THE MfellfIAN Y5A.!L V THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. Hi. Wild Companly lie Lrgst Stock of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Getlemfen'sear I±vory thing rqiiied o Sit, Ovect, c oy Vs ctingsc and troo term e ad it high caic fabrics cand spiecial stye. Full Dress Suits at Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 Soth State Street A Few 50c Michigan Calendars For 25c Each wh ile thit last Ttese arec the original Miciitt Caetidars ctorat I-itntictic abot coiviewstttoftt'Anti Arbtr.ic e'avei ccbut a tfewlft out cit itteditioni Of 2000.C Shieehan &Co. Student Booktores A. G. - S PALJD IN G cA2 '& BROS. The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Bal, Foot Bal, (Gof, Lawn Tennis, Basket Bal, Hockey OiiatImleetont or Tract and Fild Sors Unitormns or att Sors. Sadins Handmoey Itustratrd Cataloue o ai sort contains nu0 roroussugestion. Sedor it-It's tre. A. G. SPALO1INU & BROS. New York, ilticacc. cSi. Louis Sail eFrc'ttco, Minneiaitlistsitcv , itifiao. Sycuse, i, tc- tirg, Phiadeliiia, ltt n iiiiti iiiiiis i, iii- en re, Wasiiioton, tKasa City, Ceeiaeii, Neiw rhians, Diteroit, iMontea, Canada. Managing Editor-PAUL. SCOT MownE. Butsiness Manager-C. E. WNSTEiAD.j EDTOS News '................. A. IF. Rithie Athletic s........avi F. Steetson tExctinigie........1. Joit Watmboll cluaictndDrcma.. ..Roy D. Welch Womne's Tibtoc ... Louise Van Voorhis EDITORAL TA5'P J. Wc. MCandless Elmer C. Adors Ruiisel Mcbartcani Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams ttscmonil Vicceler L. C. Reid Lee A White M. t. Mct iccti J. I. Precot A. L. Mainline Robert Mountsier Lowelt J. Carr Donald L. Kinney' \Vlicc K. 'Towrs LousKraft Leciii T. Keiskccii Robert Moelandt t acit Greecc Samuel IH. Morris Oto tigcl IFreit 1. Gooditg BUSINESS STAFF John F Wre Carl H. Adam' Harold P. Gould Address: MICHIGoAN DILt, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: I-2 p. i., 7-8 p. m. daly, except Sunday. Bots phones 9t0- St iJ)Nt7SttAV, JANtUARY ,2, icuit M,5hitilty symptizuec tiwtithadact- miete staindard'i tuetasof protiitiin Mhot haii v acto imetciticcositutnciiai coceicpiciIt siti cicliieact ati'dtbtc a pienii i mt o iiitcc icti e w icti is cald't splndd lirwbctositcy, ticaiti pNIgitiicoweri' iy a gciicramtcnqueti oflteinaiouiti ndcascthe cktii hetu' moiveisctpcciecifui, ciiit iiowecrfuli tic cause ctce rigtieucs anidtl Irctica, wus r: ,ncduly eitxpetct tic scc it mtakacleanctccc sep of tAnui Atorin icttec nua futtue.' It ccii well hetic cicstictc'iwshletertccti Mat hs arihttic lgislct'fice Annij Acrbccc Klamzooiccccncd te therttccot lcgc, cccns, ccrsvwhtcr, iftit right i cn c, it sill see ft I toriintot! isconcsiticticcis ructcscwtiictiseemtittc beogicctilctioictgctieraltlegislc- tit it.sicdticciave ticsassucance-s cavii ntccccdit ccioncce tibefor cit-thty iohiccit ciwso fotrmciital tilnd isuicr- icposet.sciouit ct cigratateite 1evili wch l iitccctpes I t icin. Nevrcthelcess, thccfacit tact such at pcctiiccni-ictartdct all shiocsth tcitccare becoiniiig self-cccnsciciis ccittrpncaitci. -ticiwe iii' c ounictttig citr sis cicci iciccito ticiintcinue snieofteim. The wor doniilcie clrcciiy tis eciiuragdiuiii as ac cllcge comunumit, tic begit think- iccseioumsly acitilthe cdrink evil. It is hopedcilthis citt cntinuetic vigriuly. Adc hcc e cciicthe' fatec ciithe ptitionttmcy tic, it stutld lecciicto sotme oher tith sthchimacytic followedin iicase f its fcaiue,' tic