The NMichigan DIl
o. far.
?aIl , coti Atoinen ha., resigied from PLAYS VR I US
theaise aging editoship o T eDal, viotefc th t e w ilev
schoo at lie end it tihe seester. The
poii ihs vcatedtill e itt lled ttaStudents Give Admirable Per-
the I ,:-Jiititfth le secndeiesnitecr formance of Historic'Tragedy
liv Arnccr . IRitchie, the present news --No Scenery Used.
sp-sfin'i publicatio iiut wt tihtpresent is-iscsom hD HOP ARRANGEMENTS
Examination Period in Literary
Department May Be Length-
ened to Two Weeks.
It insmoe an probabnele ittleine-
ing neat year le cent ccc xiiiiiiii -
a l~sin the literaryns ictie int will e-
tnd lovertW o weel- an they iotido in i
the lacy (leatnt .iiii VIlo ivcr litey
wiill bl iilarttily arrnedsoithlit each
Thil roit tiincliiiasiibeniil mit isit.
In sb t i tos ltcang ii
of O lin- ( )ii r tme ill le a i
1mve iti for anit ix iiiiiaiiiiofialit gle
,objec, (?) Afore time illhe ai l-
si~ttcnts(nayprep iic o iicce-diiiig c-
:tii at n . (,)'i h il e Ic p -
wil e airerto th so ctIi l ca
be t giiii Iic ii ru o m to ei mo
t1 ll isi a. poiiiii lie. iii li
ica a d T iksi li t f iiiiacltiiiiimc
ii i i.o lImi t i t.,i- .iiAii huh i
chane, mloi, wich-theabov mi-tii
tilcx(iiiiiiiii ii ii Ihutire ntl i ioor ihief
ti to Titt i (liiiiit andlii theni . jitrk a
wlii- (linen lwhiic e ha-iiiilhiadi iiiitle or
no t tir ior li iiiei gJut Tool:hh- m
and ih, ina o nic e a ieiiiiu n plled
u ip.aflt p ak ioi ppiii ndlipinn itli
e ~mm-in flimn Trsidiiwihnini-li i
tr iss i ae anvsiia cases
lIfthexiiiiiieiiliichedulaiitexte nt f
lipe d i m~il t am to ithe ione n tin Iie
willmbei fl clocedtiIil itiihowiver, halfi
lmint liins tili.lien iu a twiekiii ieri ,
atI I ieii the p-an istlci ifialite a
(itiol tmniiiw itereas n noni osi
stic utiil a tfte icceuiiiutioii peiod.
Thc necat issiic ,ilt he it special "Jii lip
A S SI)Ct lAtttN CtttnttllRnAtEtS
'Ii CSittel-itiiCtiniisti asciationi of
thie Uniiertity tMcthigants ifity-yeart
itng madle- toiicelebralte ittpiopitley this
irniiii-sarun. Seera~l wnes.ltboth iof a
Is 1'.igN ine tiasnitappo intt t t Sclt
dent Pi uliciouns. it etmrai tt
\t illi cxtin it the tbeginnaing oitspinit
recessiwhen the reglar. nuatiiil chomice
ofi a uiaiagii itorliby ivTthe tDaiiy staff
as i neit~l. .it r. hmtis-nier i-it t :i re-
lim te Litni-ernite.
lit. Y PtR t1t I V _(UNION
of the i itiia iiLeamguie to c sowi in m
iintci-iitiwtaistheir-goiiiitfeeling l-tnatd
the \ uticlrig-ani Ii rris siinito ible fitl
filedfort c-mgiii ias itecidtedtoli te-
mmtii the pmoceds frmtMrie. William
Itori Sciaiina"to aciiiftfoit s brothii
cratin S ctt iant int
"'tt ege a itiiiforgoittnthe ci-
' ir nianI asistaluncea titi it re-
Idfrnt time-mmen eight oan earsti
t 'ii ii unt lie I iiiiin gyhitt acit iii \ian-
iiim toi be uili , saii dtDtn Jornit
neinra ii. iiiilit lhias isheditfori W"
h11ir frimensof utroninits icgnratitite.
Morot i' heleague fully- atprtines
-thuenvi teoftsuch itan oganizatimon a
ttilt eye nt andap ci st tiintit which thle
I airsgel fritmtiBsrbour gymnsatsiumttwha-tt
tgreat soitne it pleasuire the Michigain
lie ;inlsarinnleaced asthtttthe tieni
li-ic- opned iithe clubhiuseitce m aiti
jtwclain th lewee."
