THE MICHIGAN lDAILY A ue opsirr1owhilwl COMEDY CLUB PLAYS for'11Y iv~oha t THIS AFTERNOON Ole Kilo - 50C ck. t 25,- A rr T I V r Mo e yLoaned Wfiat s -ie lis ' ' ' Std Anaga as- ii5' v a--. I Hours: Sita;Ii t ':. ia.: t .:;J s-an, 't JOIi' . WATTS 22'6 . sr 5 f1AILER'S J WL=RY? 10t 1,216 S. Mtain St- Ealuavet f thsrna tofIcli. V i. IlOeti I-ssai L'ur Sa5 Ss +. i t hu Ci4ty;t yon R. Cwto I Atz t i6t I)mo. rt , Special "J fHop" Performance of "The Recruiting Officer"--Plot Explained by Prof. Strauss. The Comedy club -will give' a special perfiirmnsce of "The Recruiting Officer" t'us aftirnoon at the _New Whitney thea- .r. 'l'lii' fiormcr performance 'of the ComiiedyI club was a great: success. The piYis resentedi was revised fromt the criia by Prof. Strauss. 1n doing so site cscenses inecessiary to the plot are wititedl. Prof. Strauss gives atn extplan- a ioof teilayop'as it is presensted. Thiliot of "Tlc Recrutsiing Officer" I.sompoi~isedl of s ter threads, or in- trge .'Ilic slesign swherebsy Silvia siei'tc gasin lier fathter's consent to her mrige ssith Catain Plsume. . The ' forts of Wtorthsy, Plume's friend, to) v.ii lie baud sif thc "fair, disdainftul" dl elida, Silvia's cosisin. 3. 'T'he schetme or1leclindb's msaid, tLucy, to etntrap Cutp- ir BsIrazen. All three intrigttes are - ifk.itroven i ansi related to the rioiels enecs whichi furttishteeback- lIn lie open'ing scene Sergeat Kite i, discvercit practicing his recruititig <.- upon it he rustics of Shtrewsbutry. As C10 depart toi partake of the "Queen's drink, Plume eters aitd reeives Kite' !" 's si Wrstpthy siss appears, in de- iir is yr hs ilfl-treatiment at the hanss .XlMelstida. lssise cliiesrs limn up anad _,e iia JW isnhs'ofscosnduct inhins ,ii 'liiB-ene closes ithm aeulogy ''is nSils a by the 'captam ish "outld ~ ari hr wsre i-lie' once s genera~l. Ii l the nso-scsnisisSitsvisasasnuMelinsa it cc iiiiand iiiiiiitquarrel, Vlelisists tos (t nnngPltmeasa r aeitdis lsia r 'iuini'\l ciisslacaffeuied sirs.xIn ofrgeiei Iarsilvs to wsitea r ae t us Ic ' salasseeaccusinig Pliume ;l{cinuo ilv itisand advising tthe * -ticcsto rsiovsIsis slaughter front in lie iiilloii-"'sceiseiMrs. iBallanice ilv iiis IPluiii t5o Shiressiury, atid se- lis is daughter5 inisiarriage to she c- ,i if Ile is icilldswasy iii readl a !tie roiiiiiiLsiiisuiii lst as Silsia en- aIfierian esxtiasige of esomsplimnsl li ccnte yoinn ipteollBltlasnce re- :i iers andannsuncisses the immsinentl death uhis sotsi iiidI hefi'. Plusmse discreetlpy \; iiliir iii -'aiiitttsllasmce einjinis Silis faw hikiniigii further osf the capitaiss, as sI iiiino Iheirrss tio his estate anid ai ii r'lic yiungismanminiifortsie. Silvia, i ift alone, i- reftecing iitiinster alteredl p uics. iswleunitie soiiinds of tipisy rev- ,Iv liWehr friimsstielilie. Ili lie lasi seesietho rusties are ini- 'lei to iii iliiiseer stiroughi the fraiik t1, .Cii~ oif lPlsume, after Itiey-has-c beets !,illsliriugsyt he sover-zealouis trcselsof Kiss'. in fes II11 issuie Ballansce, acting on Melisira's ailsice, seniss Silv-ia itu the counitry-,fis-st exacsteissg s proiise thats shte silttnever