THE MICHIGIAN bTALvt_________________ ITHE MICHIGAN DAILY. G, gy H. Wild Comlpany Ma~naging editor-PAUL. Scot ar OWER Business Managr-C. E. WINSEADsc. I Our Spring 190,8 line of filu Imported and Domestic J IWOOLENSI Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-IDate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G,, H. Wild Comupally 311 South State Street Sweaters Jerseys a3nd Sweater Vests 1-4- off For a short time only AT Sheehan & CO. Student Bookstores *____ NS PALD I NG (7~iNC MAK. & BROS. ,aR 1The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official Insplemnents tor Track and Field Sports Unifornms toe alt Spurts. Spaldise's Handsonsely Illustrated Catalogeeof all sprts contains nn- mserouns snegestions. Send toe it.--It', tree. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. Now York, Chieago, Sit. Loots, San Francisco, Minneapolis,. Ienver. Btff alo, Syracuse, Pitts- burg, Philadeilihia, Itoston, Cincicti, Bunto- more, Washington, Kansas City, Ctoveanod, Now Orleatns, Detroit, Mootrenal, Canada. EDITRSn News ........A. F. Ritcbie Athletics.......David F. Steverson Isselionge......II. John \Vambol Mutsic aiid Draiia...Roy D. Welcb WVomei's tEdiior.... Louise Van Voorhsis EDITORIAL STAFF J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adorns Russell McFarland NIGT EDIcRS Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raytuonid Vissecier L. C. Reid Lee A White] NIt. 13. Mellsigli J. Ht. Prescot A. L. Hainline Robert Mountsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney 'u~alter K. 'foswers Louis Kraft L~eswis 'T. Knsiskerns RolberiMorelands Fail Greer Samutel It. Morris OtitoFEngel Fred E. Feeding BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam Hacold P. Goold Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sonday. Both phones 96o. 'IllURSt)A'c. JA'NFARY 30. 5908. 1 vltosarc takinig stare every iday ini the irel-captaitied literary depart- ineni. lBefiorethe close uof o)ne semiester alli classes are enrislletd forthe inext, ;a s-stem of m uan y advsantages, atidswiti te sue ipaittdefect that it necessitates chossin g under the pressure of exauc iseels, andlpus a preiiii on indiscre- ti on if oiily it tic promipt. Theuetx iiovation inestder is inoeconsistiniipro- tractioniositthe exaimiinationtorsdeal t seusisej two w ueeks. scenutifically dividedt ii1t pi ieiuids of three hiiiirs lenth. We fiiimly beiteve Ihis last ciaiige is unscailesd for : at that its promoitioii is detosi ciiifiisioniofitheinture oust iiiictiiiis if tsesdifferenutsdepiartiiiiits. F moiss sicry-stasdis nt- it is a iiistake to ciiifioiiidlitereary asuitais siorkswiths thei scieiitific aoiliiiiessiionialisysteiis um'it iitiesneighbtoricigtiuildtings. Lit- err tdnsire uicto lisay. in dsis- I it ofthe hoary jiies froiiintte deudest frieiiisstlitttheiistsake is ito tihe iderroigattioniofithiiir owi ciillege, thuhit falsely digniiies the iithers. liii puirpiose iif the literacy school. as literary stuidecits uinderstanid it. is not tos muemuorizeca sses sicrciathieciatical ax- i ios wis-ich iiiaytietiaiiieid ioct toidils out intact at an} iiynicioimeiit, to test lie liabilityiof a criminalior the strenthi oasiistieinsioncidige. Such kiiossledige is vaii. aiiiI cmist if lie professors itiecm- selves woiiili signs the iiiiictcieiit. The pierpose. heist uiire or less steadlily on this coriier of the caimpiis, is, ini use first plcto oieniiei cs eer.siccidthieciplsiec t 1 t 1 t t 3 r thietitoia statue. reiale viewpoiict, I is toiggle temaeciniiatitiue towarsi life, ous touwardi