THE MICHIGAN tfAttA- THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. H. Wild Comfpally Maagng Eio-AL SOT Or Spring 108 line of fine EDITORS Newst....... A. F. Ritchie imported and Domstic Athletics. .... David F. Stevenson I clniiit,,t Ii. . John Wamol, a'usic sd Dana..Roy D. Wec \\ can is1, rdor.... Louse Van Vorhis WOL ENIEDITORIAL STAFF vi uJ.N W MCandless Elmer C. Adams Russell bMcFarlandt incldesallNGTsnrDITORS Is now reatdy. It sene l Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart the latest Novelties, Shades Chauncey Bocher B. G. R. Williams ansd UptoDate Patterns itt Ravumod Visslher Moose Brown, RtEPORTES Caribou Tan, L. C. Reid Lee A White Leather Shade, \M.11. Mclitg J. I. Prescott Grays and A. L. Hainline Robert Montsier Fancy Blues. Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Waltr K. Toswrs Louis Kraft Yonr patronage respectfully Lewsis T. Kiiskeri Robert Moreland solicited. Paul Greet Samuel 11. Morris ____________________ Otso Enge Fred . Goodiig G. H Wid Co pan John F. Wre BS sCarl H. Adam 311 South State StreetHaldPGod Address : MCHIGA DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: I-2 p. i., 7-8 p. Mt. Sw eaters daily, except Sunday. Both phones Jerseys. &,nd Sw eater 1__S-. ' .NGR .5 ~t V est "Th o -hailkedcniitioniaof lie i- ha hev s, s tg aalalecas a pceoineetisgiess, butitnever en- o f f eplane, eclt po iemth ie lbrar- atfeasi put asapo'le issf vry-day life, is 1 =4now siningausoe tosublesomte ex- Ires sn.Th iiserig gallery. whcse fNmureanog usa- "atral plai ossps'sss wereu cceasily reonicile,sseas t erapas sunly 'adte aioecuseful shet it re is s-i te-congressiotal recors. For a short tie only seatssof te art glletsytaight castais. iainteiforusof boossks a ettee artiast no eatts te coutry v istrPat esteesiay sasscasessweerplacel oatthe la for, st as tss cse te aisles is AT et er al places . Apptaretlsy their tosi- ion t ee is perimasesst. it seemas tuat tattless sl pastss s sssarc itareClosest. ~hccheI11 r anaite stack romsasasie stre vault. (ji~ ~ia ilXiU k5-:assic-hous orassila. the asuisi- Student Bookstores sass aof netsolsicwsill asetoaIle _'hl ta osrmi sIe sieciall tysng A. CG.asnsr t 5 t itmpe tcasae it is asoter D " as i o st c I( asste scay saf le library's & BROS. xe tapialosophyia 5 sstttt cs.asgages-conys pl a ts 55o alaseicmpleteneaiiiss sal it' s i - he Largest Manuactueers in the World lctsasaiou lsfssoks. 'Ihe sptlisi are fascitnd of Official Athetic Supplies as to itahopelessy isnaeisae swhensatti lase Bal, Foot Ball, Gof, Lawn ennis, Basket Ball, Hockey attempt5s isatesive s-trk its sisy susec officia Impemret tr Track ad Fild Srsstis lascae. is seemss atgeter atose- titars ftralci Sprt. Spadiagc. Hadouelry- tastrated Catatoueall ttsprts coatas a- Ntc asideree aof fate-sad ts' legisa- araasaggestiaa. Sed tr i.-Its fre. te-ltats te f rher icrese saf liter- A. G. SPALDING & BROS. ow York. Ciicag, St. Los', a Fancaisary satesarial s sousssld r beahampereu by tiseapullis. Osuser, Buffa. Syracuse. Pis-tesca .t,-cit ofspsace iwhere they imay tsr arr, PladulhtaRists, Cincinati, Bati-_ ur, tashia-tua Kasas City, Cleveaind, stre. we suggest tatunil happier ZwOreaas, betrlt, Mtntral, Canada. i i i i I lays salltcoeiiwse erect -asleas-ta, whichttiif iecessay'asy betiehlace; tasisse le Ucre jiumty's cask rooma silttailo