THPf MICHICAN DATL'Y }, PARElY GOVERNMENT Sama Burchfield's ('ENTRALIZES POWEisis ire on rlled byIapa sttsona or- 2 0 F F uu~tio lt7"i:s sill of tsiseose is P 1I drltmin iiits motst detisirableisis SEiCOND'S ON)Y pth stitiseret in this growstt of ainlpris Somie pepe sa tat~ R" E. JOLLY' 5to isregrd arty regiee is to forget -I e uittcir of thiii olist sstisc wordi is MR~S. Ij. i, ROJANOWS(I to tlig Ito federalism ashdisosigiv itt M t~ahat ntiuu feeing suitswexists FASHIONABLL HAIRDRESSER s tisttiititttiaize ytur prtry aitd its gv-- Hin-G(odsHntrdresiteg, Snslpooiw essiess cn cii ttlissogs tste peope. Manieurineg, Pae.Mnitage a spealety. 1-' lis k ishesitutionttssthat sits conutfronts 322 S. State St. (I t sF i-Bell h ge 35' Wt A NLQ , Duirinig ltheseondsti s ter GRE ATat-INVtE1NIUKY1E311 resiist ieislres t i5tll g e :pca ctutistcof teA eatmesuntadt thers by iieritissitit. Tiuy res ho SAL E boving: AdimiraltryiLawi. I.tettsrec. Judete Copyrigiht Law and T rtu adtemarksi-. Al.51 Reedi tutu_\I r. Rigers. Irigattion I stis .I ctris ic \l 5('isis berg. Legall (shies. iet-siss s.\ Nlaothemttttics if stitiitis andmIts arisce. iLectures.ttProf. Glitter. Miim itgI it I entires. lie. CIais !iberg. '.Patenst i,ott-. Liie5ctue. Sic Asubs-c. PA 5,181.S Miss Louise St. (icetitlist- hads 27 cesnts; cardso, 2; cris lOistr stooklissuse t (se .AVIS si sit gutts f F()R SALE-Pteerless 3t-sest er- i-itt- Isisir Ci-t Ys. C :1S See asic consplete liste of Michigan pins, fobs ottd souvensirs. Hailer's Jeswelry Store, as16 S. Main street. end Pyrogrnphsy goods nt Foster's. if GO(D(511 1F B ((ii I \Gc 1Icn 11,11htt ilub limitetd. XI -t suiterandia gi-d otisimss. i0 1 Ctieh r-l 5cs-t its. Ils1i11s. S; ot Portrait franses as Fosters, Underwear, Shirts, Gloves, Trousers, Hose and Hats 20 per cent off. Suits, Over= coats, and Raincoats at 25 per cent off. Some old Suits at one half off A Money Saving Opportunity Staebler (Q Wuerth Ar riAbrr.Mich,. "J HOP FOOT WEAR" sust receivedi a very cossiples- lists of ILadies and Get Careuss Footw-ea-sr especily sistalt fiorh thi 555 trscilt ViIt Fo4~ ~r Men Pusitisanti Sailor-ties ii dish id tt lthersyrfeeitfitlersis i i i - ()r -a pinatR tthe iteel. For Wo en sisipit 5to uf entirely ne itntl pateiist st i-eli :is its wiste asiss lrit ii L lisssps and Slippers,. See window for complete assortment. Walk-Over Shoe C0'm. 115 So. MAIN STREE-T Hart, Schaffner & Marx FULL DRESS SUITS UTu~ I P The Clothier Properly Tehilored ""' r ti Two dollars insuares you againtit all loss by fire. Geo. J. Hailer & Co., Real Estate anid hInsurance, a216 Sooth Main street. tf See otir cttttsliu-ielistsof lhitgoss pins, fbsandsouenittrses I fller's jeswelry Store, 2516 S. Mainstreet. roil Sec flirng & 1,fteli s it or till line of ischigantfois igs hSanspons. 1 13 liast Libetey St. o FreylIrvg. (~Mendels Ev'tery 5ting-its rhicire violets, AmiteantsBeast- tesSwseet fieas, etc. Grion esloecially-fits the J. Hfop. Ask for us asnd write for' prices. Grand Rapids, Mich. i" *- THE1 F'ARMEIRS AND MEICHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON SiTRETS Capitai, $50,000,. terpees aned Peafis, $65,0t0 GeneralttBanking Buineuss. 3ipte i-itt suit onTmea nt Savinsa Diepoisits. Saety tie- pesit Hoses to rCntt $2i5.50 ail sowrsi It. Renee. Pces. SW. C'. OTEts. Vices- Cres F'. H. HeLSan. Cnshs. I. A. V11,1sono Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank' Capital stock, $50,000. Surplss 2:00.000 tResources. $:,00t000 _ A Heneral Baenking Beainessa 'iranesated Orrseanas Clint. E. llIst'oes. IPres. W S. Is. Harriman. Vine Pces.: AI . .1. z Cahir STATE SAVINGS BANK St. J. Booth Jise. V. Shiehu W~m. Arnelud Dr. V. C. Vaughtan ins. H. State 5E.1+. Silts Jahn tHaarer list Kcshi Vrof it S, Oatsit henruy AV. Douglsa Chrititan Sati ru DSats 1t' Zimmuetrman FIRST NATIONAL BANK GF Ass- 'ARBOR, MICH. t. t.-h-I.N IIAE i~ stnSsts "L1": 'res. ' Vic-Ptrss. S. NV. tiAttseS.N Cashsit-r. - tCapis tal t is00 sit lls ait Psui Ois its "1001i0t0 Giermnan American Savings Bank! 0. Com mx'erolo.l aeri.d U Sa.witas liLes OUR ANNUAL JANUARY SALE OF Suits and Overcoats Our entire stock of Suits and Overcoats divided into 3 Lots Lot 1 200 Suits at 1=2 off 200 Lot 2 250 Suits and Overcoats at 1-3 off 250 All the balance of our entire stock of Suits and Overcoats at 1=4 off. All Trousers at 20 discount. WADH. AMS (a CO. I V) ) tJZ HOw _ _ _ _ 1, !II IV! Matiu FUNERALY. e M matn DIRECTOR. Ho Dflica 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98 Patent Leather Belts saeeds's e-. otL u c danc 30 5.5thAte.Phoe 34 match youresitor bloe, :e. Send suis At Tuttl.'s, 338 S. Stat. AiMBUSLANCE ON CALL e o f the dress geasds wnsals'trsing ourder. ____________ VEBELTCRAFT CO., BOSTON, MASS. I . STUDIO 'R ENTSCULIER, 31 9 Last Huron Street