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January 29, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-01-29

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ANN ARBOR, _NIITC lc(.A N \\ ID f>SI)\\ A t 44 l :'RX29,No. 90.

\'ot.. XVIII.

NO, go.

Many Requests Come From Fiast
and West-A Long Baseball
Schedule .Arranged.1
i rector :4- aid ha'. returned4' from'4 his
444 4144.rip in te Brstand 1 dec4la.res
tion. 1144. a44t1 desk is burid with
four4'footba411l.tames.'.hart, .already beel
S4v( 41i44. 411 44 4:44444444upo .4 444444
1)144.41444 la1rd41 >-idl: ' ;111i 1 ad1 414a4
c444y 41hin444we could14 414. 1 re-ret a4.
444.44s1i41441d 44u1ch -ra41ic41l4action, bu14 1
411I 141444441 4441.
444.44'. 44 our4 outook4is4most 444l41
44444T14re4 Is4 llo lack4144 1 f '4> e< t
1444444'a nu1 ber44 of o4t1er-.144-11 he 4added4 4
April4. 1,441, 44444f- 4144 4> 44 iat 144'oxville.
\14 7 -\ -) (1"4 1 " 1 4444.t. in

c 1

'NIOOEPEARY' MANY ABE RY f'IL JI1tJ couuatry 8it would be imlpOosile to1act
SECURED DXY THE S. L.4 [ UAI.i as1Ji j di.associated member1s4 .5and tI .the
~ S PWE 11414.tithe accomlillsanlythling.An
less t14 han.4144444we4.4r4.4agof, i thatSeci 4.11441ind )'Isom e means of 1financin4g Iparties.
ary.)'rf could not4(1 40 appear1, thefic ials4._1>114e.spo4il (4:ys4.144secretly furnishled the
44'.1.44444.14.0ea104 141.4 144.4Power Must Be Brought Neairer 444.4.f4044104r'4l.4 f44t. Tee
making every44..4:effort to obtain a first- his4 1411.1ly 14.ee4n 50444. agitation 1t) bave
,]as spake fr he at, ut o ar to the Will of the People, Says theo t'44.r.414444 pa1y4 the lparty funds.
('4v4. 4441414.444 (1cisi.44W14 lNV .1)Frey- Prof. McLaughlin. o444 y.44 A4 444.4 .4oul1d 14.be 4 emp4.l 144'
)urger, pre44.(siden.4t of thle S .L. 444 said: - - --the sta1e44. t isi'on)e4.pu4rpos. 1114i4k
' Secretary4.4 'r'aft's refusal c'(1e44. all Prof ~.Andrew C~. M l n ge >444411 gave444 that4 14> 44this 144.ld 1be 4dangerous4'. 'Ph4.par-
4444..444.14.1 1blow4. Up 10 the i'ast 4440 h1is4second4.4 and conclud'in4g.444 ec4tur1e4 on1 the' t444.> 1444..v "01got 4t 4144..v 444414.)y1an11 the
444.44 444.h1ad11b4en14 given.44e414ry reasonitusinih w ar hygigt e
44 44414.'(.'4441 114.4 14. 4.4(411 )4. 4144. t 4j'dt. F'' F4)4 i44.(4444444 olit14ica41 144'Pries" 44 .4444. 144'414 14.:4444 4 e
((4o.' 11444144de 40..s1tan14.d1.44504thaft44 he4 4444444..would44 4.4.44 14.'Ne44444441ble4 u to itti'4 4'tl~t
414c. 141'4' 1.44444, 11ow .t 44.04.441044c 44-11n 4.44.4)' 441 14.4u1)1e4ce 44hi11h lta'xed4 the.4 ca-(44 '('4.4 cannot14444 eal44wfith1(4. ar1t4e4s4with4.o14
44.s.4 44441144..l 14.41444.4404'association444w1l4 Pailty4414. I appall 1 fall'. ' '4.''lecture 4.44room ,414444 44 444how4useful04local reingts4'ar4444114
4.4 444.41.4.4 4444-144 fWi11 t4, tl s '(' ic1tur1444 qu44,44 descriptive4.1414' ad1(4 ec4
4441rsaenite'ao o xpnei r-lvehs h m ru apial tre . 4444441nal 4organiza 4.0444..14 .41 m4e11 t144
4444- (4. ~ ~ ~ ~ r ''' 4.144.1 444.44.(144 1.4.'4444 -44
un a44444444 spea er wory',o f filli144ng4the1 4> .41ods1I4'4.are .'.4444not 44.414 4direct441,0 4 4.lyo n1411c4144441wih 41e
444.4~ r 14 .X44444.1.41.41441 5 11~.. a ld 1the 4i'gen er . 44a l4..-414of ' 44p444esenting4 (4114 41'4 . ., .44144
444' .1441.4. 14 1.4.1 44'. 144.(41144.4 145 444.44..t 14(1 .4444.4.nation1a'l4144144.4 0444.144 1'444'414.'4 The4444 Tweed44ls 4ring'4
(4..44 4..4..1(41 4.444 t~e 1(44>041 4' 44411 11.4.11 44444 44444 44.4-1>444 4 f4414 4.4 44 444444.1ii4.1144' '44uu.) 444444.
