T R f ClAN DESA ILY Special Cut Prices See Window Display Sale CLOSES Feb. 1st CAI ENIAR. ;Tan. '4--University Comiedy club tire- sentS-, "TheIkReruiting ,Officer," at thc New 'Whitney theater. . Feb. 13--Vadentinesluncheon" -of the rotor girt', in -Barbour gymnasium. UNIVERSITY NOTICES HEr4RY l81. Ctn. TAILORS ,/ToMen FURNISHERS iur HATTERS IJLAL High Class Merchandise Popular Prices Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Oiar $5 Hoot Directly North of Law Buildirxg 709-711. NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE* ; 1. Merchantc c Tailors 118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM, Prop. AMUSEME'NTS j ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANTI ILSTIC THEATRE ror the zimuro w$waL COMMENCINO Janualry 20 The following Atraciions will be Presented : .-Overture. 2.-Musical Forest. 'uica1 act itroducig Xyoptioniis,iBainjon, etc. 3.-Mr. Al. Burton, Comdan 4.-BLAKE CIRCUS, isent direci iousinfrotuiiithe ippotiromiiroa of Clrvelaniniitroduciiig 5)trainedrimiiials, coisistitig ufponies, isinkeys., baoos, s.andstihelaiughig snsitinufith5 sasn,ihrfsattusiul, ' Maud." 5.-Tourist Trio, Novilty Singing. 6.-Willard Temple of Music. Willardte Spectacular Misical Seisation- 7.-Majestlscope. Beginning Monday Night. January 20, ihe follointg pricescwifi he iharged at tar Majestic ; itistier iirst Finer, 35c, Fancci lyCircle, 30c; Balcany, 236C talery, 15c; Box Seat's, 50. New Whitney Theatre B. C. Whitney, Prop. A. C. Abbott, Manager Fresh enzgineer meeting today, 4 p. inl., RnOM 409'. Meefitg. of all- independents initending to go to jticr ]Hop, Friday, 7 p. in., Soph eingineers' football picture, Sat- utrday, 1 p. in., at Rentsctitcrs, wsith suits anti numeral swseaters. Remington. Mliehigandi coittmitteel! A pictture will Ice taken- if possible on Saturday. Wiatet d[ly for further atiiouccoents. Prof. WV. l). Scott, director of ttte psychtological tabioratory in Ncrthwset- ertn university, is cotlectinig data tin the isychotogy of journalistic appecal. lie has seiit osit hittidreds of circutars ask- :ng about the dailies read, the reasoits for choosintg them, thte amoutiltof time gisven it readtitngcapers tdaily, aind tie departments that attpeat to cact indivi- 'lb ale tiasketbalt team on its holi- day trill covered four touisand mites intld }layed twelve games, nine of swhicb were lost. Portrait frames at Fosters. tf See our complete line of Michigan pins, fobs and souvenirs. Hailer's jewelry Store, 216 S. Main street. end See Heniing & Kchl's new ftull line of Michigan fobs, pitns and spoons,.113 Fast liberty St. cod Celebrated Martin Mandolins and~ Guitars are best for musical cluths. Schaeberle & Son, tin S. Main St. rot Since 1858 we have made Watch Re-, pairing one of our strongest features. Htaller's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Fain street. eod Hand hammered jewelry at foster's. See our complete line of Michigan puts, fobs. and souvenirs. Halter's Jewelry Store, 0t0 S. Main street. eod (100f) 1 tOME COOKiNG--Prices right; clttb'limnitedl. Atso a ituite intl a good room. 6t1 Church street. Mrs tHanes. P'yrography goods at Foster's. tf Two dollars insures you against, all loss' by fre. Geo. J. Hailer & Co., Rheal Estate and Insurance, 216 'South, Main street. #f All late books for rent at Foster's. tf GET THE HABIT Bowling reduced to 5c a man AT THE 4 PICKWICK BOWLING ALLEY ______ 707 N. University Ave. ~7A V rdqxe Featuare [i Iii'r.S " I: N dit l 5 l l~e It u tfii OSel ' al ruIlfhoier onmr ltcita' 1, W ebb's For High G ner CandiStess e-igadrserh n eo hopial afod budtIpvA rtuniMesDI cA l nicHO alisri Mass, rie n~ Tusede .y, Ja.a','aaary 28 THE JOYOUS COMEDIAN CHARLEY 6 RAPE W"IN IN His Merry Mazlcal irarce The AWAKENINO 01 MR. PWPp PRICES-25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 Thu r. Night Janm.30 MR. MANTELL Mr. Wm. Brady announces -a tie appearance here of the distngished traaic ptayer, ,Mr. Mantcl! who witt he seen, tor the fttimsint Aao Arhar, to the nam~e-part at Shalt. speres tragedy at MACBETH PRICES: 25c to $1.50 Seats Ready - Morning Curtain rises 8:00 sharp S Thetruf 119 E. LIBERTY ST. SniArhra Pioneer Mactog Pieture.rheatr~e Re'urn of MISS GEORGIA INGALLS All next week. Continuous Performiance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. We Operate Fine Equipment Exclusively Order your Carriaese FOR Party or Theatre OF WATTLES' LIVE-RYlw C04be end Ca.rrlage Bagigajge Transfeir 114 N. State St. Both Phones Students are always wetconce. at our stores. Read the papers, use phoiies, smoke, meet your friends. We try Co treat you right. BIILLIARD,5. foowLINGJ. LUNCHtES, ClOAtiS, CANiSLIIS. TOBACCO. :2 S. Stata . 311 Mayard OES BARBER SHOP 7!! depto U.aiq.erpity vc. 0. A.MQE. Daily Subscriptions Now Due' Carriage and Baggage Subscriptios t akeni by mailt.ceei.dealt or money srder. Foreacttiioup letsoadfromsiparties. btefore 1Io'clock $1.50. sfteer 1 ctlitk $200 IKEP YOUR DATES Fu. ati'00. uu tuc ccct price wilt be 25 Ceots. If 'arreto i lit'freusiup-stales, Ike priter witlbe Bly carryig aecpy oftheCr MICIGAN 50 Ceots. t)iv errs amreeied Cu -olleec Gsh HiANDBSOOR int your pocktC.Splasc for-mn- tar carriage an d bagage ser-ecee. uranida, eslendiar, specisl evi'its, Unis-ersity WALKEl'S LIVtERY Catendsr it this1l50p.age Ibouk. Gien away 5IOICSON a CO. WV. H. STAtR to students at the University Y.. M. C. A. Mc'. WATTLES' LIVERIY. Mitian Hall. ___________ E t.. -Tr ALWAYS AlHEAD IN STYLES MILWYARD, THE TAJLOR TH-E BEST OF EVERY TING IN TAlLOllNO