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February 08, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-02-08

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he MchiganDil


\o. 92

Decorations and iMusic Are Un- lt
usually Excellent - President \
Angell Heads Receiving Line.ra
J Hopshave cme andJ Hop hve2v
-oe tnee hsthr celch a1(11
ighs, Co o euifulcci 50
menla t 1 cin ci fomedcitiecc ccc' ivi
im it a ii atrc d e mln i/c ccci lie
deai mi p iti ccccc ci procided forcci ti
sotatte h le.asc omplte ite
ilctr c' iccefecser ca ccn, 'cd'an .c
cccccciiclrdsr m riacccc cacc c ccug n'e
tb"gr c i ccm cic d frc oc e oc th
other, en ingccc iac o ;icc c ofc icc rcat d.
moment'. \lcc ccc tc
il ii ricciiccc ticsI g l Ier cccAichcc
w tt i i Id wt I ii dr' c c ci
an ic'' . I I tcc cic cw ic c d.11c (cc
c''icti9 c lo ccc g ois riv d i
Mr. i. ?C oocccn i i c i.1.Uc cdic tc.'
Air,.F-T. ior c M s.C , kiccccce. iicccc
cred, ;\rsJ. C Kno lto, Mr+. Gic V
icc crsr tcc c'ccccic i .' W ent,,cc' iccccc icJ c
Riccccc e cc garclmacchcc' hc c
tim s cid thci ccc c ic e thiclccc .Iccc
cc'cc c cc i c ieb ohb l l alenil i ne. cc
c5'iceciclcc wccec in thec ccccc' igtxccic e,
Thenthedane icic iisicartd, sic
in camom ntc he c i cccc icciigcclariccorcc-cI:
icci ccccng ccz ic. ccccso icccn ic eciccicc
(yelclingb gaincito ic'cicco.ciscccs ori
icctr iic's . 'i ci icci ccnsclowlccipicedicc
scicccc'c ccccci ic lccc iccc moicticccc'utier-
lo n ,iecriccc paper.i Allcc ic ghtccic
th ccicca c'cificicis ic'''cc 'ciricc'gc'id'icc ecic
sconecwci eautif iicccccion as gice
amogc' e si cecii cci icc ciii ici c'ccc'tcc
thecbiicc ccr sito tegllr w
iC riec iccct fi gu dilicc elys i n iicc lcec
efcs.Nciccocc Jt 1wcccccie fcooicgcccc,

cg "i'd Raiher Wltzh Just With You,
ccc, Yoiic" ihe socng ihai was written
M fr. Fiscicer especially for ihe J Hop.
1ligicts were darkened excepi ihe spoi
ict. Focciiccng icis, Finzei's band
agei "Ii's cue Same lMoon cc Shining,"
aiccc' Wiliiiaccsoc, of Dtroit, singing.
gain alliligict s'wecctccci, excepti iic
io iccc'trocoer iicc.c'ciing of tcc
riig ticki.
Percccis Ceicrettiecst ceet:of uhe
icc icc theccayof caichy imcscic accc
cvei ligingicg ombcicceciw'ssused icy
icc" ccorcicsra iic"Its Nice to IHccv'
Scwcciiceact." The flood lightis gioswed
iih cricccccacicIfesioons' of ligicied
'crts aciccc'rc'ci alocg iice irack ratilig
'or thec' crcctra.
Finzei'sicccccintccrociccediancoiicer cccv-
ty iicicc'e "icigacccFcresver" isso-
eli, cciccicticy'iciayeci iy c'eqciesi, as
h coccecwsiswsritiec iy a Miiccigaci
ian. Socccvencir iccstcardc were scaiterc'd
ccr iicccioncers anccithere' iwas cfccocicic
cocci i aic'fc iccu tefiieds.
At i 2:icc iile, icrstsupiper extracmos,
laiiccidadhl f thie crocscclof dacccers
Acccci cc int icc>)rioccr g'ymicc m'ccWhiere
icic"' icccciccii sprcaci.
d d'iCAi, ('LilS GIVE
th ici-c'''ccc iiscii ciccl s siII-gll'
her n ic"" lp ccccc''c'ticnighiciic
i esic ihall.iTi is canicc'asicioio
iccihhe c sicpreacciiiencselv'es icc
,fott ive ai cincuocnceri. T1hce ciiuibs
ia-cc' i cciccnderctheiirection of Earic'
.iciicnccc i"s ccc cnd cave ssorkeci
ongcadccadccciliitciis safe to say ticai
Michig ccciaccev ccciadiabeiier repre-
A' ili ccdrci is icc bccnorgaccized acid
has irovei 'ciccessccIIts first clisiear-
ic c il cciiic tcitccnigict's cocncert. 'lie
cccgc'ciccNciii cisoicucicciccicariette ancc
so ccicmimce's. 'i'ic candicic luci ills'i
ii it1'i, NtiPARTIES AMUSE?

