-,HEM IC UI As AlLI s_ A supply of these s deleci ous candies received 1E. E. CALKINS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. AMUSEMENT S ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT For the Enutre Week COMMENCING 4.g E3IC January T LTRE20 flhe following Attractions will be Presented : 1.- 2.- 3. 4.- 5.- 6- ?.- -Overture. -Musical Forest. iusii acintroi duing xyiopitions, B anjos, tc. -Mr.Al. Burtonu oe~in BL3AKE CIRCUS, i tdirec t tiiusfromithter ippodrmie of ofiCi,- -(lantii trodnie5gtrat tindaimails, consiting of ponuies, monkeys, baboos, og.ndteiauginigeain fto hf easn hefmus ule, " Vaud." -Tourist Trio, xrc ty singing. -Willard Temple ol Music. witit'sStpetacular MustalSnsation- highest'slitedi msicatiin th e rldi. -Majestiscope. CALENDAR. Jan- 27-2-Prof. Andrew C. M- l~aughlin'lecture, "Formation of Politi- cal Parties Jan. 3-Robert Matetll i "MTacbti, ten-w Whitney theater. Fet. a3-- valentinte luncheon of the senior girls in Barbour gymnasium. Feb. 28-Charlca XW. Clark, Choral' Union series, McMilan all. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Stndent Council picttre at L-tdon's todiaty at 7 o'clock. Miclogentla comitee picttre at Lyn- (ons tonight at 7 o'clock.. Jubilee Sgrs tonight, atspices boy choir, Congregational church. Senior engineer baseball tamin tect for picture at Ranall's, Thursday, at 12 :20. 1Haskins. Indiana club men isill report at Ran- lll's sttdio Stnday at 9:30, for pic- lure. Secretary. All idepenents who expect Ii) at- tend juniior Hlop uetr today, 7 p. n., at Michigani Union. Imptortantnmeeting ot Cess and Checkers cli at McMillain IHall, 2 p. n. today.- Merritt, Fes. :MeetingociTe''ipiterace Resarht club Sunay , z t.,im., MMillan 1-1al1. All oratorical contestants must e preset. D~r. Sanders will gle his lectute' on his recent biiblical miatisript discos-ries in Egypt before the Philological society Mionday evening at 8 o'clock, in Bar- hour gymnasiumt. tLOSTl-Otpen-face Elgin swatch at gy-mansitu. Initials J. on tack of case. Return to 332 Maynard. When lios-t toswn vs-it the Cook H ouse Cafe. Service a la carte. Potu- ar prices Ladies' entrance cin Fotrt SCIVNTIFIC PAMIS'f. Miss Louise St. Gertmaine. This week, ]ands 25 cetts, cards 25 cents. Cook IHute. Rocu 7, paror floor. 85-7 Portrait frames at Poter's, tf Ie sure and look at the piss ad pecnants at Mrs. lBaldin's, 304 South State street, before biuying, to decorate for the "J" Hop. Large assortmenetl ad firstclass wsork 83, 87- cANQU,'T euPOGAM-sNMNUCAtDSt. Seciur nesw le of Brow, Eager & Hlt fraternity- banqiet programs. aitd iaquet menucs efore placitg your or- der for junior IMo house parties Nose is the tinme to order Also best lie of fraternity- adelMichigani statiotery in thc city. 