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January 28, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-01-28

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No. 89.

Yc .. XVIII.

lDiscovery of Parchmients Does
Not Endanger Present-Day Be-
I iefsTranslation Unfinished.
Pro. Icil-Y A.gan er I(he l asit
ih 1clhr of the cluban interestedi ii
iii<a aio z 1 t w 1 ha ril-lit
t Ir;pllwsc ~ ee ociiiiiii ini
'lw rii'lil( for i leilh
I . i ti Prof ald l-< upo heli
co i1t :l (isp liiic see ii' iii iii'ar ii of
;);tw 111'S ~ ~ *'liii}il'r i h v i ii v

order, ilatthew, Jotn, Luke, anti Mark.
Tfie are lb0undtin Ian inmnated cover,
displying tin pictures of the four apos-
Prof. Sanders has not been able to
govr the etire colectio( at yet. oX-
ing tile fact that matny of tte page
are in a conditioii of decay ant miust
fir' leseparated tanid notnted. Al-
thoiighl a newX light maty tbe trown upin
varirun' pasiages it is lrtilelaty certant
that tiierte witl e notintg tedinitg to
upset ireviioisly acepteitCritian le-
The enlgineering depatmet hat adopt-
til a ineX'systemltfor tie reporting of
'rris taninlg. Thie new regilation.
,hellt are given bteowr tre fromt ticir-
At tiireiind ut each semteter te
'liartiter Xof te iwork of every stdett
in anly ciure is relortedl iy tie i-
ii.rto a a (exelett).ti (goai), c
(fair), ittieicieint) e (not pated).
Toreceive credit ii a coure tie
,radeit'reiiir ted ti (btleadloe i. A stul-
letiireiotediiic (not lpaste)receeves
:oreis reqiireid for his grduilation.
A slteint reporteild (d ieficit)Ii
requ tiredtoiidoXiifarliher iwork in the
liii ilthisima, at tie (iptiot of the
intrueiiir, emblrtce aly Xor'll of tilt
ot itt eerelses or prolems,.attediacee
rtheeiiomp letin f a satisfatoiy ex-
mnainat tonet'of le stiei lr regu-
lari eainaition pehtiriod. i~ricietciesr
litd t iiiurt'id ill Febriiary imuslt lit're-
(id) iic'ur'rt'diill Jnetmt' lhei
seiidtisemlestr, thei'folltwiligFebriar.
chliiiigt'ii i (noht passed)t .Examia
tinsfr the removilal f litietrlciei tic
Froiday liid Saltutdayofit'e stitimiir 'ti
ctilon, onitheit r idaIandt uSattrdy
lilterteChiltma11 vacataonl, atdci th li
!lest hiid dSatriay aftel' tll
.pigrt'ctss. lT'eresltl of these ex
miaions i i i~ko i teeore a , ,c rte
'T a tha tue etilittinilt'ny ouse
atattetiofseachise s flt ~terit t re
tilt tartioiithe ctise f th tetceulst
t'isernefrloo ifuc texittenis ene
poredbyteomrke.Xf.plyatce etfofit
ettler fiictdorering the ;lltmil1'rc
ofi lie cturs wrk.eeired arueofic
mitean tt'heIil 'citrin shle cutaege'
X t iitiiarit itheld.hAnyettudientell.
sent titeramintionlst'eonireliiict
repor iito i istructit.orFasistorknithtere
t attaposibtlt' sfthetat e nertctred
'iii 'a uilexcsfor isbecettth
"xaiateo" avte fthe eresiialgif
tusaetiatr, theete or Frday, be re
fot.d 'ieayitlrlie girtyiti tilof N
report ihywIietiti cor oplto

g A society kltownt atsthe "Scribblers
g hio beeti orgatized at Colutmbia. It
putrpiote it to criticize original corn v,
etitonst suibnittedl by its members.

Prof. McLaughlin Says History
of Nation is History of Politi-
cal Organizations.
captacity if thlture' i'omiill Tiapptni
canl i sttry," yestrdaty afternotoni.
Blenchles andiichitiurshaitidoile lbrouight
'he iceture' was15full iof tie spirito
i expressionl if high idetilsiif cituzenl-
ethsiattstic, lnm'rouii.stuiets fromi
his firmler caes antdtiit iem'blersif the
facruty, illelullig PrsidlentAtige'll, lit'
ing; pr'esewd. artof. Xieltiigliniti llI
tlcnclt ude islt'ctuiresich'il'iatre givent
sTheotslient int,ii i itelctre