Co1drePay44'. . hentd i ubetl o'i1lagh4 ad l aot I80 ws i u14lom i t
a1414)44 14.444144re ',is entied. as1 of 44.g441- ] 444.' t 4414.4411444444s, 4awakening 1in4the114 e 1tio14's144.1441w>th 4adroit 1ess 4and 4444
.444-hoce4 Ii4ac hits4414.4 accep441444 ta4444.4 h'P14 all444n4erest444 that 4414p44.4c44441444144 44 414m4_4. 444 (4 44 4Later .4.the 'same' Imethods 41w1re
44.4 e44444444.t441 4th ~~4'lep41,4 4444'444414444.4441point44.1444o0.4. 44C
been 'receivedlah d h e. \ deck i'iniso l e twi thfrlic afollwed41 unim inaive44-444'((444- 444.4(1 14 14. 44'.4'41.441 f'.1e4'eh
tins wih th roi nent1 1-.4.4 .44444s.44r o 14. 4.4m1en 4 11.144.44.'.444 4 1444.e ha1 wa(ncesay4fr44.at
4:4414.44844414.'..1441 144.1mueicti'bed ihhaveg..t44 144 44~4'(44 4441..4. ]c14moeenet1nng1444a'he cpio . 444.is 14 r 1ing me4thod 4 w .441l14.4.
0144.4Johnsf 14.inne't(,(('t4wasnot hs intntion
as 4., 44.41 yetabee 1ee4.4.44 ocal 41 cou's have- no14 ee4(441 tt144' ('4444>111 144414144.ocil p1o4414
_4 S1144444.41 41( histo1 ial point of1iew of g 1144> ent:44.mi t f4..1 41.ind441ome1444.e4
44444(4 .444'; 44 4.A14.i'1.11d.'414141it444. 00''.1bi44444 4it444call(44 44.a4ily1 44.4e4 seen~a
4144144.44' leaves4 of abst encles 44eginn ig r' 1144e .4441lii> 1'.4414.41 11>444444m((st4 44n1ever4414(1oI444get1-44 that41
1444' d semester4 414.-4- . 4111ies( ' lves 11we1e1stipuh .44'.)'here a-re other44.44"'.1.4144. N r44.4 esides440 4'.uch444a1
J1i.Ass. Pr.i Ji. N4.iT h tomsorof t4441 hatl was the pur414.-fiparty4orga(i'). dust444is(feet4with>America11c4'
rhetoric.4414". .44.',t ao 1).4.4eaves ipi Fetruaryliii nli' a4nd.4'.tils >IisIhat shl 44 c(cii'-i11i 14444'.4. and 4.111144 to4114.lt. l ii' t1o44.1 p('44
f444.-l 4.4t4'4'where4" he4t ilt l pu.1~ rs e suies lti(Ii1 .4lAslyearsi 4 w4 nt.b4y44 e18324 rty44 be-4.a14 ' iliu i'. at ie is )o (1aslsot1s14 a144a)'mall
1in 4o'.1-la-1. DrI. Cs ..41ibbrtistu -c mea isittonwtlh414..,4444..444 .1i44 f4e11-.1 ,tbl'ood4411'.i 4s444/4.414(4144 rked.i abilof ty gas a.'ileader
(or4 i phi44.losophy,4le41' lsoles111dy1444 '11p-)l1e.11I f we wantil democracy Svc441 4114 roo''1441 :imme1diiiat ely irnade or htim. in
l~itoe 11.1 levigsml eii F114' ruary.lll~l. 4 t144' ticotro(I ll theieiiii efined44441 o~erni-ii the444s4441t 4. A41n1d44thisco mla t hought14")
D.4.44. 1'~. 114144son t w ili e is fp~l'e .4eu4'an4d4444 keiii them4.4.'.>1the.441 1(4.kIic ii h 4t44y 44444.o tliifi pertiniit 1 14elty in th
John4 Ar. irlie,1junir fesrad. of011411 ahe - a k lt~4i..(i i4144ingd m ca . Ii ill (ffor1144. 04. se-nateliithgil"pr'esideni s 41441 bt ed014of." his4
4.4144.' . 'cf 1. 14. Nil I 1l ,4.'or t his14 was4( the. 1 estab4li sh'4ig. '.4a4> 441it' 4>.1 . i ii.ii. 1) ta eil Nb
work4.. P'rof. Joh441441 ' hillips, o fEltheLp e r Iii o vemi e 1was'started 4'o 14(4414.4n 14.4l on e 111,and thtis41 con4.1trol-
Cae.(rf.J4444eprfssrof Pe 4m. e1411104'. 14 4''bisl was1 along4)4 4.use114.s a1414 104)411144 hat e'.'. Wh(( ile
4.4444 >54the ihi41le'o doubtllhis. would 41.> :411ve 1 44444 ~l'l41 t4(414111
of4.1141 414(, Lat n, 0111114.l1(4Pr41esiiand it is the u1ual thi
'114 ndio i 't~e I h11)'s to110 (01 1.4.1 41.1 (4 '. Ili .14 p4444owe4 4ret alkiies the princip 4les o lter
44114444 (Ie.4il1-4in'l. 141 otI. Il e lat 4~~.lre mov4.(14e 441 4)41'o 114ta.ke441 m441 4(ltthIllg otfcsi.ce44'holde 411"
44(4>444 i i4ll 101 a.I 44 4 l t 144' tt 4it4.'.(5. 144 11 ~ not 4 .tsl i 111.4.14.-ol ke4edotrie that

