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February 09, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-02-09

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The Michiga nDal


No. 93.

Famous Doctor Journalist and
Many College Professors Sign
Articles of Incorporation.
'ITe fiftie.th 2222222.2sa222 2of 122. 't22
21en221' Christian Associati222onlof te Uni
versity wiltlhbe 2appropria te)l}-221bserved2
this evening, when Rt. 1Re. C .harle 1
A2nderson,1bishop21of221 (ho 21.2w2ill (1-
112.22 thte fiftietht annual ddr's2(1(122 i-
ver2sty 11al1. Flh2e2assoc2iation h12 22 b

(''I'2.22 CHRISTIAN212 22222222.2 2222N 222222(,:


1512ped1a22pretet22ious little pn l2221Ile.t 2con-'
2122.istory22f2the orga(ization, t li2i ti1us >.,, i procurement ofJsuitable re-
this12et.e.1222.servi1e,22 in 2. 2.1igi22at GOES TO OIRIENT
Orga 222 1.212222222 Pra.2222.2front22 Ri- condi(1tio222o21 1he 2222.12, 222(1t2122.m2222
an2221progres.s2 of 122s 2.2 22222)2.izati(222 022
2.22022 22221 2. . 122 12222 2.i 22212 211.1'W2 2.22erst Frank P. Davey, Veteran Quar-
12111- .222e)Thou 'hnrch ling.
C 1222 222.oljec.;2, 22.he22d(o*o,'222'2.-222.ou .1(22l2222sIixatonaion Ili Reord
inn'itt2rc 12.1n212122 1itut)22.i.o22 n22222122122222212-laws2'. 12' 22 12r222-1p 1)a2 2' ) e , '22.222. 2222.22) 212222.12
(I 2112 1 12 ''i12 2222 . .12)2 .' .22222 2-2 22 211221 2222. 22 t 221. 211 222- 22122222 22
1 2.22hadra)1frma2Ceed2Dit21s ile,222.1.rf2ragan.Fea t1 "
Prof.'s 1221 2 21.12S'a222122. 11e22l22 2.222 2 222 20'2211222. 222222 12
21222.2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mmbr too1k21122)p22led'222-2's1222' 2.22the2m-1i221i2nCh2.2222 212 2222 2221222222.22 a212.- etic22. honor:.2222.2I22e
ma2s21 121222) -to Iev' s I'22'22221 121'12122 22(2212 12221222124 2211
1elve icy(ead2a11IIIitt2 212222'fe 1d222221.w
u a (2 n 22 12 2e12 1 1. 2 22 1 2 2 1t he'k 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 )1 2 2 2 2.I2 2 .2 2. 2. 2 . 22 1 22 il ) 2 1 2 2 1 2 ' 1 2 1 1 12 22 . 2 2 ' 2 2 2 2 2
(Violi 12'n 1222.1 2221 12.(22 2222. 2222-Pr21o12. L221212.12 rs t e ac Iin s 222222 212d.' n2220212 222222 22222 r222 1 1(je2222222.2'e
212. 2222222222 '22.,.2C'hurc2.1h.2 2 (ri12.
112.222.2122.122222 t e2W rld")s uth coleg,.w ich no\Ith.s(th2at1r22rt2f22b.u ry
(2221 222. 122222 122222 2112222 12
(('222 tin- ev 2.2212222 . .2.2011)' 122 . 1212oms2tha-t22.2222)p1 cia22.-2122.'e222.2.2222r2, 2.222212tance.'H \ 111 I( 8 ('IIhae been
222g12n Postl1u222221Tr2.2222.22l1121rch,.
22222 122oe n hefistflor122222122222r.hetem hi srig
22122.22.V1222222.ch.. 22 222212 (12e212. the treasurer, 2122221.2 221-211212 (3222-1422 (21121221222
112212212 hem,22 "Rejoice22i122 t12 , Lord,2.122222.' s222 .2221222 221 h1222222.222222 1 2c2ontinued 2.2 2.221122122-1 21 F212. '2222-2212 22
was 1co'm2 os'e2'2 especially 22.2for2 th'0is 222.o' e hed uni2N w ery Hal \\a 22--31 1 2222 2 2 2212.12 2c~ 2 2211. ~ g 2112 2
