AHE MCMtetfAN 15fAYLIP _ . G. H. Wild Colipaly- tus Spring lg S line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now rea(dy It inclutdes all the latest notelties Shades ansi UptoDa'te Pattenoi Moose Brown, Caribou 'an, L eather Shade, Grays and Iancy Blues X or ptronage espc tfull , solicited G. H. Wild Compally 311 Soth State Street Sweaters Jerseys and Sweater Vests 1-4 off For a short tinme only AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores _ _ A. G. y____ cStlt S PAL D I NG poN The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Gol, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Officia Iopement o Track ad Field pots Uniformsfor o all Sports. Spadis's Hadoelry Ilustrated Cataoue o alt sports otaison- oerous suggestios. Se'oirit. -I's free. A. 0. SPALDING & BRO. Now York, (tleago, St. Louis, ,an Fason,i,, Miussrspoli, Ieesr,Iut~alo, yrasse, itts ur, thttsclclphi, Itstoc, ns'nat, Bau- swore, Wssitcotoo Kansas City, Cleveland, New Orleans, Detroit, Montreal, Canada. THlE MICIGAN DAILY. Mlanogig Editor-PAUL SCOr MowocoR. Busness MManagr-C. R. WINTEctrA. 'NOses............A. F. Ritchie Attleis.......Dait FStevenson txrtstiose. It.... . .John Wamol Muosic ad Drama.....Roy D. Welch \'onlel's Editor.. .. Lotuise Vats Voorhis EDITORIAL, STAFF J. \. MCandless Elmer C. Adors Russell McStlarand NIHT EDITOS H-iram S. Coty George H. Hobart Chauncey Bocher B. G. R. Williams tayontdViscter I,. C. Reid Lee A White 1. 1. MIsltisgih J. It. Pesot A. L. Hailine Robert Mountier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Watler K.'Toswers LoitilKrft ["Nis. txiskerl RaonrtMorlatnd Paul G reer Satuitel H. Morris Oti) IEngel Fred E. Gooding BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wrn Carl H. Adam tHarott P. Gold Address: MCHItGAN DAILY, Perot Bldg., Maynard Street. Managers Hours: I- P. In., 7-8 p. i. daily, except Sunday. Both phones S'.'NIiAV. JASNUARYt 26. Is(t- r5x ssss Nv'xsil N. Tlw,loom of approac shhin ssg examssista- tioissis gather isg ' i all crnerslof th miigh )sit ansdss thessesxessie usl of stron c sff ssss t . Scial1 fuiss sionsiw i on ori 5tis tsme h tbosssesas stits ias it Lets andiths tud u li fe tsis tirs 1, ftialltiihag tey siks';r, and he errr te Irigto s sne iii- after a iss.shise ae imittesthts thesestersiswsit perhas'tind utsome51 ae fors' sr emiior liii)eenrofr tse ther i'is ihopei'.isltehstiof 11s etin 'soi 3 i is resuisti sirer 'i's tt'i ,t jilstrue srs aimso i 'i fle i, i sis t itm rs' sit trais adsitfallist isi ais rs oft te smstsr irrs 51s11 hss tutit tawold mkesorsi eisi sttse"if estsre Oitlysiise 'ngti anstd(trinesdcei isois is do sit iwsithut 155y ixtnl 5 t tnilu~s.l I iscertithttcidos smatercally il his-in indsiilte essestil poissts o a iscorrse. tiercomelttccgs a ttoroug eel cv tess.ilns i to tilthefae lst toss- tillv f1'romshestiorlse s ipermalnentlt ac-! qitin. An examina11tiontichsssstre- lealis;fasiitsseisst s ifsiens itseritt' ill thei oft/litschlthincsgs as's'of noi va its B tile 7tsrsosl f e\'tlscatotss wicsitsestl,iles itelf as t itar of .z ; 5 a t t t I t i t c i 1 1 1 1 gathelring Ilp'cstte tlsos'ensilotisstof arrsviewswhisiehsgisonlsesi prmsaet grisllsn steresallyistimrtnt, facssof a sitbjet sasndlte muettodis i it ttploy,, to tissiiudss'tihs wiltproe itself is'sman511 Was t obsit heti msost evalstible patesof te iwole tear.- 'tiessewassiicationsstesmrusresinsist 110 of tireiromsansill tir street er seto "opensedl ter ba andsttools otter prse, tssncosed tir ag asdotesethsti purseo. Stirtook oils a1dimndclssited the5puse, si then oedthstirbagiiisd ptl ini te' pussse. Hatisisg acossmplihtesi fetsitirpll pisiri sa tregloses,,strigt- 'nedit tesluts.ajusrsd tireli~tt sit ter iblet hairtien tri st5btckiwtth assit h sit stisftio nss." ,eesreita patet55ossissh sissossge luhts opn riscells ansit prrivients Isls,'' AnsnssArbor tbarersousilstsito io a ros ing bussiness oenling btin ellstis tetti toieeks. sI>Itil'' i'is s's-i' At SWisonssitieraeisig osite pig' issprvs'd'a prositablesulstinssiro. \Whvy isisisoesnt seindstiousiistrsent bergins si'"hateryles' ters- fr the meisciis. so s tsosver AnnsArborei esr Is isdestoodsuthtsi tireisuasnsdances wsil ete is'troieitsisly is sis yrs -a'' list. S'ossil sot i Flissket's badh istearoritethansisiss.ls.Fi- sis ss 'inisss. Fotball tSi easoni s 111hue iWthle yari ithruisgt. \S'ti'iiwe asi-noitsataltsy playinig bissl,Wo resi s'agig iter rus- tests is toeie thtw it sialli te tplaed. 'Ths' gnralstsertaryiof PFnessea.si- crinto aii Frenss etres, ''lsntsia tiss"ontl is'i'sthe tralscsitkof tassdress. Stresssout sit sagriulturse,. tat! 55 '1155:;StIC ,00. Sit "Big ill''Iafti10sliot ceinsg io see uso sfers'atl. As tr iggrs sivsr- tak is is iiettrie. stilt INK! 'Tso shundredt adilforty suessci "oesdsiri oi" at the U'nisrrssititfCsli foria!is So smanie sasmes less toiplints ini tlsse stssleds. 56'tll "''barnlidusnses''ill fsll sig,. issd liron tss'ates ill full blst, sot, rxsltiolss art'esluttng iss iist soil lits' oftis' studiesnts. PZIV.S'lE LESSONS IN DA.NCING. Privae's on5515s itir Polka, Bososs. larniDasnse, st-lt ndtwo - lstep551giens si Grasnsger's Acaeulsss before tsr o. P110111'or stilt fr apoitmsetsow50. Sice 1858 swe ae made Watch Re- pairin~g or of our srogest features. Halier's Jewelry Store, ai16S Main street. ed i C C t c i i i c c I i i I i i MUusic anO Irama i t liA i' 55015A ''sil. NIl'." 'tile New isitS\'this' lestsstllofe its patrnisonsrsixt'uesdlay'ighstlt s111