,1' eflid8bt 'OAIL Special Cut Prices See Window Display Sale CLOSE~S Feb. 1 st Mercha~nt C C Tailors 116 IC. iberty St. KA RL MALCOLM. Prop. A'MUSEMENTS4-, ALWAYS LOOK FOR, MAJESTIC PENNANT .., COMMENCING MAESIC JanuAxry THEATRE The following Attraciions will be Presented: 1.- 2.- 3.- 4.- 6.- -Overture. -Greet Saona, Impersnatoar of erect fine, paud pest. -Kathryn Martyn, trins a in: Freeman Brothers, lungers. and daners. _W. G. McDermott, (Comedtlau. ismersonuator of frleerect ciuran. -Gausebmtdts, EInpesae Iacls kitih their arusrit g dug. Open number not yet filed. -Mjestiscope. CALENDAR. Jain. 27-28-Prof. Aderew C. Mc- Laughlin. eture, "Formation iof Piti- d cal Parties.' Jan. 27-Prof. enry A. Sanders, "Recent Bibliat Discoveries in Egypt, Barbour gymnasium. Jan. AL-Charley Gapesin. in The Awakening of Mr. Pipp Newv Whitney theater, 8:15. ,Jan. 28-Charles W. Clark, barioue, Choral Union, Uti-ersiy Hall. Jan. 2a--"Virginis' Prof. Truehlod's class, University Hall, 7:30 p. r. Jan. 30-Robaert Mantll in "Maceth," New Witney theater. Felt. I-"Just fOut of College." Ness Whlitney theater. Fe. 2-Rev. John P. Forbes, Brok- Iynn NY Billings lectre, Uitariatt churh, 7:30 p to. Feb 2-llshop William F. cDosell. Weseyant (uild Methodist church, 7 :30. Feb 7-Junior 1Ho)1, Barbour and .Watermsain gymnasiumtts. Feb 8b-SMsal clbs'cencert, U.ni- vestylsaI. Pi.b 8-Llandi T. Posers, S. IL. A., Univesisty Hll Fib 8-"The Recruitig Officer, spe- cil 1junior I ots terfomnace, by te ni- crsty Comtey lb, Nest Whitney et2:5P Fc. 8--Girls fatcy dress party, lar- botur gyttnsasiutms. Felb.1-Rt.-Rev. Charles A. Asderson, bishop of Cicago, fiftietht antiversary add~ress S. C A., Uiversity Hall. 8 p. mi. Fel. 3-"I,tl Prinipattetde losaco," talk by 1Herbert Vagan, 'appan Sall ecture rooma, 4 P. it. Admsissiot free. Fet. t3-"Vailetinetuns cheon" of the seitor girls itt Iarhottr gymnsasiumst. Feb. 4-.Soplsotstre esgiguter dance, Granger's. Feb. 17-" L'Insperarice Josepine, ilustratedl leeture by M, Louis M'adelirt of the University of Paris (a Sor-" bionnte), Saraht Casswell Atgell Hall, 8 t. it., auspices of Cerle Dramatiqie Francais.; Fel. Th-" et re .tu College," a talk by' erlert A. Keiyo, 'Tappantsl]d lecture rooms, 4 p. in. Admtissions free. Fel. 2-Atlletk carnival, bigt shool. let. 27, 28, 'Xi-"icligendsa 'Thusrs- iay and Friuay evesitgs snd Saursay -afterssoosn. Nest Whitney teater. E3NIRITYE±OTIES Prof. IHesy A. Sadiers will lectrs ons hsi recent dilicveris of Bible msae-t scripts iss Egyptilbefore the Piloogeal society, M~onay evenisg at 8 o'clock it Parboir gymnasium. hates' Orchestra furishes strity iup- to-dattimusic for paries ad basqets. Bell tphoe to~oJ. L. i. Baes, ias- ager.s8-8-9i (OOD) IlOMt(COOKING-Prices right; dubtl limtsied. Also a sttie and a goodl room.ttit Csureh street. Mrs. Hanses.850 Pyrography goods at Posters. tf Two dollars isres yo aginst all loss by fire. Geo. . Haler & Co., Real Estate and Insrne, =16 Soth Main street. tf All late books for rent at oster's. tf ~ jA good fotioisto essential for good boslig alleys Ors are built ott a speeilcine- filled -stbfoidaions bolted solid to a cosrete floor U.M i5ILLIAIIIS, BOWLING, LUNCKHES,' CIGARS, CANDIES, TWO*AC9. a1 5. state . 