____________________________ 'Deiroit; Edith Crabb, Toledo; Hlens
WiXcokes, Saginaw; Helen Tiersort, Grand
Rapids ;'-Marguerite XWilliaims. Lapeer;
I florence OldsChceioygao,(Gertrudei
Dciita Kappa IEpsilioni:Ihcscilies L'.
C. Jenks cnd IX A. C.'c-ilcir thisses
_ Eloise Jeinks, Viola Brooksi-Mary ticicire,
I iicicgcrclc Migs VMarinci Bartlett, 3cc
I sir PoshI'dcili W. Sccticic cc 'carjoirie
I VMcllish, IEloise ickersoci I Detroit;
-lCharotteIIWoocccckI Locissvcic, Ky.:
liinCocchci "chic iTIccceILacci c Ii.Scoll,
Lici c KcaIhercineccc iniiiii Grcacnc
Rapiicccics;Drty Si issPat11ccsiiiicN.
P J ; een . loffeictic lriarci IHowelli,
A a iy;kW.XA. pizlcyDe1ic t ci; Rani
Mis sl~ Iritcr 1 oz^i -It'Mcliiiret iMo cre, D tcist. 'iRuihsiic',
Xiii ccciwtucsiRiT.;iia-i h utnamii'
Amii II iiirkl ef t1c"'I ii catc''irs'..i os'en,.ccI.;Iscaciel Nccicic, Granid
Raidcs; Marjcory Sigher, ('lesveicccc
TTPA T AVE Al icchicCi cciiik, Tichecic; Aiicec dccc
1kici,.IMiilsauikc'c; Jc'ssic' I hccccccccccc ths-
Li goic
d'VI'Tfl ~ Id iZ cit 'cPsi:lsaccics jccicy I\ic'recgcc,
:Misses'sAlie:s' iciic stiOc iranige, N. J3
Eli~aie Ixec Ciccicncinai ;Stei('I Mor'anc c
All Parts of Country Are Repre iiiDitcoiiI inciciett hIiiiic, .Iccher'iiccig.
seinted at the Hop -One Guest hrtid ccccc 'dcih 'fhoiiiisioiiic DIetroit
Comes From London, England. i'icecec .PKenncedly, X'cicgccco ci, it.'
chicacMXiCamccpiceli, cucikegicin; -tic'
Nearly-ecry secticoniofItiecc ctyisccJoiccston ,Graccii Racpicds; ti:,iticihi Sic
rc'irecccc'ci cy 1tc'3iJciiorI li pguesct s'e,'-icccccuolcs ; ElsieKliin,Dc'trccit;
tiis c'cr.'cc 'llh'a y cc''ie ci came fro LiascfirCe cicia cStambaghc, Dorothcy IWard,
as Cloi'riin ithei'''c' cciidiccRhde I 'c-cYoungstownii 0.; tcricic "cc. Roecic-
cc d iticheccast , actcci (c'nest his' hra-trN.Y
eldctoAnXcArboInc romcciiLondcicn, 'Ecu1g- Psi Ulon:1cc MesdmesicccJ. E. itra-
cccii, forcthis cwellcckcicwcncciiiiocpularccii iaCes'el'and ; A. I).c Miller, Evccnstoni,
evceci. 'lie nocrthcrindcciisicuthlernci-cc'Ill.';ciscses IHelencShark, ccccgicc(:Tracmc.
thci c 1 ciiion fte cty cae alsoiwccc'rerc-c' elcnciKnwcsltoni, Sagiccaws; LilianciMacr-
seicicc., tin,1vastconcc Il.; Elicancor Smcotc , Cii
Dtflstel argesiici icici'ic't ciccccc' ciccf Iical( iagacct Smihh, Dtroit; I dcci
gucesic,,ccitic Cicccigccoringaicloscceic's'c- iDorrcanc', Clevelandci; Sercica tiurphiy,
ondii. Nccc Yrck ccmi di. Locus cre aisoi IDctrccit;Hleni Nc'c's c, OcakcParklii.;
cceii represenctedi. lI dcc CudyChicagoccc.Mary Goincccc,
'11cc cthrccie ihcs whcc irc ;ncstis at TIoicechi
tice hopi cciind cthecciccccccccs car' asc fol- citaI Thetac'ci: Mesdameis His.