I~at ytat tie ilegute vut iii to ate-
I'agft itl tie Michigani IUninassont
sitreevti-ilsitsfuntsttl t itt-tiit id
not have to Ilsinpaintg detesl. Shi-
r-Tlti"; Scthooi 1toriSicandatl," thicth still
be played at lie Xiiiw\titntey tteaten.
let iS ii8 i ne theiausiesc itthe league.
itill -furlnihthtie firsittttiiicswichitli n
cIt \v ill lie lit- iiiit idefiite gift oftthti
fieiguie toite tihu-igatinti ionam.snide
fotin-te li fte g11 airibothmicomityn
who app ilearedin iithe-hilp laytdarig three
inci cimuctiaplaue-ittin tAnnitAirbti
ter I re lu tic tii- s'utl iiiat Iies entiofathit
.drmtin ciartlngs natttftheSchtiosltti
I tiiti andinrcataseatntmnagemt
itimanag-emetinitftihe entlire rodtint.
,sTecat ix s ae tip tals atsuch neprne-
sntiatiei-c l eiasnhMtss tern ictra
ti tf))arbour egtimnaiumha, IPalumKilteeti ot
ltime Schooiil oft Music, toy Wenlct, ittd
Iseeatliamturtplernionrmens at Comtedty htisscI itttie Sitiein, Aun.
x enyon i, tin.Taws-iendinttttd r. Woodt-
nut,. iles. tHoftmanunuttottes toaptenent
theiplay at 0aitmattinee at tileIDetnoit
r. im
irf.ThomasC. inliiiiiiitclass i
lie cstuy it Shatkespapesennte tinnieitie
htoi.tnagedys, ' Vigiii iabetorec a
tinge laudt-iece itfibothtowIlnspnieple- tnd
studtents il itnellnora m ntoricl ittms liiii
terite Halilt aseitiiei li ng Theeffolie
rum a istnctinnovatio n aitheictin-
havealwas clinediteir lwork toi platys
of he ardof icomantiasia tillsc-
"ig inias1,"c1 hu titicet of than
iis altraedyilintlle at ateullsa
tyicltoyf It Rii ii iIatug le agmt he tie
whiie tmte ticii- hurn eniiuei~c i
in it mot lici ousiiiim ii t liiiiiItnasi
bee-mmnnwrdeta laciiti- e rats
by Ilmit tn mth eatmee mml inctingtaed fthie
mo ,.: sa e. 'lim exism it h u h
Vuuigm iiselayciii-pimuceu wit osilitie
a tishetcliatsgi te oumim n lasti evi ng li
,hawml e taticloscemmemiy lmoiii litionli
hac e velpe thee 1m o-m- cl iii ii i nil ohm-a-
otltely a n-l -tiigmpennorman ecemiui
tLtn ik teii Grett igt li- tit-mxe-imi um
clss usead mniiistme-~iten, in- buifeeac-
iteso-riesto t he acintfth iee
Thuiia enamhlliiness andtcomnciot
was obmtaied tr te-ughheimiterl in-
te -tagedyiasteyli-culdinot lteise.
ls culdalttmme aipeaintparlufap
proxitmai hitl e-almengthit wamis uet.
