1 .C1 ..1 M I C YC 1 T G' A AY b iA 1 aid' S .
gi.Apure 5nap anti ore ot P trlwill iiiI I lIIEMlfS R IN)iI.cI
&pi evleSlather,- wiulit be atreat
for any bPrneoxth lAMN R R W T' aside tronm the roultine:of Iccttires
5 05 in s( tote t opi r o f n 7LI LL~L 1A and horstal Clinics, lbs noils iof the
nufihotn ~ahcfascultli haisc constant :Id-
N A P 0 L E A Nai Inhabitants Drink Thousands of iia.rfroitjt eygmeasPlc TeColliege toiil
i la'i iD. ItiOsdtlle is }icen sigis iig a Scao- st
- CAST1FILEGalos ac Dy-it.D few lectures on organic Iheart siseises y
OtherThings, gToo. tieftire lte firaitisttscrs Societyof Dc-
I itl l tu riti. Ile sas been iivitidit to :present
Kilo S Oc Ani rtbor ztutu ititaeits iaccordling to a loper.Iefore :tile tib coIzlsil 'ccadcoiy
us tiiito: t a lii ZSe ' tile iiiozlly }refill I uof tiedepartnsent oit'Sciences, Eels ::13, .intilItirtdianre-
i0 tiltubl ic altth, otisiisi 2,200 gallons tiiii of'l ugii 1r. 'oiliut li
-A r I nilk ter iay. It is: said that thie fatculty secret-ifjy; is prfsidectcoff tir
i1 silkteun arceideterminsed',to -keep AninAmianeiiInistit tIof sstiiirssltlly. -.solii ,
'cibor-i iswet'toss-italthough they are Buritn; the 1pa1 st. to iottssheihas sid-ensle i
.Q R S t rIin,. fir a itdry' one. This total ttescdsg- i-susis iises ork
dreier Stat Ii 1 not I .OtAvei :tills shiirt: sif that of Sepietuber, swhenisclcagosKIsacs Cite andi'Tsoledos. ill rtPice
I is ismilk turn tncreasedl divisdendl swig tDr.I se s scereltireysoftie couii-
_________________________________ i fit uisentsrssteusils fur' the lacteal sittei fis thte inspti li l i ushal cut-Th Co k
suicatilt: iegreattdemeuanudfur untder- resfu it mt ctilusltrsaiili
ia s itlsiss n-it--lrc tsl osw in ts t ussstoss tiat sstsinecss. l)r.
-5,e..O isgn set as alaruit clocks for Ants tit sits sill stdreas thle ssck Riv-eIn--
orote Lroa n sipkt~ lsiostuslit secachtinortng. IDriers stit i sutsst iittiyf itnm the nir fit-
1~ -at- that the tintimberso soreferenice Itire, Ites 1p riesidetesof lstthis lnis U1l
Watche and Jwelry 'ypaird. isthe aiolisttitg of the indusstry. Al- society for Iisesiceessxc els Itcss-trvr wkstiiI-euy-Iti-ulei-isI year-ttts, Dlr. F
Bagains in Watches & Diamonds I )win.Tree gallotss*of otilk-to a eClis, Smtithi rcntfty ttede a contio atlitt
D~e at resldepxel all E Liberty St sietsestr-sleul.Teaer-cttittsotNoT ify in
Ann Arboir. n o dyshdue hya- c. a icso. .~~fyMt
fluss t l' :3 1 a.1 o ls3afansi 7to 1icstl io te laity cotnsumptiont sit tho,- - I fe rIlurresti sistrirtig lie lilitlars, resis
s, t'i txi <e aninplt I tf H-uo ivit ier scaler. ;Ialifter upon t soni sstiandiiclIlsittis-
JOSEPH1 C ;ATTS Ity thie 'amsse reltelAintiArbor tirlves'' it sl> beforie te I fosucesipssthic so-'All Winter
' .."A'TS ter -setulufstcity. For the past cly sit Rochtester, N. t'. For nearly
________________________________________ te dsthlshate amtong residents 'twoes lie ihls tcbutencssltttlg itt-I
!dsitudeitrcs s i f ~pser i 00 o e i r ys-igasiti t sl nt siitis ill th s-t
ts it s slug tusetits : is. especally loss' -itlllaubotrattieory stn d uiists-
1. _; i t Iutscthesc board citthealth wuss e lt -
tilt I"lttsrrcitits - faiths 51which, rf. iasti I. cuiell acsug
5 i~h Isekiss or sifetilIsi ilc uit rssu-sssr frssmtiI Iirs-aril iithe ttc nix r- 'All Sof td S
on all stamped goods, including eis utust cafslt-itls Sf n t
MI~hIAN P1 L~t'' FOS 1 is eute nitur he usurc u thuitslv-of hBerlint-i, ndIis NsttEieiuthl
Sitifsrecame under sitsti.-.Iiut ies-th tell Smtoking Jacket
sutAliegsihii.h ie gutt 22,-Stle -Udec
a yt so., brsihei linchalktd ui aillae Vdr,
s. inst 451 deltis. ul tss"s a(isrgt I. 5o Manllatte
DAR~LING: &: ,NALLISAUX si i iikstst rhse it iiih tics Si t ge
its.m s Arrare hrioles F-.hic tmayotr issutl elsurcsh $a'ta anisatta
124-220PuS. tate St_
I stisiale eu o t - I lat isau o.s a sisulsers I - - - -
cli I acIt oi0; .00 sir 425005 Isathu squaire j lIftOR S:II,I, u1 dllpl on wls .