knows-edge. Te atitudecie is tie uiiiirtaiii tiig niot sici scrsollfi lie as may le iniciuentaly siiiiggediniti a class riiimii.or such grab-iag parages as. wsitiiit esatiiitini, sic age 1o call knowledge. us a word, the purpose is ino foster ithe groswti (not manfac- sre)I of scioar's, as idistiuiishei front educated"'imeis and dirgibe cycipedias. This difference ii purpose canot safey tsbeisregardediwsete ismuean f ataicncecntaree iip for amenedmet. A'stslioii of the literar school iiiti tie mietliois of the egneerng wsoili at the stome lime ietify the purrposes f tie twol-wichsiei. ilie we lie-aicii eugiueers wis-it say the saue-tie fates forbidi!l fn these grounds.swefid the reasuuis for the trjecte scgeiharly iii a soer enighiconititno to asiesre roil cail t)l Mohre time still tealoiwei for aimm examuinatiuo of a single suect. toiler tie preset coditios of instru- tion mo iire timse is not -needed. A truem literary educatiuiii ties nimiipy a qiioi- iiig kiioiwleidge iof exactly as mcay the- reiis as can le rectd ii three ours It ciii te sufficinty imeasired its a al- hiiiir. As a maser if fact, a msaorit. if iiit quite all te better tescers sers the rule ofi the ideprtmientwhitmehtre quires examintiiiotns ii every ors. Die tests sre urey firiiaacd sigify niiiniig.The triter puse fru ehi biiiiks is tise itwaste-basksie.. xceit il he ery fesw cisicses cccni they are wvhat nieid revisin, icsiead of the examscse-i dule--wherecleeires luie cocsitcciclice wor, wiiihiit qticirteiosthe su dects gradie is sieercmiesi loggbefore tie fio test. Te exsmicaions except icc so far ss tecssuse a reecwi of ithe semceser's work, sre useless. This m cmt ar hebl ooosesoaf arevolcuiocnsry sdocrine; hid ifccslt it is a mieek repor eof whtrswse believe iths depasrtmcent, tecshier and tilsdsent, lars felt for someicerss. Not ore icce is neesdesdfor eyaminiautioninicaussicgrsl- jet, bid less ticce. r if lie itetions is sa esentialy to cacge ite sscdies that sitiree hours examcincationc stiile desrablsic.weego bassk toiousr icitial coctetionictuat so in chissnge themci wosldi te esioss. Phil- iissipslycacnte aught like caculuccs: sissil iiicnviert histosry io "real iroi- ert-y scwotld le lto travesty scolsrsist ciccder te sanctimiccouncs guise (f ecia- tisiciss effecivness. Of course witinc reasonic. cii such reersasl of naccre is is le appirehecdesd: cistoly i cse i lies swithss inte ideiie policy of lie ear futusre is sic exesioin of ce exacmica- tionisiperiodsifiilesd. Bothi, it seeccs io siu ci s, aywl hi- postponedciiforcccmore sic ibersae review. 21 Si sre timie wille aailablse i-- si-en exainascstions in cwh5icihlstudsects may p ireisure for scceedincg exuscinias- cis.-'T'isis nswuiceredI suos-. () 'T'here swiltle less possiiliy for uso examcinatsions infsll iclihe saue cay.- itstib le nticesi thist ishere to such trials coeticogether the recis a corre- sposdinicgly greater timie in recuierate before tliceccxi liw. Macyustsudets' too. woutlu prefer to ave four exacms oct oniecay, raher thanone ottescsof four lays.iecause a pisisprooncgediis doubtly ipaicful. Agaics. screyacy snc denit 1-s cscmre thsanc isuersf these tests iii undsergo, that is, ocue foresvey otis A R A A aund us salf dasr. Bluitmistcupperclass- cmtrus wthonirefer seiniary storkisshaBveI onythe easad er areony L INCO LN'S tswa. WVithiusat-us steelspsricoilthine mecu wulssd havse for cacti sxasiu iinitn tire n-eels. u-en as n-chavesuu shot boe flen te 1n n ia l1 thsey nerdnon time at all. Thn ticce A cornicd1oc thle onr sand by promipt cci- _________________ rollissent would be stiuandered oci the oilier. 