~tHr MlHIOAN MA TLY Sam Burclifield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver Goods Sam Burchfiekl o 1 0 6 & CoEAS THU RON ST. BROWN'S Drug Store 120 F. Liberty St. AMERICAN SINGER WILL APPEAR HERE Charles W. Clark, Baritons, will Give a Recital ons Choral Union Series Tuesday Night. 'The Choral Union annoances for the Haorsh numher of the present series of concerts. a recital by Charles W. Clark. arstoise. Tuesday, Jani. 28. Mtr. Clark in Anuerican ansd an artist. Singers hdo are better or more unisersally likedi iti hin I". Clark sire exreptions. _Mr. Clark isves iin Paris aisdl makes frequcent i iilthis counitry ansuiniiEntglandi. 'The insical journals anti the ntcss- paper critics ini Ness York ansi elsesshere lice ;;rassted 11ir. Clark the most flatter- elstiisns tlits piiitcr. A restart of rcecitali ins \nlstssolti 1.all is of in1- trestiasit stiles the chief merits of 'lrClirs iork. The Criticisni is fsris'":MusicaitAssica"e: -'Tshesaudiencecwss'slarge andilfossnds .itin iri .1irk'a psrogramitasnd sinig- igstoinjoy.His avsire is of si par- st nas i agreeabslts.qua'lity antdlie cots- i os it 'kilfulls.tint it is as ass iter- "sr i~thts sMr.kClark attracts especial iais ii iii, or?1tits sitthe cosmmsansds <000 ! a , a ........... . . . . ;"J'' HOP FOOT WEAR Jtust received a very comsplete lists of Ladies and Gents Dress Footwear especially sutitaile for the comning social eventt, 'J" Hop. F rM en Ponths ansd Sailor-ties in dtull andchpatenot F or leathers, pereed fitterstuno slipping or goapinug at the heel. for omenA shipmesnt of entirely new For X~/n.-ien designs in Pornps, isn black susede anti patenats as well as itn wvhite and colored kid Potnps and Shippers, ASK TO SEE THlE NEW STRAP AND BUTTON POM PS. WalkOver Shoe CO. I1I5 So. MAIN STREET ..__. Lr Frey ivjg ft Mendels Everything ins choice violets, Anmerican Beant- ies, Sweet Peas. etc. Grown especially for the J. Hop. Ask for us and write for prices. Grand Rapids, Mich. ID. W hISt's S't)RDIN'l silsendsl2 c, 'u. i e Oucini, for a superb mounteud soa ivars cooreid poster picture for i's sssoom or lets. Fisc, ifferentt posi- is r os n ie sdolsar. Amuericano Art Cugsi .(otilubus, Ohtiot. Hart, Schaffner & Marx FVLL DRESS SUITS UTZ Properly Tokdlos-ed 'r.J C oth1O !. w OUR ANNUAL JANUARY SALE OF Suits and Overcoats Our entire stock of Suits and' Overcoats divided into 3 Lots Lot 1 200 Suits at 1=2 off 200 Lot 2 250 Suits and Overcoats at 1-3 off 250 All the balance of our entire stock of Suits and Overcoats at 1=4 off. All Trousers at 20 I/( discount. WADHAMS . CO. _ 2 w MOO Lu OM wH WA U>4a N _- ,_.._ - Gierman American Savingjs Bank * Matinc 'aten Lethe Bets. Cormrmercia.l a.rnd Offiee 209S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. ptn Ct jSr'd ihvl H ot Lunch Sm.vrnsResidence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone '314 match your sirt or blouse, 35Sac sndo At "Tsttle's. 338 8. State I THE BELTCRAPT CO.. BOSTON, MASS. I C-ar. Me s.Im arxd Liberty Streets' " STLDI 10-RENTS C 112ER, 319 East Huron Street