole Iaotiotlotwo u.ooioto-s. general ferl ti<-,1r idtesptrial olto ic Itooolt~. 'lttot-nex otohol yer ta fthre Unvrity f ihiaiaccetedfo adisione.toorodotaill netat ataloaue, addllress HARVARD MEDICAL. SCHiOOiL, Botuon ,'Late. _1 ARN TO DANCE- CORRECTLY. JOIN THt CLASSES IN - mmm I A N 1C II N iG --t SFot: ". TulitlIito yale1-ino advl-010,-$3 00 Otrmof io l v \U e-rnibatoosw-10r0m. Mumsi a-~oret1 admi0t ted during cuss hours VINTEIR tlly to those who ar Lnd vigor against col- Bodily warmth co. 3-estion and gootd food, tnd overcoats. Ided Whole W~ id that brings fullest Winter. Work tor pl it is rich in the ht g, muscle-building and because it is ,digested. It gives ness and suppleness [sat make the human hing of ptwer and eakfaet ef SHREDDED T BISCUIT, with het er 1k er cream, will supply orgy far a half day's TRISCUIT is the eame Biscuit, except that it is osed iate a wafer and is a TOAST forany meal of white fleer bread. jrocers. Our new :d Cook Book is .L IN THE SHREDS." ATURAO FOOT)C , Joys re fortified by abundui t d and ex- amCI froml 1, nsot fr0o1m rheat tenj oy- lay, eat-f "'0., Niagara Falls, N. Y. THlE BEST OF EVER THIING IN TAIL:;ORIN ALWAYS AHEAD IN MILWA W, THE TAILOR