THE MICHiISAM t ATL IV________ THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. H. Wild Comfpally baaigeio-Ai cr ox Or Spring 908 line of fine EDITORS Newst..................A. F. Ritchie Imported and Domestic Athletic..... David F. Stevenson 1 sxcange..H...-. John Wambold Inusic anti Drama.....Roy D. WVelh Womens Editor .Louise Van Voor'is Sw EDITORIAL STAFF C dm WOOLENS J.W.MCandless Elmer C dm Russell XMFarlanti Is now ready. It inlndes all Hiram S. Cdy George H. Hobart the latest Novelties, Shades Chamcey Bouer B. G. R. Williams and Upto-Date Pattertns in lRaymod Visseler Moose Brown, REPORTERS Caribou Tan, L. C. Reid Lee A White Leather Shade, l. I. Mrlighi J. H. Prescott Grays and A. L. Mainline Robert Montolr Fancy Blues. Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Ik'alir K. Towers Louis Kratt Yotur patrontage respectfllyLv ewnis T. Kiiskerni Roert Moreland solicited. Paul Greer Samusel H. Morris _______________________ Otto Engel Fred . Gooding BUSINESS STAFF G, 1. ildoominyJ.. Wr Carl H. Adam 311 South State StreetHaodPGul ________________________ Address: MCtGANc DAILY, Press Bldg., __________________________ Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: 1-2 p. i., 7-8 p. t. Sw eaters daily, except Sunday. Both phones Jerseys and s ~\II FINESI., JANUARY at, 1005. V ests noffreatrfotalcics who hadciitihetask si of caiusing his reaerswi s aslctioniu sf theycrs o f f ba ihcs stsiow"th ristiiniiri I U II cestrncimis.Ile hasher osoeotht rungsltint ittis parioite soutry olyltas xi'etmorals Itchado the gants xx'ho ihlait - Itos;, they r tposxerful,iiostut, on 'iars, utiuey sre larlyIto eic luedi For a short ftie nly insclssuiiisusedtinIiticrcal swols. The iscritic doescsnoit koin ii xst PIsi-'. iontet i ss -i'igrua s iipslyd. cun l ixsi~nshtzy abut wha itstscool iluss AT" l Thei1 manli) ,is o oi'c ii xritig in' inithr juidgig ofachleltes. Niter are clofthii losiniiiei es'tsiho iiiicsistnlt Shneehn & Co. go- a hyl eusi xprecd Student Bookstores irsi,,,, Ii tiiiustie rcougnzed ithct thiii stakiieili'isionuwuis's'chcondiitionus ii th s u rt' tiracticll' coivetci iti A. ut. 'heuspaationlofii cs ads1west o~' '''s' has benics omplte as if they wxer _____SPALDIiNG '.QPApolsc uidiclsonus diffetplaetsil. ur toa '-~... & BROS. J '.""'.e iisxciishabclit of looking lixaridsthisAt- antisciositifIss eductional ideals, xwe The Largest Manufacturers in the World hisse to s oiiisexent kept easerti at- of Official Athletic Supplies loicsi u eea iwo hns u Ease Ball, Foot Ball, Glf, Lawn 't'.iiicguclsn1)itig.Tu Iennis, Basket Ball, Hockey coleges ii tatusctioi bein self-suff-c Official Imspemenrts tr Trak ad Fild Spots dicni. ihsav' 111,1 tll ocasio ti cosidiser Utnifrmsfotr all Sports. Spadisg's Hasdsomeyort 'dig tleishv enLn Ilustrated Catalsgsr o all sports otans iicssslhx.Oratltcsnu-eleitsn meross sgestios. Sedfr it. It's free. duet'r.iiututeit ionl iian riual degree A. G. SPALDING & EROS. Now York.Othicao,t. Lois, SaolFrnisose.Witl oircsctilrship. Mitisespuils. Desver, Ituffalo, Syrase Pits- It i. possile,.in 'iiiwtoftexefats, bre. Phiadelphia, Bston, Otouloatl,Balti- sore. Wasintonlo, Khasas City Cleeland, toses i i Thicgats switdrlawsal fromt Now Orleans, Detroit, Montreal, Canada. the Con.iifeee anit ter grosing friend- slip ithsil the ast a prsvidet eletmett. SIe isll cr'westerniicliirs amtong the stranlgers withi honior. It iillte lie pivi.ilege is, esablishi soe kiiidlofiia real commntiiication betweetiunikownt parties, and xill do a service to both. "The country is becoming nationalied, sectional idistitctions are vanishing, the property of each is becoming commonx ts all; andI this nesw itoe of Ibihigat. tsr hliec, is a sign,. aiiinaluyte ati ad- iitiontal cause of it. 