Y.\,tt i\VRI)S SioothIli'
A L L ~ ~~~Intercollegiate Notes.FO N' COi G, scDRIK . K
__________________________ Af__4 ter seer it~ yeai's of ttiti effot to LIKE A CAMEL
grg is 't an originta 'itonalg at( cirv ito'ri lad a Cokiontan Pen jstdipit in any
Vassaruggisollegte halixt6giris regiserei the Omiitiriminc faad tihe TeJoleeohknii. Otit.i itItuattat5Ittatiny
this ('at.iii, pes ite Criscint -it lleriaid Iee it fil its owl
Su p i s-I looker mi Sti 1) 1 itgiltatiiior their Stndrd is to it! Nadrppr-not tmess-no btter Do it
t~fllf jhSitcri a rateititi' at Syrauerni- ong "(Mother of e[n _Mr. Hokr
I riii loare form aed a baskettial league. 'lii s'i trioriiitroi tNt an here-any time
fo Hve, wrote te wrd noti 1iiir.iBing(flJ ,~I SELF-
are best Ih nuchincfis at a rcet intjerlass hal, wh o i oun mairileor il or;In pla- C LI S FILLING I Ji
iftat securede' ie en inag oimposedthto mltsi Iii twiords"THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"
secued aatiina.ii "itolieri I 1 ei' ie aatitltui aca be filledi itstty withouit the letst inonveienc. Yu
AT 'Ihc than at Syrancse nuversity gait' Mthler itf e, gritl ttrohng i giving ctuli ilt it iiii whit kid gnes oii witlot danger of
con elt i Iec er tefor lie bet lef ittn r tlithit + ights j . lrl-- s ting. Ieies it civisetn iiee, is tte otienidt sritnu
QUARRY'S the hlio iti o. Riichinte till ciftandisi liing, quaities of te Cokinu--the- perfect fed.
IonrSae=sadNntn+ ruditfitleilcreeds f tusandstt Ideat;Ladintdelies htnaut.' te eatli. Itvisos d, ie t, r
'Il, rm tic asso titi tfthe [t"ri- \We'irwh o tt e Itll to i'pore. 'ntdknos iret. rior . 110 AOad up.t. '-_ i at nuc o o n n tdu'.ne 110111'lo
:Itdeartment at Princetont wilttre- ter, The Conklin Pen Co., 5A0 Manhattan Bd., Toledo, Ohio
c t ilip 'lau~itger's comiedly '"APNw \'itVV i t itt-n tiit trio lgfaiav ill-
Money Loaned tt iltl-17e11e- tiilsl Ithe, Mt h ttl f
K,1t oat 'li(ofle oted fcI na itii' tittitatltr''For ig B r an
f 'ieK ih fteB ri ltctitu ttli'a iia tatli n i
Bargatna in Watchie Gano&aoIdili i lt Itetii 1asl. I e it 'ian aget.ess itire. 'ritncili
Ottieta atrsiece )3tt i:. iieta aSt \bltert eiiilet a Iteititthe 1c11-
Aen Abor'. titotitigfc lietliittiefuerliielitett. No Thrifty Man will miss this geat Bargain Sale
flusato1ittitia.Intitta3n nail C rctionof iologtet ica l etltgrtt thee, wtel t utu sta ts' unbin'. ;tal tY
a ),i. iortoiir twictiet till ecost $oo~oo itto tail
ALLBiINEstOiset IoariteAi, i hsmAn'ildrtiewatirntegie gave $5- - ea te e ct tua ii ilistury tuhrit'. All Winter SUITS and OVERCOATS at a
JOSEPH C. WATTS i \lotler ofii \en--(Oldl Pale!
Iitiftg h cteitof 7,li Iori it -- '____SIG R.EDVlCTION
Ipo tiet t 0 Coltnitiilituniversity ae- atGIR ii rodu a ,ut '1ie se..
