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January 30, 1908 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-01-30

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A pur op adoeo e [ il ROVEISS F\VORIE ONE JUNIOR 1101(tINkLE I L)RINKiS.INK
ra fve llerw dhet a teatA---
o rn 1 'rbt .1\oleGooe costentes till leaworn Ibasttnight th Glee clb held Oureiof LIKE A CAM ELz~z
Volio',cr oho 1Fh f b h ommtittee in charge of the Wo- its mot sccssfl reh~arsal. LR err olt .Cnln on nle i
ma' agle anuaitl fany dresspatc. nmatnwas ont and the tie er cretditoink perstil e recentFiller ian t eeitflisow
N'a0 Pw0hich . N ill take tplace at Baror gn- hrmoniretperfertl. T M handolin cltub The College tnk like a eamel slaking it thirt.i ha'altere
] A f4 nsniFelt ,at the Saturday evening e- ha een ptting it three good paticer Stndrd is to ittiNo dropper-no mes-no boile, or i
C A STILE iat etr. a seek anare tplyigtheiintsicj wit e atattahere-anytiattn
Asiten girls atciii tonso are urged their carccteritic tuiin Id(ah. Thie
ur ba 'I t peta sMother Goose characters. Banjo cluibttill muaer itt firstcappeatr- ~SELF. E
Orae Kale - SaC ihug otter iids of fancy cosumetaaie i tao years t thi op coner. ACJiNILIN FLLNGpJ
:.~el o2a s b acetptatble. Myast a oy etworut Tickets talt e ptttonistle Thutrsdact "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FtLLER"
i r(leird. s usul o m n' cotu es t heeans bokstoe.can te fledt isttaty atitotittthe Ics inconeniencis. You
t-n. Te rAt iire-rilciult filt it awiti twhite kidt glovet ot wittouta alnger of
S gi i :30 p. ti i. itceutsia XI'g)IerruTOs l'ite "rio.soita. Iesies ittcone ienetie, is the stletidttwritg
c1 olg irtl cecfa lty wcomien q lte fteC nln te efc ed
QUARRY'Sf \I, obhedo hed
c~l e antlittel ion pretentctiioaiof trf .tt eltt it i i ~ ulte i tnCtktttepe e et
ati lei ri. ,hatetprtaetaco f geolegy, I. lIt. ,iet, 11kLlnatt de er andtett te riC.lic. It ni eee itee rdert e
stracor iiigeoitg nd 1\I . i.lit. tre.teet it n i.Ssta oetiti an eirata
c dwoe riettds mattc lkon front
aka_____________________inse ~t etet ikt. t r ctacor ain i iinercalogy,. atill tae a ciThe Conklin Pen Co., 310 M nhtt ldt., Toledo, Ohio
________________________________________ist tnttc-~tr citt. itto tripi ext tititiat r troutghi te higher
ice afrwichisto t Dci eJcent., The Alpt foto It' uatoc citstuttlng tag
L /ll OiciMi7nitaite iteatg Alpine glaciaici fotmtations. T'if t ud}
Money 2'xn Ofarecmiees leinchare illbeicnnectintit jork ofj No or Bg agan
Bn a p 957 a I a nod- a .Leferetatefsi n. Atett he cito isercn
th B orI SeaetUEri Dnil PaC r of.1-ols ltto wtttttto rttt eBtrgctBargain
o o th eroal rprlv ls ,VSKCtheieIDu gIlass On iigetg t h ttiae c t 1N h it a ilm s hs g e ta
Wace n J wlyrprd ya ---Ilei'isnowtageinf ro est it n
\tiettigainiWacDaily:iamonAll-Winter SUITSatioandDuOVERCOATSbenat a
10SEP11 C WATTS 1; trot2 cItt.itttBU r E ct Protatget Hot bsPtthist tceerthe cot rsue ,is
____________________________residtecrnitthcilecr ttrtt.cetei ble:.lc if ttiti-lbreearty a actBIStC T O
on uali s peCgOFDsIcLudng IitorlichigaDatrily:h -IlictiDal.AllSofterid SfI'TStndat OVERCOATStecca tf
iOCP .W T S Irqet iougist inpS ic a toSie t heirintonr baseallnu t eam'it iehasitaci Jrkta- ' - - ~tcit al
1~iiiiA 1 9 O S e e' atit itit itof t l ir rytuotie c pta e tt c icetti t hir lio tyte illaee h c I . D V T
i-1 T hii ill tee t tle leavtct inok illtiet froi.t o M nhatten Shiottunte$1.2
ercthy reusd asrcute d ida Itect or - as - - ,Iram wee o
l)A L.IO M L that ". it i ttetlighiatsileito Pbe agraty odttFstrs f$to ahta S it 15
224n 226s 'hthvetty de ant
SEV¢sa pe odicldn a e N h E G EETheVihg DiyAl.oft Mandattaiff Shats at$2.50cntof
1lIto hits gcwintg hotitereisilc Is AtierCo ete sIAe adie my t ton' ihtertec-
MICH~t AN PI~l~olv 'l'o's r a ti theatt isl ireosibggle t to Mres lie.t i t tee iistcla rso ite lle', e vo ttm knOjc es - 5p r e t
ifj ~ 9 t teyiethi'onkthistialaiotignthe s e d ttote on U nc" 7 t '0SaeyU d n~a prcn f
hI.etelt cll illa iiretitbetitto etantt __ __clocR ulkonin & io o
iAl11SJWtLl Slit d S a t , I i 's fettms anng ait moethe tt ear.- orrat fams t -se._ t,0M n atnS itIa 12
Weln220nS.eSate St._-F- IyS2.5 ManattSMACK'S-- --$18
tee-testtooccieteciEetetulecue eaute-ct'$ .00 MlilatanlSirItsfl- - .- - l- - $2 .50 ~
hissicet1t'eousiei9 Steo Germainectie atill lee tulu
c olleg e Missiiilic he e toughtnSos isat o o o use.anitihomeii7, o ter .tcelCfs-h..ens n tls'iea ot
i jetanu edhreggmn toMl t o ilheith ret tity- o t a5 ildptcasyseshet
Steinsieceocec Site
his eituisr urt t oetheetmatuut (Preinto n linectalhs hu
,, M.- , he . tol As ltots five____more____which_____will____follow___
T h t i e c ritr t w ~ v n . v o 't ' R[tat 1 \ A !\ '1eu Velu 5a t l[ I J t i t C a c a el a i i u e Ki
itt tastuucisodtstu ticeuiatitud cciibct
r, or'yt re.'.,i l F ir)Ils,, d, i ee 1 J tiitito ouiis, '07l cisl , teethboGrand1RapisnMthe.Atiesct uSptinAsSsslestAttachuedAandcue.
EastUnivrisNOit t, Phr ayI ccass adAisPernwse
''l lieslv%..n.