gise herself tos snpyussan wiithosust his conss-ent.'After tier dlepart- sire Worthy iinfsorsBlltance of Melinl- da's spiteful snotives-c,.it([secures tir let- tee, swhich lie hopes so host useful. In the 'neket scene Plunse commences a flirtation iith Rose, a. country siends, partly in piquie at Silvia's supposed ficleness and partly isnhospe sif enlist- ing- Rose's brother anit sireethe"irts. Captain Btrasen, snottier recruiting' offi- eer, Asadrneat of W\orsthy for itse favor of Melinda, is isntrodusced. li Inteisexitiacs -is- nud 'dlelissilsiand Wlsortliy ini thle smidst if their qtuarrels, Vlfelinsni sakisiguse of lrazssi toiex- aslierate tier hirer. 'Plumse ciosmes to Wosrthiy's sassistanice assil keetis Brasen bussy swhile Wortiywalks uiff Niih Me- lindsa. Sits-ia noswssesters ini the garbs of a yoing sissnsof'Ifashioniiisuetoffers to eslist -illsh'"siimsthatibidsfairest.'" lin the sext scense Silvia agrees toi reslist i-ilsPliumsetirsosideleilIi'latterisill msake iiier is Silsiss Iis clsimiss ptons Rose. Plumise assessts sait offers ithe- lisisig mneyssmp, hut Silsia requtiests stiat "lie" bei allowssedl iti e Impslressedi sssiderthe act of Parliafiscit. 'This is isecesasry iii es-asde ter spromiise ito liefattier.,iisutif all this, as oif Ihsr iseteityis, tPtiie is ignsorants. his she folloin sg sceise Melinsnasiskes aconfidante of Lucy andsi agrees so further tier desiginisisCatptains Brazcen. The act closesstitsassothier shartp quar- rel ditWosrthy. The fourth set reveals Kite sdisguised as a conjuosr. fly his art lii induces cosuntrymsen toi enlist, frightens Melinda i tsafraimesof sminsdfasiv'rabilseto Woir- thy, aiss smisinglyIhs-lps I lii' istoiue Btrazens. Sitsia aissemitiiedi'sl ii-et- hii'-s-Ifar- riesteid andl trousghit lbsfores ilie justice. Shesis1s liW, sby her iiii'ude'ce, fors-es sir fathesir ltouiimrs s her is as ~ilslis-asni deir iiles osverito 1Plusie. Mdeanili ie dfelisl's-andssl ' itlipIssasvesscsse it) in mis tauc's'sdiis"ig isbut issrsighLucyie's llt toi maryi rapzIs n iillthe chasracter coi tier miistressiWirthyp-is les totu believe _-\e- Lindal'sfalse.lHe isro shelpsinfi stfig;ht- siig astuel siths Brazenssihess Isses- iis- dloses herself. dli. Itallasnce now uisi's- coes tshal lie hs les-i tricedesto itu mug Silsissto lumel bss. ut lisidisig-stsat t e pl1o1 5was esntirely- (f Silsiss' sun-l triv-ance adasss l-rimedi lipthe genrsityl of the captassii, l i l onsents t hi-s iiioi. TPlumesc gies Iis r'ceruit: tes- zciii saitall ae a de ssssthaitpy. NO'l'CI'fTridSTUDC)l'TS.--l1t lie Cassinos, Miss 1-th Curstis, fisisiiiineasts- erns sauidseville cisui, isill betie lspt- ciaslty- a1 ticCassnsoltristss- aisdlSatusrday. Open sfter'misoissuitd ee-iiigs. \ tes Ioirinsg, 'nirop. If yots sant asisice irix if fresh cfwc lases-.gsa so Cusshing's. 3- The Coate Stand BRINKS.INK LIKE A CAMEL To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in any ink, press the Creseent-Filler and see it fill its own ae tank like a dasuel slaking its thirst. That's alt there i is to ill No dropper-no ntess-no bother, Doit i anysshere-any limie. CONKLIN'S