T9MICHIGAN DAILY- A e Soapiand onsich wlilt ,.ttr1a re1ltherold altreal; Yon cllsecreboti liaBalo NOPOLEAN 'CASTILE N lbar o One Kilo - 50c -AT- QUARRY'S CrnerstateSt.ll N Uit- Ae Money Loaned Oa 'Patches, iaionads. LawtBoitsF or ether persstallrIcely. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 3IllEF Liberty St Ane Arber Hlours: te11i30a. m.,1to1130 ansO.to JOSEPH C. WATTS lon all stamped goods, including 1I~aCllliAN P11 1 (flh TlOPS DARLING & MALLEAUX 224-226 S. State St. SCo11eg( F'f Steins IIALLERS JEWIELRY STORE, 216 S. Main S East University Ptharmeacy V. OM. Barber Shop and Bath Roomf Lamest Shoiap te hCity J fR. TROJANOIVSKI, Prop. I~iH ~i~11 ~)1U[ . 'O WIN A'$20.00 KODAK JS ALI THlE RAGER Somelatiilierphotograipher still have a hi, lbioaitismile 11an lt ratntl new Ku.T 3A\ I islt tti Folitig Poicket Kodak the ik Barn Dance Popular From Effete firsi dax of Jtitit as a 'restult ofl guessing Thne Coltege tank necuresl ihteexact ntie f 1films tdc- Standwd is to East to Wild and Wooly Ws vlpda ~no' upySoedr nt -intcludiilnig thdesSuplySJie"oepny -Icldngthi Hp. tg the past eighteen thls. - Two tholer trizes, a $io Eastiuai Th eearn laitce tax claimtidilAnti Foling Pocket Kittlabciid a Nit. 2 .hloir fotrt its it. Iit s comte oatut flrowneie Kodcaks,will lie tfferedilfor t It effete ceilstii ti rush andilswsept twoinext lisst guesses.cabefl4 ;altzeetantwo-xstelps awvay tackita Onfle guesxstwill lie allowtedlfoer ech er: ornere. Eeron tot too ancentcolrdl of filist brougtglin ifor deeeloipment.soln.B rerabbled.to lidance it all, is daticing i Prices for tdevelopting anid priniting for g qualities of -childrent, etillege mteti. evenithIe nmar- tamiateuirs ire, andilalxways ixill lie, silt :eilfilks:" solutely gutaraniteedl tolie its lote is any-treadPiceg The isondtier if it is tat all this htas welere itt Anti Arhotr. Guaantee:m abusicDe,.Frthts Piesslwasheoet.TeCni r i'1late of the liatnudanices arrival in Perfeet tlevelopimint.ii sttti rl iir It isas dlainced alt the first Perfeectfixinag. retttlily it Gratiger's that exciting, atid Perfeet twashling.N o &iiine-tlit atIktheaademiy. It "look" itMr. Lyndoln tatsion exhtiliition tilarge F iAl-i tengeance anidlits popuilarity tatslbarrel eonttainingtghle spools frioitifilmis N o i I-e -stiin the incetate es-er since. It still dlreatly dev-eloipedlantthoItese froilms un filve !proenttly at the "J" hop.Itnidev-elopedsleweenitntsissanttiJuntti-twsill lllieilltilii of this, Grantger's acasleimylhe added. Nobodity iwill 1,ittit aitythtinig No Thrifty Man ,_-illlie iipentesdthaI Friday afternooni aboul ttiss-wmainy there tre-utillai etii- - that parters miay hate ihe caeltiec tiee conts temthile first'hiay if June. I . praticing togethier biefore thie dance. sctll. All Winter The tarts dancee wsititsarted itt Gee- Whtenever site tate atny amtateuir fin- - ititi, tierhiapisntlthlebhun dance as ilitalke i to hteadqusarters andileruerBI (, tave it, hut thie original. They ite Kotdak Guessing Cotitest, at Lyn- Inel-il it intshlose-,slays sswi tuning (tonls Phoitigraplh and PhottoiiStipple epstaid hut one sariationsiisd whlei St1orer,71g N. Univ-ersity Ave. ii wa ettiported out fathiers aiid nothess- - - I ei ttItemltayseinieie TACUP INN wxill lie open after All Soft and Sti The iresenit military schtiischte of Choral Union concert tonighit. -an II)varialioits- tie the basnten ucst __of_ _- Stnioking jacket t dtt--itas lirigintatedlittheinure thin F ' N IY\F3BR.SnStlyUdre lerlfaigivb l.Il. .dilbert.of fostoiin, \ 5NI\31XIEK 511SalyIuew Of is el greatest danicinig tichlers itn -renits postagie rci iettifo asuperb tincoutr1e. the life intl spiirt bit titedl decort ivet-i citt lore-d Poster I .50Manhatte' tl~criationts iofite ti wchusott is itileof girls fir study eroiomtorv s-it.$2.00 Manli ta Cliiieltl lieigsil t fas iveliffeentiisitilts,- one.dllartt. Not r- itlee tliriitiglott thte sast.IDiriiig solitsties. Nuf sell.