Sion2222yiii 12.' 2122H 2.'o 12..'2l22 21.2 2.op n il'l ti.e221 e221 1.81212.2222'he '12ili 222222.2chap1t22222o2222'p 2222.'m2222a-Alpha122 a12
Bisho (('2) 2.221221 wh2o(2222 a'222'2 2222. 21 212.' 2,.22221222(222, 1 s2.2'a1 ion,2-1 P122' .212.' l122.22.212 s2s e2 tabl2221h12221 t22the22Universit2.102of
of''iiyclee a enapo2ittnl)2'2 2 12'22.1. L2222' 22222 2221. D'2,22''. 'has tis2 .to21l112y 2 222221221 112h1i.12 2)Michigan2l2.'2e s lpha 2 212'is t
figurej 22i 221eCministy ince)02.18 12.'hem 222. '-1 222.2k 22'1222o 22.2.'e 21tudents 1' hristian 1222222.21c(al 2hono 1ra -21 2222)2'22 21s 2122'a2222
2122 2222212222')) to11 k Pak neo he a scito rpredi f(12o2.''' 222'r2 tile222. '2i11, \22'22, ). 22rt 221222.2' aim s and l purposes 222t 122 Sigma 2. \ i22'
('oadjuto'r22o2.Ch2.22 go222 n211 1 . le 22 212'earne.2st t2en22vsI 221 22e-1222)22s f)212limit1d((('2221)- 12221ns21f2ti22.1two
21he222u,1or2.of12'f'222e 2hrist1ian)' 212.' 1222)21 2122222s22212'112n2.sG222d,122'ors1,22Spenc12.22 pp)r22cl"ss12.' Election1 22222it(2.')'r22ernit2
21222(2222r 2222; .1))>.. 2. Students' Chri2'st1ian :\sociti22on2 ill those cleu.'2.s Of2 2t2e 22undergra"duate2l.s2ect12o2
'Te 10102ollowing 2.2.222222 221f 1122.8.C' . .22a 1ly 21lays.' 1222.- 212. 12)122221221 3yea2r,' and21t122.e.' 222.22
2(02 2w2.tten22 by'the tote Prof. IHinsdle. "I 122800(-7, 22221dents; 22o 2122h22pr.21es- I 2ers., 22ith 2122'2aid1221 222.'gradua1te02.se2-
222 121s.histo02.)'of the2. 't)2'2rsity : si0)))1 22120o(1s 1eg2222 2o partii2.patein ei on2 122, 2211l 2222122.'2122'0222.2.se.1ect2ion2s 22
''lOne 221 222.e 'auses 222(2121.12h 222.he 2a )2s -222. f 22 h212.ssociation222. 1'he' 2admiision tihe begining 2 of 21t222.seniioryea.22. ot22
ciation222 12a2s 1been22 tra2c2.21 is 212.e 12stron '2g 22o 222'22 222 2122'e('22versi.y12n'1222870 2)ls)oIm2222e. th2122222222sixt212of 2122 sen2ior class)
Christian ch12ra)ct2er.of1 212.'m122.22 o('1222 1 brought)22t212.-associaina21 p,2 owerf'ul 2e22- 12ha1 12be 2sel'ecte'd 12(2.2222)'1.21n--22 a.2'
2122 ('2221) 2122)2 2)22121.21 212. 2)1))12'',of 112'i (22'2..'I222'22 of 2inter2.t, /2eal a22n1 1a1bo(.. In 2This 1frater'ity22 was2) foun e nI l.l 122 202
Un.iversity, 2)221 22.2.222ed21 its 2.22212.2 221 21.112'2I 222221222 12222) 22,2 (a212org)aniz'1d,22221 a2221is li22t1221to2medica'l2. sc 2hools 221 122.
instructi.212 Prom2222inentI 2 amo2n22)) t222.22 22litle ltr a mns rilb d Na hgstic 22.-- 22212222121 1a2)1s2s211)2-22(12. It 22a22chapters2 at' I llno11 is(1.
(('(2.2.President)1.222 appan2222and21 Professors 2'2 12i'222.' both)22 of221 2221ch1 arc)'still 22c212.'e 2 Chicago)2, - \22'12222.'.22.I'2, (2(22,2222 1e-
(2(222.222, (W il'liahms, 21oise). Ford'2, Frieze2, in t2122.' 1 o f tin222' 82av222< \)2122n1('('2' 2222., Jeffer2'2son (2Medical 2.college., 1Pennh-
