THE MICHIGAN DATL't_____________ Il-HE MICHIGAN DAILY. I G. I,. Wild Comfpally The Largest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Geilemfen's Wear Everything required for Suits, Overcoats, Pancy Vestings, and Trousserings, and of. high class fabrics and special stylco. Foil Dress Suits al Specialty G. H. Wild Comipally 311 South State Street .A Few 50c Michigan Calendar& For 25c Each whiile they last. These are the originsal Michsigans Calensdars c ots ta i ni tug about ;0 views of Anns Arbor. We have bsst a fewleft oiut of an edition of 20ion Sheehan &-Co. Student Bookstores 11 Managintg difr-PAUL SCOr MOWRR. Basinsse Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD. Nes...........A. F. Ritchie Athleics.....,..David F. Stevenson Exchange. If..... . John Wambol'1 Music and Drama...Roy D. Welch WAonen's Editor... Louise Van Voorhis EDITORIAL STAF J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams Russell McFarland NIGHT EDITOS Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Willisms Raymond Visscther REORTES I,. C. Reid Lee A White M. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Hailine Robert Mountsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney WValer K. Towecs Louis Kraft Lewois T. Kniskeru Robert Mreland Paul Geer Sanmel H. Morris Olio Engel Fred E. Gooding BUSINESS STAF John F. Wre Carl H. Adam Harold P Gould Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: 1-2 P. i., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 96" IITHURSDAY, JANUARY 23. 008K. FFCI'o-e. nAiJ,is se GROsCS. Thec policy of the regensts of Mine rota universiy in securing all land adja- cnti io the canitpus for the use of iii isitiion oight well lbe aotmie by our oswi governing body. Proceedigs f themoctstar-likenasure sre nosshnl istifidcitlntposiiively called for, when biusiniess locks arc rising ons every cro- ne., The richly extloitable qsaliis iof tic sudenti trse are Ibegining to lie appreciated;anitmncewith 'deep" con- iiircial designs arc seeking locatins wihd the mtiwsary cannsot avoi. A iefe ctytsterae imagination can pic iire ite"capus teii yesrs brnce as en- closedl oni ciery sue by the unlovely-- and decidedlycsinacaemic-faces of go- cccv stores. There is somse excitor for soonicsores, or evens barber sitps in these locations, ut for grocery stores, tiles the bscarineg houses are to moec iion ilih camspss, there is nne. Nows is h timen for te tUtiverity to get the saty lroprties. They will be neede' intiiiii.-thieyarmneded already. I. ioildbelietiter to buy them now thon iii isai until substantial buildings erect-i ed iii themi ioubles the coo, or until ite cisi is so uneasoal that, rather itiaii buy them, the University wovolc satter its biuildings promiscuously aiimiiig the hollows of te opens country. Some of iheienciors at Priieton who in, going iii take ti the study of le- have formeid a cisb, the tpurpose of iihlichi is to iaeeptroninet jrists ee- irecss the orgnizatio. SEMS POPUtARF Wish tr close of the secoidi season 'if Ruigty football ui Stanford univer- sity, Prof. Angell, chairman of the flee- tilty committe on athletics, gives a re-< port thatsshoixs thit this athleti sor lis foitnd gret favor situb the facultyswlastetuns.H caisht it is a geiebtt for pettos al players,9 Frst of all, begitste reportasi givent inth~e Ness York Evenine Post, "it s lxtiile oted that the ttudets ire ethustttiastic heliees itt the gtmtethe sotffer of last yere Itts beome the conti vit fthis, and lst vearscosvert htie becotteeaiptrtisant:tutu this detite siii ientiboty cosersatismttantd ofi ll mat- tres oftappeal tostidntitprejudice Rugby nas