\iAme'riea tilel20Mahta tetrtitnee it -spreadi westwa rdl intl was Cllmpiny,-Colttmbhus, Ohlio. lbs,1Ai $3.00 Manhatta: r:iteel severatl timies at thle Detrit1Boal - -_ ilittle sollettisceliswsithi sariaitis. It Slae street, before- ilsitg, to idecorte lgin-siwith theischtottisce, he. ll aria te 1(111 itsti-el tt i. t' >n folloiws, thleptiinert coime togethere Irs ii is wrks. 83 87- -- li,. scholttisceli-fourtitimets, asd ton- WAtiI terepieatinlg this.Ithe only chtanlge 1inntheviatininiitroduc iilei:.Six or Fe rcliriaions may hie used, amnig j ot Is ti grapevine,".tilec"lock-armi,"M e d l itt"lule grapevitte,"the Sisanisli he d ~ $ .0 II itil lllltis0ttt te clas ..frwr an ak. n h ca-s ig d lelft."Othies toiyle i- r ndes te1skill o f tthiincrs tsug- In the Adv-an gi 0- 'I isest charmof u ithdaince lies iii Everything ini Choice tachel Ctiff-ti tl :sevariaions.violets, American Beau~t-as $.owl t Coeis hut one1 11555 of timisic ediil fr >m the 11155ance-"Daciing in thie ies, Seect Peas, etc. MACK Eft Co. Ollsi iiss i itptlar tss- (rowan 0 pectallx for _ huher aog iothters. The Little Girl in Itsand"Se ills othfroiii "A the J.- Hop. Ask for uis Isi i aeiaie ansd write for prices.MO E Grand Rapids, Mich. i04itourthiAvenuae;oepiiie Hlanid hammenred jewelry at Foster's.iTwo dines stti of city Y. It BRINKSINK LIKE A CAMEL ro load a Conklin Fonntain Pen, just dip it in any press Ihe Crescent-Filler and see it fill its own like a camel slaking its thirst. ThaI's nll there it!l No dropper--no mess--no bother. Do it cherer-any lime, )NKLIN'S FILLINOGPEN 'SL "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLtR" 0d instantly 1A ithout Ike least inconvenience. You it with wehite kid gloves on without danger of esides its ci-nvenience, is the splendid xwritinig fItse Conklin-ithe perfect feed. dealers handl~e the Cosklin. If ysura does nol, oer s, $3.0 andsip.ie, ndat-stce ft aindstome sew catilog. [in Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldgj., Toledo, Ohio r Big iwill miss this gral SUITS and OVERC i REDUCTI Bargains t Bargain Sale "OATS at a [ON -20 per ct1off 2. per cent off i5j per cent off -- $1.20 - -$1.85 - - - $2.50 SFiogol iff 11.ats Iat is - ear -- r eh Shirts at - n Shirts -- in Shirts - - in Shirts - - :onlin . q At MACK'S W0NARCN SNIRI $1.00 I ice Spring Styles, Attacheda the Materials aind styles area xrchase-see them.l as good Main St. NED D Oiiitateihes.ODiiionds. ieery, situall igh Class Chttel and Cotilateial Set iii iii iBusinesssictly confidenilI cort it I ficFleuis: 5 blst li t, Ito 8:1i5. M. C. A. W. J. LOURIMa \stun m - IU What do you think of the IHeavy Oil Grain Waterproof Oxford I just received for early spring wear WAGNER & CO., State Street SIgin at the big while shoe. t U- - The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs 444 South State Street SIX STUDIES IN THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT H,7 G. P. COLER SUNDAYS 12 to I P. M., BEGINNING JAN. 12, 1908. R~owe's Laundry THOMAS ROWE;, Prop. 326 N. Fith Ave. New Phone 457 neil Phiant 4-L SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY 336 South State Street Clasa.. 8Saturaday, tO A. M. ansd 7:3S0 P. M. Assembly 9 o'clock. WAI ICING LOO Chinese Chop-Suet' Restaurant Chinese Fancy Dishes, American Lunches o1 all hinds. IEerything first-class toe ladles and gentlemen. Chinese and Japanese Brie-a--brac. Up Stairt. on dinr S. Husten Brio,, 314 S. State St. Gas Stuady Lamxps Imnsure a steady, soft glow. Easy on the eyes. Moderato in price. Cheaper. than oil or electricity. ot the bet from th. lerget aesortrmofnt. &he Ann Arbor Gas Co. r The Historical Settinig of the Sermon, 2. The Beatitudes. 3. The Fulfilling of the Law. 4. Turning the Other Check. 5. Be Ye Therefore Perfect. 6. Giving Holy Things to Dogs. Jan. 12 Jan. 9g Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 These lectures are free to University students and others who may tare to attend,. STUIDIO--RENT"SCULLER, .319 Last Huron Street