Palmer and222. 'Ten Irotok. 'Ihe irt si r22' r'222.1for JFo22.2g1)22 21122(222222221d2the 1 i222I 1 2 )vaia, 2 (2(''slingi(2ti 11-222222.21 C'2211)r-
2)2222/ 222(2 21o212.t2e.1re(iosts erestsc -22 (( St2221udns''Club. Du22-1222t2122.'1211)222a122oh2ns Hopkihns122.02220o,((Coltumbia.
th nti n l ino wa(a e ald asoitts22222 22) )l 2 i 3 12. 2 122h2 2 ( i st hss122i22.22.'h2122.neso(ta,2i22alin'222222 (2 2221 (2(22 .2
(22.1.2222.form222asic''e20asso'iti12222)2-2n,2furnihced202)o2rec2.2i2s2for 12 1222) 12'th (212.Te ici"'n chapter 2222.2ts(2122h212e
a22 1122.Un222222 (2122.22222 11222.22.2y2of tIn- 2missionary'2 2s 22.2, 22 1a2rge2. 222222(2o'i 21 22212222) t''i(2c222 : 2.22 .1C2221 arl('22 -I2
2222222 21212222) a2)2.12 t222 2122. 12. 1 87. 122r 222212for t2122 risian1 i nistry22222122, a222221 er P22 f 122.2 221 (2 2 a((221222h in r.1(. 3 B1iI-
th i i)'' e ( o2f222'(1 837-38,2 nd222.1 2 - cetue 2212' y'ear22 2.2s '2ll 122'ncrasing nu222m21222 221 lBegs, I 3r- 12R. (2. 2 W 12.2.,1 i 3- . . 2Van
2.22 ofa rvv lo1 eiiu inte'' rests222 :.2. en2 22.2 2221 m222)22.2 s2ecretar.2iest' ' for assn2 2- 21 222)2221(2) (21 221ark 1M22r Ital1, C'1rece
theeai eim.a222. nd1222222 fot 2 ritin(it ation22.222222 o2(2, 22(22(22 (2 I. ''222 222222 C. F. Karshner,2'
org"anizat22022 of(2 a 2222222 o222222222 nd22221 (22 2122. uarte22 ci'en.'tei al222 in 18113, ('2- J. G. ('2g2. 3.2T 2222222212 3J 1 P ,2Loudon.
21122(221 22222 1)2(. 222)222. 122ons 21222s p si on.'2 wast(('22 iv-cn 22 c 12.2.1122ee ln ha2t (2. (2(2 (22 2.' '221 1). 1'. 122221
demand,(thcStudentsC hr2 fi stian22 'sso-2122. '2sociatio2n(22e222.2a1ho1m2)o120222.' -(2 22
ci22(1202 2.r2222.nto20 icngt 2122.22"-the 2220221222222 suitab1212.2(o2.its ti2u s.2225 . A m222)22.- ,2 2)22' 2222 2)2(i'at'i"2.'2 VII 2 101.2'
of January2.'1858. It 2)2. tc firs sti-212 222.22t22 12r22vile xiuchi 2a 12(222e s2).22ng S .N. 12a 22at 2. 2222and ( W . . (212ff2.2, 2of
122212222of 2its 1ki2n1 12n 022)'inistittitono of 2Out21of tis eti 2..122, 2)2d1 222)12.2t11222.22- 2)etro222, 2were2.'"J" Hop22 v2i22tor., (ir.
2learning22:)I122this count2ry. Ithusiastic 1leadershtip o(21A. I;. Jenn2ings 2, Lagatree2.2.2)2.212.the2.iword.is 222":Miicin
"'Te earliest re.ordIs of the associa- of the class of '89, culie n122 21I12thte F2(.2.22.2," anil -'Ir,,\ioffett, 22 M\1chigant
21)o22222.2.not av2ailable, bht(the preamble dedication on June 230,1891, of the12eau-1'2)2.22122222,I22w2.22. 2122.u2222212.the12.s22222
as2 adlopted Oct. 1i 1859 reads as fol- tiful building knowns as Newherry 11a11ll.12el2c2222.
102)2 : 'Whereas : otur owsnt developmnt tis buildin12g w522s22m)1d'e2tosile through2)--
a(s Christin 32.22222gtmen2, te advance- 2122.generosi'2ty.of-22Mrs1..1elet II1. Nes'- 1Brownh, 1Dar2tmtht)2 and 222(Vilih22s t611
2222222 of the 2.22222 of Christ intshlis 10' (Continued on Page Three.) 1(01)122 triantglarO (1212222. 22n(hareIh 2.