anthletitixtlmii l o tmlli itanal
Performn ces i llutg sp iit of is ii ul t y i
claimrstile hmoretug eit i uponmhProf.iii'i i -
ousi cmniarummsci-ii-iforhitiltmmdra-i
sity ismteiin, edtchen-titShakespiieari
clsiire ein mtic ihitcgmliiienttifor
Tie perforil mliii elti s .g inipimarily lto
devetlp a loertilmcuintilathe-study
if mliii gtmdrcahmaiiitinproductinsatndm
uhr lt leemihestibtal mcie- ithiii
Iaillume wrt: ii iis penmtothiltuli
at twonechitlsieaiihilseest elm anSmiten
to affoithe tuentsmipraciti em ilitpublle
taidresslespiiiamm ll iiaitc h e itnesht ofii
penal iec utns. Otsdenesf, themini
madetoillrfVtithe smoithi nessliofi t-il
performanc 5 eiante aiicI nulsit negtte
neiseclargelytoixtsthtanesitnes the it
tleosie studnts whoititoekuep-tetmitere
nul-llc ia and meiliiomusn ature, arei. ,tI tit i
spciacom mmttelesn form-arrnig tii
tiets lnd o pi niarehe-ing shuatrit
toi mak1 le them-occaion otabii mmmlmeommmc
OliiSiiuday.- Fell. allsiomittime VmImIng
Peo le'cscideties mciil mte sith tlii
CiIsiiiili assolioll Ill-a u iliem-.tIteit-
mug touh ld imeii uNewsble-tnt 11allat 6:3e
p.i;. Spte-ake-rsti-mttamonmiig isorkters ill
thie earliu iertdas mittile asscsialtin have
lumeilcihosent. imoth i u temmammmi si151iit he-
sile e-stm-ident Anhge-il andtitheulr,. nSpe
cii ialt Inn in is t epovdd
OniSundayithemtime 1occ.urseiltileJfit
ann miiua tladr if-heChitian assmioi
mumtion In miverstityieHll. Time huce
of h",cit asu mm ill hbe- mlosedi or
thistvliti g mmiidskill joinitth~e asso-
ciaionithe celebraltioemitfmits ifilitictl
birthay lii Rm tt. em. Chalesti1'. nn
son, biptf hu canot ism itiidcliii th
thei mst llutn iit-eld mmrcifutil mie
Iis in i i l demnd aim mmig untivs--cities. Hiu
it (Ale oitthutt ies ity pact hrsmiai
anmiii ii tciiiit. Thuilmeetinig siill cdm-
me i thiocluck. 'tile musiiin tormthits
occiaioiin lie-cit limitnichaegt ofgPrifIiut.
iiamtttt I lolt,(mwi is ugimimug lie-
Anellhmmill tpreside.
'Tuiesdaiy evsenmingtile scialpt ftheli
ce-clertiomun w'ill ttke plaem. Tl-iilitii
oft ltiine is sninlg limt itsvitationsc t
membersi omiflii thesmciatiiuii, thettmcnmlie,
tiriiendshandmii actively- iiiit tereste talum
to lie lpresell t atrecepition totimhimgiltli
in Newbrry -tialltfrno m toI ol tis
em-li- miig.
A umummuim ttle in- mi stumi if Judmge lV.
H, laeti,hMni. hiyrut B. Jorminiitim, ran.
hhihtittli J. IHussneyanthti ie secretaies
hasi liielarranlgemetsiltt iichatrge-.thin
r - --munt isill deuse- time fittieth m iiti utttti
Icueebrtionu. ThisItogethmern iihtithu
ceeti nsmi ill 1883, mmmii StS, i nrks
three-- impor11tat epchsuini itheiihintoritt
i f thm ss citin
Everything Is in Readiness for
Social Occasion- Fitting Cli-
max to Week.