le initetdci goal. Itt case te stttcics to leccicusitoiihe our coii cciw, cwc tille ready to io it. Wec cciv b leiit to itaitgurcte a geuittte refocrm,-f clii'kindithitci cie from 'fic'Wisconisinu Dacity CardinaI trins the followinig etioricl: aiid :Michiiganrilics severed atleti 'ea- dc-ion ithc lhe oldt ricals atilis casting abticcifor ntmS cfftiatiins. SWe regre icc -cc .Mictigcantlcaiite fl, btt outr cegret wotitli ticinre sicere if wt'- cc-cceIlcsintg teiolit Micigcnmthaiictwei iuscedito iadtmire instccidtof ttic cciw Nlicth- igacicthaict hacsduintihle lpast cccivrcor two, iticde itself ridiculous tic actigt ica cildtttthti diinot kisowt'its owni "It senic ticus ac is\cosin that ls Micigotn ceateteiditself tby its atti tudelcof-.I iwionttly itunlss iu lt cie do- as I1 wacnt ti. Ve tltaiitied te' Wotl'eritis for their spocitsttantsitatnd iwteti they carried otfcatmctiotstipto- ccr sv ettheefulytookicilotff ocityiis tic Mtichtiganc. Theti iwhectthe tpeiodilcof reformctotiok hold f ctings, 'lietigctt cicctmenceid to act te tat of the scoit city'. tichigantcscctioei efocr untill it toicediciotic, cud tent they' cried ccii agacitst it. Tileotiter college wett ott iwiththtei'refocrmtincith nitiMicigcntrcc ilicid andittrtnicdctoti withdraitsutit lcss sut'cchles a5 touccheditits iteti vsI ve.sicht't cdciiisccl niocciibecinto i ''Sic wishc Ibliiiigcit thlivhesiiiUCCcii' in tecewiiecltdtis." 'Die little iMacjstic hasatats ciicttic doiiwn frotmi the perch cof faccy pcies Iccci the tutllcindiploiniltg boocci:-iwoc maiyinowiisirto anit evitt ing'cic 's cnterc Dstietic eti'strettuctcis forts f the prohitcitionicecntcusicsts, Siten Strtbcr tias gence' iisgracefclly "it" ci r tic etclt Bi''etweentiecltewsenortcord bti Iilas andi Ih cii inttg cicxams, liceclasof'off wci ic socitic ticely-}gessing.- S'TUDENT-TK'I I WttRS Thec LUniersity' fiMicigncntte onctiy grciiiucte-s stetivsut throttghthlie cp- pointttmesnt citmcittee secures psitiots fur toutscitid-ss'thocwisto iiteach. 'T'his is shownic by'the fccit tattlat yeir27ff tudettreti ceivied cicsitioncs trogth tis ccmmitiit-c. Studctsct andti c lcit itittiifieUnives'city' oineidiiIpicsitioics s techec, pricias cicid stocit'sinteettttii place troiiugott wst,csi, a ciresult of the tniciies ccit out li th~e appointmtcetitComi- Ilic cappcinitmnet costmitee wcs or- gauiccieil iocserve as a tietiumsi betweesi schlt-icthcitorities sekitg tetiheristani canidiates mwliiiae or mcceIeesnst- dects in the University. X'Whe it was estcablishted, it iwas hotei that steel'sa cocmtsmttee might teitt great aid in is- sicsttg schools and colleges to secure thin est aailcible canciates. Sic gret tisi beenthe ucmstcecs.tatremiltts acc' muore tactjiustifiecexc-uetatiuns. PrecsiietcctAntgelis w ieltplecsec withu its ristults cutta cmmeinedleits sork s beigicof tic' getcst service to te 'Unit'cisit's, fr its grcaduates, wheunu teaed inccreprctrychostolus cnd lhigh scihooius.ccuaintuthttir'ipuptils -withthte L.'imietcity f SMichigan. 