THE MICHIG~AN flAYLV I - -lI 11 'lil~l THE MICIG~AN DAILN. u.J. f i fU umpauny Our Spring isjs8 lie of fe Imported and Domestic Is now ready iIt nludes all the latest Noslies Shd and UptoDl)'atern il s in Moose Brown Caribou Tan L eather Shade, Gfrays and Fancy Blues Tour patronage repectfulls solcted.s G. Hi. Wild Comipanly 311 Soth State Street The Proper Place To Buy University Text-Books Fr all Departments Engineers' Drawing Instruments ot andsple AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstore UD.SPALDINGO BO.The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Suples Base Ball, Foot Ball, Gol, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official Implemesorto Trck ad Field Sports tjaifrmse foe al Sport. Saldig's adoorey Illurated Cataloeue o al sports cotais nu0 mernoussugesetios. Std for it--Its ree. A. 0.-SPALOINO &SHBROS. Now York, tOhlego. Ht. oiS. too ~cse MVlnnrapolts, Dener ItotaloSi.yrause. Itts borg, P'htadetptia, iosto, i oio ti,tati more, Wastotgton, Iassa City, Cleerad, New Orleans, Detroit, Mootra, Caada. Business Moogcr- C. E. WINTEAD. EDITOS Ni so.........Hliirattt S. Cody Athletics.....David F. Stevenson l'.chooge. II... .,jo&hnWatbold Nosic and Drama. . Roy D. Welch Wornten's IEditor....Louisr.Van Voorhis EDITORIA. STAF j. W. MCandless'Elmer C. Adams Russell McFarland NIGHT EDITORS Lees A Whiite George If. Hobart Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Vissfer tRORS 1.. I.(Rid Therroit P. Cooter :1. B. Melt sgh J If. Prescott A. L.. Haimline Robert Mountier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kiney Walter K. Trowers Louis Kraft ICis. Rtsikrn Robert Morlatd toul Greer Samel H. Morris Otto Engel tBred E. Gooditg BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wrz Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gold Addrss: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Strre. Managers Mors: -2 p.i., 9-8 p. m. daily, exept Sunday. Both phones St'Nlt It, Ft'f'tllRl.~Y gI( 10. The wdi s'ChrVittstan Assoiatott %%hi eli todal)iCeebt~ttes is fiftiet atn- isisa ni oe fth ottoll ,so i is themost nfluetial rgniztion h l teUnvsitoiy IIWilth mi etitl- sh I lidd ythaltIof ino sourlty liiisll'ei'ti ilth ittal ichli make ' itNi "ontetith ti eeno ll ii. reson it hl do te place it de itt tito till eio lwast sgoof, aid canbe c~ tohe oThe liieal efihapter I its in te gieiiraIrelig~iiiis tmocvemeti h11111rnst dctinii iial tolernitce maid ,,r;;tc ocialeff etiess. ft buse Isya too mucihsiegl.fetedf itthfe reeltlof ils u~rst-h tas of eaching - 11.v to ic. An is ayis one tha ilts' esesirythig celai, titd wshol- ,tieadsrng. IAnyisnut wsho cae- fills silivslu'.its workt. sillle conicel that'the'heitistiasocitioini, more that any I tierote thing, is resfonifle oe sh igh standiardl of codiftetshih make ttnnArborsuscstilan agreelle ll'etoslise in. IWe wishsit uany' happty rcrl Iofts' ay, antI greter popr I)IF 1,1 tFf'F~LE RFECTS tA NEW'IOVfAfNf.SS IDEN'TISTRY lt imposirtnt atisae its painless di 'ititiy fitssen miade sirig the past wis els at he idetitlicollege. Afte se' er111 molhslof exerhuetitg, Dr. Lef- ter, professore of idetattftatitiit ic, haslI succeedieid it fkilg patifcaltifefliatiioi ofi the alcosfhol-etfer elira. 