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February 09, 1908 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1908-02-09

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Sam Burchfield's S9 -FKlEXTi
(Continuedit-ro Page One.)
Fi e ailoringf berr t ofiDtroit, and it was named in
FuLholitor of her deceased husband, the linn.
TIrade Johni S..Neseherry, of the clasp Of 1947.
"In 1895 tite University Yo~ung- Ments
Christian Association was organized in
Ca atswcer to the coil foc closer affiliations
Caui sswiththetlcwtorld-iscNvi rcieilet, antisook
f il) is homne itn 'ilc'Miilata Hall.
Deliver I 9t oto of- the women or-
ghn richmsles as tihe Young \Vo-
T ewens.Chritt Association. Thte three
ttdn raizationts terre comtbiintedIin
ther104,ttttndtte works retorganizedt
Goods IiispeethLoriit work forNvie
-Under thi e vorgantizaltiniandttiti ri
SamBu chfdd tth n i~prittg' recuorti tf htalf a ceit-
Sam Burclilifeean scioris. iso Studenctts' Citris-
I 0 6 ial .ssci tiltnsetters ttpttttacinews'era
Co ESTHUONST kithtetttope atttl iturptse ttf intcreatsintg
EAST HURON ST. ts ittlittinccsittdtextettinits ustiitiies
_____________________________________ itIor te 'socil tatd tecigiottts wsell-bteinig
lite stutdetnt ctittt ttttity. To ttttke
BROWN'ShoperralStndrelacievtti rat - t
l2()itsE.enbLibertyt b St.d stis ischcs
tt pri f o secr ttinttiat e dii
i l(i, iiuind ss it it ssc t io ityir
y i FtaIrsito \ag.ootgi
120E. ibety tI I. A. \V'e t aer ler st hels fith
ii sli s ianotd jurn listitmaniy of his
s,)esbing p''utblishedi1 itsthe Satutrdlay
l~eit t oitt Mri l - iis.t pesofes-
iwIte ec' aNI ii tton ivettor-
A LARnI CL..OCKS ., ndM. Itier is 'atprofessor itt
$1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Rr oytcii col rm ~
'ji~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i tiiitsitte utCi oo' its("S. C. A.ititlishtedlat weckly
MICHMI~AN PINS AND) FOBS 1lisvi(is lst thpseitaince. Itiringte'
25c up to $5.00) iosit year 4,00 of tlie-c I.use esite guidites
FtIN E WstATCHI REPAIRINGi 'WITCpoilt ircultion
A SPECIALTY. Tlii itwoi Cniverisity Chiristittitassoia-
Watch Ittspecorifort'the AttttAtrbet- Railtoad C. NV, had lias tier atoaltt iietitirsltip
J. L. CHAPMAN I UI 'iiti[200 i sctiti ci. Bt tlie-
206 S. MAIN ST. .M1 hut ii ill, tt(,5 ils eadurilitcters, atutu
Brtattch: 304 S. State St. N 'terrr shalli, lie \ioctti ts liettilitir-
et~ci <pphe \\tilt ti2j tmgaiers attd
'cvppe litrese1hundturedlstudtenits
2 u tl~ lthe ibFestudyitcourises andt s'sevt'-
ussr ( tolfiissionitstudyicorete'. FTe
B-Ba\B(rage ttendaneiattie Itiitt''s meeus
fify rf tll sso ia ion in lies' isill
SECOND'S ONL Y ( 'trS Ie relii rofesson.
P".1E" JOLLY y iIr i itpt ra.t. o f this yau en
i t.
FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER 'litifluencesoith le tto tssoiatitions
Hlait- toods, Haltit-essngt, Statmpooing tt iih s diiretly tue inir ecetly abtittiv'ee
Manicurilng, FaceMamsage pecialty. tii it tiil stidents. I Iutittilts tl sti-j
322 S. State St. irptir s ) Bell Phone 359 Iiisits uise tilti' riomstit lybt. Secretaries

