T14E M1Cefil-AN D1AILY Y 1 ooboth -lihilren at borne I , c, rid2 for Sc D. DSCL AND GRIP CURE T I i id(1)0 t tiss class 25c IIN SU H B L A F(- t S ti Iu isi~lsore throat 25c 13.-4ALINs,-Druggist. 324#'youthState'Street. too= '?r ' . r ... ... , . j,1 :. . - (Iauzicant). drama THlE tUCKY DO. - 'A Lucky Dog," which appears at the New XWhitney tonight, may be said to be oe of the biggest "rapid ire" musical attractions of the season, for the con- pany presenting it consists of Frank Jones and Hlda Cale, ;wo are sup- ported. by a -large number, of 'singers, dancers and comedians, each as artist in his particular line. T1he- cast inclutdes Hilda Cre as Sarah Drnly, the school-mistress; Ad - aide tarland, as Angelita Petijoshnt; Zella Call as Madeline Carey; Atita'Zorn as Cora Norman, the adeturess; Charles Udell as Reuben Haskins, te country lout; Frcd Rennold as Gregory Kent; Joseph Eggentoss as,al Clsuder, atn East Indian; Jamses Vincentt as Her bert Dalton, ans Amserican' villain; Carles Hlomsan as Victor Strotng, Madeline's ovr; Peter Griffin as Sam Lsrke, a race track tott; and a celeratet beaty chorus itcludsingte fatos "tt Red Rasets Cadet." UNIVERSITY NOTICES ilieligetssa reearsal toay ,o o'clock. Es eryhosly ot. All Catchers atd pithers nmeet its the gymtnasiusmTuesday at a olock Can- d(ittsG for oter possitions sot the base- blsli teasmswaeit for furher noice. EStlli- *Granger's pogramo of sdanitg tonigt swill include four barn dances, Nos. 3, 7, o. atnd 15. rogramt start' pronptly at o o'clock. LOSbT-A pair of rimless spectacles, between Quarry's drug store and Uni- sersity museumt. Retr to Daily office. Rewsard. 92-3 YELO)W AND) tLU! This fatous Miehigans college sotg is nst issuedl in seet forts witis a trett title page is the satme colors. Te ar- ransgemnt is for solo voe ad iao accompatnitnt, wit the qartette form (on the last itside page. Coies sill te mailed ipostiaid it special mailitg tube to Michigatn alstnnsanadsoteroutstide psrhasers, upnt receipt of twenty-five centls. Atddress Root's Music ]louse, Ann sArbor Mich. Pyrography goods at Fosters. tf Two dollars insures you against all loss by. ire. Geo. J. Haller & Co, Real Estate and Isurance, 26 South Main street tf Hand hammered jewelry at Fosters. Maude Miller B3isell-Voice Plcig. t6 The Cutting; both phones 428. sat-f PALMIST. .Miss Louise St. Germaine. Returned to Cook House, Room 7; opposite par- lor. H-atds, 25 cetts; cards, 25 cents. Will remain only a short ,time. tf Since t88 we have made Watch Re- pairig one of our strongest features. Haler's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main street. eod - All late books for ret at oster's.! tf B~eginting WVednesday isornuig Ja Saturday nighst Feb. 8, wxe offers for slays anything itt onertntire establislss :'5 111'a q IIRI~pllgl~l eyTheatre BELL IPHtNE 4810 HOME PHONE 200 SF :AN JONES AND HILDA CARLE' ^ 7 IN ___ BlI BEAUTY C-t~ O SONGS-HEAR THE BIG SONG HIT SEATS NOWN ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE Prics:-2c, 5~c, 5c, 1.0 The Best Store in Town F o o u g M n s C oA m Thats what otrt any well s tisfid iiiisei e -customers tell ti's. Thse best stoic, for lbc reasois -that here can be seen the greatest varityfsnapp * styles atnd attractive latleiis. TI (? hst'- store, *because te valuses- we offer int Stein-Bloc'h Fine Clothing For *Young Men hsaven't got their equtal itn this uls% Everything First Class LDENSCUMITI, APFEL CO. 1-01 HOA' ro f Discocxit of 25 pea-esst for solid cons o-t7 - e. s and desi1 Os . , -,y web.AllsoALLr -"iv iCkcl plated crass, cann oSBca pair, CLAP SLK alluseaers or byos PIONEEIRIfJi,, 0. 718 Market 'street sas eI a# i WINTEK come tonly to those who arc fortissed l ; ;; health and vigor against" cold ;snide- posure. Bodily warmth comnes fr oi good dtgestton and good fosod, notseon flannels and overcoats. Srde Whl'I ha s the food that brings ftullest en1o),7 ment of Winter \Vork tr play, because it is rich in the heat - ,msl-uligeeet n eas ti so easily digested. It gives ~ the litheness and supplenessr of limb that make the humatn body a thing of power and eauty.1,, i A breakfast of SHREDDFED ) - WHEAT BISCUIT, with hot ort cold milk or cream, will supply b x the energy- for a half day's workd. TRISCUIT is the- same as-the Biscuit, except, that it is 3 -compressed into a wafer and is used as a TOAIIT for any meal instead of white floor bread. At all grocers. Our new illustrated Cook Book is y } sent free. " IT'S- ALL IN THE SHREDS."' THE..NATUTRAJFOOl)C"('0 l,,Nii II i, N Y. An-Abores Pioneer Moving Picture Theatre Re Purn of MISS GEORGIA INGALLS Thua cl . i" l, all next week. I Continuous Perfonnia nce, 2 to 10 p. M. JOE GILLARD, Prop.f Weabb's foriliglh grade Canldies Ice ('Caumtsit le,,PsuncIhes, Shsesrbets, Frozen Liquid avsnfor l Oceaions. l-'ancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Mx ai, t. We recommend Espenella Havana cigars. 'They are made especially for us anid in ts ow sn boxes. .5C to 25c each.j I-I IIILLIARps. 150W14NQ, LUNCHES, LCIGARS. CANDIES, TOBACCO. *1 S. States31-l~i yAed MOdeSBARRER- SHOP 703 North Uslveealy Ave. O0.A.:MOL .. , . I r -rylrr m r r . .. - '- ---"._ .::.-- ,. --- .-.. ALWAYS AHE --ADIN STYLES IL~ WAD HE TAILO THE BEST OP EVERY THINGI IN T.AIL.oRING