-(red r lioitionis far t udttentst, as 1 faaI liaethetli Pla talt Iiotlca f
on all stamped goods, including th rti u leItaguen rInate it' tia - All Soft ad Stiff Hlats at ZO pert) Centitoti
I ti t I ladtley oft Y ale u ierity ('ltitthullin itIt latu.u 'sI ut111o til t he lt
MCMl l'ltN 1I11LIOWX TOPS 1ho 'nctres out the Roosevelt coure sileci itt fedruln rpt onti lietli Miila'.Smtoking Jackets------ -----2j per Ccit off
II tivtersity of tBelin,.is provitug C nook is it'e et -1i r ii tit artstoe. iStaleayIUnderwaear - -i 5- li4 ernt iiof$
A~.pplr leurer amnug tGermuant stu 1 e clos na Conel ni, ts-'cnullgitel'$ oIinittn St so 1
D)ARLINGi & MALLIEAUX --. - - $200 Maiilattn Shirts----_-- $1.55
221-226 5 t. S i t. P i (ntoge tati'ftattituo I the t ii 1(1it'1'-- iVili'c (tiatfih'sti ttal ' ~ M ilatn So s$
_______________________________ Ii tt of tClifuoriitta h ibent decraed I ill Sittut ty tih,0 ittn 07 '11 kit etsz O a h ttnShrs 18
- - lhe I cingof Nirwa ietiwith tincross al'tp, (idr l e hoItin <12J. 8t3S4 u i Matihattti Shit is - 2.50
itt l tler f Stt Olts. i ennug - - -
colee tsnn Itaa 'uenit ifin uetuet Mannuu cloebksairanted tr oe year,.
aiimx. lttlur's, tiwelry Store, nir6 f-S*
"uttuitistreet . od~
-titotni ltns ttuttia tulecrease of Portrait ranes at Foter's. fC o l i
HALE['S JEWELRYI STORtE, 216 S Mint.SIr i -h lu re nt froetuis ty etr Tie
fienrmhe f oei~ s~da t >uuu reCy 1 g At MACK'S
dlia laut Itoyeatr wusa1.7 le enu t f M xndels'-u.
whoe rgitraio. i cmpaedwit s $1.00 IN[ MONARCHl KIT $1.00
East University Pharmacy tnenitttiii.t tiitretuii
n5 rsit;vrtu". erttnt i t -0 . reat i tinu
fr I t' 'intuwitl t'rgescot ututitba u ng il coieIi the Advnic Spriig StyleAttached atite - I
)II 'P-ct etutin unte fJtlut etr tn-t Ist-hi0 ii I uuetaced Cuffs-the Mterials aiidlstyles reas god ' cus iltA eia eu-a 16 ilp rhs -e h m
------ tot Sweet Pas etc.
titar an'.os tu itutaeeight.utl (itaindpastsfit MACK It Co. Main St.
v .j I p aet t ittip puneshot Ptti H o Ihp. .Ask far ts
iI'nillr auth wite lit iseS. AuIFVYIl0ANInd
Barber Shop audath Roomis andt~~ul wr'ttm four~uul stills Hi. VILI t tCt sstbbe n i ars ls r
Evoe'thieg FiesIt-ciiass n.itie ttun tltle ItGrand Rapids, IM*ljci. c ftAo r ast':3tUiaIii ) l a u ' o i tt
Largetatshoin hen b.City i tehrti.tlt":isttltTca daors sii t if;:-tY M.(%AW. J. LOURIM
J R. TROJANOWSKI Pop lr,)iiufgil och n tfa.
sea OlGai aerro -fr
Ann rborBibe ChirsRowes Laundry
The AnAbrBil his THOMAS ROWE, Props tuy!,fa~p
444 South State Street 326 N. Fith Ae. G as x d Z p
SIX STUDIES IN THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT NSuPhnt45iBel-ianei4I7-Ls ri e a 8steady, soft jgow.
SUNDAYS 12 to i P. M., BEGINNINi JAN. 12, 1908. Easy 5aon thteieyeise
Classes Saturday 10 A. M. an.dEayothees
r. The Historical Settitug of the Sernmon. Jan. i2 7:a0 P. M. 'loderat. in price.
2. 'The Beatittides. Jan. i9 Aastembly "a o'cloc. Cheaper than oil or electricity.
3. ThinFtulfillinig of the hLaws. Jan. 26 --
4. Turninug the Other Cheek. Feb. 2 WA KINGl LOO S
.5 Be Ye Thierefore Perfect. Feb. 9
It Givitg Holy Thiiigs to Dogs. Feb. 06 Chinese Chop-Sney Restaurant Gottthe best from the largest assortemowm
Chinese itasty Dishes,. Ame'tutu Lutche it
These lectures are free to University students and others who may sutlais v 'adl n 'cilciu asse for Jrr'o /%aS
care to attend. Chinese and Ititnse Iiiie-a-trc
uum o lp Stairs one doorSIlHuto Bri., 314 Sh Stat.S
S'TUDIO - RENTSCULER, 319fast Huron Street