Andl this second power in government
has 110 ceck upon it.
"Non we face tie probleni of a third
ptower, the poier of corporate weatth,
wihich buil for lack of unity in atbition.
baut for a crossitig of desire, omigt on-
trol the two preceditg forces.
"Not the 'ieader,' lbt te dictators are
really tiportantith le mtakig of Am'-
"'ilc lpreentIplroblemltf ttlf-gorn-
ar ri coni'itrol, ntltoiiabolisil orgatnti-F
huon. In otheiir wolrdst, make Imatcinet
''Probialiy the Imost hopefil sig itt
ers, lute Rooiset are demtaandig tiat
they li thli'iictattorrs of their party ast
''Wie 1m1st51conl riitie elementh lal
conltrtls the goernmtlet or iteriwiset
a syttemt of formls wh~ichI is escapeabe
011nli e rev'oltutiott or dagerus reol
wil resul.'Te absence f te kittg
wiit his pompipattdtcircum~lstanIce is 1101
the triatf of demiocracy. There must15
le a toiwer illpublic opiioni tandl publlit
iettianil that is itviolable
"Thie iffori to riat' andlmaintail
potiuliar givernmntis asta aer of
fact thei'hisory f le lU'nitedl Sat-s.
" We elitistl orgatnite. i'ehan~ism li
aneiccessiy. ut to forestall disaster atd
foster eltocrey cohstillioaliittnliittitt
thie patrt ttmust ae deeote'd, purit of
leiierslip mutlthle reqiirei, ittliicit
whereii polt r ihonorhiilt'mushntiyesatimtlated.'
andtheitlialve nt lst 1)111nht etttwie.
lws hfindall honet5miehodtaof'f inanclling
part mahlinehts."
(Ilk hiihLi'tICAi. tLtAIDtRS
1R1; ii. \il.COLtEGEt3i EN
'ihie eficiencyr f a toilege edulhctint
caui heit ble ilusrted by tet'folowinlg
stistic . AXlar'ge'hlhmbeit' tf colliege
IlitiX'(It'possileh'cndida'lttes fori'te hres-
itdlntyi as is poinitdh oht ii theu'Cornh~eli
menioed a a reiidenitil possiilitiy
liiiitsiteIll my le sati tihavthe ii'up11
pt ooneior tmoure coeges.
Oniitllt Ci iuttiictillsie Secretary 'mil-
ii iiH.iTft Yalt. '78; Seator Jsephi
B.Fourakttr, 'torlnell 'o; Seatoiur P. C.
Kn.ii I . nion hiCllege (hiioi.'72.(and
reeiedanhonrtryi1,ta t lte U il-
iresidentlCharletXW. FirbanksOhio
'm~tsevtIi. '72: Senaor Reobert Xi. Iti
Follet. Wscnintli'79.,mandiSeretr
George 'i. Cortelyoiut gamiuatled frontt
George hwu inill 9, iw'hile Gvernohr
C.hatres IH.i-iighes. a hnetblhofthc~ le
Corneltei'faculyfr tou year.grdt-
(hun t'he lldemocratic sid'e Xiiaim lJel-
ninigs iBryainigradua~tein ll't from lli li-
nouis:I Judige fGeorge Grty, f iDelaiware
tok hi A. i. at tPrinceton iill 'i9, ad
..' 3. till t...).ill'fl), atidtalso
stuiiiidt'lawthi' Htiarert; Jug Jutsot
Irutul, f Oillo, gradtated fromtt tei-
sounivtiersity in '6; Seatot~r Catrle
A. t.'nhirrlslilt of 'Frxas, gadatedi frott
he Uiviersity of Virgiliainli '771 tre'..
idetliWo'iodiriw Wilsonl gratdttmt'ifrentt
tiritncetout il 79, 11111tiok a Ph.D. at
Johns HopktIinsin ii'86.
This shotiws a giaodi recor ftr callege.
men thin politics. atd til utatter who is
cee et faitll to tie cief executie
chiair, iticcpat is certain to htave the
Prof. Frietdricb Delitch, of tBerit,
hias creaedf ai seitation itt Germnty y
twosoputlar lectres, "'Xeiterhidudtng der
Religoin," gisenttttder the amuspices of
thi'e esinggeselsctaft. iHe traces to
oriettai religiotis, ctiefy Babyoniat, the
Tiriniy, te sacrifciaidiiea of tite Lord's
slupper, faith in miraces, atd the ideas
of Jesuts cotncertitg havet, hades, para-

Idise, mtnu the fall of tman. Hie decfaret
t tle first purpos'e of scientifi,c inavestiga-
hz titmst be to rid Christianity of their
elemnts of orientalism.