Ituaallcus& Kuch, oft iii ici, thtue b
tutw-t-iedt tile-corcmi ltc iinmgliithe but-
ing patiomithli-eeortatistoiadorn
citel Jttim h4ynuh. i 1I'ieh.i 7,it('fig1111
liii oft t st ic i m l rst in its iii ii
whoi htavett mite niel mtrhlip to imit
:arbor I t comnstilt tei ecraio cm-t
lee. Ahil here m enu yimtookiihcomptig e
li-t t tiiti th mmiii nifithe liieih iii llii iand
sciurd isui ratp ittittum sel Ofimthe l
it1 genera l dtcoti g hemehas algt
beei plaed andisiulate i1hlcrail
hinting ' rstl hu lt utwui mruv lnimt i iiu
tiesnie decoatingli- lull I. limit i ii
isaleah u- lient iemutiimuin im mi
ofe yarsmf- uninnad hkngth
Yesterday a afeint-colies OfiamIwwliimwmale
mimig. entuiitedi uItdRthilrmiWaltz June
situ Yu iiim t Yo um-nwe-eeeivund
liii- m Te osumn re muhum Danmiel
I n-itt:1 ho)in hasn witn te ors o
several ofm iiIr.hIm mm-ctu m cmpolitinstut
11Tisp nceh libei- dedticatetoithei
Jttu tihpmmand upthelimeer-uotfueer
coipintct, hi.Writnespectiltifo
til l hmp. hm-. tFnicher will alsoinii-
trodtuceufotutulimersmt hlitime untheinc l-
strmeta sctimmlt wciihiit is exptected
wsil i va hisil-tm c i~rt if at tn
Picets for thei galliiy illhuhbieolllsale
at Stem-iutmmm hbookmt stille mum tifits udays
Xmuumeronsminuiim . e extile h mtitaude
nbuttis-ctltnteandmiisIn tiggi null
tht til"eamimicputuchasers n wilibehureli
ofua re-ev eilat
timhe mlloming mutt onesseshaveii ee
nitcumri-m: Ms f , ltiinshuns
V. C. Vamughanmum himN1it F,.iCooley,- him
J. O.Red itcl rhiun I . JordntttI. un-C.
B. o me nemie hMrs. J.C. Klnwlt,
Msn. W. hittersomhn, r. RitN. iell
him, hiu 3ii. Cu muag-,Msunit. hAt bates
muttAirs. W.iW.V I tutu
A tseethl J" ifopmithion Of ,iTheii
I) iiyiiiliai coleteliilint oftheii
gut, ixlmmapptemarmSaiturda ilium ing
' lime hmUincluhuse usill hue mvent,
It (lringtime 3"hopatt, meitllllttimues lto
It ititml mmwleuniadcompanitiedt ipyume-mbhers
e Io time ci lb teginmninug Thursnday ese-cu
in;theinijcumumg rnam willtitteiopeuniuom
'81mm:3 huto10:30 a, m., 11r:301to :1:30 lat
r, noonm anid tromt5 :30 tim8S:3o p.1m. Thin
switluconiuum thromughianuetiuudminmg
Smummmt us It iumst heuendtmerstood, ihits-
eei tatimmthin isti prisvilege tut iladies
- l-whnacmaidb clb e-
lI (5 mmumcciumg text Suday-muia u
do-keewill hue stioauedmt mttime doormndm
'1tlltulleswill hue al hadeto ienesecepti
muttpresnutatioun omit us mleumbhenrshiptidet.
Thiulte, wshichumittltpnobabltybhueau-mu
-l. torned ifonr aoutn auountu, isn ecessary
>f mm ordmermum keepthe tprivilegeomithmie
r. chum excliusivelp oti hetmembmhers.
hspieciali "loop" mmatinueemcuThlie -
ernmmiuugOfficer'"usill hue-gilvelionmuttSilum-
day.t cab i Kt. 8initim ewiiWh5itnmey miia
t0tle gte-at obijectionu, wite ue Ciiiliui
Ws obligedmtohummmxiSaraht aweli ng
elIl halliwasliinadmmequatte xe-mti11g rag-
umicums. ''isi exitsmithlhue entirelel
ntethcismliiyeatrmand lmrgepari hesstiltlibe
tilmie hum nedtli nslats itogether. Seatin
mmliil muemon stuiamea t'hitms Statie smtre
shie ne miT'hursdaitl andmmmidaytiiipmuf mnt
wmeek. There cmilhuemnoi box offiice sale
except tuntime -daytomitthineerfomance.
mm uCHmUt cx muittIedPIeCrU .
limetpicturne mottime sitf ft m it me-Ially
it-ill hue taken e xitue-Tuesdaytplit Rtandallt
& tPatc'scstudiom mt ma148.Altl tiiui-tnr
mi theii staftfini-enexpectedi mu he mue-ummt
'M__ tishPeltamPiienthy,'o, wscumatrl-
elmcd mto umAnews-C.h-Mernnpyman, '04, at
nutiO n iiilii15- hietuutine Mi hch., taut. 22. it csl
Atmuteetinmg mit time lieasofmit c m-ufull ni idtigumweisnmg, time hi-ile etcing
at timevar iomums collegese tm univermmsnities atctededby hisshitc lemInt al.07. time
n esoltion ws i madptedmisconeurangintg gnummum ii it it H./mamChime,101rmultI time
lime paruticipaltiont hy ecollege wommmen in bmale- mmaixgivenm awlay imy IlyrmmmWitie.
tbaskeitall. 'iga.
K niversity "The Recruiting9 Office" STRA I
Comedy e AVaA
Chub New Whitney Theatre FE]BRUARY 8
Presents J. HOP SPECIAL 230 P. M.