'ClI iArsTSOs's IETY5. Sonis eiseks ago we rejecedi the craftiy romphtingts of sui office seeker iso tidesireil s to foitnti a sciety ws'hiih shioulil lstersani regulate the organia- tions mtoemenrit in the Uiersty. VWes srs' toiw'requs~ tedl to secure stdentlciiupl piort for a coinsieity."'xwhose purpoxi shall tse'the iitchancige iii coiililsenc.. We shrewdilylsuspiect this is ai selilersts 111111 to put111 iniaiusfalse posiitiii. Otis cisslid sarcelt' Its'expeedeitoiitake tes sstmpsfor such a cause uniless implledti lit tersonal mosties iii te msost its1 chiaracterWXe ds noslt essnfess to sitl uoix cx.ansithterfore refuse toibecoet iisteresed itt the prject. I it is ads- Mie urtemslper' wisies, weivountter thi' iis uc: the sciety hadut bette' li- secret,liothls ctoinmembesrship, ntilcon- ettto;iniorils'r'ts prevenst sddenci Ilsctiuti lii'.in tie 'sll, lit itiextectid itittliiraiis'sifroimsicollege, thentcssslecf shitip isodi rlstt tii''11 his ndui it wxould tbe a greutt stoks f sateraft tic elect toi honioraryctiiilei'esllipi(ndiby slicesl p'ro'.i'ions) ito the piresitet'y, a catatls' Chsmt,gis!uThe osicticts'. iso colilie. . lilIII]GAN ACAIDEMIY OF SCIENCV MEETS IN APRI1. Te .IicligastAcaemyciut'fiScicec wsil hoili its annuials-mi fereic teestthe Unsivi'rsittsdirig the flst xw'ek iiApril. st ill,, smetim ule as the Shoolmastr' chit,.T'l c ademyuti is an orgniation comipocised sif science teshes ciind pr- 'sus iiterestedin iisciren. Its umembel~r- shis nComp tosdciflyil'of sns in the scienle'deptiartmiets oiftle jiiixcisilx f ilicluiguuutasnittacers iithis'nsoital schools andI colleges sit the sat. lh'ce acc someutewxs lt'metmbles. The uiciose osithleacaemyitt'is toad xanue tie scices in the saste inti to furthircresearceht work. There sre sexen seetionu sf thurecdemyut'.eactiofxwhici hiuols its lull umeetings. Thuy r5esirs folios:uit'. eszoolg't, gogrcphty' megeush sat' nitairy science, agiciuhusr. itnd this science techlers' sctionu. 'Thr stter hInst s sessions xiti the bio- logical sectioin of the Shoolmateitrs clib. The agriscultuirsalsectioutn etst this Michigant Agricultural college. nHeFsITss''e'cs'TE .us RtInODS x ssnuS. Onuly three students tools the Rhodes examnaiits' t sldl here rcnty, xhie hlst tear eight triedt to qiuslift. Mihi- gistwas retreentedl li' cue., Jamues K. Watkins, 'oo~ lit. Thuroiler twxo rust testants we're Allert . Walath, of Hillsdle college. atil Afr. I offuinu, of Hotie college. N E\I WACTERIOI.OGtCAL, GERM'S IDISCUSSED tY NOVY' tDr. Frederick Novy't has teent giig speial letuires ini bauctr ilogy duriunig thur past twosats. Out Mondiay.'he soe oun thur various forms and carateristic of spirochae nd on Tuesday his sub- ect wsas on trypanosomes cund tmore e~secially on the forms whih arc found iun eases of he sleepiung sickness of Iti- sia andu Africa. Dr). Nor5' and his asi- sistanths hae douemucuht sork ot these orgautsmus iun hislaoratories id lusts' uenutinstrumunutal its the formng of muodercr ounceptionu of utueir culture cd effects. Thurlceturxsincre illusrated hi' lansctensiden prpratiouns of thur or- galisls showing hein-itu hur vriouss formts andul deelopmettis. Mscant)Trarna Chleyrh 'Grapein and ciiAnntia Chasn' ini "Thur A'.'akenitg' of AIr. Phpp,'." tintk- usd alage'ous'.'last s'v'nuig. hi. Gr'ape'iniiuptheldl hi. r'putationisi s' comupanyu. Thur soug".were catichy autu thin dauning good. 