'12 LE 2.141122'1 211 T',I KI,l(I
'1(2 141(11clus, c 82.2.1't!igh
forthe (21"(22 1op.guest22(2as2a'2d1cided
1122mo' sraining'and(re'2y t2/;in s
122aiin pro2(1g2r22(22.2(0(1e(2 medleys. of
popular at( iry w12r222t(''222 and2-22(2211 of st(e
1W(l122-iiked222222.2 212.2cho(rses, and in a2122
in 1i122lI 22more1 ptnt ious25 2222 (('(
The2022.ee0club2 tinderthe direct(io22( f
Its baac s odadit sings w22ith,
'ihe' Mattndol1n)12 2 (is lo thyi
great22 pr2)2)22 Its 22)222l's 222.22' 2,
sel1ced ad 1excllenlyt.'laye. T he 1
222~li ticl2222222 also21a(11 1 c 22 2 a' dit ion(2
25a2'-ti(e)' i'22stuts made(((2 a22:.2r(2l, it.
1'T' 2.22222. 122(22)2 2222 2)22(22 ( s 2' -
(22 ltittit h h.(1
Soldie',sChotttus .......... (2222(2 (
Me2.ssrs. 1Glea2sotn. Reed-, 2)2-2(2( an
itan2jo2 Cltb 3u' rtete . F'' 'lirst 14)2
2 1222Pat'o21 .. ............ 11(222
(21 ('2s. C(tlstit2it, '2(Pri', (2(2'itti,' and
t it Glee 2.222- - - '12
(21N2.arch212e Contcert.---22......a
11IA (2. 8II. (212.2112.)':2by.2. i. ii i '
'1122.Vicitrs- - - - -1212(2...... .2
1122'The2Michiiganii chap1ter'2.of IDe2.122812)22(2
1Rh1(2 12a2tnight hliIts 1initiator2y banquet22'
(lit'he. Coo 11222222'. 2Delta SigmattRh12
_is a2)national21 honoir'fraterntity' wich2.i( 2,
e ('('22. Its 2member(('s1222ip s uiitted ( 22to (2222(2
me22'))22ho(212a22. ('.epr'esnited'therttc' i 222 .
t ;ides in2(12.12a22.'or22('r222(r.. 1'h (21 ici
gall22'chapter2, inci ng'lt the22 g122' n222.2 tiat'e1(t2
1las)tnight, contusists of S2iteph(2(2'. Do(w2
222'), 2Albert1). 12Pea2.rc2, (George('1(22.
f James2(22 W 1. c22222llss, M(212211(22')' r
t roughs,'Far 1(22-11. Fu112.2, Samue-1J. (W't
ntrick,.3John2 E. (Winne)22' '2221Prof2.'2' C
n 'rueblood., honorar'2)2y member15'.
Th as222tern sstryho 122121f222 the t( )lymp
tickl,(2tem wich tts t'o tour 1'2222122