ti sort of cobnisatiott o pink teta cmi hasketalk ifiey oere toli:l it wseiing forced ot the steintsiss3Ii lthe tietultytutudtanyosit w-easEtg liol sshiiiorationmwhile footall' wseestrite Amrcnsot ti neetn ow the exressiott of ote of te fleti anit eflyugatltswomk p the Rtgy 'crumt' iwhen lie to see- iiusly tsked if Rgy football isit smi tig like btsktball. Sorrows. atti ortht struggle foe expresointat otce, ut i is onlweielim teetosi sympatetic teatti mttte that ee is cattable ociixis pressinge whiat le feels. Thie setaors wo insa'the Citi 'fortiai-Stsnfiri'lg gene'hlies-also Ite- ciitcetiugicethfutsiast. Te writes 1its set foteti of the total of six-t teni football mttithes betwees the toiesiislu f l h n ie . swhlichlhatet'cheerel otthiesi gtnes that i whiics lookii dosstinitnthislItt-itaths showseid te highest idegree of etusttias. "Anbd the exitemnut oas cottitots there were iinowerisine setts wiek the pitayrs disetatitgled theuselses frointi te heasio of blockedttits inttomitet tttm tltys-s iiitedious itteruttins fetei the taccidetle' of loss o owideantimirarel osas titesecatlleif for geuititi- cciets Ashsei alwre ougte h fiite as yell Ieaiers remtred ifte the gamie, 'isitcanut cottrol te cheer-, ieg itt Rugby hy lie sues-einitg altthe titme'; "'The qustiontis iitetiaskeif. tHoe didi Statfiri earts the gae? The tanser is suffictity siple. Sittittisj lectre lst the each coach spett the sittoter at Vtsncover were the oah . Rusgby tamt gave im all the assstee itt their piiser tohep itt in letringttii the ew gane, ttd lst summer te spett itt Atustraliatattd Nest-Zetattt,ihere agaitt he exerietted a mot geterotts and sporsmsanike ]hospitality. accos-t puying te Nesw.ZelsnduBlack" it' their ttiur ts a giest. "Hfe also vo-nitnters sttemnsto i thef effect, firstly, that tmen have Inoie it better cottdition o play- Rugby ttetithe 'coches'' game, atd, secondly, that the men are in better shape for evenitg oorb antd far more elastic its spirit, with Rugby tant itnter he old ehusting grittd of mass atndtorentm plays. Consequentthte is its favor of Rugby. "'ilte gttmtelis aloe.isott the apro-l of te faclty-they tre glad to sote the reappearantee otttefield of te agile, gritty player iii average weight. whto, in tie old gmee, ad enter to extl ts a vestigisl retnusset in this-iquarter tack's positiiot. Moiresve r the factulty -eos thatwhile Rugy is riiighsatd nt wsithout peril to liteth,,t is I still ai gettt- ite sporti.and they faviior int mererly bectitse istmaea- th irilig itercole- giatti coneito.bhts becautse it is possible atti trobable -that tslurgei sillibe hlay-hd Isy thur sudsents t large as a college gaimie; wereas or oh the res- sosatiivaniced at Satfori for ablolish- intg the old gamie sias that necessariy, frioim its ntutsre. the gamie isas cofned toi a shkel fess. iihilethsn'bulls of he stsudent-serecreegaiedh totueiposiins ofi 'blachue chiorus. " WiShilING'hON'S I BR'hIhhAY OIRATOR IS S.'1RF~i dli. jhnihsiC. iBlaiik prom o-inet Chi- cigo sattorney andilmessmsler ofi tirerioil se-tee coimsmtissiiit, is o idelier the tnuaitl Wasinigt's biirtday saddress- is tUiversity alltinssslr the asiees iof te Ilis, depasrttment. Mlr. Black, silts ihis esusidecntiied ithso tiseuCh(icag. sue for muansysy-srs, ixsiiper~tsonalriendil of a stembhueof the 1.aio- fscutys.nduitwss lsgely throusghsthis gs-ntlemnstatuue Chicaugossitsorn-- siti- treviledhssiuun to sisse-to R A rbr.s Chti-IPIll . lJiC'lS '1(1 ' A N lSFC11'ifIf bef-oire Corellsl o ilussshils uedt netcot nthsisnistheir idil-batcs, therc is is- bles tos le ai ishuhicy uds-batec bewses his untiersitiessinte use stsions,Shahl aCortelu-ds-ie's lloisis-l iii tak upar ini the -contest"s 'The kClusmblissa ss[caim 5555iiis o ig ithe nesgative antuhIsuaslrssady sotensed te srgssseessblieregistcrinug a formalssi"kick agaist i C sthhsA. Cookt. auCrell stdenttwus his iisisi-sshsec, asix'T- Dasily annuncedisss-ilasiit-i-is.,isinlthe k'or- sit-li [e-an5. 'hue argumetcsessis anes-sbyithecCo- lstuliss deastrs, debaste sagint sa co-dIFs-si. sic ois os:hs A. hDeecy adisi rneusse mandsss thati istlymsits-saske list us the(contis-o. . Nio judsge couldisrenehr sa pefecty fsaie decisisens iss uswomaenis ao ngssthis spesakers _ b A udg, f curs, oul bep- ss juicliedinus a swotmansfavio-. P. :A iititmis sargumectmi cn't le aswss-eedi(strosng poinst).- a. flue iopposioisg deaterswo-ulihlie- is he. issoo teolits-,isisioul eseu havessti satpolgize- fr sadvsatcisg ian agumset againitshleu. I. 'fl udssgei ssoultdsbehi-his hir, isi matttrcwhatisuse si. "No," said ai Columbeiasdeistr, I distwttisoasl fiiasce asiomionssssthscpat- forsts.asuchthey- till huese si hrdsltisse iii get tee to doiti." Ticket Sale The Recruiting Officer Ness us st Wahr's and Box office NEW WHITNEY THEATRE Prices 25e to $1.00 ABRAHAM- LINCOLN'S Centennial OUR LINCOLN OFFER Wethavse us limsitesnumbnser of sets of te ssomplete writings of AbrahamussLinoln. Thurbotks ser attractiv-ely-boundeandmput hupthis ninte solumes.Our plinefr lt thur entire set (including the suscrip tion to Current Litersature for oes year, ruttiest at $3.00) is 539 fuse the cloths bininhug, sndsh Mon ifoethe leatheerbiunditg. These sets sre ot exhibitiont it eithter f ni tors WAHR' S Bookstores stte Si resit. i95 i55 5 -s C. E.DBARIN[[L Law and Medical Books freesoAttatoutyNvw Editiont, (jtst eceisesh -5 Stiuson's l'ractureesandis Di. locatsioms. New Edi- tot. Morris Anotususu, 3rd Esh.lalf esusler, $2.50, he a 1f smioresc $3.00. These are new ooks and only a few left. Ca h or exchtanges yourmsa,o Medical amd Dental Boteks C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. Sae St. FLargest collectioms of ordisnary an nim uly eollectious of fue Migan Pins FOBS AND SFOONS Qusalitv hest - Prices Rghth Moichig~antamd ratSies WM. ARNOLD, Jewler aN S. Satus S LD , A.G. SPALIDING -LAtl~ & s W BROS. qDA The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, (Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official impeets tor Trackath Field Sports Unifoerm s r att Spots. Spalding'sHaodsomtely Illostrated Cataogneofohllttsportmscotains nu- mtteossugesteionsm. Senfortsit.-It'stfree. A. G. .SPALDING A BROS. New Yorks, Cictio . S.t.eouis, uentFrancisco, Minnseapsx, tDeene, tuttalo.fSyracuses,P'tcs- tuorn,tPhuiadephiaBton,.Cisncsnnati, Haiti- more,uvams~;to, KansiaoCity. Cleveland, New Orlenus, Detroit, :Montreal, Canada, i Dividend s d Glet Yours 1 AT THE d s fusic Every day one hears people say "If I were in cohiege again. I wonld do j more in the line of cul- ture. I would learn some- thing shout music so as to appreciate good m u s i c when I hear it." Students of today cer- tainly have splendid facil- ities for such study. Courses in all branches of music are given by the best prepared instructors, at very reasonable rates it at the University School of Music Maynard Street I Cbe !Ztuaents' 9lecture 1ssociation Season of 1907-8 Johtt Tehuple Graves Dr. Brander Mbatthews Leland T. Powers Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Niumber The open number will probably be filled by lion. Win. H. Taft TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays Ii' II' I - 121 Washington, E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack,- Props. Phone 598