FILLING PEN "THE PEN WtTH THE CREBCENT-FILLEfI" can hr filled instantly ithoutl sie least incsnvenience. Ton could fill it swith white lbid gloves onawiuthouit danger of soiling. Besides its cuonvenience, is the splendid sensing qualities of the Conklins-thtetperfect feedt. Leading dealers hanssiutihe oninssi. Ifios-s oes nsost, urdee direei. tPrices, 53.0Oanu.Si., est iceor edsiiomise newscatalog. The Conklin Pen Co., 3110 Manhattan Bldd., Toledo, Ohio up Now For Big Bargains i No Thrifty Man will miss this great Bargain Sale All Winter SUITS and OVERCOATS at a BIG REDUCTION All Soft and Stiff Hats at Smoking jackets --- Staley Underwear --- $1.50 Manhatten Shirts at $2.oo Manhattan Shirts $2.50 Manhattan Shirts - S-;.oo Manhattan Shirts - 20otour cent soff - 2-5 per cesnt off _ 1 5 per cent oil --- $1.20 -- - $1.55 - - - - $1.8.5 - ---$2.50 Reulo, Conlini & Fiogol At MACK'S $1.00 III[ MONARCH SHIRI $1.00 In the Adivance Spring Styles, Attachesd and lDe- Cached Cuffs-the Materials and styles are as good as $iso will purchase-see thesis. l MACK tt Co. Main St. _ 5! LO N D ig lass atches,5) Dimondls, i tsy si-iandall iiiwi Class 5Chattel. andd'olla terS-cu- 504 tFourth Arenas-; opposits- iourt ihouse.(fiHus 3 o1:0 ,t Trwo doors southxosCity Y.V. BC.A. W. J. LOURIM Portrait frames at Foster's. i tfII (5'-"" s-u ~s- 4 > ,r- ,SO( mean right glovea- so buy Folcns and save troubie SEND YOUR NAME / '' (i,, -"TO st- AiN FoRK Spalding~ 'MARK o Spalding Athletic Goods A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nassa St., New tis-k. 149 Wbash Ave.,EChicago d IU -What do you think of the iHeavy Oil Grain "Waterproof Oxford srn WAGNER & CO., State Street Sigs of the lie white shioe. I U 1 1I I ' af-U i I Carriage and Baggage FotmruashIsople 5oand fromniparties, ibefore 52'u'tsrh$1.50, aftereiao'eioch $2.00. Fue eachxTTenk to or Irons door, the price weill bs 25 Cents. Icurried to serterxm up-stairs, the price will he 50 Cents, Drivers are required to collect cash fties'areisge sod baggage service. WALKER'S LtVERY RtOBINSON & CO. W. H. STARK WATTLES' LIVERY. R~owe's Lau nd ry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth As's. New Phoae 457 Beli luoe-157-L SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY 936 Sontix State Slreet' Classes Sat'arday, 10 A. M.risd 7:30 P. M. Assembly P ocilock WA( KINGO1.0O Chinese Chop-$uey Restaurant Chinese Fancy Dishes, Asmerica n Lunihes of aliihinds. Everythi~g 0fiselass for lallies and getiemen. Chinese and Japanese Brie-s-lrer Up Stars. sne door S. Husstos Bros~, 3148S. Stale St. ELECTRICITY Supplied to College Men a nd Wormen. for All PuarposesWWse WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. 200 Esk st Waashimgton Street KEEP YOUR DATES By carrying a espy of the MIICHIGAN Daily Subscriptions Now Due HANDBOOK in your psehmee. Space foerosem--__ oranda, calendar, special evenlts, University Calendar is this 150 page booh. Given away Subscriptins taksen 1ty isusi1, celh, si-afdtsue to students at the University Y. M. C. A. Mt. Isoney order'. Milian Hail. I il I 1 ST UDIO-ENTSCULER, 319 Last Huron Street