'Typwiting cheaply done, Jollilte & Kitzmillr, above Co-op. od I-lnd hamnmered jewelry at -Foter's- GOOD 110OME COOKING-Prices right; cltb limited. Also a suite atila gioid room. 6tt Church street. -Ars. Hane's. 8-9 Prography gods at Feter's. t - Two dollars insures you aainst- all lous by fire Ge. . aler & co.. Real Estate and Insurance, 216 Soth Main street If All late ooks for rent at Foster's, fc LUIINCHIES DEL:rIVER 'D -- iri Phone Bell 86 ' BILLIARDS. $OWLINO, 'LUNC'"B$,' CI(IARS, CAN DIES, TOBACCO '.,12 S. State 3 11 Mah'ard' 'MOE'S BARB R S(OP *5 North UlveSlitY Ave. 0. A. M6& L . The Best Store ian Town ForYugMnsClothinig That's what our manty well satisfied younsger wet customers tell us. The best stlole, for the reason that here can be seen the greatest variety of snappy styles and attractive patterns. The best store, because the values we offer in Stein-Bloch Fine Clothing For- Young Men- haven't got their cqtltin this city. Everything First Class LINDENSCHMITT, APFEL& COO H 0A G, SHonme S~spply Stor. This 'Ad" if presented will be accepted as, a payment for anytliiug bought in our Home Supply Departments. This does not include Merchandise that may be on sale. at special prices. 4 Webb's For High Grade Cade lee Cream, tFrtuit lens, Punches, Sherbets, F~rozen Liquid Favors for all Occasions, Fanny Napkins and Doilies Salted Ntt Cass Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Nabnsat. Beginning Monday Night, January 20, the foitoing prices wilbe charged at the, Maje-tie ; tittiri Fir-i iFloor, 35c; FitniSCirce, 30e; tiautty, 2502tGallery, 15;tOe;Seits, 50c,~. New hit ney Theatre B. C. Whitney, Prop. A. C. Abbott, Manager ;. . , .. Tsda.y, Je~nxiaary 28 THlE JOYOUS COMEDIAN CHARLLEY IN HIS Merry Muiclal Farce The AWa"AKENIN6 01 MR. rwrp PRIICES-25c, 50c, 75c, $ 1,00 Thiur. Nig~ht Jam. 30 MR. MANTELL Mr. Wm. ,Brady announces asingle appeaiance hire of the distinguished ti-aaic player, Mr., Mantcll1 wiho williibe seen, tee the first time in Ann Arbse, in the iamie-part it Slick. spere'a tragedy of MACB ETH PRICES: 25c to $1.50 Seats Ready _' Morning Curtain rises 8:00 sharp 'lT' grasp Pfrightoriia (t'f tie crip asede tteof iseasy.'sn i '- pure slk nurJ). it-the tnly atbst-. -Ttte pattetrns ar ue~ylyteIcssptga rter n, eaclitue--cari- in titere, sand they iost unly a quieter If yttttele terit supply int, aw a pttir. IRemembher it. pair swit be seelttpoin recieipt of ptie. PIiOtERSiSPENDIER ClO 71 MAKET t l., Pci.iii. NIO ETRACUR111FOllHNSOME INiUiAt-littE MAnKERScO INEERSSPENDES w . . . ._. _ ,, r Tlieatorium 119 E. LIBERTY ST. Ann Arise's Pioneer Miving Picture Theatre, Re urn of MI$4S OIIORGIA INOALLS all next week,= Continuous Perfornmance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE*GIL LARD, Prop. We Operate Fine Equipment Exclusively ,. Order your Carriage FOR Party or Theatre WATTLES' LIVERY Ce&bs eksvd Cs rr~u. Baga~e Tran~sfer 114 N. State St. 50th Phones :j '+s. x s 3 } ti i 4 ii LEARN TO DANCE CORRECTLY. JOIN THE CLASSES IN at. Graiuer's Actudeuty ruund thunorSMaynard, Street. oeeltock west tuf StortStreet Staties. tittuti payabletu madvause $0, trailf twelv lens-tsNoen7 ittasscre i s tors ire nut adnmitied during eltss rhue'. TheyWM. BOLLES "STANDARD" :Self-Fillling P'en No Ink under ap wbeun you are ready to write. 'No ,buttw6r humips. No ink droppec' 19 lose. No leakciI... Aiusoltter! jc 7t esi f fr thoue jcir s tsist left' ha. uc 6f M0 coO- DAWSON BROS.'S DRUG SOE * ,,h .. . ..:.. n . uaF: , .,_..i t S Q ..... ALWAYS AK EAD IN STYLES TAMILWAP TAL h