Many Dinner Parties Held There
-Independents Plan Banquet
for Sunday Afternoon.
Great cceIcs cbcii tiacen iy thec cln-
cic'icct l c t che kic' t itciidouc ttiocx o icmiake
titccg'. iii'ccic c'i'i'aId oagreecbcete o Chic
Jucciocr flpccisitors0. 'l~indeipendenccccccts
inc parcticular arecci'imakinig ithecciost occi ic
c'iiiciiiiscascc t mc ti ng'ii laOceiccihic chic
fr'atc''rnity membersI als i ~ccc ei i t ii ic
thercrundelthc' 'cuts. The club
house. iii'iis towcoeni orthee ay t
the cc 1n tic iiiiihi iigues ci
tlii festive ime Ilr cc'a fw cliccice1
parcti's haci ben ci il nd ctceer
mea 1m ny-' ic11 pr snti iii It
serve icci' c' id in 'ccibst;gicist r
rn e fo in cii cc i i ccliiPa- i t~
dccciii pa ii T i, c c 1 c i 'r 'i c
o t e lt1 ic cb itci " !"i i ii' cthai
the, 'tutu c i ll cii tc i c'1ic '1(d ih ncr i
Beid hsi e 1c''s ciii p. 'toi'i cc ccc!cI],
'cc' citc ie . The i ic ic;i iii'c
t in it c l'th o Icccct I the i of
ther jyo cccliicricc ci s ccihagrcand
ba ci t udcccii c l 'cc ci.

f 1111" H,"ii

liii' Y sill S'lR


St:iiitOll"THE PRAY IIPE1ST'S iows5: 1Detrit; 3. 3. Goodyear, Ann cArccr;
-- Ci I'si :Ii esciccics S. 1 1Tticcu ncii.Geoirge =. cVficre, Punt Hucron; tMisses
Twoc'huvig uparties wsere hlcd 'esder- ' Cioccuetcs ic',lPa. 'licheo. I" . ticycr, Sc. hLaucra cc herfius, Evacnsville, Indc. ;Mccic
cam icythec ltaucKapcpa iEdsilond u Loisc, Mii. ; Jinci lc , IDetroit ;IR. Kitier, WXincifreidiRiberts, ticrgocci
Letai 1st frotercnidies ocithic Hudstondial-iC. I ilasins, C'icacgoc; C (.Vt.eccens, Cii-dReed. Groe' Haicrris, iDetroiit; "diih
etc. Alhoucccgh cccirecords were ibrokenc, cccittMisscc Ncthieccciicicce, NoaniiiFccr-iccyce, tiary i'oodwillue,.Agnces Biradliey,
I gratic'o f ccccccec'sc wscuirnisheuscts AileeXii ccc becc'J'anccc . \ ' ,c ccci IPcrt hIcluronuc ;Grcc Wadei, Lhicago;
thocsc' whlii ccrc' presenmt. lin, I Detrccit;JeC rawrdChcc iciiVccgcdii dInchi itdChcicagoc; lthuri' iaipp, 'icc
dccci ii clccockc untdil i chic "pekes" ?lild .I mul~fo;Hzlchc3i i uDii tcc tc icc do I ciiiNoid, Maniise ; Otlic' Gil
cchoutdoeicy their g'uescs. 'Iwo of ccciiiBuffalo; Dorothyc hu aIlineccii PIrccc biceaccci LacPlattei,, lii. EEmily Croncini,
ice sair ccciwlers tied for chcssliver lo- Chcster, N..;hiccc)cliiiy 1 lics Ci- eliccc i X s.; Dcrshyt'Clarksonc, Mul
cutg cams cihcih swas offered as a drophmy, cae;G ladyI Io'Cnc-icc t u'cke' tis'sc;tiaccicee'Grace Kramecr, Si. Pul ;IHelen
cliii lice remacrkabilecscore of 299-soortl i ctii iii ticsi iI oiicthis. C i hles IWilliassccs Duluih; tMacrjoiry iaccccccc i
of ac 1bargadin-sle ucfair nmarkedh cosmncG. Ifucse, Licacgoci.ILouius.
ccrii 3oo-soc it is said. The highest iAlpha cDie5lii Pi: Icscir cu W.I R.P hiKIappacc i:Mesdcucc c . C
number ccc fcitinskncocked down'i iy dice CoiiurnccBuhfalo; Alfcedi ii scsi GraccciiSmcithSpdringfield, Ill.;I.F'. 0Dtunnce,
ccniin .l sit'ycof lie gamuesw'sinsjou-a farmctRapids;Miussis c Vi ccfict Stc ussDecroit Chiuccgo; PiginiMifflici, Lancsing; Misses
uich guoes iccshcowrclintsocme were PEicel Tyrcccii AnniArbor;ii AXiiandcccii MaI CaCcrc Chicaugoc; Margaret IDresser,
"rattlc'd"icbylice cunucsuali presence of disc'Siblc, ithcii ticay r eencci Saginaw;s Dtrocit;Margaret '.'iffancy, Spcrinildc,
fair sex atlmie ibowcing ganmes. V thd Cicescic uugic I'T'icciuc Jenieill.; Maic itz Geralid, Spcringfilcd, Iii.;
lIricccc 2 iutil 4 o'clock clue Zeta Psi's CGambiceN scnkton, c .cD.; Hlcne Wright, Corn Carpcender, Chicago; May Broswn,
monopolucizlehlie eighd alleys smhile bowvl- Ditrout;I Hciecc ScciiancClucion, Ia.;iDcroit;Kcthierince Roche, Chcicago; Anni
ig ccliiihhiegcuests. IscbelC iilarCicc i c liiiDoro h ibley, (Continued on Page Two.)