aitd csiiiitienten arc constatllyat
isorksatntgihe stitdenis 'ts. Tilee ni-
titrers for last eair see $7,750.
FTe liresitienftihile getter'alorganiza-
to is V. I). Freybure.
The folowing see the offiers of the
Y. -NI. G. 'A:PresidenticW _,Wi V <I for-
ritt ;rice-presidenit, V. S. 'ol'snmr>i;
treasurer, AnidrewLertderiiik;iretording
secretary, .Eici' Adlamis-
'Te tofficers.iii..iteY.'..C.A ar
Presidemnt, Macusa . Dowi tics tice-ptresi
detie, .N1mule Bldwiiin; secretary', I=hope
Conitn;ii treasutrer, Ruth Andtersoti en
eratl Secretary. Gertrutde Stisith.
NI IC iCIICAX lNlt)N Ntl'l'tS.
hiaie bicenit ttempittedt icitlivartintg Sits'
cess. hut tieverthless tittity cifthets' opii
girls hadsitratiinge itdes t i the subjtest.
Quhite' aico..iiiii wstcatiss-ulit)title
Clubhotutis'siltheita fatir isitoit'ii'der'ei
a dish if cit-sit iutier lie imtpressionl
The itiingsroomtis if thes'Cltibihotiss'
see'well iledlbiy'visitors ilist cintg.
Tue excelleite if lie sertics'antutueit
tatstefl'larrsitigeiieiii cit the itoutse cauisetd
tutu lissmamietsilTeouning-li of'the
anml vsOitofthieli"J'"'1flt girls tatu
liss iitrs'e sa''s''ig .ut hitor"tt'''
inttituteithoesuutti mel s tithet.
bei siercii. Theise' ihtites iais'ecsittte
sir)'o tutwlietting tsets' ard ins' hss' e
titil satdi),ttito lust' s(Ilmii ilstils at
Wullist cotiitits's, its piopulaisrity as tlie
itarlite gamtil''Hooiterst'deaotiihis fiittid
a1 tieti'csiiiitiilit i initestud lhis is-
si~ a aleiige' tot saiy tothierto splay-
crs ishoi airs' tboin il tde tmtiitises 'if the
Theis'iisg ritdtitr tendser' sill is' i'staiiied
for ituoth iast least. in ordrii tosreindi
ille tileiciofthe sincttatthe itiltise
is designeds Ifor' te'IiS' if ts'iiliessof
th:e CUtitnt.
Htand hanmmered jewelry at Foster's.
1 f1t' air of imtntless spec'staets;
it et isstt artsrye's's thgstur nt' tutuiii
Hi t WZti 0-: 3
Pyrography goods at Foster's. tf
See oar complete line of Michigan
ptns, fohs and souventirs. Hailer's
Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main street., end
See hfenning & Ko's tess full lite
ot Micigant fohs, tis aiidsposois . 13
C ast tLiberty St.eo

Underwear, Shirts, Gloves,
Trousers, Hose and Hats 20
per cent off. Suits, Over=
coats, and Raincoats at 25
per cent off.
Some old Suits at one half off
A Money Saving Opportunity
Sta ebler 6(, Wuerth
The man who buyts Wlaift-Glcrershoea each season is
never out of style because VWat k-rlec,' shoes keep abreast
of shoe fashion. Every de-
sirable feature that fashion
dictates or fancy desires can
he found in
shoes and the other essentials
of satisfactory shoes, comfort
and service, are contain-
f Walk-wOver Shoe Co.
Hart, Scliaffners & Marx --
The Clothier,
t Properly Tad.lored-

Portrait frames at Foster's.


Capital, $50,000, Surplus ad Pt-silts, $65,000
taeseral Basktsg Batis.Det. t pet- cst paiid'eEpi~kIihdILmqmI~a4iq
sit Time sand Savins Deilposits. Safety tie- S ~ it a
poitt wines to rent'atc$2.00 ant apwars04i '
it. KEMPF, Pies. W. 5C. STeVesi Vice-Piesy' f
{Our entire stock of Suits and Overcoats
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank; iie nto3 Lots
Osapitat stock. $50i,0i0. Surpias, f200,000d v de
Riesurcs, $2,200i00t
A General Bankitng Busitt-as'Transacted
OFCR:Chat. IE. lliscock, Prest; W. tu Lot 1 200 Suits 'at 1=,2 off 200
Vie it. lt.3.PiteCahit-Lot 2 250 Suits and Overcoats at 1-3
iv. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehae..
tvm. At-soit Dr. V. C. Vaughan
iss. B. Waite E. I. Mitts
John Bust-it-Jso. Kick All the balance of our entire stock- of Suits andl
1riot. B. S.eat-harti Henry I. Dougl" as
Chritia MatinDanF. imma Overcoats at 1=4 off. All Trousers at 20 c1 discount.
Or ANN Asses, MimCB
ites Vi~ A it'Pes.Mti WADHAMS '~ Co.
Ca ital,$10000. Stutu s itd Profits. ยง150,000.O.
Gierman American Savings Bank 0.nVI Mr IllFRECTR.L Ia: gt
Comzsoer*1ek.1 anrd Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Patent Leather Belts w ajeottLknth
Sa.vinrss1Iesidenci 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 mathyousitolouhtse, 33e. Sond:-us a ImAt Tnutle's, 338 S. State
AMBULANCE -ON CALL piece if the diets gootds whoansnding order._________________
Co.-. Msanaid Liberty Streeuts THE BELTCRAFT CO,..BOSTON, MASS.

Palais Royal
209 F. Liberty St.
U. of M.
Froom Every Country

STUDIO--,-RENTSCULLERj *3r9 last Huron


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