Tells a Michigan Daily Reporter
How It All Happened ---iully
A 1)11y r222(22. itheli 122o1(212'of 2112-
22i2g2u11221itt 222222 22J(appr'ached.thellc
flo. 21(2222222 2(121.22 5wit( te)'remark,
"I2h.ar2.n112212m 12222p 2as 12nigh,
!Ur2. Fadden."(
''(2(22.11 l11(21 "2 sidl (121222212, '"I dn't
2know (((2yo 22n(2ds 22a('222. trumpt., for
do, 1ltIt 22 (2 2a thtere.- (Anid2when.22de
Duche'i2ss goe2s 22-2)2(2iiit', )'on's 1pretty)
sore' t(2 2ied1 Chim222(222 Faddentligerie'
round2 in2 do 2nih 2v1cii2y. 2' 222),
bloke. we -(1222,'do ((1i'222' us-lies
I 2(2 22 2oit)i2wu (a2oi ' (22o 12.' 2
h(2- b affair,12 2.22 acori'to2( 22lopostrs',
2,22, moicy2 2mc!2 I d12(2't2 set 2222'1e222222s 2)n
2 212(2(2ay222 icin((22.2.11 of 'm22 wuz2
swlo o ill2(22a2l'' 212f11r 212' In2.22.22 3.22
2(2(1 '(2(---and )22n 2(22222.' )2)s 12.2222 de
f(152 222221like 2 2222 . (t
"An (22 y,-22mebec 222. Bo2i idn1u't 122.21
sn'tumult'. of coarse1I2didn't2half
apprecite12222ene2y, 2ut 22)1o2in'12t
12.- 222(2122 (22(22222 '-1(2sh 122221 2221 22. d 1-
nond221 22(2(22 2of 2 he (2222-ratega'()t)1)1.-
12' famous22 :IrS ickni it '2 2)2ge(tes
122 1222ha12212f222a doubletr1 int lug2221)22.1
De h fn c 2222SweIt 2222.2Iot 2222212
m' (tffls tritn e(2212.ep,22.2.1 222 o2(22
22(22(2 (1(22lol2222222.s(22asm 222a1.2(22her
.2222n21222 1 thei 2 t 12.22l222212.d
222(2(12e2(do,22 k12(2122 222d22n2 22.2m0122.
120222s,2and flute, tiiin''go2.es wid1bias
(222.1-s2a222p1(12. i oid (121f0rm2221202
312 wl-IyMk, dn' it ta121.2.t12
leart2d22/wa 2.2I21) 2 o 2.y))gi22222i
you do(22 a\2d' 22(ti2ip aid. 222
st-t (cuti2'2((t black.- ;'-(2 to 2(2 t 22012
2223c, decorously, t a('2s 122212to5'arou"se2
(2' ito 222mttal t igh(12 lig1hs 222 2112stel1
la i -it2hu22;(w' shook ls up22 02a2'
down do2row an22 tol((2 'em1222fortde ftis
2T222'.(h(2(2m22ch t 22 'dI ((een2it1hinkin'212
222m2212l'alo2g. Di'me22.Boil want22ed1 t
222222 22att made1221' 1120o'r2so 1-22o2)1, 220
I to1(1 her2 122(2o21221at w2uz2122.22e8Pennsy3
walkd al ovr u ls tal;222 ( 121121at'212.21se
(2we 22to sw2(2n22122) dei trapeze2.2b12)2.right
there, 2ut2I2cax1dir 0avway lbefore2 122.
2222212.any~thing2. (1(2112is 1222.st 2tt .52.3"
us, don22 't.'e knaow 1.
I spi2ed21222-2(1f landlady3t22211 inle2ga21
lte2., ( t 212 ii a l t 1f ir kin; 222'ide 55222
it) staredc'ti 222/ 2222(tli1 t 2.222l(222.2251.
22(22 2.2.e, 22.' 122(1 2(2o 5-222i 2112222.tl ree
hours(22o2(22accounttothe litv15er)' n22p.
't Now22, 2ma(2, cu21ltoit mato .212tll me
t ii 22(2..2. 12(1(1id f (12.Monopoly? 7 Whly,
de it'(2nopoly2t2) ist 2122. 22222 (Walker2.2
it ie .(drov 211a(12 2(22222.er )2)ys2(22.t225'twn'2,
so2 as 222 'co22tr2(1(1d'lix('y) tttsitess. An'
221(2-22 lc' g2(2tltt done., hi' 221r22.212r2(2222
r 22' sotltd lhis traps 2.2.2121tthotix21
rigs---trect ks22.2,2a (2222ryal,2(2' 1two
rua- ts cat22212222, (2(122.22.2 322utlls oi
d a 1222(2 11(22, o (222t2221o2a22a211till 122.gets
a22.'dithe2l2is1t2nv2'('all. (Vy! all Ani
Arbo ho212( 1stsses221212stes e (idhree lhors
ahead, sis 22-to22r.22222(1n 21'o2g22'ss ott
'"Wh'ati ('222.e212'tertciltticii' starte,
seems222lilc a22rea. L vli 2.312122 .22 a
ittati' 2f1light 222' t'clot} 2' gblelic'A'
C'egirls w('2'!t21222excitd 21222attversa-
d ~ t2'2tiou ltem 2222.'m222t12.ototse of rere-
st'tietatiix 2isus in2222('1. 222.52xt2ye)r's 2t32e
(Cotinued on Page Two.)


AnnualAdrsorC Aa
Christian Association UNIVERSITY HALL Sp

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