4) Th. ts. wl b aiert test OUR LINCOLN OFFER siriu, anusimusse significanst of his knowlun- We list- a limtiteud n umbcher of edlge-t'his thesis is already, reusdereds sets of thur coniplete writicigs of herlpless. A talutu 'srt est wiosulci he Abraham Licicoili. The buokisire eq~ually fair andsisignsificaunt. Noisestosulsd attractivelyhboundus andstput upuinu hue cmoreugreceaule to sll conicerneds. tine solictmes. Ductpline for tue WVe coriluly fauvor sll reforcmssswhichs ecntire net (icludsiing tir subcnrip- wsill makuleclue literarsysdeiartntc et tur, toic to Corrects Literaiture for occe Bust st-csige chat suitrerforcmss tsrof use s-ear, vtucedi st $3.00) is ,-.osir kuinds thatutaccosrdlwithi litrarsy idsta.isid the cloth hbinduintg, utusi$5.oo tierhiue thast mserelh- assist te college alocig the leathcer binditig. Tuese set-sre oci hune if its ncurlscevhueloeh ntsrsu.To rexchiiionc it sithuer if usr rstore-. wrecuchs it asideis-tioiiuusnets sut.tint- ev er goods lsthat pth fuse sillertravst-rs. is tos sdu it aninitcjury. Pliihilpy cn- scot he is-sigrammccedi sithi a 'T square. w.,, MUusic ana 'rania Rusbset _lulactrltuill piuslay hacbieha.t thur NewnWhitneuy theateresocighst. 'This is thi sti of thur goosiattrauctioncs taht tone seentsuit ou t usitihisplyhonuse. (3f Alt. Muatell nthicngtired be suid.tadhy Malscbethi sill hue takencby lr~lt. _luhacuisl's Wife, M~arie Boeoths Russell. lOchersits the companocy are \\ihiacci H. Ceusuctsoct Gordsoni Buisbuy, sacud hiss AlidassCoe- celyssi. Maunuasger iccculurti (if thue Matjestic thceater isissanninug tose scure usfirst- cl ss ill fusethuresenrtinments-ciof clue studsests eft inu t-culhetwsseen semecsters. Thuere swill be a upeforcmacesitucacti tight (if the steels, usginncinig Fels. 3. wsills ihue us ual suaicsees. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST. MissLoismie Sm. Fermasinue. IRetuirndcu his CoousHosutse, hRsoucm7,opsusuuiisea- lime. Spsecialt ruts-s fore"J" hophous pasries. Lasrge frontm roomcucfuse (sie sir ltes steamicheat mcciirenncin,(mgw-auer. .320 S5 D~ivisioni. 91 9 Two dollars insures you against all loss by fire. Geo. J. Hailer & Co., Real Estate and Insurance, 216 South Main street. tf Hand hammered jewelry at P~oster's. Seat Sale The Recruiting Officer IFlb. 6 anid 7 At WAhIR'S BOOK STORE and NEW WHITNEY THEATRE BOX OFFICE I WAHR'S Bookstores i t stMateStreetsZ1011ustreumst Co.[.BAIRTHELL Law and Medical Books Treves Anatomy, New Edition. (just receivesd.) Stimsonu's Fracturesandc Dislocations, New Edit- ion. Morris Anotoiy. 3rd Ed. half leather, $2.50, h alf imorocco $3.00. These are new books and only a few left. Ca-li or excihatnge yout Lass, Medical and D~ental Books. C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. Slate St. Largest collection of ordinlary and the otnly collecticus of fine Michigan Pins FOBS AND SPOONS Quality Best - Prices Rigid Micluio~attand Feat. Stitues. WM. ARNOLD, Jewler 110 05. lain St Dividend s d Get Yours 1 AT THE d s .. } I f _ _ II Special Courses IN flusic FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS School of Musitc SIAYNAIOI)STREET tbe tubents' ecture lssoci aton Season of 1907-8 John Temple Graves Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Number TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCE5D TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hiours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays 14 L i 121 WashInoton E. The. Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598