.4: 4.4

q-44 ntvI a't(A4I.I4I- I 44(441444(
2(4 0-1d 4: ('44- I t44 41144c.4.

May 4?t Syracuse a.4Syracue.4.>
:May 29) 44 4. . 44>4cue .' in .4:441 o4.1(4.
Nlegaa io1'4-. 4re4'b44ndi.ng44wi441444:4tre4
flank 1(4.'4:the 1,. 414.' 4(4.4(4411444 414'.)
1 'et be s 4l(4I'll 4
\4ui,,n4 ill'We ' eastl(ern istl441404- , whichIl
14.44. 4'4.'4(44.44I( Ar14(4(1. 1' 4.444-1 t.4 4acc'pt4'4 1

Charles Clark's Recital Showsi
Remarkable Finish-Program
Shows G4reat Versatility.
night iiver11144s11 ity 11h4ll 5 wasia.demoni-
'.rt4(iio 1f>1)14. in iing4. His11>444a14
aall'(l44l w 1414: t togh (inten'sity14.of 1-4.-
ing,.44r1dra1aticff14.14. ut rather in
v'tice.and11 warmth11 41f eling twee not44(
1(cki1n1g,4(44(d 4:14. 41(414.' si11ng1444' 4441
strong and'o unaffe4cted14.144141it w444.45t,
del-icalcies-of phratig44 and4 4144 stery.l' ofl
his' 144444.''. '1 r.(1 lark 4 as parti'.
.41'Mr i4. l,1pend i program with4.111
a. 1anl andil1 4 t41 o444Purce'll (number(s4'.
Schuibrt nnuolber-. 1,,low.eil. ii4.'ling(
''er r lkottn4iig.''An.enthsiasi'i4tic -
and(1 t44ii4444ill'. - I.ll4.4( of 1144' 1)44n )
Fiid,"i''AiNr. Cl'ak 41did i.be'.t4w410.14
'hIb i tee ((4 ofl ti44' ( 11helter song4, 114e
mnt, 411n t,'r. Ca'14.4s1'' ppressed.''> ' man-4(
nerof iig i t ,1ma4de414a4.4'.ncann''i4ief-'
flclt. ;44.41 >'s ".4>Vi'ioirhi ti4c'' 4444
Mr'. Jules'>Werthei'.144-4 p 4 ias '44441 c
compan0ist,1'gre'a4.l1) please'.d4ltell' inc
His tecnetlis1. 44q4u ii4iteuul a>le
showed1 it iti le, l' :thilii'. lV 1tz , iiut
h ad elted numbersl-, hich ii' m411d14
demandsti forit greaert oalh4 power14- that.'i4.44
Ir couhl suply:'. TIelhop:in prelud
1144' iie ''11' >4.411.d14l1441te i t iiih iiand
duat4.4tllniuean Iis copim.l~ entgs
atr stisf'41444ctry. 4>l 411 Ii(14,
4:F1.41 4111111 4.'L ANS4 .44(4 lii'
I1the ""ihopt o m twenlhg144'tinettltmbeiii
end 114114.144.101''. to be.reliold4444.'ight~l.
at1 '.he1Unio'.n4114411)'441 l i l.4lliecideialti
tees are sp114'aringn l''i4( I toe makeethis
represent1)'atin elOf idepende.4 -htopp'ers" l
14la4n4441or'4atteiiing hae piiil.dedthcem,-
se~lst-do thing int e est or iii111
edtir nli~4'..astot Brethoti are411)u444.(4.
oen1.lc iosmy 1114. hemrs nrof led .in411.the.
'Ilai- eineie f( 14trin l eicalr'. 444..' l-g

