THEl MICHIGAN DAILY Yale graduates, or about 17 c cent of pre Soap and ne which wil the whole nmbter of alumni then liing.1 ,ea frcc lthetr, ourd bea treat lntercollegiati Notes. In regard to this a Yale coresp iodent for any hblme or bath stae in a Netw York paper "to a You cot secure Loth on aIn t fgeneral tay eet allowing for Itigra- cgerniIreThert call for baseball candidates tiolt of yontg graciuates wstwardthlie on li~ Self -Fillinq N A P oQ1L E A N at Ilinitos brouglht out 125 melt. indricationsr arctat tie large region lc olg '-"-maie rutr rf thie tstirer reerredl t StandrdFo ta CA&SIL.E i\i-trl ct exatinations at Colubia arc increasintg tie nmbtler rof mtettent tilnirvte rrt rsty wserreiel inthe gynmnasumtto trfae, itrtsitlstattirg ite strong at- ADVERTISED) IN THS SPACL .,ON Ful br o or ---trcatiott ofTie tetiern tateun rtiversi- Kilo - 5C Studen ts t tie LUniveriy of Penrn- tis." Of fot-ive undeltrgradutate for- TUESDAYIS AND SATURDAYS IS C tu tt instinylvsisattt tvrc rrganizlerd a Pdesttr iies,twenty arCh(iinese. whi e onitolt A nIrbrs clt.chree are Jtttee -A-Thte Itr Greet players ate giing lie prois itt te 1go6footbaltl teamlrtGAO' WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES !S U d Irte tausices of telre / cI so-lt 5 a t PctttSyls alma are 31t,21.64. The..A D . QUURR S cerr fIte nr riversity of Pcrnnsysanir reeipts andrt rsprlititrcs ftr tie fitur SHEFEHlA.N & COMPANY Conr;1ate t. and11 N. Univ.t ve.arc r errerof Elizatthatn ptys 11111ing l aring sports for tie fiscatl yearenduiing t ciiwholewek. Set. 1. were uas foloss -- Rcts. Exi. __________________________________ tt sReserve tnivrsitsy Ias a stu- F'ootiall ..... 5.. 7064.4025,55.76 Mone L~oan duicitntunciichirasrutsIsi teenrtr lgttIaeal...4,472.13 m,4.94 Mone Loa ed iid.lire dipirtiin f tieioror ss Track .. . 7,276 73 t,3i0.21 B r i s orohrpco lprpry irrmt s nowdcaci stion rfcr tcrtyte it e........ntew (7tr .- (tWatcheranditeiiltynyire Laired.rrIr ',dc. r K tie1ti t e r tir e ttllttS ele n til-crn t s N owr co r B i a trns tat c h e s'trtDi a mf irst i t a gN o r cF On.fBr a gup ea r gano unts t~argins ir W tirino IcDiam ndr press t repor sy s:A ttlege corie psae it.rit rrtsllel .rt e Officeatrtreidenc 33t E. Libery t ie titfic Iiainirrt trll Irobalyt ethtl e ri ercorative ar tt uoredt PosrcPlictre f tArrharnoa nt.rbor a e itotci iciscctc hrs eda girls forrrstudytrmren.ivert Oehf- No Thrifty Man will miss this great Bargain Sale 9 p. m. 1 ru t ttterstr lbetween Presidefritl meni1posiions oneId l lalr. Not stldl ALL BUINE O FDNli TlrieIAL itrlrtl st r in tiiir itukrs ilstore. Nrf s.etl Ittr icartArt C., Al W ne ta J0SEP11 C. W~ATTS IirrdirrriOhri.Iowta., 'iiscritim, fC'oltmbtts, (Ohi. 9;. SUTSaR ECOT ________________________________ it itt a Iliirtslie 7'Ntionul - -BIG I.EDVCTION ______________________________________ ci tir ittiof uh-ais masnoredl tie{ S~I NT I 'IC FtAUNIT. O fr ssNls insm St. it-mittutante. -i-inswiCo, 1 1 is wek te frelntri nnsipto it mitts 25 cts. crl 2 ctt'.ook on allstamped goodsincluding aC ul snw rsh' n hicLtelwoe - NAll Skoft and Stiff lH-ts a - 20 per cntt off MICHIGAN PILLOW lOPS --_u- girt-tnjaskens - 2, ptiscfittef A - icn y acs i. i i h tcls wthinch i cr nt3ie s-i - - rnees ars 9p~ er tofl cccs n etsitng it rntnitttntnr ts taughtt durirng all casi eeig $1 M n ate Shirts at -$1.20 it p s ti frmfifeenniminut; isvie I uine s \\c li1itin In D) RI5IN0 & MALEAUX tir imtr is toin mtttiecrinses i nit g ue 2 cr'Matnatan Shirts ----_.