'Thenmetof it en nonfort'some' mitnthfs butfit is otnfy'receintly'ta etesi li lcfni'uii asht becit worked out Thu apparatus s comparatively simple. consisting of a modified doninuois pes- siuee atomizer, a feibie mteal tozle atid a suitiable shiel o protect fhe nsoe anid eyes of the fataieit. The secret of fthe method seusstos lie in le correct adjuslusetof tfe tnozzle and reglatiot of Ifee sfray. the-tootllItofte siteatel upnisfprotectedl by' a tfhietieritg of cottothti ~e fproectinig siels ajstd an h tspfray sdirecteid upoth le cott. Affteafoutiv hinuites'llaiplictioth le coffon is sluwsly removiiedf, anid ti' sry allweto f tr inks'lt'e freti oofithfifritm tuve frithirty' secinids. Loctfataestesiai to thetn comilffete andthle tothff say' le drilledf ori'cut 'is'a t6111iabslustey'ino 'rh'esxct mousiltoperandlii is notistat- ed. fitifoes nttptrhiueenlertfaltnas- ffesia,fbectuseftine fumtes f , te ether tre careftlfy' ept fromo the tor."slit thle fatienlt rem1ai15s ferfectly' cotsciosil thiriiugfhiit the opfertionl. Neitferlioe it ateby ftyreeig lt.'e tttiustanttcs andttif f dlsieadfeitg the erseendtlings. foe ture ether o thy cltcloid u af otit t e ifulsdo itg to teiriito raillsat- raitin uafdtte cinseiuet freseig wiltfchases fprelimtiinarty' ftpain ntl vet' iilfllasaitt aftet' effecs. Ito sifeirit'i to caie is. 1matrkedlasto es nttre'- fias iits'esdanger f ststemiicpiouinitg' swhich 5istiti itileasint asiletpilie, of te st of tat1drug. Bltisefly. its avtasssilges ait'sluteii safett,fperfect sloca l n eshesia, ese f tosorpaitnfus lijectionls. and noii ln- it'otardltiter effects. fDr. Leffler sill Id11e1mofsrate tfist mthod'tiiilnexft'uesdlayfbefore ifie Seconf District fDental sciety' which meets ati he fenttl college. 'ITi seliey com- fpiseste membfes ftheidettilust'- fessionl frio Jcksonlttantdlf stenawtiu couinties, atd om ite ery itieresinig clit- icsen tittfscieussions swillit' seldf. fUNfVfRSfITY TALENTfSTAlRSt IN "RECRUII'flfNGO FFft''f" 'Tfe linCo fd' cluf flttedI"fT'fRe' cruitinlg Officr" y's'terdyifterntfis' to t ani audiientce f''hopfpflets." 'lT'e1p'fitrm- titter t'ts nmtrkedf Isy te stmet'smooithl- less and fiish tthifhtere so cotitttt'llf effosrt f te potesttiottNvstto iipreseit atdinildioitg sosthe cltfitably' stceed itn a difficlt fas. 'Te seteral whfofplaydthfirdifferet roles inte ltfa desere cotgratlttiot foerIfeir talent antI the stccesfil resutl of their effors. 'flat carefil attil faril wortk Ias eetsdonte fby'tfe cfubthfis y'art taesvsidentthfroughout. I. N. 'Trtvisi tasovrsedl fitstslfto cpfabfle idirector. 'T'fi butintes Ittnelaftin of the lay sfowe'd iafle ttand fttistgorou tttttnd. .lisses AdelaitfeKingsley' andflts IHtller cralied the prinicifal fettiite sriles. tUfiss Kitngley sdil tot diplessfre tsitfe atudfbittrnesss ftrotgot, swfici was s her lines drtmatnedf.tMiss IHal- Ie's wtork, paricutlarly i te matt it- pe''rsttsionut.sts full ofi its ftrmeri spiit' tattd dastIof.lee sfridela'dsit1wat'ggtr seer 'AS Rose uafdIBullockiels li'ciuntyls tatti yisithii lis Agies C.'tt'tte t ansits WI. Kempt Lyottstere amuinstg. Cassius NI. Dais andi Clarence Dier agai found favor in their parts. KEceptios cannt itehotknt tith thetorkc of alit o the cst. The ducsil