THE MIC4IGAN DAILY : rxs: ;;g rxsr -; .;s,.;,: .: Q : r,^r Niuatsr ;a aau A supply of these delecious candies just IA. E.ND AR. J ic an taIlt y amv Ptirdit 1aPit at l saltlecrtuarea roomat l tt* Plais J as t I'tittarsat tt(i t mey aluit ta- c It "TheRecritir Oficr", 'atte N,- P \htune thteater. 1eb tI --P Vaietitine luttcitontao£athtt UNIVERSITY NOTICES iiri-eattcaotdrcitratrsal tonttit at 7. Full (Pa a clttirehearal itodtaytot ()'clok, RoomtaC. Junior lti girls mect at I arbour gym- tnatttua at 4 o'clock today. Meeratng atal lindependt itittrttdttt. to toP uior [lo1pPtI dap 7 . W.. a' / received Iy ° y ', ° r J' ' f, .f , ' , , alt it tt rt.pttiatttttfits atc e tdt o t ar- P 4.M ss1 ta Ileani d tti Strol tttier a lt (tllctfroathtt e t ie arls. Boysta> . ~ ~ ~ P aty t ti t 'Il oftiett ooatrrrsasst-tt I~P Slid INNANI ... St. G(-ri1