Xcii' .1 liveies c'ccmeled ic
Secue etr, 110-;e ;11(1crriages fromcc
uecric townsioin cordrcciii cc uc'iccccoihic
thec ''3 flop"ccciiests.'cSeventy-livc car-
dccgiiWer' ii iiilist:ciiii for heiser
vcci cut all lthese iii ccci llgt1 iii' p
0r(n 'cc .I 'i t cci afticc 10:30, '..ccaiges
ccciivcdiatiithieentran i cc'c ccrbo'rgyduc-
iii55iiiiii Cairiiriiy lii the .j()coucics cWlii
camecufromcctiie i ci di uciucfcraterncltylhouise's
A iinumbec"'iof thi'guccs ccciirivdlastc'
cc fewii t cc alecase lite diiifi-
culties ini chuig ccliiIccc' cc' causedl
iyt' e siii orm";cii of ti'e ccipact:see. :ticist
ofl thodsce ciccc could nt cigc'c herc ii c'c'
ccciiileiihen(cciii , i pn cctci a
All1 his \'stc-rccuayiabout:ictwcnty sdoublei
ucues 'diii'I(hut' sinugic ciiis furnishced
recreat io 'ortihc'visitorcs inc Annu Arborc.
Sevra crust ihue fraternis n Icrcuceelsleigh-
cicicg mdccc tic's.XAlmiist ccii thu rigs uscail-
al)I( for sc'hveiberc egagediciorcctic
da "ldci rrw-
SCENFIli 1:d(itl11. RM INT PLhAYS
IV lIiii'' F N IBRiARY
ticesibhit cu teirest to Junciour IHop
gucstiaii tcudccts cuss beeniplaccc ini
lice eaict ihacllccihlice radrt'.itconcsis
cci cc numbucierccliicctrshicccs irom cploys
wshiicic 'dcii enreccnly ocr areccciioont
bec pcrouccedciniccAciiiArbior, sachduporcais
cci lii'he ic ,ac ciiiandsatresses cclii hasv'
ccciii ic i thlueaiddiri-gr'lescci'''lie
ivisss," "'"ihe idccrciliccg tOflicer' ""?Vsc-
icetic," ccci iGeorge'.Ache 's 'Just (Oiii cf
A1 speciccase 'is devo'ed'ot'h ie ''Schoolc
fori Sdalcic,'' diericicuu's fimscc pla~ucy,
whcich ccilhu e ccseed cuthile Witneiy
thcetercii tihc'1cdiiiofcihits month bc iy
tic'rs. WliliamucIlicucucuasu. ' Itcoecuciucs-
tins. lofliidiis iportrait us 5weill as ii-
iiistri',dihci ofisevc''clsiiitutios ccccuc-
ring in tlipls'
'licemasccciningu'cscs ccre itild ithc
repcroduhccticoncsof piniings icc lie No-
tionual (Gallery coi Scotlcsand. Somce of liii
ficnesituiciccics iileal'iucoci 'cic'' ci
asre shownmu.

seCcocco cc' 'ccci UsIcORcluid'P.

VIUziversity "The Recruiting Officer" SATURDAY I
Clu Cod Now Whitney Theatre FEBRUARY 8
[ Preset~s -J. HOP SPECIAL 2:15 P. M.

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