isisvels:adtat t te enigin- eerrs astattcer begint drying sislttetu- tartsassaier te camspss to recess-c tar storks fas rthicha hisorians ariasstsi- osophaes piffae. assst aeisrssa 'rlle retainshsmie of tProfessor Al- i~aasghiis, assal Iis stimittlatigigeciraes its TapptansHals,lase ss dividedsbetweess tat hotspitablse feelisgs of te hotst. iald t' eriseasriasofsaruasedandassistlsitat patritismi. If te Uiersity liss ever enteretaineda leaicituer awhsosculd istil ptsrioismsaby sasemaotionalssistsisessenst of fascts.u-lisacastsldtisdusce as sesse sapyo- ticacilasuty andaresposibitiltyly te plain. carefuli sordsisofte sclars, tat leic- turer is tsc one wsi-sotske ottpoiticia parties yeserdasy. Ussnder scadsisrc- ttn aliways.trw enoudllcrita tsciti- zenshipti i snftirealstar cetinistittioss sol ousr life, whsiiaesasoras caste is ac chat- range t the greatest and lmst heroic of ses. ihisgancafaculty start ratscnsossle themiseves wills the fairsthatthslersire sass te osly irofessors ahe areunder- paid."fil" professore of Etglisli at te Chinese Govrrnmtentcsllege. Cs- tcos,.reerek's ociy $217. TIRt'tI,LOOI'S CLASS PLAYS '\ttRf'.N113" TOMORROWd Jameas ShserisdaaKowlies' play, 'Vie- giiuss," tii 1e prescitedi Iy Prof. Trie- bloodi's Shiakesipear'clss ott Wedsnesdiais eeniug. Poe ue first sie since this couarse acsbeen giveni, sill asplssr)at presesnteed te athorshipasaf whihl usherItsanistiatusof te aint as1Ao. I losteer.if atoorrow's tperformiaanc' troes successful,te dparure sjl isa siasaitraly tar reeatednetalsemester. Tue asteissdane asstaese piflic recitals oal tireclass has beets very- gratifyig. At tar presestatiosa of "The Mherchat of Venie" te habasil croderdsrtolastie dooasrs. Itsrter tisa losw'attre saf te -mufin- ters ofte class o take lar is is te- cessary o change the csinit earls scene. Tueeasrposs' sal tir cusrse is o gier facility its readinsg he lues frmasamemt ary. The performuaces sre isa earls ase regularly stagesd. Tomotttrrowssnight's entertainent sill e held itsRosas 24. Uitersity [all, as 7 :30 sANsI'c~r rDOtsAMS-MECNUtARDuS. See our est le of Brastn, ager &Fulfaent bnq tprg ms nd hsaquetsmeusssssbsefore lacig your or- ter for Junsior lop ouse paris. Noa is te ie iso orde. Also best le of fraternity tatd .Michigana statioery isa ite cit. Tyieswritig cealy dosae. Jolliffe & Kizmsiller, aose Coop. od G001)D1HO' MR, COOKING-Prices right;clush limaitetd. Also as suite adssi good toomi. ft 5Churs steet. Iris.I tFssues. 8-90 Two dollars insures you against all loss by fire. Geo. J. Haler & Co., Real Estate and Insurance, V6 South Main street. f QUAKE3RS OCCUPY E.LEGiNT NEW.TRAININI; QUARTERS Ps-nnssys-ania'sinecitrasiinisghue whlicha aras occpiied for te first timae duarisng tepastseasoni.cntasinsassleeping roossfotwtienty-six stnartlso dising room acousutodaions for sevent. It is conanaeted hy ana undlergroundaa passage withs the gymnauisiumt. The building ihas three sories ad a basemaents. Thur first fisoor conaainsa dining raoma. louniging roomsantd coaces' quarters. fur seond andthiirii floors coinsis (f tinty-six hedroomits anda TlharO)1stPennu Wuekly says thai this scat luildiniug ot only-scds to impstroe liar general heslthaof tetaurustctecoso- sies their sie anias uaakes is possille los those isa charge lettrro supersise tar lasssrs.of studiysalft emelrs sol te variouss atihleic tesas. Thehi tous is alas gift of that alumii of Pennisylhanisa. MIusic aW TErama 'the uaiisliy ofthe sowssaalas-e las- esic is saaciy increasing. The iaer- foransce this sek is mtasslssove te average. 