\e:'4,i' and nds d ". 144.4>44i4('l.l14. It
is probable1 that for. practice .'444(iles
Wabah4an4 \l4 A. .:Nil4(again4 44'
In4 additio(144 1to (4th --'4444.'- (4it44 P nn-i
144.44414.4. nd(1444 i41411(411O(14o,. tate444 al1
4:4:lis 'l( 44. 8m 4:. '(ha (retiiN.on l td
hoardwill ccordthe 41ea4i u 'cetain


M i4i l(4 I I ll'. y1(41 a4s.'.'i-
4,4-. 44.4 ff4ce 4r arilt ii,1.o tr44a4.44
m 41et 4t'o 4(e1 held1this 1(s4rin . 4::'yra ce
andecluticot 4>helliii oIletth Vo.r
i i.' 114(4.44in1th44,Cason.ih ( .:~lle
til dl iceliudetermine.1 r1144.' how-
evrrtailh'amet w'414' 41Ulilill e el

>' , ' .

.ata44 a441-4. t
(((.444IGN ('NIx .1NOT'IC4.
't'he miembilershIip omml~ittee of tile
Uion >istesiroiis of knoweig tile 411414
114.4.441fImemblers of, eachlfraternlity- a114
tclub 4wh144)iill'lltItO (4. ethe clbhous4e
pirivileges cduriing 111.e41.01t 4.4-wo .wee4.ks,
s and11 4-l, therefore, inteind to purchase,
membershc.,4ip t> icke'ts. If 4.ach.1 orgaizae~-
tionil4111 ply11)tte desiredin lformal'tion;
tothe commliiittee totday, the couirtesoy
44.144 - lie appiireiatedt. A membeu)4r of the
comittillee 4111y: te found at 1144.office
t on' the secondtifloor (If the elhiise,
betwe4.en-h5 and 16 p. 04.

regard .i i 11411>1("r1'h14.-remembered4(''4 hat40w4144..114.4'se '.its ownfall44. NWhyl olld.elIn
a' art alay - eed fndsandmu trBi-vanfir free shiler beeause its. 4114'l-
hav them whether lie)' 4re4. ligiii41~tc. w4.'.doe'.-1n1o1-hring. sueces'.' Wen44.t1a114.
144. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ai4"1tn-l- II' .tll )4'i ii-~ pr.iciple'.an1141fight hard r4. 44.it In
lli'.i44ilt1hes4.fulidt>front 1114'ulicle of .cause4.'heir - 4(4.44444'.'. me assoc iat4eildt
111.Ofie wer.e4 4 .1.iven.'in iireturnor wic it
11.1144.4011or t:th 11heilunderstanding11 t4'halt ''1)ut1a palrty' 14144. have..priciple'. to
a1 certain14 ptiotnt4lwou1ild 1be' 4(llrilhelfiht for if it 4wil1 exist. Thle 441144'
for 4.ampaig1n4 111 purposes, Tamm nri-ifaidli to tae up14thlethiniigs. 11.'he people
441444.tdtil>s'4>14.11ab4(4t41 430,411444n.4.er..'ecrying144for ((441 114111411t1l1ay'their
tribtitei abotit teiipe14cent1. 11 1111.11 ltthtolt tulle hart) feeling 'a1141thoulght4
1101 advoting the4 14' pol sys)4temilbitht 4411alone 44'Oilt susta1inlthieml. For
rather wo0rinlg for nie're thonesty'. '.uccess. a 1)1ar1y muust take 141p14.theiea'.
"NWe ciannot '.ilic4.iv.4 ilof 4.getti 011n1g.1 o i '. Itepolte 4w1(14. 11t1'. a.greait
w.iltut)parties, tl1'4.ltl'.ill otir gre4.t11 (Continued on Page Three.)

I Uvrsy "The' ecr uit*lig Officer" SATURDAY
I Club ewWiny har FEBRUARY 8
[ Present*s J. HOP SPECIAL 2:30 P. M.

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