Campus Machlhes Not Necessary
as Are National-No Good in
Them, Says McLaughlin.
Confltronltedtiit. te troblentof local
politica laciniery, tafter having iec
turledill detfetsr of orlganized'pitrie in
nttioia lhiolitis Prof. XMcLauginttdei-
lared im liself atattgoistito thtie sy-
emt ita callege politics.
"Yoiutstte, Proif. 1\cLtmuhginil," saii
liii qulestionher, "that the deeiopament of
poiiicalimtachitery is nt mitly essetifal
ilut a tnecssity il natiolattffairs attd
;reat aceotttllisilneit. Htere othle
alttns swe tre fightig this thing' ytal
Priof. 1lict ,tilhiiihlooiikei serius atd
triokedlhis itubbily trowniIttuastahe.
'Cattiputs politi," itt sad, "are not
unentilie to tile'stmei' ttaws as tre n-
intal polititcs.
"Yiout dont'lttiavepaty ptmlitiei ere
'ton hI they exsitt a tny iunirsity.
Youhr tprobl~enistile tprblemrtof fation
poitic, litcliqutesdiiiviet'upo11111per-
soa~li nmttters. 'there istt mast diiifer-
nicee in these twoilavarieties f organia-
tiot. Tihe preudices iffotr years are
not s the lrinctiplthe ti msl', uor lhe
"tBu tiion 'tiutintihelire intln'hi-
tics, usvs iii term it "
"Nor" fT'e asuer iw'ts lquite emh-
anii i niX atiChictagoihatmit'd'trmlinedtii ty
It wstqu itImanilftst tha t Prof. Alin
Laughlin11viewedi I campuiis matchiner'ty'as
anythilg huit Ittefical restsl.
"There i mn ltietf utsimilrity ill
twoi'inatlilfy slt-giieriniig ibodirs, lit
or ftaiure f Iatptopleare not toi luhit
Xiatrch 2(1 hs lien t as15tie date
fur thut'nniltohiratotricali cotesIoithtie
iempiteran~ce Researcht clb ivFu citt
ii. 1faseintk, I. Cae 1and1 u. 'I. Tay-
lothavealre tttetereidtheir nanmes,
hltitie list is sill(openliti aty ihb
wsh to late fiart. It is not necessary
thtat lie conltestatsltdIefendi prohibitiotn;
thelir argttttents lmay' be either for or
agtinst. 'The society' was, fondei for
ati unbtiaised sttiy f te hliqr qes-
tiont, froiti tll its vriouls asect.
'Te ciottest f March 20 is to be
pturey loictl, biit the sintter, besides re-
ceivntg ta pree ittwenety-iveedilolars,
nill take tit itt the tate cintetuwhiih
cotest wnas iotifast yarlbyitMicigan's
representativie, A. It. itifey.
A mleetinhg iottie iTeiperance Re-
serchtlclublhmiile hldnettSunday at
2 o'ccck, i McIkilaniHal. Aul wo
can' o eenrtiecintest, or tre at all
interestedithie sork f the soiety,
are' requelsed tou be presetnt.
O wing io tue rush at the photograpi-
ers' idurinlg the past week, te Mitigat-
eutstitntmantagemntathas fotnd it neces-
sary to rxtend the titeluit for te
taking of senior pictres ad those of
the various organiztionilts witie are o
hr representeid inthlarattutal, to te 5th
of Februatry. It must te inurrstoodi

that this date is absoite and that aill
pictures for the Mictiigatietiiai must
Ibe iti by that time.

PROD. .\NDRI",W C. 111,:1('(:111,3

Chic of the -c 1132u]uscriI)ts rests
rild{ 111)wd alit i(plitY. '1 lle hooks
Icl 1'c-t tt;tcut \\ crc Writtell :16otit
ccuttu t P, C. <Illd tll()sc of dic

Ii-n ltth i xuthi Cenur
nln -tiiih fr orwich1 the
}u P f th u'N iistaie'
ti i' i' econ u'i lllu i ' C.
r ii lli
cp~ ]ii esai t Ia h n e


h lito>

.Eiatoitiilthc la er t-t ' ciite ii '1'
idi lX lto~ evaiahiule hert'
fo te Ilo l a thu-riv'il'ilishis tie
il~t iil.'i Jti:,ihiit ai is casue(I'rtt
eu3nti tl tahn
lidife e e ccnthei'esldmn-
ii uli it iiand utet ii itt }-hiait ents e tunes
-i(w ist~ind iutth ulethouMrkithu~eiitoiok
1 Xi ret herei i is fouydiouuue cid-y'i
lotill)u' to d t s ret seni~ttimielthis a h
with t1e sentimet-uIwhtitoes before,
Of wSt.Ptetriwherein thue stamieteelitng

ticsifromthehrt'- rt'euiiiiicaucuhelies
tuwhih hotoll thesppsdy.ne
pendent pliisof-the\ ci ii iia
tion anetit .s te cncfuded uthaht the
develoeint oftarty uh gniiationsis th
gre tc ntitu tin al'tinstiutyin iit iti
Te inftesivXXten iXt'in-tican th
histiiry,"usaidti h lctretill iio hti.e tie
Qlit'tueh egrdd hisctuxs n
t1ihh luharelp't intofi'teutu. ie-a
Levtgltti t i hetal hiso ftl uuhe fnaii
Ntintill weitlhhu ctheitpowewhut ih proif-hit
frs theftie.teistei cani lintever s.iwte
hillr ot PI'imlhvasiat il wehaetut htlt
nQmua adhislydiket.hu'iury ~i
iauglnqutedt''otnimnay' ht t ofuileh
hertican nReoftinguwho mudhiar-
ati aleny itmilenttindiiuatliiiyself-
tredtag kuttis tiiof the imesiiiwas
at piimart gemt mahin leder
Allofnidwhachlt o toe shownuthifthe
partye tutu ateth ifcepaty.iFortheo''
erttatstiif cw itiardaysrlthoug
he lourestfria ofitimue, ndncliquie
igndrigthe aofthelaitilioii uatitaasef
tsegtkawdtefmthe gomsieiltiesa
whic party organizatiot os peae

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