lswidte' tssisislretiiiii se- etl noiderticotiedis s, wihs cats bie givenisentitre, for its set efisetanee 'Ther e is sisk fantes'ltstire'f Sats plaos sill le lsosens. V IIMNIII NISS1?L) 'f1fE lINKY J_\''S (Continue~d rom PlaerOe int ariillsf s. ' sltissee t ' datnceds ' st' itned itelltnIstis legs git slttaky ii se rer srs.'A ic fetBandlPla~yedl Ott' re- fitayie i it ll ight. fits'1sillI lte.'sei' I it tissriwd id si' ti sssts n' ii stt.leppe sit elitistse I till I ilnt'sksosiss the ihrtsti ciit:ome 11sisde ol sss. siti tAep ilts.'lh i sit it lviels islt situ lly 'ofet: ' tl woe Id See it t'roug'h. I lost illma sitall te tist I S ticti il.sits' ' lti the11 slit es l tis s - I li f lt Jslt lts slie r sm i llit is sit scol t r Ih. sB t stsr-1awhilt' slit ittler]pinch, ill, ieeeybody its' abol fori de hs stroll" thof tt. Dat ttracedits IupI alt' whenis fes'gt t lit i sln it d hV'I toit'felintcl agin h ld i i 'n tfitiii'liii beorte'sI is t doIIsit Ho . Anthertt titus Iitrathis' hsis it ini isalt l dses n e itemr fills ts si f iit. tasitoishay"ito i t e sit lltist sn 1 higuglp Ie lights caediltf'rom sptto fiilood, ait' frnisired 'tositlfteits e t. luis t - 2 a ts'un guile1sfid slit.wsigt tt shelitst.-.'ie il s stilsch lite faitya d a ycuslsn'tlwake tits till is t mri i(ls. I ' ist t rgh.hl) - w"its' ii ted oastltan' ifle It isl isist ame its sits fetcedseihitse.i ''it -'omli me t forts's.c it tilt " t thti'a ttt itthis' hsttrle ve rhead'i'i otst si bin s its' it i d us eif ut terfiiei.thi.' s lisi-h st 'uslt''- g'h'tst i s ocsia'l evensit o i e yere. the'Justitortrm.-ts' s''.heldI lsssi Tisessday' tighitii ile a'roryitir lNt's Havsen. lGovernort W'oso'druffstof tiois tst.cticst,. wthoiis tt hotnriaembttu et' si th fuY'tle c'rpotsrtionsith Itheii'itsem- les o is tia1f. oc'upftdt'nethif'the hatndssomelcy' decrttedl ots.Mn iy' Newe 'ort society' peoplte tere re sner Illrite Intecollgiate I oceetlea uo Iafatd and Yasle'tatre ttunbeaste. asdtthile stems of tfhettheruiesniii et.e.'uis his osil of the race. ti't'ereis :si suit stforIit i .s situ theaerstastlthet uit rsi -its ;i tic'''wi f ,sarge fmitsroaseimsfr tinse t 51ni teamhiheastl t Ia'n tus'ig is tilt' , 32U Diisiont. its-9.1 Now TEXT- BOOKS Io stl i l rm~n, t 1sf ,,"icii}sil 55 I I ti ',:Iwe Stckso SECOND HAND BOOKS sit u s (I ' Drafting Instruments and Supplies All kinds of Second=Hand Books taken in exchange for cash. WAHR' S University Bookstore SOME NEW CREATIONS IN PILLOW COVERS AND BANNERS (The neatest thing ever put out LYNDION PHOTOGRAPHER IBAILEY & EDMUNDS zpovtnl o 00 121 EAS r LIBERTY STREET Lenr et collectiosns tf orditary and tile only col cti-,tt of fite Michigan Pins FOBS MOD S100ONS Quality:t - Pr1ictes Right tlseltgat t 55 1'}rt. Sities WM. AkNOLD, Jewler : t:aot5. M i L *5 t ;' IEOJOE] LAi U 0 L1E Special Courses IN Flusic FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS School of Mtsi c MAYNARD STREET Cbe ZtUbCuts' %CdUre B1$$Oci ation1 Season of 190785 John Temple Graves Dr. Brander Matthlews Lelandl T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Cotfest Open Nttmber TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays ~1 I p1 WashIngton i. The Randall Studio, Randall &Pack, Props. Phone 598,