'herri are so atnasy god tinsaontihe pretrial bill thast i is quite sifficsulass pik a headliner. W. J. M- Dermosst, as comedraian of aility-, dreu muchra aplause uhile liar reemaas rousers were caledi bak rpeaely. lie arauscthunucts pass on iaadsbIaanu- ing ss antumbllig actsof murit. Charley- i'trssia, usho is statussects at "lieA wasskening salMr. Pip' sas sotaulwaays as comsic sta. He begana Iis cateer asss assauroat in Miller Bros. ands Freemsansacircus ansdmte sits mctavu- cesstasht line. titusass ufsortuate fls sissulealhts std hetauredithestsag, actua as'.htr himasef tsaytssilel asgood acrobat, lusts le thatusas it muay, iis tumbule las gvru he stheater-goe mait sgodss ".nitatiChanuce .l. Graupewsttleadig acit. is a basebhallth usiast,std uwhlile it is iiotigranerasl- knos heslrisita i- tant relati'.erosalFranik Chaster. captuai sal tir Chicago ''Cubssu"s tat slur cornae'.ly tire lovse osa sealathroluesg ea' kiniufolks. Intsecollegiate Notes. Northwstserns unsiersiyyhalist neart sorority.,lKappasDltait sa iserhotoda sa southlaen colege. "Abrluuahlsamuiald Iaac'is ithe nameti oa auumiract' sisy tlasehreseest atashae Unaiersity sal Illinois. Charleis Ahfred Welch, sageduniaety- slrs's'yeas, te lar strsalivinggradulaste ofrald diesa e lst sw eek. Coarnel, ColumiassDiartmouahaansa sad Pennusylia iw ill uspariciar iitifoait- corneredeleray- rater at DstssioasiFPal. a. 'PEA CUP INN sill li estnsachter Chaoralh Unioisssconcser tonighat. Portrait frames a Fosters. tf ABR~AHAM LINCOLN'S Centennial OUR LINCOLN OFFER We ihase a limsitedtnumsber of sets of lice complete wcritisngs of Abraainss Linacolns. 'The books sire attractiv-ely boundtandssilput upitni sine eolumsaes. Date price for lice esntire set (includuinag she subscrip- tioni to Current Literauture for ussr year, valued act $3.001 1s $3.90 for the cioth binudinsg, assis $ for the leathser bisidisag. Thsese sets sire on exibitiona at either sal star store. WAHR'S 4 LBoBookstres StateuStare, t iuiShtia Co.t[.BARTNE[L Law and Medical Books Treves Anatotny, New Edition, (just receivead.) Stinmsonas Fracturesandl Dislocations, New Edit- ion. Morris Anotomsu.. 3rd Ed. half leather, $2.50,IthalIf Itmotroc $3.00. These are new books and only a few left. Ca-ht or exchiange yourLIan', Medical and Dental Books. C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. Slate SI. Lags collection of orditnary adteonly collecaticln of fine Mihigan Pins FOS AND SPOONS QaivBest Prices Right M ncuianad Feat. Stines. W.ARNOLD, Jewler ti2t S, Maln tsS. I ( T1 O1 It' N bi N Di vid ends V d e n d s Get Yours .... rt AT THE Special Couarses IN flusic FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS School of Mlusic MAYNARD STREET' _ i Qbe %tubents' Lectuve association Season of 19078 john" Temple Graves Dr. Brander Mattliews Leland T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Nnnmber The open number will probably be filled by lion. Wmn. H. Taft Co=Op TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's flours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays oIlLo 121 Washington F. The Randall Studio, Randall &Pak Props. Phone 598