31l MUY=Wd MOE'S "BARBR llSHOP Toomew t~nerawat* Awe. A Unique Feature Gh PRICEF , t efist-, ,r35,,; vi,.,ii irl, 30c; Blstnv.2Scs Galry, New Whitney ThemktreI B. C. Whitney, Prop. A. C. Abbott, Manager Tueeda..y, Ja.nuep ry 28 THlE JOYOUS COMEDIAN CHARLEY 6 RAPE WIN Merry Moseical Faros IBe AWAKENING OfMR. rIrF- PRICES-25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 HEN'RY Q CO. TAIL6ORtS ?1 High Class FURNISHERS ilII l Mer'chandise HIATTERS J4A 7 AlAC I Popular Prices L6atest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Our $5 Boot Directly North of Law Btsildinxg 709"711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENVE GET THE HABIT Bowling reduced to 5c a man AT THE P'ICKWICK BOWLING ALLEY 707 N. University Ave. 4 Tht~xr. NISght Jam. 30 MR. MANTELL Mr. Win. neady annunces a single appearance here of the distinguished tasic player. Mr.Mantcll who will be seen, Ior the Sirst time in Ann Arbor, in She nanme-part o Shak- speres tragedy of MACBETH PRICES: 25c to $1.50 Seats Ready Morning Curtain rises 8:00 sharp U Si}. :Made of Clap en Sbsunk Fabries 15e each; 2 for 25e f i SUSPENDERS wiltpa secek Oir.o l thn rie.pairs of ___ L.aC'h urdiiualyysuspendrs a Qniality Lin-e yinaq. S Bu~tlb bleusintrut, e Everysge amepairliasam a.oCeF.. GvroT"ncAMPirEREon 50 0 a arat eery gdshopb OSTHIEIMER B ROTHERS Webb's For High GradeCade lcee Cream, Fruit Ztes. Putnches, Sheres, Fc lrozen L.iqid Favors for tall Oecasios. -antey Napkis and D~oities Salted Nist (aces, Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 5. Main St. IM Suzpplied to College Mern a td Women for All PiirposeswwB WASHITENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. 200 East Wa~shirmgton Street -o1 i Theatoriuff 119 Ea LIBIPRTY Sft*' Ann Arhsr'n Pioneer Mavlpg Riqtorn TheoSrea Return of MISS GEORGIA INGALLS all next week. Costinuous Performance, 2 to 10 >p. nM. JOE GILLARD, Prop. ki Wie Operate Fine Equipment Exclusively gOrderyour Carriage I FORTOR THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASS. Withite I 5 -nissetiniisft its- iew ldin s. :s iii:'iwere ses' icitdSepisit:esmbier:.,.190 this $(holnioueisastfacilitis :isilieqsitpuiesii for t't iiss*anditesearcin 5ite .ri- o s- s-iessf sediine iprsic~llyiineutiiiiinti ii- :,iiitti slOfthe ig( Ii'' isgfour are dtiued entirely ts labl'tafyteaeliigandtiiretsear-h. N7s,::, u hsspitals s ttnusi 'iussaist osounitieis for slisicl in strctioi'l'iuiii-i andii' surgery COURSE FOR THlE DEGREE OF M. D. A fuir years etturse.sossnstiritacelotrs ofatr.liteiratuart-. hilosiophdy o ieno asid to persisoitteqivaslet stanintg. leads io thi degree,tofit.is. Tieis tud~ies of the touirths tear are whlly elctivieiut'Ihey iiincusels'1t'abratory mjrcs. at-sit-al extenids fromi Octobter . iSO-. is .tone2dsill..19" The diploma of She Uiviersity so f ichigan is accepted fsr adisusioni. Fo r detaill- HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOSOL, Boston Mass. Party or Theatre OF .WATTLJS' LJVE-RY Baggage Transfer , l !, Daily SubsCriptions Now Due .Stuscrptiostatkesnitymal, chech.,tdraft tie mosey order'. MEEP .YOUVR DATE S By carrying a espy of the MItCItGAN mA-EDMOOin your poeket. Space for mem- orasnda, ealendar, speial evensts. tUsiversity Calendar in this 150 page bosh. Given away to studens at the University Y. M. C.A. Mc- Millan Hall. Carriage and Baggage tsr eaichs Csuple tit snitfrossiiparties, before taeII 'clck$1.50, utter t".oclc $2.00. For.eachi Trunikito or frossi dooir, 5tle priet iwsill tin 25 Cents. itfi-ariedio sr frsoi op-staen. bhe price pill be 50 Cents. ti-vers are required to clrectssii foe carriage anid iaggage service. WALKER'StLtVERtY ROISON & CO. W5. It. STARtK WvATTLES' LIVER5Y. 14i4 NI State-St. Both PhonesI t I - - i p ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLElS MIL WARD, TETIO nTHE BLEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORIlNG