5~H 6t~f~~iNDAILY . . Sam Burchifield's Fine Tailoring Tgrade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchifield 106 &Coo EAST HURON ST. I ntoticotiegiate Notes. Tihe I tarvard catalogue show' a regis- tratican ot 6,138. 'The total registration at Stanford uni- versity is 1,643. The sttudentts (f Iowa strongly favor eeo(gantes." as rio those of fIlinois. TiheNot ci at the 'Cniv-ersity of Int- din ave aithockey team titis winiter. Thtere are torta contdidates' for the varsity crews at ttte Uiversity itt'Petttt tKaiser Vilttetti'sv oice fs noit ott rec- odo n pth'tt tttoograpth recortis--iti the I artartiGerttaiic ittiteitti. 'i' eciteort1it ttte fresthmtani tasehatt c.eset tit Yate sthtows receipts of $2,6t86 aindte mietuses sit $,683. Tie ifarmers of NAew Jersey are stios- iir a greait intierest intthte ecourses ini aricuttire at Rutgers coilege. tiae tate sitedti chailenigi'for tthe a1nul chestt tces'ithOxogdan ttte utiie'Atlttntic states titers' are 2 ,(i4. Tthe'Newiv ngittittistates register a totail of 187. fifty stati's utu terri turies 'itfite U'nite'dtStates are rettre- studeitnts tromitwetn''ty-i'gtt foreignt icoutnt rues. trworgi' Captron, \iiiiiesott's grett ticker, iwill totlcaret'hte tUniversity of Minottsita,titttgit CoaicthtFortbes thte- ofifered im mitianyaindutl icmncts topci tot WetC tPin'.tiCf esait idi ri'gartito the toffer, ''ftrealzc faiie linet t tt ttigit r~u. ) Etirtigo'to Ne Mitte'oint,i'tttstilt t'v htt' tisui yttears'rmiitaes'raiin atc iSattt' ttttuc ad d iti crefur tire li'.uritea.Ic l irMintaalast ishil li t te ri tl e ' aittl i, i th tu ea r t s t iie n t H a v r , w i c i s h d I ti ditttcC''dri'itittinsthe tat ladw ihtfoC twi chaged gitisat i guairisilattls tweeititt andtiththettspriceiof "eioupton" ar ticles sucth 5 attsalas, crettmt, chocolte. tttc., the majtiority iiotf 'i tthmeihers owittllbe alto hoi ltardl fur $5tier treek I ielss. '6(11. SCTiT' WllI, T'I.,K i GREAT INVENTORY SALE Underwear, Shirts, Gloves, Trousers, Hose and Hats 20 per cent off. Suits, over= coats, and Raincoats at 25 per cent off. Some old suits at one half off A Money Saving Opportunity St ebler (4 Wuerth .Ann Arbe , ,Mich. BROWN'S Drug Store 120(U.Ltiberty St. ALARFI CLOCKS $1.00) $1.50 $1.75 Ili tii ii i i.tna ii a i(f ly - ti ite d M~ICHIGAN PINS ANI) FOBS 25C aup to $5.00 UINFi WATCH REiPAlRINti A SPEiCIALTY. Wa tch Inapecoriefitr'the Ann Arbor Railr'oad J. L. CHAPMAN 21)6 S. MAIN ST. Branctht 304 S. State St. SECOND'S /ONLY X. Z. JOLLY MR~S. J. Ri. TIIOJANOWSKII FASHIIONABLun HAIRDRESSER Bair' (toods, tHairdressng, Shamepoog ?Manticureing, Facen Massage a Specialty. 322 S. Statte St. t l'ii tated} Belt Phone 359 BANKS ME F ARtMERS AND MECtIANICS BANK MAIN AND HURtON STREETS Capital, $50,0n0, Surplus and Profits, $65,000 t'eneeal.BIaninig tiusiness. 3 nerce'nt pati onTite atnd Saeings Depstits. Safety D~e- pasitsBotxes to rist at $2.t0 anti upwards Ri. iftiste, 1tees, W. C.iT, sVENi Vitte-Pees, F'. Iif.itiLSIP1i, Casti, -1. A. tWILIttAms6AssI The Ann Arbor Savings Bank tapitat staotk, $50,0t0. Surplus, $200,t00 IResaaoure.,200,000 A Geneal Banking Basiness Tr'ansacted iiu'ic'nissuCites, E. Hiscotck, Prens.; W. I. Hattians, Vice Prens.: i. J. Fritz.Cashie STATE SAVINGS BANK W.5. B ooth Jno. V. pSheehaL Wet, Arnold tDe. V. C. Vaughan Tas. 11, Wade E '. Miils Joists ilaree Jsa. Koch ( Veof. Ito,. . Cahart ihenry5W. iDouglas Cihristian Marutin D'an C'. '/immnermnan FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or' ANN ARBOR, MICHi. V. is. I ONNE, ItARItilSCN SOT-'rtE. Pros. Site-Pet'es, S.Nv ' i.A'1.5iOiN, C'tshiie. I Ill I l~ci lILI[ IcitesisI itt 'utissi,' vei aere tinpiresentatikn f o a n fthei roftt. iire' litSc titil eadi 'atpatpsr r~m f Iss Ittt a The t,.Ii i'e ' ouf G neis ItSpec"I eres t heti ti lt, ist tutu tinthe Ytailikititiaocitteta, _.iitc1 iIc'isritit i to o itIritefrasesthFsater S p, tm. I ii Xciiee 'tirk sltints' o cetl i omCU iestyh l.Th ae sI titea e tii t om d ti till nes fork slit-eI"" 1evdwt m c neetw e sit itssociaetionlls'p itt tgticehihriss(amttitrecess, iii iicircuts' u teyruscle M n d el I tr ori wom ftty hasd 'ikidapetlt j fr ai fa iesevn- uc i WATER-PROOF CO~LLEGE SHOE[S We tat-e thisteamid tic kinid especiiliy mtadle her sttcht sr-tr. Heavy ettdobesolsicsto heel, thioltr ily viscoize i/rtuth raiot itle tijdsile sole absoilutely watter tip I itt inTtan, Broswut ittdtIt irk heathers. Dress- Pom p 'iii' larps-st :'titl