ritse. ciAsn 'ersor tboasts of ltresand tI'igilteeritn libio ssof iie tt na 1 'a ,.xiiii'I~ tuliatt
Coll is ceI tits uile sof 1pavcedlsltee ut s alors-li'n lenti etschol ,-, catn '
is I "C C tom -.Ish_ lfe uilesh iryfiv nuttihl s ctIof trt stcct. i is la I
r; S em ... tclt idev~llhih reinessit Alarm clocks scarront t oe one yef I
I litstt str- cessisr, sslhusottig In .00.,I IaIIe r's Jets dc> Stre 216 S. EjI
IIALL!R'S J[WELRY STORE,,- 21& S. Male SIt.s ,ass lakes. Otihl 257.ses hgss M l ain strens, acid
Sts.I it n i gsr slollers. nonse uf ltect-- --
1: -tsis' hacatedh ititshe 140 acres of phit
1'l itIrs.. - Iceulty-fisusetassenuger trains r y i~
si~y c-secty Ac-,nnArtisteresidenscuisidiul
-=f a fssur-uuuidcls- litie', Figlut shreet .ears
cEstUnChape ssronued: Ity.. otue contoitesr.a ls
110.li Cxt -'ceo I unP.60o1- of, 3b0,ooicthic feet, roost sit -_
«xieuet''is lainted, is usesd by stcudentls.f the Advati
; --I- iglitecut btarchtes and thtree Chrisiian l eyliing it' chioice Inced Cuffs-
- '--..s a:sattisG s art. arraycil aginsttw yl vxiolets, Antereicon I eaut-''P5 1 0 c tl $pt1
tI Catses: -Tos-,sehosisiof iruisic ands
rsIbnllessis atls 1 f hiack yardit ehisahelp ?es, SAeet Peak etc.MACK C
Babrss~ e sp slsii"li ttt (rown 'e:,pec'iahlly for
MI> sus cie; Anu tuct i hello. girls" tJ, .itup. Ask formts
Itilt 3,68,33tlehones.'-N'inerpolicemnt adwrefi
ShpaldBt Rof - iich50011 students..Stiusdents madte M N[-
sztlut 's sousey fldlstyear for 7,307,-H
R z.1,a ' «t-u'aa~ s tlie totat clearinghouse for 'Grand Rapids, MiCh'. 104 iou siue Ysiiui
- "LC sg ,tlhaioasti, Cptty 'ro-n uhurs outtb of city Y.
J R. TROJANOWSII.Prorp , . -3j
['ii ohliusonlini Ioutn l' ets,just tclls itin ii ll
, press thie Crescentt-hiller sassilsee it fill its Ows111
klikse a csannel shslisng its thirst.- 'Thatt's ll thsesre
oittl Nit droppter-notu ness-o- othsler. Doisit
where-ausy lime.
cds tantul y it ith util theII eIsst inuss l esss su ics 'cfout
it stilts h ulshit glutses oni sitls th u it ss cr sit
Iresiues its ci ttc-cti-r eis thSi tusp'liul srtu
A thle Counlinu-stheperfect feseu.
delcaers scnie thse-c -allis, It teers dci'i , ot, re
tattniltt. Scust it sice -iur t~5 isst 'isi-sittrf ;
Jin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldii., Toledet, Ohio
r Big Baraaiiis
n will miiss this great
ift Hots at
t --
mu Shtirts at
anI Shirts -
,ti Shirths-
.t Bargain Stile
OATS ata
?; et hu nt it cf
1t el cctt sIll
-- $1.201
- - $1.55
~Fi goI1
Conlin i
tice Sprinig Styles, AttachedtautdhDhet
-he Materials a1111:styles atir- is goodus
Mw'ai n Sit.
M (ii tchs i (i C sot I it i ut s tei i ari
it isI itt ttitticia d031 , t
Mi~tt' A.Icale W. J. IO R[
' "Iffry
.s - -
'What do you think of the
Heavy Oil Grain 'waterproof Oxford
just received for early spring wear
WAGNER & CO., State Street Shm of the big white sboe.
t I
TheAnnArbo r0Bitble Chairs
4.44 South State Street
Ba' Cf. P. 'COLER
SUNDAYS 12 to 1 P. M., BEGINNING JAN. -12, 1908.
r. Vhe HistoricalSetting-.of the. Sermlon, Jan. 12
2. The Beatitudes. Jan. i9
3. The. Fulilhitlg of the Law.- Jan. 26
4.. Turuing the Other Cheek, Feh. 2
.,Be'Y. Thterefore Perfect. Feb. (Y
6. ivat~g oly Thlings. to Dogs.y; Feb,;o16
These leetgrps are frsee teo tfaverslty.stfdeutsacand others who may
care to attend, - - - -- -.
Rowe's Laundry
326 N. Fifth Ave.
INew tPone 457 Nell Phone 457-L
titSouth StateO Street
Cig60ao a asrday, 10 A. M. a~oad
lisO P. M.
Assetmtly 5 oclouk.
Chinese Cliop-SueyRestaurajt
Chinese lFancy DOhoes,'Arurrisa Lun 0 of,
all Plods, Everyting fSrste-clas pfor.
I hadirs antI geutiutnen,
Olsineuse and Japanuese arine-Poti',
-tp~talns. owrdoor S. llestop Bros...314.$.e,.tats St.
Gas Stusdy Lamrvps
Irasxsre a steady, soft glow.
Easy on the eyes.
Mioderate in price.
Cheaper than oil or electricity.
Get the boet fromrx the largest asaortmonst.
Vhe .Ann Arbor Gas Co.
_. _ _ _. _ -