-$1.55 224=226 S loee t . 51 a' ti - i-cu un iurionts -tic r scoo - -______________,2___.5oiiy trn rs tMrk tr isn i i nnc a hilattani Shirts - - - . - $185 c Ilk rirtha dcidedthit iteitu j r hutis' di ersiotnt w-ill lp rahe tio nsha tan Shiuts - - -$2S0 n. +;1 nIIc~eof th studnin tsr cone baikwit si cn - ciii y t it mnie, tein ta ii" , h rpl httie faculty tsrre underr -t witli s-iumrirsitlessoni. foI frai ff t - ~ Steirns ,k nt seningenughgitinj T irso'nktrk 8 omclocuseei r ROul I, 5011 iii & Fenns 10n gotaa-tcpearto fletrsad td ALE' EER SOE 1 S anS. [ esudnspitd u htmayn I+tet '- titbers iof te fauenlty lid routsie wrt:i rtit-ntegiecti sf irc p ratiisn for titir co e're tudnt a last dd ot Ir ey iftAt MACK'S itclee iwh tn a comtmnittee ftine facrlty- stieyicee nt sversworkerd. Older/per n C $1.00 mTH N1NAEISII -ir'rcths arethriat tey Innerto sork Gi~ i C S i$10 East University Pharmacy tv ice s hardm rir the six-tiay syseminA CH 10 S. nv mr isit irm. ihichit s bsthttted threr- years ungo - forEthevfhinocinycsictem. Ini the Advance Sprng Sves Aachediiid le- hveryhinI n choceIced Cuffs-the Materials and styes arc as goi uf tin- 2,20 deisnetts t Yuale 630 ioles, Anmeriant Ieart- as $1i.50 will prcase-sce thterr ct ie thowir tie stuate sitCotrnecticut N .rc rrcaeds 543' Pennisylvuaniar140, is, Sweet Pear. etc.MA K S. 'ioi ni5, 1ftusintts 135. antrIllItios (o-neinoisl M ArC K_________________________.________ai______________ t.____ _____________________________________ 121 . group i f ninite states of lineecu- Barh r Shop and Bath7Ro nis ttl scnsnKntickyc, igatris and write for' prices. M ONE OLUu [ ~ iiwtettr-s~lrnntio.d 7esi Ba cia B t R o s s ittei t its 532 i sititctts. c ui rn it t-it roes- '! rutED Stro1ai to , l u Loeget1as "sta ssC y 24 ter cen of tintitoi c nGrand Raids, Mich. 4Trio d'rs vet ione;tiarsticor it limr LargestshyntheeagFl tyola toann Traortis sotitlont itl M I A W. J. LOURIM$! 3R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. ii9. hyli i rtn f-7 1 Ur jWhat dio you think ofi the Heavy Oil Grain Waterproof Oxford ____ ___ ___just received for early spring wear WAGNER & CO., State Street Sign ofthe en ia te sihae. i The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs 444 South State Street SIX STUDIES IN THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT lBy'G. P. COL ER SUNDAYS 121to 1 P. M., BEGINNING JAN. 12, 1908. i. Thne Historical Setting of the Sermon. Jan. 12 2.The Beaitudes. Jan. 19 3. The Fulfilling of the Law. Jan. 26 4. Tutrning the Other Cheek. Feb. 2 ., Be Ye Threrefore Perfect. Feb. g 6. Giving Holy Thiings to Dogs. Feb. t6 These lectures are free to University students and others who may care to attend, I UNMN Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. G~as St d ~ a - 2 .FfhAe New tPhonie 457 Betl ho~neli457-1, nsure a steady, soft glow. SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY 5.36SothrState Street Easy on the eyes. 7:aes3 30 P. . M. an 1oderate in price. Asseccbly S o'clorrk. Cheaper than oil or electricity. WAI KIND loo Chinese Chop-Suet' Restaurant Gottheblestfrom e e.-gostaeeortmon~t. ChinieseFIncDsti esritrAmerican Luncthes at all hinds. Everygetlemn . iest-ciastltor ladier sandt,*ent-men.U e A n rlo G a Co Chinese and .Japanese llin'-a-brae. h ~ n ~ ~ r a O Uip Stairs, oedior S. Huston Bros~, 3141S State St. STUDIO -ENTSCUL-ER, 319 Last Huron Street