1Theresult i ticat maniuy' ccii'students acccsecured fr Prosectice teachers ccc ifueattcedticc comuting herc, whethey licw' thiuis at tey' sillt miilcciireceivesiu cctitable paca tict frtir tprofession utt.otwsill also be' he'tlpd i rocurintg appinctmettt wh-uic situ j ustify' te' c-cri(aracd ite spet in eduicacticcgithemslvc-s. 11cce ctmuiteec iisucitaited hy'tte Uniisersity witiuti charge tic lhe cacdi (ltmrtt'hie schtoolc. lith~e offifce of the comsittee records cre kept givitg tte .ists'of studets isetitngIpisitionsc mmcd oft thousc ccciii'tcaching ishose success provecsteir fics-for advceu'mc'en'mt. Prof. A.Slt-cuS. \'littuc. tuiead cifthe depctmeniuuct occedcasc'tionu ctl ispector ito s- cii-iucils, usuhcitmao lute icucutit- Ai tuth iiiuucing cof tcc siccndt s-c- icer cc Pro. Whitey' siltccciilcaumeccting of cul those whciicntndutoiiteach. St- ecticsulho wishto tcrvgse ith tmthec commucuiteec'aydocsccy- liic i'fiig omt blcankts shwciig tec worct:Ictie' caiechau, tir-ic' l.ilicatoiuu- .andiiothlec luca, ti- -ethe ic- us eu'i clccccs. 'teuu tositions 'ari' dpcccn thec'cc'ir icc'r, regine oe' cand heslu n bestliii tci quiitliufr tielar iic cc-ecueis cccitt-cuductoticthec-po-i \\'ft-tK 1ffDItSCOtNTINUEDl (N IN' thOtttt.. ItktltN';G St cu'S ciint'. Alumniucu'l\tecucui-m tbuil- ighus ccc-cid fr the witer. fle iiuttihciiti, tihich uis pra .ctccallyftnishecd, hasbeen roofedlvercu cancdu Ithin'tooccpul udrshelterc't'ork uicscittlIe resmneucu issossprig copes andte.concci- trctticuc csittlcprocedtac-racptdiytas theii clctionccofmltie fuctns -uuisciiscci Ic theualumnitpermits. Ihis toughtticai te scucctucc' wi e cmpted nextci cci 'RI t. FLoRFER I7N1RTINS DFtSCtItIhRtfS RIXI1c Iris.A A. S 5F lorercof ti' (Germant iepatm t tc'uetciuucci tiventiy iucle membersccc-of tic' I teuuteuer -ccittat hi hometitonii Prospect street lst eening. A numbiter f Germacnu recitationsseec give itatmd sec-a ar eumittu'a iclingteitht Gera qciiustcionus of theuday wst-cr ecd. lice meetigct-is muciueleuisesedlIy te sinuginugofcl ight Gectumnisontgs. ight rfrc icts cocii iulcl thu tcttrtain- Ticket Sale The Recruiting Officer Nowoun ct Wahr's land aox 011cc NEW WHITNEY THEATRE Prices 25c tn $.00 ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S Centennial OUR LINCOLN OFFER We hose ma limtitedlnsmbu ie of sets of thuremtiplete wcritig o AbraclscamsLiusois. 'rie 1bookcis cre cuttracticvety'houndstcd puticuhotccini nie volssmes. Our tprie for thec entire et (including the suthscrip- tiont to CurrettLiteratcure forrnice y ear, vaue tittt t $3.00) is- S39 orcv thse clotsh itdig, cittdt$.oo foeuthc leattherhbindcing. These scls arc0on exhibition sit either ofI u-ur storc-. WAHR' S Bookstores "emit StreecMaoSire WENT A KODAK Nv hc o u yo u rgituug ipi _ plsd asitt reatoabe prie IIYPO Sc Per Pnund LYN DON PHOTOGRAPHER BAILEY & EDMUNDS sporting &09 121 EAS r LIBERTY STREET Largest colectin of ordiinary and the otnly colleti-ci ottfsne Miclugall Pills FOBS AND SPOONS Quality esk--- Pricts Rght Michtigans ansd Frat. S lues WM. ARNOLD,Jewler ;. '2S. MincSc. Dividend s d Get Yours AT THlE d s flusic Every day one hears people say 'If I were in college agaiu, I would do more ins the line of cul- ture. I would learn some- thing about music so as to appreciate good m u s i c when I hear it. Students of today cer- tainly have splendid facil- itie for such study. Courses in all branches of music are given hy the heat prepared instructors, at very reasonable rates at the UnIversity School of Music Maynard Street l he tubents' 9lecture 1ssociation Season of 1907--8 John Temple Graves - Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powerss Opie Read Oratorical Contest Open Nsnmber Tbe open number will probably be filled by Hon. Win. H. Taft TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays 'l1 ......... . 121 WasWington f. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack-, Props. P o e 5 9 8 0 1