'The'sconsidhsch i sw'hichu Air. 1Pipp1 sasuxrecover'n'guhifromu thin "eighti before" secmeto tbeunesp- cialyaprciated , i is of this-hrl- uusecnsot itutiolsih ssucudmhuusnu. The st.'deeform'antces's h itled txihlufutntasui sta(ash.'siguch it uwihithe uduuuin.'s' Geori ge kil's sucssfulh cmedyl. " 'Just Ottf Collhegs,.'xwil in'thur t- trcistion t stthur New'Whitin' theaut'r'sn Saturd Fet b 'sh. I. Biutbblitg overu xxtut go'.odih lutoriusi'. '. ansuutsiusswu it, usigitusi muusic,tuand wsithu aicourus of pruett' gils. ''Just Outh ofiColg'''slhul uhrepeatits fome litin iithis cii. hu T ''heuCtounity Chasitiirma,'''''1c (cl- hege W~iiid'w 'satuh"Birdh Cnter," G'org' Adeha ssscetd itmla15'humortusoht'. uu' aster tp,s b ut itt "Just Out of Clleg" is' is sidutohavusuecitsedl uuu.tliug hun huas' everit'onesitsn ithis hin. Celebrauted Martin Maundolius aud Guiars arc best for mtusical cubs. Schaeberle & Sou, uo S. Mai St. ed Alarmt clocks warranted for ote year, $.oo. Hailer's Jewelry' Store, 216i S. Mlain street. sod Since 188 u'shave made Watfch Re- paicing outs of our strougest features. Hailer". Jewery Store, 2t6 . Main street. od Hand hammtered jewelry at .Foster's. Seat Sale The Recruiting Officer Fesb. 6 anid 7 At WAHR'S BOOK STORE and NEW WHITNEY THEATRE BOX OFFICE i ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S Centennial OUR LINCOLN OFFER We have a titmitedtnumbuter sof sets of thur conuplete wvritinugs of AbrahamtiLinucoltu.The Ibooks ice attractively hboundstandt ushtttp iii tine voluttes. Osurepliie for the etutire srt (iunludintg the suibscrip- tionu to Current Literatue foeroouc year, rausuedh at $3.00) is 63.90 fur the cloth bindsitug, 'snit$5.00 fusethin leatuhuer bitnditug. These sets sure out rexhubition atitherofuncr isestore'. WA HR' S Bookstores J' I Stats Sttu i l Street 5 I Free I A $20) Kodak A $10 Kodak A $ 2 Brownie I1st Price 2nd Price 3rd Prize i Mow 1man1y)rolls of fitsn I dev elopesitnmothtls, J'an.Ist, 07 to JutneIst, oS. One gness wi th usvery roll of filmus developed. Prices for desvelopcung 'and pin~tig gutaranteesd as low us anywshere. us Ann Arbor. LYNDON PHOTOGRAPHER [BAILEY A EDMUNDS1 121 EAS[r LIBERTY STREET Lags collection of orditnary adteonily collection of fine Mihiga n Pin s FOS AND SPOONS nai Bust - Prices Righut Mihgn and Frat. Stinues. W .ARNOLD, Jewler 0 0S i. tmaiunSt. 1 1 t t T c P 7 t Di vidend s V d i e n d .Get Yours _ AT THE -I.p q Special Courses IN FOR. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS School1 of Muic MAYNARD STREET "' *Che students' lecture association Season of 1907--8 John Temple Graves Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Numbher Co=Op TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hlours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays S Ii' 121 Washington F. the Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. P~hone 598