4x /l

jWhat doe you think of the
IHeavy Oil Grain Waterproof Oxford
just received for early spring wear
WAGNER & CO., State Street Sigoe bi;wite soe.uo

Rowe's Laundry
The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs' THOMAS ROWE.Prop a td a p
444 Sooth State Street.'-326 N. Fifth Ace.
SIX STUDIES IN THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT Now Photo 457 BlitPthoe 457-1, Insulre a steady, soft ,glow.
SUND)AYS 12 to 1 P. M., BEGiINNING JAN. 12, 1908, 336 Soutti.Stalc StreetEayotheys
1. The Historical tettiitg of the Sermon. Jan. 12 Ca 7:3S~ma 0 A. M. a11dl'oderate in price.
2. The Beatitutdes. Jan. ig9 As 0 daly P 'cinch. Cheaper than oil or electricity.
3. The EFilfillitig of thte Lawv. Jan. 26 unn h te he.Fb A IGIo
~.Be Ye Therefore Perfect. Foh. 9 Ciee b ~
6. Giving Holy Things to Dogs. Feh. 16 Cies hp-ny Restaurant Go* the heet from the largest assortmoimt.
Chinese Nasey Diisheos, Anmericn Lunuhetuof
These lectures are free to University students and others who may ala dies and grentlfrens on. rllJ r o .a
care to attend. Chinese and Juspanoco itrtc-a-brac.

I up stairs. iie deer S. Histon Bros~. 34 S. State St.

STUDIO- RENTS CULER, 319.7 East Huron Stree

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